冀教版英语四上Lesson 10优质课件

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冀教版英语四上Lesson 10优质课件

Unit 2 At home 冀教版 · 四年级上册 Lesson 10 Lead-in What do you do in the morning? What do you do in the morning? New words wash 洗;洗涤 face 脸;面 What do you do in the morning? I brush my teeth. 我刷我的牙。 I wash my face. 我洗我的脸。 I brush my hair. 我梳我的头发。 I put on my clothes. 我穿上我的衣服。 Language points I put on my clothes. 我穿上我的衣服。 本句中 put on 意为“穿上;戴上”,其反义词组是 take off, 意为“脱掉”。 例句:天气冷,请穿上你的大衣。 It’s cold. Please put on your coat. Let’s do it! What do you do in the morning? 1. Pair work. Ask and answer. I make my bed... Play roles What do you do in the morning? I wash my hands. What do you do in the morning? I brush my teeth. What do you do in the morning? I eat breakfast. 2. Read and match. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 8 I read a book. I do my homework. I wash my hands. I wash my face. I put on my clothes. I have breakfast. I clean my bedroom. I make my bed. I listen to music. I play with my teddy bear. I watch TV. 7 9 11 3 4 1 10 5 8 6 2

