三年级英语上册Lesson 19优质课件(冀教版)

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三年级英语上册Lesson 19优质课件(冀教版)

冀教版 · 三年级上册 Unit 4 Family Lesson 19 Lead-in Can you find a word? Father and mother I love you F a m i l y F a m i l y New words family 家庭;一家人 father 父亲 mother 母亲 brother 兄;弟 sister 姐;妹 My family me father mother brother sister Look ! This is my family. This is my father. This is my mother. And this is me. Activity This is my __________. sister This is my __________. mother This is my __________. father This is my __________. brother Language points Look! This is my family. 看!这是我的家庭。 look 意为 “ 看 ” ,用来引起听话者的注意。 family 当做整体看待时,用作可数名词,作主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。 例句: My family is big. 我的家庭很大。 拓展: family 也可指全体家庭成员,这时为集合名词,如作主语,谓语动词要用复数形式。 例句: My family are watching a football game. 我的家人正在看足球赛。 Let’s sing! The family in our house. The family in our house. Hi-ho the der-ry-o. The family in our house. The Family in Our House The family has a father. The family has a father. Hi-ho the der-ry-o. The family has a father. Let’s do it! This is my family. This is my father. This is... mother father brother sister me Play roles This is my mother. mother father brother sister me This is my brother. mother father brother sister me This is my sister. mother father brother sister me

