三年级上册英语课件-Module 3 Unit 7 In the classroom Period 3

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三年级上册英语课件-Module 3 Unit 7 In the classroom Period 3

Unit 7 In the classroom 第三课时 Simon says, “Look at the door, please. ” Review Simon says… Game I’m sorry , Miss Fang. Look and guess Presentation Come in, please. You’re late, Kitty. 看图猜一猜 Miss Fang 和 Kitty 对话的意思! Say and act Practice Listen and imitate Miss Fang : Come in, please. Miss Fang : Close the door. Miss Fang : You’re late, Kitty. Kitty : I’m sorry, Miss Fang. Miss Fang : Look at the blackboard, please . Show time 模仿录音中的语音语调,有感情地朗读。 可以脱离课本,适当改动其中部分,语音地道。 适当添加内容,意思完整,有创新,表演生动。 Good Great Excellent 两人一组,练习对话并表演,其他同学评价。 Practice Read and Complete _______, please. Practice Come in _____ the door. Close Read and Complete _______, Miss Fang. Practice I’m sorry You’re ____, Kitty. late Read and Complete _______ the blackboard, please. Practice Look at Practice Make a new dialogue 学生两人一组创编对话,把课文中的 …, please . 句型 改为 Please … 还可以用之前学过的语言改编对话。 Learn the letters M m Presentation Learn the letters m outh M m Presentation Learn the letters N n Presentation Learn the letters n ose N n Presentation Learn the letters Practice Miss open mother Practice Read and circle clean an in me Mike Nancy Practice Close your mouth . Shh~ Be quiet! Open your mouth . Aha~ I can sing! Learn the letters Summary 动作指令句型: Come in, please. Close the door, please. Open the door, please. Look the blackboard, please. 请进。 请关上门。 请打开门。 请看黑板。 Homework 1. 按照正确的语音 、 语调朗读课文对话。 2. 将“ Learn the letters ”部分的歌曲唱给父母听。 3. 预习 “ Unit8 Look and learn ” 。 Thank you.

