备战2021 中考英语 导练案 考点15 现在完成时 (学生版)

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备战2021 中考英语 导练案 考点15 现在完成时 (学生版)

考点 15 现在完成时 常见考法: 对于现在完成时的考查,多以单选、句型转换或词语运用的形式考查学生在具体语境中灵活运用时态 的能力。在考试中,会让大家判断是否该用现在完成时,或者是考查"瞬间动词不能与表示一段时间的状 语连用"这一知识点。 现在完成时基本结构: 主语+have/has+动词的过去分词 ①肯定句:主语+have/has+动词的过去分词+宾语. ②否定句:主语+have/has+not+动词的过去分词)+宾语. ③一般疑问句:Have/Has+主语+动词的过去分词+宾语. ④特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词或词组+一般疑问句(have/has+主语+过去分词(V-ed)+其他) 过去分词变化规则如下: 1. 规则动词:规则动词的过去分词的构成规则与规则动词的过去式的构成规则相同。变化规则有四点: (1)一般动词,在词尾直接加"-ed "。 work→worked→worked visit→visited→visited (2)以" e "结尾的动词,只在词尾加"-d "。 live→lived→lived (3)以"辅音字母 + y "结尾的动词,将 "y" 变为 "i" ,再加"-ed "。 study→studied→studied cry→cried→cried (4)重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写该辅音字母,再加"-ed "。 stop→stopped→stopped drop→dropped→dropped 2. 不规则动词变化需参看不规则动词表逐一熟记。 cut→cut→cut it→hit→hit 现在完成时用法 1. 现在完成时用来表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成影响或后果。也就是说,动作或状态发 生在过去但它的影响现在还存在,强调的是现在。 I have already posted the photo. 我已经把照片寄走了。强调 post 对现在的影响"照片不在这里"。 2. 现在完成时可以用来表示发生在过去某一时刻的、持续到现在的动作(用行为动词表示)或状态(be 动 词表示),常与 for(+时间段),since(+时间点或过去时的句子)连用,谓语动词必须是延续性动词。如: He has lived here since 1978. 自从 1978 年以来,他一直住在这儿。(动作起始于 1978 年,一直住到现在,可能还要继续住下去。) 注意:for 和 since 的用法。 ①for + 时间段 译为:……时间 ②since + 过去一个时间点(译为:自从……以来) ③since + 时间段 + ago ④since + 从句(过去时) ⑤It is + 时间段 + since + 从句(过去时) 注意:瞬间动词(buy, die, join, lose)与 for 或 since 引导的时间段连用时,要改变成延续性动词。变 化如下: come/arrive/reach/get to→be in go out→be out finish→be over open→be open die→be dead buy→have Fall ill→be ill Come back→be back Put on→be on/wear Worry→be worried Catch a cold→have a cold 现在完成时连用的时间状语 现在完成时是一个与过去和现在都有关系的时态,因此,具有这样时间特点的状语都可以与现在完成 时连用。 1. 与表示一段时间的状语连用,如"for+时间段","since+时间点"。如: We have lived in this city for more than 40 years. 我们在这个城市已生活了 40 多年。 We have lived in this city since 1958. 我们从 1958 年起就住在这个城市里。 从以上两个例句我们可以看出,与表示一段时间的状语连用时,谓语动词常为 stay, live, teach, learn, work, sleep, read, wait, keep 等具有延续意义的动词。 2. 与笼统地表示过去的时间状语连用,如 already, never, ever, just 等。如: I’ve just found this library book. 我刚刚找到这本图书馆的书。 How beautifully she sings! I have never heard a better voice. 她唱得多美啊!我还从来没听到过比这更优美的嗓音。 3. 与表示包含过去和现在的一整段时间的状语连用,如 lately, recently, in the past few years, these few years, these days, up to now, so far 等。如: How have you been recently? 你近来状况如何? The famous writer has written a new book in the past two years. 那位著名的作家在过去两年的时间里写了一本新书。 Have you seen her parents these days? 这些天你看见她的父母了吗? The Browns have visited a lot of places in China so far. 迄今为止,布朗一家已经参观了中国的许多地方。 注意:现在完成时不能与单纯表示过去的时间状语连用,如 yesterday, last week, in 2002, three days ago 等 现在完成时与一般过去时区别 1. 侧重点不同 现在完成时和一般过去时所表示的动作都发生在过去,但它们所强调的重点不同:现在完成时侧重于 对现在的影响;而一般过去时侧重于某一动作发生在过去某个时间或某段时间,即现在完成时侧重于现在 的结果,而一般过去时侧重于动作发生的时间。如: I have seen the film. 我看过这部电影。(现在我仍记得电影的内容) I saw the film three days ago. 三天前我看了这部电影。(强调是三天前,而不是别的什么时候看的电影) Mr Green has bought a new computer. 格林先生买了一台新电脑。(着重点是格林先生现在有了一台新电脑) Mr Green bought a new computer yesterday. 格林先生昨天买了一台新电脑。(强调的是格林先生买新电脑的时间是昨天) 2. 时间状语不同 现在完成时常与 already,yet,just,ever,never,before 等副词以及"for+段时间","since+过去时 间/从句"等时间状语连用;而一般过去时则常与"时间段+ago",just now,yesterday,last week 等表示过 去的时间状语连用。如: She has lived here since two years ago. 她两年前就住在这里了。 She lived here two years ago. 两年前她住在这里。 He has been in the League for three years. 他入团已经三年了。 Tom wrote a letter to his parents last night. 昨晚汤姆给他的父母写了封信。 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. Every student _________________ (see) the film already. 2. Kent and I __________________ (write) a song before. 3. Dick _______________ (do) the work these days. 4. The people in the mountains ________ never ________ (see) films. 5. Patty _______________ (buy) a magazine about the school life. 6. The actress ________________ (live) here all her life. 7. The glass is broken. Who ________ (break) this glass? 8. Finally the workers ______________ (finish) that job. 9. ________ you ________ (borrow) the book we talked abut last time? 10. There’s no more wine in the bottle. They ________ (drink) all of it. 二、单项选择 1. —Recently, school violence _________ in some schools. —Luckily, our government has carried out some policies to stop it. A. has appeared B. appeared C. will appear D. appears 2. Andy, with his parents, _________ Hong Kong, and some shopping _________ by them. A. have gone to; will do B. has gone to; will be done C. have been to; will do D. has been to; do 3. —It’s time to work now. —OK. I’ll wake Carl up. He _________ for an hour. A. has fallen asleep B. has been asleep C. fell asleep D. falls asleep 4. —When will you hand in your book report? —Sorry, I’m not sure. I _________ writing it yet. A. didn’t finish B. don’t finish C. hadn’t finished D. haven’t finished 5. My pen pal said he would write to me, but I _________ any letters from him so far. A. won’t receive B. haven’t received C. hadn’t received D. didn’t receive 1. 【2020 •北京市】We ________ each other since I came to Beijing, but we send emails very often. A. don't see B. didn't see C. won't see D. haven't seen 2.【2020 •贵州省安顺市】Since 1990, Project Hope ________ millions of students from poor families realize their dreams. A. will help B. has helped C. helps 3. 【2020 •贵州铜仁市】—Maria, what do you think of Mount Fanjing? —Very cool. I________ there once. I’d like to go there again. A. has been B. have been C. have gone D. has gone 4. 【2020 •黑龙江哈尔滨市】—Hi, Jill. I ________ in my math since you shared your good experience with me. —Great! Congratulations! A. have made rapid progress B. made rapid progress C. will make rapid progress 5. 【2020 •四川省成都市】Bob, you ________in this city since 2018. How do you like it? A. lived B. live C. have lived 6. 【2020 •凉山州】--It's 20 years since we came back to Liangshan. --How time flies! We ___________ in our hometown for such a long time. A. work B. worked C. has worked D. have worked 7. 【2020 •甘肃武威市】I ________ the guitar ever since I was 8 years old. A. played B. have played C. am playing D. will play 8. 【2020 •河北省】I’m so glad that I nearly half of the test now. A. finish B. finished C. will finish D. have finished 9.【2020 •南通市】Mr Jiang _______ the company to develop the 5G network for years. Now he works as the chief engineer in it. A. joined B. was a member of C. has joined D. has been a member of 10. 【2020 •江苏泰州市】Some primary and secondary schools ________ winter sports to their courses since Beijing won the right to host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. A. added B. will add C. have added D. were adding 11. 【2020 •镇江市】—Mum, I want to watch the news about our school. Change the channel, please! —What a pity! It is eight o'clock now. It___________ for a while. A. has been over B. was over C. has finished D. finished 12. 【2020 •辽宁丹东】—Mum, where is dad? —He ________ the supermarket. A. was going to B. has gone to C. has been to D. is going to 13. 【2020 •山东日照】—Let's go for a walk. —But I ________ my work yet. A. don't finish B. won't finish C. didn't finish D. haven't finished 14. 【2020 •昆明市】Since 1989, Project Hope________millions of young people from poor families achieve their dreams of going to school. A. will help B. helps C. has helped D. is helping 15.【2020 •安徽省】— The air here is much fresher than before. —Exactly! We a lot of trees in the past few years. A.planted B.were planting C.have planted D.will plant 16. 【2020 •福建省】Han Mei, a good friend of mine, ________ me a lot with my English in the past three years. A.helps B.helped C.has helped 17. 【2020 •四川攀枝花】—Where is your uncle? I haven't seen him for a long time. —Oh, he_____________ Sydney. A.went to B.has been to C.has gone to D.goes to 18. 【2020 •四川省遂宁市】— The new shirt looks good on you. When did you buy it? —On July 7th. I________ it for a week. A.have bought B.have had C.bought D.buy 19. 【2020 天津市•】—The book is popular. ________ you ________ it yet? —Yes, I have. A.Are; reading B.Were; reading C.Have; read D.Will; read 20. 【2020•湖北省恩施州】I like novels written by J. K. Rowling. So far I ________all her works about Harry Potter. A.have read B.read C.am reading 21. 【2020•鄂州市】—What do you usually do in your spare time? —I often go to our community library. It ________ for two years in order to encourage us to read more. A. opens B. has opened C. has been opened D. has been open 22.【2020•武汉市】In the past 70 years, China________historic changes and made great achievements. A. experienced B. experiences C. has experienced D. would experience 23. 【2020•湖北省咸宁市】—Project Hope celebrated its 30 birthday in 2019. —Yeah. It ___________ children from poor families the chance to go to school since 1989. A. offered B. has offered C. is offered D. is offering 24. 【2020•孝感市】So far, the number of people using 5G mobile phones __________ a lot. A. is increasing B. are increasing C. has increased D. have increased 25. 【2020•湖北省宜昌市】—How about the third season of documentary Aerial China(航拍中国)? —Great. I____________ it twice. A. watched B. watch C. will watch D. have watched 26. 【2020•湘西土家族苗族自治州】— Tina, is your father a teacher? — Yes, he is. He ___________ English for nearly 20 years. A. is teaching B. teach C. has taught 27.【2020 •内蒙古包头市】Corn production ______ nearly 125 percent over the past 25 years in China. A.jumped B.jumps C.will jump D.has jumped 1.【2020•北京市 101 中学三模】 John speaks Chinese very well because he in China for many years. A. lives B. has lived C. lived D. is living 2. 【2020•安徽省合肥市庐阳区二模】 —When will you hand in your report, Sarah? — Sorry, I _________it. Tomorrow will be OK. A. don’t complete B. won't complete C. haven't completed D. didn't complete 3. 【2020•福建省龙岩市二模】—Huawei great progress in recent years. —That's true. It is among the world's top 10 companies now. A. is making B. has made C. makes 4. 【2020•湖南省长沙市一模】— You look pale. Are you sick? — Yes. I don't feel well. My sister was sick several days ago and I am afraid she________ me her cold. A. was giving B. will give C. has given 5.【2020•江苏省南通市海门市二模】 — I remember that Mr.Green once traveled broad. — Not only Mr.Green but also his daughters ______ abroad twice. A. have gone B. have been C. has gone D. has been 6. 【2020•北京市昌平区二模】I am a little heavier than 6 months ago. I ________ exercises since January. A. didn't do B. haven't done C. am not doing D. won't do 7. 【2020•北京市丰台区三模】 Tom’s mother _________ his room already. It is very clean. A. has cleaned B. cleaned C. will clean D. is cleaning 8.【2020•北京市朝阳区中考零模】It’s nice to see you again. We ______ each other for a long time. A. didn’t see B. haven’t seen C. won’t see D. don’t see 9. 【2020•北京市门头沟一模】 My uncle ________ here since 1996. A. works B. worked C. has worked D. will work

