人教版(新起点)英语三下《Family Activities》单元测试

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人教版(新起点)英语三下《Family Activities》单元测试

Unit5_单元测试卷 一、重点词汇回顾: 1.庆祝 __________ 2.感到抱歉 __________ 3.避免 __________ 4.发展;开发 __________ 5.几个的;数个的 __________ 6.共同的;普通的 __________ 7.无理的;粗鲁的 __________ 8.极坏的;可怕的 __________ 9.特别的;特殊的 __________ 10.重要的 __________ 11.或许;大概 __________ 12.几乎不 __________ 13.一般地;通常 __________ 14.代替;而不是 __________ 二、重点短语回顾: 1.一列;一栏 __________ 2.聚会 __________ 3.倒数 __________ 4.遍布 __________ 5.以某人的观点 __________ 6.叫醒 __________ 7.面对面 __________ 8.许多 __________ 9.零用钱 __________ 10.拿走 __________ 三、完成句子专项训练: 1.Peter 把他所有的家产都送了人,出家为僧。 Peter _____ _____ _____ _______________ _____ and became a monk. 2.你就不能破一次例吗? Can’t you _____ _____ _____ just this one time? 3.他无法控制怒气。 He couldn't _____ _____ _____ _____. 4.那么,你必须和其他人一样排队等候。 Well, you have to _____ _____ _____ like everyone else. 5.因为这些压力,现在我不能更多的把这一行当视为艺术,而仅仅是一种谋 生手段。 This isn't like doing artwork for me anymore because of the stress. Now I'm just trying to _____ _____ _____. 6.但是还有其它大量的迹象表明,一切都出了问题。 There are _____ _____ other signs that all is not well. 7.我有来自世界各地的邮票。I have stamps from _____ _____ _____ _____. 8.在我生病期间,我没有花多少零用钱。 While I was sick, I hadn’t spent any of my _____ _____. 四、语法精练: 1. —You _____ wash your shoes, Tom. —But I _____ do that, Mum. They aren’t dirty. A. must; needn’t B. must; mustn’t C. mustn’t; needn’t D. need; mustn’t 2. I’ve been collecting snow globes ________ I was eight years old. A. for B. since C. in D. at 3. — I don’t like eating junk food. It’s bad for my health.— _____ do I. A. Also B. Either C. Neither D. So 4. — Is your brother at home? — No. He _____ the library. A. was going to B. has been to C. has gone to D. went to 5. My English writing is good, _____ I need to improve my listening skills. A. or B. if C. but D. so

