人教精通版英语四上《I like those shoes》(Lesson 30)课时训练

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人教精通版英语四上《I like those shoes》(Lesson 30)课时训练

Lesson30 课时训练 一、选择正确的汉语意思 ( ) (1) socks A. 短裙 ( ) (2) skirt B. 短袜 ( ) (3) raincoat C. 雨衣 ( ) (4) blouse D. 夹克衫 ( ) (5) jacket E. 女衬衫 二、选择正确的词语填空 May Can Shall (1) ________ I help you? (2) ________ I try the jacket on? (3) ________ we look at the blue shorts? (4) ________ we go swimming? (5) ________ we go to school? 三、连词成句 1. A. Where B. hat C. my D. is ____________________________________________________________________? 2. A. it B. is C. Here ____________________________________________________________________. 3. A. like B. those C. I D. shoes, E. Mum ____________________________________________________________________. 4. A. look at B. I C. Can D. the E. red F. skirt ____________________________________________________________________? 5. A. sweater B. Show C. me D. the E. please ____________________________________________________________________. 四、情景交际 ( ) 1. 当售货员询问你要买什么时,他应该说:________ A. Can I help you? B. Here you are. ( ) 2. 当你想试穿一双鞋子时,你应该说:________ A. May I try them on? B. Thank you. ( ) 3. 当别人递东西给你时,你应该说:________ A. Thank you. B. Here you are. ( ) 4. 当别人向你借书,你同意借给他时,你应该说:________ A. No, thank you. B. Certainly. ( ) 5. 当别人祝贺你生日快乐时,你应该说:________ A. Happy birthday! B. Thank you. 五、阅读对话,判断正(√)误(×) Salesman: Can I help you? Mum: Please show me the red dress and the white hat. Salesman: Certainly. Mum: Oh, baby, you can try them on. Ann: I don’t like them. I prefer the pink skirt and the purple jacket. Mum: Can I have a look at them? Salesman: OK! Here you are. Ann: Can I try them on? Salesman: Sure! Salesman and Mum: Wow! How pretty! ( ) (1) Ann and her mum are going shopping. ( ) (2) Mum likes the dress at first(起初). ( ) (3) Ann likes the jacket and the skirt. ( ) (4) They buy the dress and the hat. 参考答案 一、 (1)-(5) BACED 二、 (1)-(5) Can; May/Can; Can; Shall; Shall 三、 1. ADCB 2. CAB 3. CABDE 4. CBADEF 5. BCDAE 四、 1-5 AAABB 五、 (1)-(4) √√√×

