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‎2020年湖北省鄂州市中考英语试卷 II. 单项选择从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。‎ ‎1. ﹣What's this?‎ ‎﹣It's a paper cutting of Fu.It's a kind of art________. ( )‎ A.job B.work C.picture D.symbol ‎2. This year President Xi Jinping wrote a letter to the young pioneers China to celebrate ________ 70th anniversary(周年纪念日). ( )‎ A.their B.them C.theirs D.they ‎3. ﹣________ unusual year 2020 is!‎ ‎﹣Yeah! The XXXXXX (大XXXX) is a challenge not only to China but also to the world.( )‎ A.What B.What an C.What a D.How ‎4. Because of the special situation this year, about ________ of the students in our school ________ having classes on the Internet at home. ( )‎ A.two thirds;are B.two third;is C.second thirds;are D.two thirds;is ‎5. ﹣I'm proud of Ezhou, our homeland. ﹣So am I. It is becoming ________.( )‎ A.more and more beautifully B.more beautiful and beautiful C.more and more beautiful D.more beautifully and beautifully ‎6. ﹣It is so hot today. Why not swim in the river?‎ ‎﹣No, we can't swim in the river. Our teachers and parents always warn us ________in the river. It's too dangerous.( )‎ A.to not swim B.swimming C.not to swim D.not swimming ‎7. Although the man is in his eighties, he grows vegetables ________ in his garden. ( )‎ A.in public B.in person C.in silence D.in fact ‎8. ﹣What do you usually do in your spare time?‎ ‎﹣I often go to our community library. It ________ for two years in order to encourage us to read more.‎ ‎( )‎ A.opens B.has opened C.has been opened D.has been open ‎9. The Tokyo Olympics will be ________ because of the disease around the world. ( )‎ A.put up B.put off C.put on D.put away ‎10. ﹣I'm always a little nervous when I answer questions in class.‎ ‎﹣________. Believe in yourself!( )‎ A.That's right B.Take it easy C.Take it seriously D.Have a point ‎11. ﹣Whose textbook is it? Is it Jenny's?‎ ‎﹣No, it ________ be Jenny's. Look, Helen's name is on the cover. I think it ________ be Helen's.‎ ‎( )‎ A.can't;must B.mustn't;must C.can't;may D.mustn't;may ‎12. ﹣She's never heard of Abing, ________ she?‎ ‎﹣________. She said that his piece, Erquan Yingyue was her favorite ‎ ‎ 9 / 9‎ music.( )‎ A.is;Yes,she is B.has;Yes,she has C.hasn't;No,she hasn't D.isn't;No,she isn't ‎13. ﹣Mr. White, when shall I hand in my report?‎ ‎﹣As soon as it ________ tomorrow.( )‎ A.finishes B.will finish C.will be finished D.is finished ‎14. ﹣What did our English teacher say to you just now?‎ ‎﹣He asked me ________.( )‎ A.why I am sad B.if had I done my homework C.when did I do my homework D.how I planned to go on vacation ‎15. I will remember the important people in my life ________ helped and supported me. ( )‎ A.who B.which C.what D.how III. 完形填空 阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,使短文完整、通顺。‎ ‎16.     He has millions of students from all over the world.They listen to his classes online.They(1)_______see his face on the screen. Salman Khan,  42,  from the US,  is the founder(创始人)of the learning website Khan Academy.‎ ‎    Unlike other online courses that film teachers(2)_______classes,  Khan's videos only use his voice and a digital blackboard for writing. He says he doesn't want a human face to distract(使分心)students. Khan also makes his classes (3)_______10 to 15 minutes so that students won't lose interest. They can also get scores from taking classes.‎ ‎    The courses are translated into more than 36 different languages(4)_______Chinese. About 80 teachers from the world's top universities are now also teaching on the website. But all this started nine years ago with just one man﹣Khan. These kinds of special courses make Khan Academy one of the world's(5)_______online education websites.‎ ‎    In 2006,  Khan made homemade videos to help his (6)_______grade cousin with math. He posted the videos online and got thousands of views. This encouraged him to make more videos and create his own website Khan Academy.‎ ‎    Khan understands that many kids, especially those in developing countries,  cannot get a good education.He has three degrees from universities.He wants to use his(7)_______to help more people.Thus, his courses are all offered for free. "Our task is to (8)_______a free,  world﹣class education for anyone,  anywhere, " he said.‎ ‎    Khan's website has (9)_______become very popular worldwide but won a lot of respect(尊重). Even Bill Gates,  the founder of Micros of,  is one of his fans. Gates (10)_______over ﹩1.5 million to support Khan and named him "the teacher to the world".‎ ‎(1)‎ A.always B.usually C.never D.sometimes ‎(2)‎ A.to give B.giving C.give D.gave ‎(3)‎ A.as long as B.as much as C.as short as D.as soon as ‎(4)‎ A.including B.with C.as D.beside ‎(5)‎ ‎ 9 / 9‎ A.least popular B.more popular C.popular D.most popular ‎(6)‎ A.nine B.nineth C.ninth D.the ninth ‎(7)‎ A.knowledge B.fame C.courage D.value ‎(8)‎ A.give B.offer C.provide D.pay ‎(9)‎ A.ever B.already C.not D.not only ‎(10)‎ A.gave out B.gave off C.gave up D.gave away Ⅳ.阅读理解阅读下面四篇材料,根据其内容,选择正确答案或完成阅读任务 ‎17.     ‎ Tu Youyou,  pharmacologist,  born in December 1930‎ ‎    Tu,  winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize for the discovery of artemisinin,  a kind of medicine used to fight against malaria (疟疾) has solved the problem of fighting against malaria and done a lot for scientific and technological inventions in traditional Chinese medicine and human health.‎ Zhang Fuqing, war hero,  born in December 1924‎ ‎    Zhang served as a People's Liberation (解放) Army soldier in the Liberation War and was twice given the name of War Hero. He volunteered in 1955 to work in Laifeng County,  Hubei Province's remotest county, so he could give his life to the poor in the mountainous region.‎ Wang Youde, desert fighter,  born in September 1953‎ ‎    Wang led his partners to build over 600, 000 mu of sand﹣fixation (固定) forest and managed to control nearly 1 million mu of quicksand,  helpfully preventing the development of the Maowusu Desert. His work offered valuable experience to sand prevention and control in China.‎ Yuan Longping,  agriculturalist,  born in September 1930‎ ‎    Yuan,  the Father of Hybrid Rice,  was the first person in the world to develop a hybrid rice strain,  and his research on higher rice yields (产量) helped provide a solution to worldwide hunger and starvation.‎ ‎(1)Which of the following is Tu Youyou's great achievement?________‎ A. Discovering artemisinin.‎ B. Serving the people in the poor region.‎ C. Preventing and controlling sand.‎ D. Developing a hybrid rice strain..‎ ‎(2)Who used to be a soldier and then worked in the poor region?________‎ A. Tu Youyou. B. Zhang Fuqing.‎ C. Wang Youde. D. Yuan Longping..‎ ‎(3)What is Wang Youde doing for our country?________‎ A. He is doing a research on higher rice yields.‎ B. He is protecting the environment.‎ C. He is working on the inventions in human health.‎ D. He is trying to help poor people to be rich..‎ ‎(4)Which is the right statement?________‎ A. Zhang Fuqing is a desert fighter.‎ B. Tu Youyou is a war hero.‎ C. Wang Youde is the winner of the Nobel Prize.‎ D. Yuan Longping is the Father of Hybrid Rice..‎ ‎(5)The passage may come from________.‎ A. A storybook. B. A novel.‎ C. A newspaper. D. Science fiction.‎ ‎ 9 / 9‎ ‎18.     When you think of the Arctic (北极),  you imagine an icy land of pure white snow. Others imagine it as the last really clean place left on earth. We have polluted the deepest oceans with plastic rubbish. "And now",  CNN says,  "It's the Arctic's turn."‎ ‎    German scientists have recently found microplastics in Arctic snow. Microplastics are pieces of plastic smaller than 5 millimeters. Sadly,  the scientists found 1800 pieces of microplastics per liter of (每升) snow.‎ ‎    How is plastic pollution reaching the Arctic?  According to scientists,  "It's clear that most of the microplastics in the snow come from the air." They fall off the plastic objects and are moved by the wind,  just like dust. They mix with ice in the air and fall to the ground as snow. Finding these plastics in Arctic snow means that we may breathe them in.‎ ‎    Are they bad for us?  Scientists cannot answer this question for now,  according to the WHO. We do know that our bodies cannot take in "large" pieces of microplastics. However,  if the plastics are small enough,  they can find ways into our bodies and stay there for a long time,  which can be bad for our health. What's more,  earlier studies have shown that microplastics may ________ to lung cancer risk.‎ ‎    Microplastics have also been found in rivers and oceans around the world. Earlier research has found that they flow over long distances and into our oceans,  hurting ecosystems along the way. They start in our wastewater,  then flow into rivers and out to the sea,  where they are eaten by sea animals. If people then eat these animals,  it means that we're eating the plastic as well.‎ ‎(1)We can learn from Paragraph 1 that________.‎ A. the Arctic is the last really clean place left on earth B. the Arctic is an icy land of pure white snow C. the Arctic is a beautiful icy land with clean air D. the Arctic has been polluted by plastic rubbish.‎ ‎(2)The underlined word "contribute" means "________" in Chinese.‎ A. 增加 B. 捐献 C. 造成 D. 是……原因之一.‎ ‎(3)Where do most of the microplastics in the snow come from?________‎ A. From water. B. From air.‎ C. From wind. D. From food..‎ ‎(4)Which of the following isn't true?________‎ A. We may breathe microplastics in Arctic.‎ B. Microplastics may cause lung cancer.‎ C. We don't have to mind microplastics right now.‎ D. Microplastics have hurt ecosystems..‎ ‎(5)How does the writer end this passage?________‎ A. By advising us to drink clean water.‎ B. By asking people not to eat sea animals.‎ C. By telling the seriousness of plastic pollution.‎ D. By showing the beauty of Arctic.‎ ‎19. If you're having a hard time getting along with your new teacher, going to class can be a bad time. But you really want to get good grades, what should you do? Here are some suggestions for you.‎ Talk to your teacher. A short discussion can clear up the clouds between two persons. Always be polite and show admiration. Express yourself ‎ 9 / 9‎ ‎ bravely and show the ideas from your heart.‎ Ask your teacher how you can do well in class. Teachers have years of education and experience in the subjects they teach. Learning more about this fact helps make a good relationship between you and your teacher. Discussing the best ways to succeed in class shows your teacher you care about the class.‎ Learn to understand his teaching method. Sometimes, the reason why you don't like your teacher is the way he runs the classroom. If you're used to a very relaxing class, learning to develop in a strict environment is difficult. In fact, giving yourself time to accept this new style of teaching is possible.‎ Take part in activities with your teacher.Studies show that teachers would like to pay attention to you,if they feel you have something in common. Joining a club or taking part in other activities with your teacher creates common ground between you. And it makes you get on better with him in class more easily.‎ 根据短文内容,完成下面表格(每小题不超过三个词).‎ How to (1)_______your teacher Suggestions Talk to your teacher.‎ Always be polite and(2)_______ your teacher.‎ Express yourself bravely and show the ideas from your heart.‎ Ask your teacher how(3)_______in class.‎ Learn more about the education and experience of the teacher.‎ Show your teacher you care about the class.‎ Learn to understand his teaching method.‎ Know different teachers have different styles.‎ It's possible (4)_______yourself time to accept this new style of teaching.‎ Take part in activities with your teacher.‎ Make the teacher feel you have something(5)_______.Join a club or take part in other activities.‎ ‎20. This story is about Mrs. Jones, an 82﹣year﹣old lady. Although her life was hard, she was always nicely dressed every day. This morning Mrs Jones was moving to the nursing home. The nursing home was very busy. After hours of waiting, Mrs Jones still smiled sweetly when she was told that her room was ready.(1)________‎ Suddenly she said, "I love it!"‎ ‎"But Mrs Jones, you haven't seen the room yet!" I was surprised at her reply.She stopped and said,"Whether I like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture is placed. (2)________depends on how I decide to think about the room. I have already decided to love the room before I actually see it."‎ Then she continued, "I have a choice. I can spend the day in bed and consider how tiny my room is.Or I can just get out of bed and be thankful that I can still enjoy a new day. Each day is a gift. (3)________."‎ Life is like a bank account. You can take out what you've put in. (4)________‎ Attitude (态度) is everything.‎ 任务一:请将1处翻译成英文.‎ ‎(1)________‎ 任务二:请写出2处"It"指代的内容.‎ ‎ 9 / 9‎ ‎(2)________‎ 任务三:请将3处改为复合句.‎ ‎(3)________‎ 任务四:请将4处翻译成中文.‎ ‎(4)________‎ 任务五:(5)找出该文段的中心句.‎ ‎(5)________‎ Ⅴ.完成句子根据括号内的英语或汉语提示,完成句子.‎ ‎21. The last satellite(卫星) of Beidou was sent up into space in________(六月).‎ ‎22. I usually listen to some________ (悦耳的) music to help me relax after a long week at work.‎ ‎23. The storybook can________ (not take) out of the reading room.‎ ‎24. I was watching TV while my parents________ (chat) on the Wechat.‎ ‎25. To keep healthy, we should pay attention to________ (wear) masks and washing hands.‎ ‎26. The CD player will go wrong if you use it________(care).‎ ‎27. How fast Ezhou develops! It becomes one of________ (live) cities.‎ ‎28. Kobe passed away accidentally. He read the news in________ (believe) over and over again.‎ ‎29. Our government did a lot of things to improve the________(village) living conditions.‎ Ⅵ.补全对话 阅读对话,根据横线后所给标点符号的提示,在横线上填写适当的句子,使对话完整.‎ ‎30. (Li Lei is making a telephone call to Martin. an exchange student from England.)‎ Li Lei: Hello! This is Li Lei speaking. May I speak to Martin?‎ Martin: Hello, Li Lei. This is Martin.(1)________?‎ Li Lei: Pretty good! And the situations are getting better and better. The adults return to work and some students go back to school.‎ Martin: I'm glad to hear that.‎ Li Lei: What about you? What are you doing?‎ Martin: I'm writing a book about Chinese people fighting against the novel coronavirus (XXXXXXXX). I want to show the world Chinese people's union, bravery and wisdom when they face the difficulty.‎ Li Lei: That's a good idea.(2)________?‎ Martin: In a month. By then, I want you to be its first reader.‎ Li Lei: All right. May you succeed!‎ Martin: (3)________.‎ Li Lei: You're welcome.‎ Ⅶ.书面表达 ‎31. 你的偶像是谁?你崇拜谁?下表是腾飞中学一些学生的回答,假如你是该校的一位学生,请根据下表的文字提示,谈谈你校同学的偶像观,并适当发表自己的观点.写一篇英语短文.‎ 过去的偶像:歌星、影视明星 ‎1.明星有酷的发型和服饰,他们很时尚;‎ ‎2.他们有天赋,会表演有趣的节目;‎ ‎3.他们的表演让人放松,让我们的生活丰富多彩.‎ 如今的偶像:科学家、医护人员等 ‎1.科学家发明高科技产品来保卫国家安全,提高人们的生活水平;‎ ‎2.医生和护士拯救人们的生命,帮助人们摆脱痛苦,恢复健康;‎ ‎3.当国家和人民处于困境时,他们用智慧,勇气、辛勤的工作来帮助人们.‎ ‎ 9 / 9‎ 你的观点 那些在危难中帮助我们的人们更值得我们尊重和崇拜,作为学生的我们……‎ 要求:1.80﹣100词.(开头的首句已给出,不计算在词数内)‎ ‎2.文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称及其它相关信息,否则,不予评分.‎ 参考词汇:idol 偶像 fashionable时尚的 wisdom 智慧 respect 尊重 Last week,our school did a survey about "Who is your idol?".Here are our answers.In the past,we________.‎ ‎ 9 / 9‎ 参考答案与试题解析 ‎2020年湖北省鄂州市中考英语试卷 II. 单项选择从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。‎ ‎1.B ‎2.A ‎3.B ‎4.A ‎5.C ‎6.C ‎7.B ‎8.D ‎9.B ‎10.B ‎11.A ‎12.B ‎13.D ‎14.D ‎15.A III. 完形填空 阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,使短文完整、通顺。‎ ‎16.A B C A D C A C D D Ⅳ.阅读理解阅读下面四篇材料,根据其内容,选择正确答案或完成阅读任务 ‎17.A B B D C ‎18.D A B C C ‎19.get along with,show admiration to,to do well,to give,in common ‎20.在去她房间的路上,我告诉她房间是什么样子的.,It ,I'll enjoy my life and all the happy memories. I have stored them in my bank account (账户) before,If you have put a lot of happiness in your bank account, you can take out some of it when you feel sad.,On the way to her room. I told her what the room was like.,Whether I like my room or not.,I'll enjoy my life and all the happy memories which/ that I have stored in my bank account before.,如果你把很多快乐放在你的银行账户里,当你感到悲伤的时候,你可以取出一些.,Attitudeiseverything Ⅴ.完成句子根据括号内的英语或汉语提示,完成句子.‎ ‎21.June ‎ 9 / 9‎ ‎22.sweet ‎23.not be taken ‎24.were chatting ‎25.wearing ‎26.carelessly ‎27.the most lively ‎28.disbelief ‎29.villagers'‎ Ⅵ.补全对话 阅读对话,根据横线后所给标点符号的提示,在横线上填写适当的句子,使对话完整.‎ ‎30.How's everything going,How soon can you finish it,Thank you Ⅶ.书面表达 ‎31.Last week, our school did a survey about "Who is your idol?"Here are our answers.(引出话题)‎ In the past, we thought singers and movie stars were our idols. They always have cool hairs and clothes. They are fashionable. Also, they are talented and can put on funny shows. Their performances are so relaxing that it makes our life colorful.(同学们过去所崇拜的偶像) But now we think scientists and medical workers are our idols.【高分句型一】 Scientists invent high﹣tech products to protect national security and improve people's living standard. Doctors and nurses save people's lives and help them get out of pain and back to health. When our country and people are in trouble, they help people with wisdom, courage and hard work.(现在同学们的偶像)‎ In my opinion, those who help us when we are in need deserve our respect and admiration. As students, we should learn from them and study hard to be a useful person to the country and society.(自己的看法)‎ ‎ 9 / 9‎

