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冀教版三年级英语上册期末考试复习专项训练 句 型 一、看图判断对(√)错(×)。 ( ) 1. My head hurts. ( ) 2. Goodbye. ( ) 3. The boys are cold. ( ) 4. I have a desk and a chair. [来源:学_科_网 Z_X_X_K][来源:Zxxk.Com] ( ) 5. The birthday cake is for you. 二、请把与句子相符的图片序号填在括号内。 ( ) 1. This is a teacher. A. ( ) 2. Show me K k. B. ( ) 3. I feel happy. C. ( ) 4. Open the window. D. [来源:学科网 ZXXK] ( ) 5. Close the book. E. ( ) 6. This is warm. F. ( ) 7. Let's see a doctor. G. ( ) 8. He is very old. H. ( ) 9. We live in China. I. ( ) 10. My mother is a bus driver. J. 三、我会选。 ( ) 1. My eyes ________ brown. A. am B. is C. are ( ) 2. —How many ________ do you have? —I have one ________. [来源:学科网] A. chairs; chair B. pen; pens C. desks; desks ( ) 3. Li Ming is a tall boy. ________brother is my friend. A. She B. He C. His ( ) 4. —________ is your hair? —It's black. [来源:学科网][来源:学&科&网] A. What B. How old C. What colour ( ) 5. The girl is nine and ________ is short. A. he B. his C. she 四、你来问我来答。 ( ) 1. What's your name? ( ) 2. How are you? ( ) 3. What's this? ( ) 4. How old are you? ( ) 5. What's the matter? 五、看图,选择与图片相符的对话或句子。 ( ) 1. A. —How do you feel? —I feel happy. B. —How do you feel? —I feel sad. ( ) 2. A. —Are you okay? —No, I hurt my head. B. —Are you okay? —No, I hurt my finger. ( ) 3. A. —How many pens do you have? —One. [来源:学科网] B. —How many pens do you have? —Three. ( ) 4. A. That's hot. B. That's cool. ( ) 5. A. —What's this? —It's a desk. B. —What's this? —It's a bus. 六、我帮单词宝宝排队。(只填序号) 1. ①is ②This ③boy ④a __________________________________________________________________. 2. ①to ②meet ③Nice ④you ____ ______________________________________________________________. 3. ①is ②friend ③my ④She _________________ _________________________________________________. 4. ①his ②What's ③name _______ ________________________________________________________ ___ ? 5. ①my ②love ③mother ④I __________________________________________________________________. [来源:Z#xx#k.Com] 6. ①is ②Her ③yellow ④hair __________________________________________________________________. [来源:Zxxk.Com] 7. ①my ②I ③head ④hurt __________________________________________________________________. 8. ①in ②We ③Shijiazhuang ④live ___________________________ _______________________________________. 9. ①is ②family ③my ④This __________________________________________________________________. 10. ①gift ②This ③for ④is ⑤you _________________________________________________________________. 七、情景交际。 ( ) 1. 你和别人初次见面时,应说:[来源:学§科§网] A. Nice to meet you. B. I'm fine. ( ) 2. 当你想问“她叫什么名字?”时,应说: A. What's his name? B. What's her name? ( ) 3. 放学了和老师再见时,你应说: A. Goodbye! B. Hello! ( ) 4. 当你的朋友对你说“Happy birthday to you!”时, 你应说: A. Thanks. B. I'm tired. ( ) 5. “我们是朋友。”用英语表达应为: A. We are a friend. B. We are friends. 参考答案 一、1. × 2. √ 3. × 4. √ 5. √ 二、1. G 2. E 3. I 4. A 5. J 6. C 7. D 8. F 9. H 10. B 三、1. C 点拨:eyes 是复数,be 动词用 are。 2. A 点拨:How many 后加名词复数,用 chairs 或 desks。回答中有 one, 后面加单数,所以用 chair。 3. C 点拨:Li Ming 是男孩,故“他的弟弟”用 His brother。 4. C 点拨:答句中 black 是颜色,对颜色提问用 What colour。 5. C 点拨:因前面提到 The girl,所以后面用 she 作主语。 四、1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. E 五、1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. B 六、1. ②①④③ 2. ③①②④ 3. ④①③② 4. ②①③ 5. ④②①③ 6. ②④①③ 7. ②④①③ 8. ②④①③ 9. ④①③② 10. ②①④③⑤ 七、1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B

