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专题 (八) 动词和动词短语 第二篇   语法专题突破 考点一  行为动词 行为动词分为及物动词 ( vt .) 和不及物动词 ( vi .) 两类 , 能独立作句子的谓语。 1. 及物动词后面必须跟宾语才能完整地表达意思。 ( 正 )Yesterday I bought a book. ( 误 )Yesterday I bought. 2. 不及物动词后面不跟宾语 , 句子的意思也完整。若不及物动词后要跟宾语 , 则动词与宾语之间需加介词或副词 , 构成动词短语。 She cried yesterday. 她昨天哭了。 Please listen to the teacher carefully. 请认真听老师讲课。 3. 延续性动词和非延续性动词。 (1) 延续性动词表示一种可持续的行为过程或状态 , 可以和表示一段时间的状语连用 , 如“ for+ 一段时间”、“ since+ 从句”、“ since+ 表示时间点的名词”等。 I have lived in Beijing for 13 years. 我在北京已经住了 13 年了。 I have been like this since Friday. 从周五开始我就一直这样。 (2) 非延续性动词表示动作或过程是短暂瞬间完成的 , 不可以和表示时间段的状语连用。 ( 误 )I have bought the bike for three years. ( 正 )I have had the bike for three years. 这辆自行车我买了三年了。 (3) 常见非延续性动词和延续性动词的转换。 非延续性→延续性 非延续性→延续性 leave → be away borrow → keep buy → have begin/start → be on die → be dead finish → be over become → be marry → be married put on → wear go out → be out open → be open 考点二   系动词   系动词有 be, seem, look, sound, smell, taste, feel, keep, become, get, turn, grow 等。系动词不能单独作谓语 , 必须与表语一起使用 , 构成“系表结构” , 说明主语的状态、性质、特征或身份。表示状态的系动词一般没有进行时态。 类别 例词 例句 表示 状态的 系 动词 be My father is a teacher. 我 的父亲是一位老师。 She is very kind. 她 非常善良。 类别 例词 例句 表示 持续的 系 动词 keep , remain, lie, stay My grandparents take exercise every morning to keep healthy. 我 的爷爷奶奶每天早上锻炼来保持健康。  感官系动词 look , sound, feel , smell, taste The milk tastes a little sour. 牛奶 尝起来有点酸。 The flowers look very beautiful . 这些 花看起来很漂亮。 类别 例词 例句 表示 状态变化的系动词 become , get, turn , go, grow In spring, trees begin to turn green. 春天 , 树开始变绿了。 In summer, food goes bad easily. 夏天 , 食物容易变质。 考点三   助动词   助动词主要有 be, do, does, did, have, has, had, will, would, shall, should 等。助动词本身没有意义 , 不能单独作谓语 , 只能和实义动词一起构成谓语。 We are working hard in the garden. 我们正在花园里辛勤劳动。 (be 动词构成现在进行时 ) He doesn't like English. 他不喜欢英语。 (doesn't 构成否定句 ) Do you live in Shanghai? 你住在上海吗 ? (do 构成一般疑问句 ) Have you finished the work? 你完成工作了吗 ? (have 构成现在完成时 ) The house was painted purple. 房子被刷成了紫色。 (be 动词构成被动语态 ) I will call you this evening. 今晚我会打电话给你。 (will 构成一般将来时 ) 考点四   情态动词   初中阶段学过的情态动词有 can/could, may/might, must, need, will/would, shall/should 。情态动词有一定的含义 , 但不能单独使用 , 须与动词原形一起构成谓语。情态动词没有人称和数的变化 , 其否定形式一般是在情态动词后加 not, 其疑问形式是将情态动词提至主语前。 分类 用法 例句 can 与 be able to ①两者都表示能力 , 意为“能够 ; 可以”。 be able to 可用于任何时态 ,can 只 能 用于一般现在时和 一般 过去时 ② can 和 could(can 的 过去 式 ) 还可以表示请求或推测 ③ can 't 可表示否定推测 They will be able to tell you the news soon . 他们很快就能告诉你消息了。 — Could I have the television on ? 我 可以开着电视吗 ?( 请求 ) — Yes, you can./No, you can 't . 是的 , 你可以。 / 不 , 你不可以。 That can 't be Mr. Wang. He has gone to Beijing . 那 不可能是王老师。他已经去北京了。 ( 推测 ) 分类 用法 例句 may 与 might ①两者都表示“可能 ; 可以 ; 请求 ; 许可” ,might 的语气 较为委婉 ② might(may 的过去式 ) 有 三种用法:表示过去式 ; 使 语气更加委婉、客气 ; 表示 的可能性更小 — May I use your pen? 我能用你的钢笔吗 ? — Yes, you may./No, you mustn't/can't. 是的 , 你可以。 / 不 , 你不可以。 Might I borrow some money now? 现在我可以借点钱吗 ? He might be alive. 他可能还活着。 分类 用法 例句 have to 与 must ①两者都表示“必须”。 must 表 示说话人的主观意愿 ;have to 表示 客观需要 ② must 可以表示肯定推测 , 意为“一定 , 准是” , 其否定形式为 mustn 't , 意为“禁止 ; 不准 ; 不许” ③ 对 must 构成的一般疑问句进行 回答时 , 肯定回答用“ Yes,…must.” , 否定回答用“ No,…needn 't .” 或“ No,…don 't /doesn 't have to.” My brother was badly ill. I had to call the doctor. 我弟弟病得很重。我不得不把医生请来。 I must finish my work today. 我今天必须完成我的工作。 The man must be our teacher. 那个人一定是我们的老师。 ( 推测 ) You mustn 't drive after drinking. 你酒后一定不要驾车。 — Must I go home now? 我必须现在回家吗 ? — No, you needn 't /don 't have to. 不 , 你不必。 分类 用法 例句 shall 与 should shall 常用于第一人称 , 表示 提建议或请求 ;should 意为“应该” , 可用于各种人称 , 强调义务或责任 , 也可表示 劝告或建议 Shall we go out for a walk? 我们出去散步好吗 ?( 提建议 ) You should study hard at school. 你们在学校应该努力学习。 ( 劝告 ) will 与 would will 用于第二人称疑问句时 , 表示征求意见或提建议 ; would 为 will 的过去式 , 可 用于多种人称 , 表示意愿 Your parents will try their best to help you. 你的父母会尽最大的努力来帮助你。 Would you like to go shopping with me? 你愿意和我去购物吗 ? 分类 用法 例句 need ①need 作情态动词时 , 表示“需要 ; 有必 要” , 主要用于否定句和疑问句中 , 其否 定形式为 needn 't , 表示“没有必要 ; 不 必” ; 对 need 构成的一般疑问句进行回 答时 , 肯定回答用“ Yes,…must.”, 否定 回答用“ No,…needn 't ” ②need 还可以用作实义动词 , 常用于以 下两种结构: need to do sth. 需要做 某事 ; need doing sth. 某事需要被做 She needn't go there right now. 她现在没必要去那里。 — Need I come? 我需要来吗 ? — Yes, you must. 是的 , 你必须来。 I need to learn more. 我需要学习更多。 My hair needs cutting. 我的头发该剪了。 【 归纳 】 情态动词表推测的用法 : 1. 在肯定句中一般用 must( 一定 ),may/might( 可能 ),could( 也许 ; 或许 ), 其中 must 表推测的语气最强 , 其余依次减弱。 2. 在否定句中一般用 can't( 不可能 ) 。 3. 在疑问句中用 can/could( 可能 ) 。 — Can the red sweater be Tom's? 这件红色的毛衣会是汤姆的吗 ? — No, it can't.He can't stand red. 不 , 不可能。他忍受不了红色。 考点五   动词短语 1. 动词 + 副词: 常见的有 take off, write down, hand in, fix up 等。这类动词短语的宾语如果是名词 , 既可放在副词前边 , 又可放在副词后边 ; 宾语如果是人称代词或反身代词 , 则要放在副词前边。 Hand in your homework. 把你的作业交上来。 2. 动词 + 介词: 常见的有 ask for, care about, look for, look after, laugh at, hear of, lead to, wait for 等。 Don't laugh at the people who are in trouble. 不要嘲笑那些处于困境中的人。 3. 动词 + 名词: 常见的有 have fun, play sports, take place 等。这类动词短语相当于不及物动词。 This story took place three years ago. 这个故事发生在三年前。 4. 动词 + 副词 + 介词: 常见的有 look down upon, go on with, add up to, catch up with, do well in, run out of 等。 Study hard, and you will catch up with your classmates. 努力学习 , 你就会赶上你的同学。 5. 动词 + 名词 + 介词: 常见的有 take care of, pay attention to 等。 She often takes care of her younger sister. 她经常照顾她的妹妹。 对接中考专练 语法专题训练 Ⅰ. 选择填空 1. [2019 · 徐州 ] Hello, Joe. I didn't      to see you today. I thought you were away on holiday.  A.want B.prepare C.expect D.agree 2. [2018 · 徐州 ] I look stupid with this haircut. All my classmates will    me.  A.laugh at B.agree with C.depend on D.worry about 3. [2017 · 徐州 ] The charity show      nearly three hours. Nobody left the hall early.  A.covered B.reached C.spent D.lasted C A D 对接中考专练 语法专题训练 4. [2016 · 徐州 ] I will see what I can do, but I can't      you anything.  A.plan B.prepare C.promise D.protect 5. [2014 · 徐州 ] I think our government should pass a law to     food waste.   A.save B.increase C.protect D.reduce 6. [2019 · 徐州 ] — I didn't see you at Jim's party last week. — I had to work that evening, so I      go.  A.needn't B.mustn't C.couldn't D.shouldn't C D C 对接中考专练 语法专题训练 7. [2018 · 徐州 ] Millie spoke in a very low voice, but I      understand what she said.   A.could B.might C.can D.may 8. [2016 · 徐州 ] —      you play tennis?  — Yes, and I'm a good player. A.Can B.May C.Must D.Should 9. [2015 · 徐州 ] You      write the poem down. Our teacher will give us a copy soon.  A.needn't B.mustn't C.shouldn't D.can't A A A 对接中考专练 语法专题训练 10. [2014 · 徐州 ] There's no light on — they      be at home.   A.can't B.mustn't C.needn't D.shouldn't 11. [2019 · 徐州 ] Every time Tom is late, he'll      an excuse. So I wonder what his excuse is this time.  A.set up B.put up C.take up D.make up   12. [2017 · 徐州 ] The lake is very big — it      three quarters of the area.  A.puts up B.sets up C.takes up D.picks up A D C 对接中考专练 语法专题训练 13. [2016 · 徐州 ] We should save energy by      the lights when we leave a room.  A.getting off B.showing off C.taking off D.turning off 14. [2015 · 徐州 ] UNICEF was      in Europe in 1946, after World War II.  A.put up B.turned up C.set up D.given up 15. [2014 · 徐州 ] We all know how wonderful you are. There is no need to      .   A.show off B.give up C.take care D.carry on D C A 对接中考专练 语法专题训练 Ⅱ. 选用方框内的单词或词组填空 , 其中有一个单词或词组是多余的。 1. [2015 · 徐州 ] Mandeep's family is too poor to      her schooling. Let's help her!  2. [2015 · 徐州 ]My dog is my best friend. And I will       him till the end.  3. [2014 · 徐州 ] My car       because of the cold weather. So I had to walk to my office.  protect   look after   insisted   pay for   offer   broke down pay for   look after   broke down 对接中考专练 语法专题训练 4. [2014 · 徐州 ] I       that we should take immediate action to put this right.  5. [2019 · 徐州一模 ] The sunglasses can help me      my eyes from the bright sunshine.  insisted   protect 对接中考专练 语法专题训练 Ⅲ. 根据句子意思 , 用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。 1. [2015 · 徐州 ]Neil Armstrong is the first man to walk on the Moon. It was brave of him to go to a place that was       (know) to people at that time.  2. [2013 · 徐州 ]He was       (frighten) when he heard the bad news.  3. [2019 · 徐州一模 ] Because of his       (care), he didn't pass the exam.   4. [2019 · 徐州质检 ] Many kind stars have made a      (decide) to raise money for poor children.   5. Xuzhou, a green city, is a       (please) place for people to like in.  unknown   frightened   carelessness decision   pleasant

