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Unit 2 Colours Part A Let’s learn & Let’s do Let’s learn This is a __________. It’s _______. red pencil box Let’s learn This is a pen. It’s yellow. yellow Let’s learn This is a _____. It’s _______. green bag Let’s learn This is a _____. It’s _______. blue crayon It’s a rainbow. What colours do you see? 彩虹 Listen and translate 听音,快速说出单词的汉语意思。 green red yellow blue green blue blue green yellow red Look and say I see___. 翻开课本 P15 Who is wearing today? red blue green yellow Listen and choose Listen and chant Say and do Show me green. Show me red. Say and do Show me blue. Show me yellow. 两人一组活动,一人发出指令语 Show me + 颜色,搭档快速展示相应颜色的卡片并说出(要求:两遍英文一遍中文)。 Show me blue . Pair work Say and paint 快速画出人物漫画图,然后边说边涂色。 Summary 表示颜色类单词: red yellow green blue 发出指令 : Show me red/blue/… Homework 参考例子,画出一幅简图。然后用彩笔涂色并 标注出单词。

