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课时训练(一) Starter Unit 1-Unit 4(七上)‎ ‎(限时:30分钟)‎ Ⅰ.语法填空 ‎1.[2018·长沙模拟]—What happened?‎ ‎—He said he saw the house on     fire. ‎ A.a B./ C.the ‎2.[2019·长沙模拟]—My English teacher is so wonderful. What do you think of     ? ‎ ‎—Excellent! I've got much progress since she taught     English. ‎ A.your; us B.yours; us C.yours; our ‎3.[2019·广元]On my     birthday, I got a new schoolbag as a gift from my parents. ‎ A.nine B.ninth C.the ninth ‎4.It was raining.My father asked me     a raincoat. ‎ A.take B.takes C.to take ‎5.[2019·雅实、北雅、长雅联考]—I can't find the book I bought yesterday.‎ ‎—I saw     over there this morning. You can go and see if it's yours. ‎ A.one B.it C.that ‎6.He has set up a big company in his     . ‎ A.thirties B.thirty C.thirtieth ‎7.[2019·贵港改编]—Is Mr. Green at home?‎ ‎—Sorry, I don't know. But you can call him     340-5261. ‎ A.in B.at C.by ‎8.We must get back to work,     we won't finish everything. ‎ A.and B.but C.or ‎9.What about     a cup of tea first? ‎ A.have B.having C.to have ‎10.[2019·鄂州改编]—I don't like the short story The Gifts. I think it's too old.‎ ‎—    . Although it may be out of date, I still think it's moving. ‎ A.I don't think so     B.It doesn't matter C.You're welcome Ⅱ.[2019·中雅]词语填空 6‎ ‎  Do you know your grandparents well? Are they happy?‎ ‎   11  people in Yangzhou are happy. In the morning you can see old people play sports in the park. Mr. and Mrs. Chen are always  12  them. They say they are  13  after their sons and daughters go to work and grandchildren go to school. Mrs. Chen is in a Yang Opera(扬剧) Club. So she learns to sing opera in the  14 . It's really interesting. Mr. Chen is in a(n)  15  club. There he can run, swim and play ball games. Their friends Mr. and Mrs. Zhang aren't in  16  clubs. They play computer games at home because they want to learn  17  about their grandchildren. Their grandchildren all love them very much. These days some old people want  18  a Shopping Club. In the club they can talk about how to buy things at a(an)  19  price. ‎ ‎  How happy the old people in Yangzhou are!‎ ‎  Your grandparents well? Are they happy? They all think they are lucky to live in a place  20  Yangzhou. ‎ ‎(  )11.A.Old B.Young C.Small ‎(  )12.A.for B.among C.between ‎(  )13.A.lonely B.happy C.excited ‎(  )14.A.class B.team C.club ‎(  )15.A.art B.sports C.music ‎(  )16.A.no B.any C.some ‎(  )17.A.a lot of B.lots of C.a lot ‎(  )18.A.having B.to have C.have ‎(  )19.A.high B.expensive C.good ‎(  )20.A.look B.look like C.like Ⅲ.图表理解 A INTERNATIONAL  ENGLISH  LANGUAGE TESTING  SYSTEM TEST REPORT FORM       ACADEMIC Center Number CN 001  Date: 25/AUG/2007‎ Candidate number: 034391‎ Candidate Details:‎ 6‎ Family Name: Liu First Name: Jialing Candidate:420606198807278528‎ Date of Birth 27/07/1988  Sex: F Scheme Code: Private Candidate Country: PRC First Language: Chinese Test Results:‎ Listening: 7.5  Reading: 7.0  Writing: 6.0‎ Speaking: 6.5  Overall Band Score: 7.0‎ ‎21.When was the candidate(应试者)born? (  )‎ A.25 August 2007.     B.27 July 1988.‎ C.03 April 1991.‎ ‎22.Which of the following is true according to the report card? (  )‎ A.The highest score comes from reading.‎ B.The writing score is higher than that of speaking.‎ C.The candidate got 7.0 at overall band score.‎ B Road safety tips for driving at night Why is night driving risky?‎ ‎· You may not be able to see as well as you would during the day. ‎ ‎· Your reflexes(反应) and reaction times are slowed. ‎ ‎· You may be sleepy.‎ How do we drive safely at night?‎ ‎· Get some sleep before you leave. ‎ ‎· Take a break for 15 minutes every two hours. ‎ ‎· Stay hydrated(补水). ‎ ‎· Avoid heavy foods and alcohol before you leave. ‎ ‎· Make sure your phone is fully charged.‎ Stop!‎ ‎· If you keep yawning. ‎ 6‎ ‎· If your reactions slow down. ‎ ‎· If you feel stiff. ‎ ‎· If your eyes feel heavy. ‎ ‎· If you wander over the middle line or off the edge of the road. ‎ ‎· If you start daydreaming.‎ ‎23.These tips are for drivers who     . (  ) ‎ A.drive during the day ‎ B.drive at night C.drive for a long time ‎24.Which of the following is NOT a reason why night driving is dangerous? (  )‎ A.Drivers may be sleepy at night.‎ B.Drivers may not see clearly at night.‎ C.The driver's phone may be out of power.‎ ‎25.Drivers should stop if     . (  ) ‎ A.they feel excited ‎ B.they want to drink water ‎ C.their reactions are slow Ⅳ.[2019·襄阳改编]语篇补全 ‎  I wish there would be a way to describe China in a simple word but that's impossible.‎ ‎  ·26.     In my English classes when the students were asked what they would do if they only had a few hours to live, most students told me they would spend their last few hours with their families and parents. ‎ ‎  ·The cost of living here isn't as high as that in the US. I teach in Xiangyang, a beautiful city which the Hanjiang River goes across it and I live here better. The foods are cheaper than those in the US, so are clothing and articles (物品) of everyday use. People pay less for the public transportation, too.‎ ‎  ·27.     However, it is reported that still there are a few children who can't afford the expenses (费用) of schooling. But the government organized Project Hope many years ago. It creates conditions for the poor children to go back to school. ‎ ‎  ·28.     I seldom saw the things mentioned of the creative (有创造力的) changes China has made. But the economic miracles (经济奇迹) have the big problems. ‎ 6‎ ‎  29.     To be honest, if I compare China with the US, my answer has always been the same: “We are not worse or better than each other; we are only different.” ‎ A.It's a tradition to value education in China.‎ B.I realize that family is everything in China.‎ C.I am often asked which country I consider better.‎ D.You'll not know China unless you go closer to it.‎ E.I was used to reading the news of China in the US.‎ Ⅴ.情景交际 ‎(A=Mandy B=Lisa)‎ A: Hello, Lisa. 30.            . ‎ B: Good morning, Mandy.‎ A: Lisa, are you OK today?‎ B: 31.                . ‎ A: What's the matter with you?‎ B: I have a headache and I can't move my neck.‎ A:32.            ? ‎ B: I played computer games all night.‎ A: I have known why. 33.           . ‎ B: Yeah, my parents also told me not to play computer games any more.‎ A: I think you should lie down and rest.‎ B: OK. Thanks, Mandy.‎ A: 34.            . ‎ 6‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ Ⅰ.1.B 2.B ‎3.B 考查数词用法。表示“在某人……岁生日”用on one's+序数词+birthday。故选B。‎ ‎4.C 考查非谓语动词的用法。ask sb.to do sth.意为“要求某人做某事”,其中的动词不定式作宾语补足语。故选C。‎ ‎5.A 6.A ‎7.B 考查介词的用法辨析。固定用法:“call sb. at+电话号码”意为“拨打……(电话号码)联系某人”。故选B。‎ ‎8.C 考查连词词义辨析。句意:我们必须回去工作,否则我们完不成所有工作。and意为“和;又”,表示顺承关系;but意为“但是”,表示转折关系;or意为“否则”,表示否定的条件。由句意可知,此处表示条件。故选C。‎ ‎9.B ‎10.A 考查情景交际。由答语中“I still think it's moving”可知回答者持不同观点,而B项表示“没关系”,C项表示“不客气”,均不符合语境。故选A。‎ Ⅱ.11—15 ABACB 16—20 BCBCC Ⅲ.A 21—22 BC B 23—25 BCC Ⅳ.26—29 BAEC Ⅴ.30.Good morning ‎31.No. I'm not well/I'm not feeling very well ‎32.How did you get that/Why did you become that ‎33.You mustn't play computer games any more ‎34.You're welcome 6‎

