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备战2021 中考英语 导练案 考点25 完形填空之记叙文 (教师版)
考点 25 完形填空之记叙文 一、命题趋势 完形填空是英语考试中一项重要的考查内容。完形填空也是一种综合能力测试题,是对学生语法、词 汇、句型、阅读能力、理解能力和逻辑推理能力的一种多方位的检测。按照考试大纲要求,通常在一篇 200 词左右的难度适中的文章中留出 10个空白,要求学生从所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案, 使补足的短文意思通顺、结构完整。 综观各地往年中考真题,记叙文居多,而且近年中考中记叙文所占比例超过 50%,预测 2019年中考完 形填空也会以记叙文为主,侧重考查实词和对上下文语境、逻辑的理解。 二、考试内容 完形填空考题要求考生在阅读过一篇不完整的文章后,能根据上下文意思,在所给的选项中选择最佳 答案。其考查点有: 1. 能够掌握足够的词汇量,正确运用词类和词语的正确搭配。包括名词、代词、冠词、动词等词类和 短语等。 2. 基础语法知识。包括句法、固定搭配、句型、词语加惯用法、时态、语态、主从复合句等。 3. 还应具有一定的语言运用能力、阅读能力、理解能力、综合分析能力和逻辑判断能力。 ① 以语篇为载体,测试语言知识和语言能力。试题既考查学生对短文的整体理解能力,也考查学生运 用语法知识、词汇知识的能力以及对事物的逻辑推理、分析判断能力。 ② 以意义填空为主。试题在着重考查考生阅读理解能力的前提下,兼顾对语言知识、常识、逻辑推理 能力的考查。 ③ 降低对单词本身词义的考查要求,注重考查对全文意义的理解。中考完形填空备选项中所涉及的词 汇基本上都是常见的初级词汇。 ④ 考点分布符合考查目的。试题以名词、动词、形容词和副词等信息词汇为考查重点,淡化对介词、 连词、冠词等结构词的考查,以检测学生在具体情境中灵活运用所学知识的能力。 ⑤有的采用主观试题形式。有些完形填空题全部舍弃了学生们平时接触较多的"四选一"形式,而改 之以"自由完形填空"形式,除了要求填入单词外,有的还设置了要求填入词组或短语的空格。 三、命题特点 1. 选文特点: ① 以叙述文体的小故事为主; ② 篇幅一般在 200~300词之间; ③ 难度略低于阅读理解中的短文; ④ 所选短文语言地道、纯正,结构严谨,层次分明,逻辑性强。 2. 设空特点 ① 首句通常不挖空,以便考生对短文前提和背景有个较清楚的了解,从而使考生尽快熟悉语境、推测 文章大意。 ② 短文设空平均密度为 10—20个单词设一个空。 3. 选项特点 ① 每个小题所给的四个选项一般都属于同一词性,语意范畴相同。长短相宜,避免了对答案的明显 暗示,彼此之间也不会出现相互包容的情况。偶尔有个别小题的四个选项的词性不同,但其语法功能大都 一样。 ② 单从语法角度,甚至从某一句的角度来看,干扰项都可以和空前或空后的文字形成某种搭配,从而 形成一定的干扰或起到迷惑作用。 ③ 选项使用词汇没有重复,尽可能增加考查内容的覆盖面。 4. 考查特点 近几年的完形填空题主要考查考生对上下文的理解,要求考生通过语境来作出选择。"语境能力型" 试题具有一定难度,因为所给的四个选项往往在语法方面都能成立,错误选项多半可以和空前、空后文字 形成某种搭配,极具干扰和迷惑作用。 5. 难处暗示特点 完形填空的短文有时因为行文的需要,出现了对考生来说较难理解的背景,或者有时是命题者为了有 意识地控制完形填空的难度等原因,往往会在短文的适当之处安排暗示。但这种暗示多为后面暗示前面, 也就是说前面的某些空从当时的情况来看,或是线索不清,或是语境不明,无法填出,但只要继续往后看, 就会发现此空在文章后面的某个地方有暗示。 完形填空题解题技巧 一、解题步骤 1. 通读全文,了解大意。 通读全文时,要跳过空格快速阅读,弄清文章的基本含义。可以先快速阅读全文,这样我们对文章的 整体结构和中心思想有个基本的了解。有利于进一步把握全文所讲内容、篇章结构及时态语态的变化,为 后面的答题创造条件。 2. 重视首句的开篇启示作用。 完形填空所采用的短文一般不给标题,但短文的首句通常可以点明短文的性质,如叙事、议论等,这 是我们探索短文全貌的"窗口"。可以以首句的时态、语态为立足点进行思考,判断文章的体裁,推测全 文的大意及主题。所以应该重视首句的启示作用。 3. 抓住关键词,根据上下文解题。 解题时,要遵循忠于全文大意和主题这一原则,联系上下文展开逻辑推理分析,要迅速找出那些在短 文中起重要作用的关键词,了解所提问题的特定语境,语篇中的内在关系。 在解题过程中,应遵循"先易后难"的原则,遇到个别难题不易判断时,可先跳过去,先去解决那些 靠上下文能确定的、比较直接明确的问题。随着下文的展开和文章的深入,或许在前面难以判断的题,下 文就有暗示,甚至有明确的暗示。因此,在选择答案时,应特别注意联系前后句,充分利用上下文为确定 答案提供的有用信息。 4. 重读全文,验证答案。 在全部空格补全以后,一定要根据填好的答案重读全文,看文章是否流畅,前后是否矛盾,语法结构 是否无误。如果发现哪些地方读起来不流畅,这就说明那里有毛病,就要进行仔细推敲、订正。 二、技巧点拨 1. 充分利用首句作为解题的突破口。 完形填空的首句往往是完整的、不设空的。而首句又常常是全文的中心句,因此,应充分重视完形填 空的首句,通过它大致把握全文的大意和作者的意图,利用它作为解题的突破口。依据首句的提示,捕捉 文中关键信息,通览全文,了解文章的题材、体裁、结构、背景、内容大意、前因后果、情节发展、论点 论据等基本信息。同时,可以对有些空格要填的词做试探性猜测,为下一步选择最佳选项做好准备。 2. 根据上下文的逻辑意义确定答案。 文章是一个具有内在联系的整体,而上下文则是营造语境的基础,也是逻辑推理的依据。通读全文, 理顺大意,根据上下文找出信息词,是做好完形填空的技巧之一。完形填空的命题设计正朝着深层化和语 境化方向发展,逐渐淡化单纯的语言分析考查,而越来越侧重对逻辑推理判断的考查。词语在特定语境中 所表达的隐含信息大都无法从字面或—个或几个句子的表面理解传达出来,这就大大增加了干扰项的迷惑 性,从而提高了试题难度。因此,要想解决这类题目,只有借助上下文乃至全文语境的提示。 3. 从词汇的意义和用法方面考虑。 做好完形填空必须具备较大词汇量,并结合上下文确定词义。完形填空在命题过程中,淡化基础句型 结构,语法规则和短语搭配,侧重词汇的活用。应该加强对词汇合乎情景需求的判断的训练,加深对基本 词汇的感受能力和应用能力,提高完形填空题的解题技能。 4. 积累习惯用法和固定搭配。 完形填空题中考查习惯搭配和固定用法的题目也占有一定比重,这就需要平时记忆和积累,做到脱口 而出。这类题属于较容易的,一般在初选时就能确定。 5. 依据作者的态度和观点。 作者写一篇文章必有他的意图和目的,作者在表达情感时总是选择特定的词汇,因此文章字里行间不 可避免地渗透了作者的情感。做完形填空时,应该留心捕捉作者的情感信息。 6. 注意分析句子结构。 通过句法、语法,能把复杂的句子变得简单,使得意义清晰,信息透明。 7. 依据生活经验和常识。 有些空涉及到我们应该具备的常识,是否合乎情理是我们选择的依据。 记叙文类完形填空解题技巧 一、解题步骤 1. 跳过空格,通读全文,把握大意。 2. 结合选项,综合考虑,初定答案。 3. 瞻前顾后,先易后难,各个击破。 4. 复读全文,逐空验证,弥补疏漏。 二、解题方法 1. 词语搭配法:根据词语的习惯搭配来确定正确答案。 2. 语法判断法:通过语法分析来选择正确答案。若选项是名词,应根据上下文确定该名词的单复数以 及是否用所有格等;若选项是动词,应考虑其时态、语态、搭配及非谓语形式等。 3. 语境分析法:根据上下文的具体语境,利用所学知识和平时积累的生活常识等,选出最符合情景的 选项。 4. 对比排除法:有时对于一些难选的空,可以试着将各个选项逐一代入空处,然后进行综合比较,从 而选出最恰当的答案。 三、满分技巧 1. 了解记叙文的六要素。 记叙文,无论是记人还是叙事,都会交代清楚时间、地点、人物、事件、经过和结果,即记叙文的" 六要素"。弄清了这六个要素,基本上就理解了整篇文章。 2. 明确作者的写作目的。 就事论事一般来说不是作者记叙的目的,作者往往通过叙述阐明一个道理。作者总是为了某个目的, 在情节选择和细节描写上作出合理的安排。读者明晰了写作目的,就能抓住文章的主题。 3. 读懂作者的观点或态度。 解题时要认真分析全文,看作者是否一直采用某种态度叙事或描述人。为了增加试题难度,命题人往 往采用变化的形式,考生只有在语境的指导下,对文章进行准确地逻辑推断,才能推测出文字之下的深层 信息。 4. 弄清作者叙述的视角。 弄清文章是以第几人称的视角展开记叙的。通常英语记叙文展开记叙的视角有两个:第一人称和第三 人称。用第一人称就是从"参与者"的角度进行记叙,读者可从字里行间感受到作者的态度和感情。用第 三人称就是以"观察者"的身份展开叙述,作者的语气客观,与读者保持一定距离,读者的注意力更多地 集中在故事本身上。了解作者的写作角度有助于我们抓住作者的思维,深入理解文章的意义,把握好语境。 (一) It was a cold morning,and Eduardo Ortega received a large envelope.In it was his dream.But he was too nervous to(1)_____it.He put the envelope into his(2)_____and caught the school bus.Eduardo arrived at (3) _____,walked past his classmates and sat down in the school library.He took a deep breath,(4)_____the envelope out of his pocket and carefully opened it.As he read the words,"Congratulations…(5)_____have been accepted, "he was already in tears. He remembered the long hours working in the fields, picking strawberries and beans.During those years,Eduardo was much more than a child(6)_____.After work every day,his tired friends drank coffee or slept.Eduardo went to the evening school.He studied, read, and wrote poems and short stories.Although he (7)_____some classes,he became the best student. When he was thirteen,Eduardo(8)_____one of his dreams﹣to fly on an airplane for the first time.He wrote a poem that won a prize﹣a trip to San Francisco.(9)_____he flew,he promised himself to become a pilot.He loved to(10)_____. Even though Eduardo worked to help his family,his father(11)_____encouraged him to go to school.So, while he worked,he also studied.Many days,he thought it was(12)_____,too tired to read his books.But his father just smiled and told him he could(13)_____it. So,now,Eduardo knew his dream of becoming a pilot was not(14) _____.He knew that it was his father's (15)_____,too.He would soon become a pilot,flying every day to all the exciting areas in the world. 1.A.open B.know C.answer D.write 2.A.car B.mailbox C.desk D.pocket 3.A.home B.school C.the airport D.the post office 4.A.drew B.placed C.reached D.made 5.A.I B.we C.you D.they 6.A.worker B.writer C.waiter D.pilot 7.A.watched B.missed C.took D.left 8.A.wanted B.found C.realized D.thought 9.A.Because B.As C.After D.Before 10.A.fly B.dream C.study D.work 11.A.also B.still C.sometimes D.always 12.A.careless B.hopeless C.uninteresting D.unimportant 13.A.take B.stop C.make D.work 14.A.planned B.needed C.done D.lost 15.A.job B.way C.dream D.advice. 【解析】1.A 考查动词辨析.A表示打开;B表示知道;C表示回答;D表示写.由 He put the envelope into his…and caught the school bus可知此处表示他太紧张不敢打开它,选 A. 2.D 考查名词辨析.A表示车;B表示邮箱;C表示课桌;D表示口袋.由 the envelope out of his pocket and carefully opened it可知此处表示他把信封放到了口袋里,选 D. 3.B 考查名词辨析.A表示家;B表示学校;C表示机场;D表示办公室.由 walked past his classmates and sat down in the school library可知 Eduardo是到了学校,选 B. 4.A 考查动词辨析.A表示画,拉;B表示放置;C表示到达,够着;D表示使.由 carefully opened it可 知此处表示他从口袋里将信封拉了出来,选 A. 5.C 考查代词辨析.A表示我;B表示我们;C表示你;D表示他们.由 Eduardo Ortega received a large envelope 可知这封信是写给 Eduardo的,所以内容应该是你被录用了,选 C. 6.D 考查名词辨析.A表示工人;B表示作家;C表示服务员;D表示飞行员.由下文的 he promised himself to become a pilot 和 He would soon become a pilot,flying every day to all the exciting areas in the world 可知此 处选 D指飞行员. 7.B 考查动词辨析.A表示看;B表示错过;C表示带走;D表示离开.结合语境可知此处表示虽然他错 过了一些课,但他成为了最好的学生,选 B. 8.C 考查动词辨析.A表示想;B表示发现;C表示实现;D表示想.由 to fly on an airplane for the first time 可知此处表示 Eduardo实现了他的一个梦想,选 C. 9.B 考查连词辨析.A表示因为;B表示当…时;C表示在…后;D表示在…前.结合语境可知此处表示 当他飞行时,他向自己承诺要成为一名飞行员,选 B. 10.A 考查动词辨析.A表示飞;B表示做梦;C表示学习;D表示工作.由 he promised himself to become a pilot可知此处表示他喜爱飞行,选 A. 11.D 考查副词辨析.A表示也;B表示仍然;C表示有时;D表示总是.由 So,while he worked,he also studied可知此处表示他的父亲总是鼓励他去上选 D. 12.B 考查形容词辨析.A表示粗心的;B表示无望的;C表示无趣的;D表示不重要的.由 too tired to read his books可知此处表示他觉得那是没有希望的,选 B. 13.C 考查动词与固定搭配.A表示带走;B表示停止;C表示使;D表示工作.make it表示成功,由 his father just smiled可知此处表示告诉他他可以成功的,选 C. 14.D 考查动词辨析.A表示计划;B表示需要;C表示做;D表示失去.由 But his father just smiled and told him he could make it可知此处表示所以,现在 Eduardo知道他成为飞行员的梦想并没有丢失,选 D. 15.C 考查名词辨析.A表示工作;B表示方法;C表示梦想;D表示建议.由 too可知此处表示他知道那 也是他父亲的梦想,选 C. (二) Sitting on the side of the highway and waiting to catch speeding(超速的) drivers, a police officer saw a car driving very slowly. He thought to himself, "This driver is just as ___1___as a speeder!” So he turned on his lights quickly and pulled the driver over (靠边停车). Getting closer to the car, he noticed that there _____2_____five old ladies, two in the front seat and three in the back, wide eyed and pale faced. The driver ___3___knew nothing about what happened said to him, “Officer, I don't understand. I was doing exactly the speed limit! ___4___seems to be the problem?" "Ma'am," the officer replied, "you weren’t speeding, but you ___5___know that driving slower than the speed limit is not good, because it can also be a danger to _____6_____drivers. The same as a speeder.” “No, sir. I was doing the speed limit-exactly twenty-two kilometers ___7___hour!” The old woman said in a proud voice. The officer, almost unable ___8___his chuckle (窃笑), explained to her that ''22" was the highway number, not the speed limit. A bit embarrassed, the woman smiled widely and thanked the officer for pointing out her misunderstanding. "But ____9____I let you go, ma'am, I have to ask. Is everyone in this car OK? These women seem to be shaking badly and they haven’t made a single sound this whole time," the officer asked. "Oh, they'll be all right in a minute. We just _____10_____ off Route 119. 1. A. danger B. dangerous C. more dangerous D. the most dangerous 2. A. is B. are C. was D. were 3. A. who B. whom C. which D. / 4. A. Where B. Which C. How D. What 5. A. can B. will C. might D. have to 6. A. another B. others C. the other D. other 7. A. a B. an C. the D. / 8. A. control B. controlling C. to control D. to controlling 9. A. before B. after C. although D. if 10. A. get B. are getting C. will get D. got 【答案】1. B 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. D 【解析】文章讲述了一位司机错误的把路牌看成限速的标志而搞出的一个笑话。 【1题详解】 句意:这个司机开得和飞车一样危险。 danger名词;dangerous形容词;more dangerous形容词比较级;the most dangerous形容词最高级。分析“This driver is just as ___1___as a speeder!”可知,此处用于“as+形容词/副词原级+as”结构中,所以用其原级。 故选 B。 【2题详解】 句意:他走近汽车,注意到有五个老太太,两个坐在前排,三个坐在后排,眼睛睁得大大的,脸色苍白。 分析句子可知,本句时态是一般过去时,此处是 there be句型,需满足“就近原则”,所以谓语动词的选择 取决于 five old ladies表复数,所以用 were。故选 D。 【3题详解】 句意:司机对发生的事情一无所知,他说:“警官,我不明白。 who指人,作主语或宾语;whom指人,作宾语;which指物,作主语或宾语;/不填。分析句子可知,此处 是定语从句,先行词 The driver指人,在从句中作主语。故选 A。 【4题详解】 句意:有什么问题吗? Where哪里;Which哪个;How如何,怎样;What什么。根据“Officer, I don't understand. I was doing exactly the speed limit!”可知,司机不明白发生了什么,所以询问警察“有什么问题吗?”。故选 D。 【5题详解】 句意:你没有超速,但你必须知道,开车比限速慢是不好的。 can能够;will将会;might可能;have to必须。分析“you weren’t speeding, but you ___5___know that driving slower than the speed limit is not good”可知,警察告诉司机超速和低于限速都是不对的,此处指交通规定, 所以表示“必须”的含义。故选 D。 【6题详解】 句意:因为它也可能对其他司机造成危险。 another(三者或以上)另一个;others其他人;the other(两者中的)另一个;other其他的。分析“because it can also be a danger to _____6_____drivers.”可知,此句表示“因为它也可能对其他司机造成危险”的含 义,用于句中修饰其后的名词 drivers。故选 D。 【7题详解】 句意:我当时在限速——正好是每小时 22公里。 a不定冠词表泛指,用于辅音音素开头的词前;an不定冠词表泛指,用于元音音素开头的词前;the定冠词 表特指;/零冠词。分析句子可知,此处表示“每小时 22公里”的含义,又因为 hour首字母发元音,所以 使用不定冠词 an修饰。故选 B。 【8题详解】 句意:那名警官几乎控制不住自己的笑声,向她解释说“22”是高速公路的号码,不是限速。 control动词原形;controlling现在分词;to control动词不定式;to controlling介词 to+动词 ing形式。分析句 子可知,此处用于“(be) unable to do sth”短语中,表示“不会做某事”,所以此处用其不定式形式。故选 C。 【9题详解】 句意:但在我放你走之前,女士,我得问一下。 before在……之前;after在……之后;although尽管;if如果。根据后文“Is everyone in this car OK? These women seem to be shaking badly and they haven’t made a single sound this whole time”可知,警察担心车里人 的情况,所以在车走之前问一下,表示“在……之前”。故选 A。 【10题详解】 句意:我们刚下 119号公路。 get一般现在时;are getting现在进行时;will get一般将来时;got一般过去时。根据文章时态可知,此处也 应使用一般过去时。故选 D。 (三) In a cold winter, a couple had to move out of their big house because of bankruptcy(破产). The husband worked day and night but with little care of his wife, ___11___she thought, “He doesn't love me any more. He just thinks about his ___12___." One day, she wanted to take a ___13___, but her husband stopped her at the door, "Let me take it first, OK?" "Why not let me first?" she asked. "I was tired. You take it later, OK?" She was very ___14___. On a rainy day, she found nothing to do and ___15___his computer. After a few minutes, her eyes were full of tearsit was his diary: Today, I was quite sad. She asked me ___16___I was always taking a shower first, and I said I was tired. She was unhappy. I wasn't as ___17___as before! We moved to the small house and it was very cold. I ___18___that if one person took a shower first, the room could get a little warmer. So I always ___19___into the bathroom first. When she took a shower, the temperature in the bathroom could get a little higher. I can't give her more, but ____20____, I can give her 1 °C love. 11. A. so B. because C. unless D. if 12. A. friends B. family C. health D. work 13. A. shower B. walk C. look D. rest 14. A. happy B. glad C. nervous D. sad 15. A. turned up B. turned on C. turned down D. turned off 16. A. what B. why C. when D. how 17. A. excited B. satisfied C. poor D. rich 18. A. asked B. explained C. said D. found 19. A. changed B. rushed C. put D. made 20. A. at most B. at first C. at least D. at last 【答案】11. A 12. D 13. A 14. D 15. B 16. B 17. D 18. D 19. B 20. C 【解析】这篇短文记述了一对破产的夫妇,丈夫因为忙于工作而缺少了对妻子的关爱,妻子觉得丈夫不再 爱她。在一天洗澡时,因为丈夫抢着先洗澡,更让妻子很伤心。后来妻子在丈夫的日记中发现了丈夫为什 么要求先洗澡的原因,深受感动。 【11题详解】 句意:丈夫日夜工作,却很少关心他的妻子,所以她想,“他不再爱我了。” so所以;because因为;unless除非;if如果。分析“The husband worked day and night but with little care of his wife”和“He doesn't love me any more.”可知,前后两句构成因果关系,此处表示“所以”。故选 A。 【12题详解】 句意:他只想着他的工作。 friends朋友;family家庭;health健康;work工作。根据“The husband worked day and night”可知,丈夫 日夜工作,所以妻子认为“他只想着他的工作”的含义。故选 D。 【13题详解】 句意:一天,她想洗澡,但她的丈夫在门口拦住了她。 shower淋浴;walk散步;look样子;rest休息。根据后文“She asked me ___6___I was always taking a shower first”可知,此处构成“take a shower”短语,翻译为“洗澡”。故选 A。 【14题详解】 句意:她很伤心。 happy开心的;glad高兴的;nervous紧张的;sad悲伤的。根据后文“She was unhappy.”可知,妻子不开心, 很伤心。故选 D。 【15题详解】 句意:在一个下雨天,她无所事事,打开了他的电脑。 turned up出现,调大音量;turned on打开;turned down拒绝,调小音量;turned off关闭。根据后文“After a few minutes, her eyes were full of tearsit was his diary”可知,此处表示打开电脑阅读丈夫的日记,强调“打 开”。故选 B。 【16题详解】 句意:她问我为什么总是我先洗澡,我说我累了。 what什么;why为什么;when何时;how如何,怎样。根据前文“Why not let me first?”可知,此处表示 “她问我为什么总是我先洗澡”,强调“为什么”。故选 B。 【17题详解】 句意:我不像之前一样富有了! excited兴奋的;satisfied满意的;poor贫穷的;rich富有的。根据“because of bankruptcy”和“We moved to the small house and it was very cold.”可知,夫妻二人破产了,不像之前一样富有了,搬到了一个小房子里。 故选 D。 【18题详解】 句意:我发现如果一个人先洗澡,房间会暖和一点。 asked问;explained解释;said说;found发现。分析“I ___8___that if one person took a shower first, the room could get a little warmer.”可知,此处表示“我发现如果一个人先洗澡,房间会暖和一点”的含义,强调“发 现”。故选 D。 【19题详解】 句意:所以我总是先冲进浴室。 changed改变;rushed冲;put放;made制作。分析句子可知,此处构成“rush into”短语,翻译为“冲进……”。 故选 B。 【20题详解】句意:我不能给她更多,但至少,我可以给她 1°C的爱。 at most至多;at first首先;at least至少;at last最后。分析“I can't give her more, but ___10___, I can give her 1 °C love.”可知,此处表示“我不能给她更多,但至少,我可以给她 1°C的爱”的含义,强调“至少”。 故选 C。 (四) A young couple decided to go camping in the mountains to celebrate their first year of marriage. They ___43___ with them all the things they would need to go camping—warm clothes , food and a tent. They went up to the mountains and found the perfect place to___44___ their tent. After that, they built a fire and cooked dinner. Finally, it was time to go to sleep. ___45___ in the middle of the night, the wife woke her husband up and said: “Look up at the sky. What do you see?” Her husband answered, “I see millions of stars.” His wife said: “That’s right. What does that mean to you?” The husband said: “Well, if there are so many stars out there, that means there ___46___be a planet just like ours. And if that’s true, then there could be life on one of those planets. That’s kind of exciting.” His wife said: “You are wrong. It means that someone has stolen our ___47___!” 43. A. took B. brought C. carried 44. A. give up B. put up C. hand up 45. A. Sometimes B. Sometime C. Some times 46. A. might B. must C. should 47. A. clothes B. food C. tent 【答案】43. A 44. B 45. B 46. A 47. C 【解析】本文是一篇记叙文。主要叙述了一对年轻夫妇决定去山上露营庆祝他们结婚周年纪念,夜晚在山 上露营时,小偷把他们的帐篷偷走了。 【43题详解】 句意:他们带了露营所需的所有的东西。 took拿,从说话地方带到另一个地方去;brought带来,从别的地方拿到说话的地方来; carried搬、扛,只 是单纯地搬东西,没有说明搬到哪里。take with将……带上,指他们带上露营所需的所有的东西,符合语 境。故选 A。 【44题详解】 句意:他们上了山,找到一个好地方支起帐篷。 give up放弃、戒除;put up建造、搭起、设立、张贴;挂起;hand up上交、递上去。由“found the perfect place to put up their tent”可知,找到一个完美的地方应该是支起帐篷。故选 B。 【45题详解】 句意:在半夜的某个时候,妻子叫醒丈夫说:“仰望天空,你看到了什么?” Sometimes有时;Sometime某个时候;Some times几次。根据语境,应该是在半夜的某个时候。故选 B。 【46题详解】 句意:丈夫说:“好吧,如果有那么多的星星在那里,那就意味着可能会有一颗和我们的一样的行星。” might可能;must必须;should应当。由后句“And if that’s true, then there could be life on one of those planets. 可知,丈夫的说法只是一个推测,即可能有。故选 A。 【47题详解】 句意:妻子说:“你错了。这意味着有人已经偷了我们的帐篷!” clothes衣服;food食物;tent帐篷。根据语境,他们在半夜能看到星星,推测出他们已经不在帐篷里面了, 也就是说帐篷不见了。故选 C。 (五) When I was a little child, I often felt upset. I was really ___48___ other kids. I couldn’t change no matter what I did. In fact, there is something wrong with my ___49___. I can’t see things around me clearly. When my classmates play games happily outside. I have to stay in my empty house and look out of the window___50___. For a long tune, I felt hopeless. ___51___ my mother always said, “You are the precious (珍贵的) baby in our family,” it didn’t work. I asked God, “Why did you give me a pair of useless eyes when you gave me life?” Of course, there was no ___52___. I turned to books for help. Books are my only friends. When I am sad and unhappy, they___53___; when I feel happy and excited, they share my feelings. They can take me to ___54___ world, there I can see everything clearly and free my heart through joy. I began to write down my thoughts and keep them ___55___ a secret. And nobody knew it, When I studied at a middle school, I had a good teacher. Who is the___56___ one in the world. He read all of my poems and said, “Well done!” He always praised me in class. He kept helping me. Now I am full of energy and confidence(自信). I can do things like other kids. So please believe in ___57___. Everyone is unique (独一无二的) 48. A. similar to B. different from C. hard on 49. A. eyes B. ears C. legs 50. A. lonely B. happily C. alone 51. A. Since B. Because C. Although 52. A. repeat B. reply C. report 53. A. cheer me up B. put me up C. call me up 54. A. other B. the other C. another 55. A. to B. as C. for 56. A. understanding B. more understanding C. most understanding 57. A. yourself B. others C. teachers 【答案】48. B 49. A 50. C 51. C 52. B 53. A 54. C 55. B 56. C 57. A 【解析】这篇短文主要讲述了读书对作者产生巨大的影响,使我充满精力和自信。 【48题详解】 句意:当我还是小孩子的时候,我经常感到不安。我真的和其他孩子不一样。 similar to 和……相似;different from 与……不同; hard on对……苛刻。根据“In fact, there is something wrong with my ___2___. I can’t see things around me clearly.。”可知,我真得和其他的孩子不一样。故选 B。 【49题详解】 句意:事实上,我的眼睛有问题。 eyes 眼睛; ears耳朵;legs腿。根据下文“I can’t see things around me clearly.”可知,这里是说我的眼睛 有问题。故选 A。 【50题详解】 句意: 我只能待在空荡荡的房子里,一个人往窗外看。 lonely独孤的;happily高兴地; alone独自地。根据上文“I have to stay in my empty house”可知,这里是 独自向窗户外看。故选 C。 【51题详解】 句意:虽然我妈妈常说“你是我们家里珍贵的宝贝”,但这并不管用。 Since 自从;Because因为;Although 尽管。根据上文“For a long tune, I felt hopeless.”可知,这里是说虽 然我的母亲总是说“你是我们家里珍贵的宝贝”。可知这里是 although引导的让步状语从句。故选 C。 【52题详解】 句意:当然,没有回复。 repeat重复;reply 回复;report报道。根据上文“I asked God, “Why did you give me a pair of useless eyes when you gave me life? ”可知,下文是上帝当然没有回复。故选 B。 【53题详解】 句意: 当我悲伤和不高兴的时候,他们使我高兴起来。 cheer me up使……高兴起来; put me up举起我; call me up给我打电话。根据下文“when I feel happy and excited, they share my feelings”可知,这里是他们在我不开心的时候使我高兴起来。故选 A。 【54题详解】 句意:他们能带我去另一个世界。 other其他的,表示泛指,后加名词复数;the other其他的,后加名词复数;表示特指,another另一,再一, 后加名词单数。根据下文“there I can see everything clearly and free my heart through joy.”可知,这里是指书 带我去另一个世界。another加名词单数。故选 C。 【55题详解】 句意:我开始把我的想法写下来并保密。 to 到……;as作为;for为了;根据下文“And nobody knew it,”可知,这里是保密。keep…as a secret保守 秘密。故选 B。 【56题详解】 句意:我有个好老师,是世界上最善解人意的人。 understanding理解; more understanding更理解; most understanding最理解。根据“I had a good teacher.” 及“in the world”可知,这里是说是是世界上最善解人意的人。这里用最高级。the most understanding最善 解人意的。故选 C。 【57题详解】句意:所以请相信你自己。每个人都是独一无二的。 yourself 你自己;others其他的; teachers老师们。根据上文“Now I am full of energy and confidence(自信). I can do things like other kids.”可知,这里是说请相信你自己。yourself你自己。故选 A。 (六) Lyle’s Second Go In 1982,when I was coaching the Raiders, the owner of the team talked with me about a possible trade for Lyle Alzado. After watching him on tape,I didn’t think he was that good, but the owner felt we could make Lyle better by creating the right environment lor him. We made the ___13___. That summer at training camp,Lyle was having a hard time. He had that look in his eyes that many young players and some old players get when things aren’t going ___14___. One morning Lyle came into my office and he looked like he hadn’t slept. Here was a huge man, with his head about as ___15___as it could go. We talked, or rather, I listened. The main point was that Lyle felt his career (职业生涯)was over and it would be best for him and for the team if he retired (退役).He apologized for___16___ us since we had just traded for him. Lyle was always an emotional person. This is one of the reasons he was a good player. He___17___ all that emotional energy with him, ready to lire out at the snap of the ball (开球).Now he was in front of me, almost crying. I thought for a moment, realizing we had to keep that ___18___going. Then I went through my reasons why he should not retire. At the end of our talk, I said,“You go out and play your very best, and let us___19___if you still have it. Personally, I think you do.” In January 1984. Tampa Bay Stadium. Super Bowl XVIII. With less than two minutes remaining, we were leading 38-9. We were the world champions of professional football. I saw Lyle,crying like a baby. I had to turn away quickly,or I would have joined him in ___20___. I remembered that morning in my office, and what Lyle, and what the Raiders, had achieved since he came to us. If Lyle hadn’t given his career another shot, he wouldn’t have had this victory. Maybe the Raiders wouldn’t have had this victory. During that moment, I felt one of the greatest satisfactions of my coaching career. 13. A. deal B. plan C. argument D. mistake 14. A. away B. over C. well D. fast 15. A. low B. cool C. clear D. heavy 16. A. pushing B. refusing C. cheating D. disappointing 17. A. faced B. carried C. received D. imagined 18. A. ball B. fire C. time D. talk 19. A. guess B. wonder C. decide D. predict 20. A. cheers B. pain C. peace D. tears 【答案】13. A 14. C 15. A 16. D 17. B 18. B 19. C 20. D 【解析】文章讲述了篮球运动员 Lyle 重新振作起来的故事。 【13题详解】 句意:我们签了协议。A. deal 协议; B. plan计划; C. argument 争吵; D. mistake 错误;根据 but the owner felt we could make Lyle better by creating the right environment for him.球队的主人认为通过我们给 他营造合适的环境,会使 Lyle更好;可以推测我们和他签协议;故选 A 【14题详解】 句意:事情进展不顺利。go away走开; go over 复习; go well 进展顺利; go fast走得快;根据 Lyle was having a hard time 他过得困难,He had that look in his eyes that many young players and some old players get 在他的眼里看到了许多年轻运动员和老运动员都有的东西,可知是上面计划让他变得更好这件事进展的不 顺利;故选 B 【15题详解】 句意:他的头尽可能的低。A. low低的; B. cool 凉爽的; C. clear 清楚的; D. heavy重的;根据 Here was a huge man 和后文 Lyle felt his career (职业生涯)was over and it would be best for him and for the team if he retired (退役)认为职业生涯结束了想退役,可推测情绪不好,所以头尽可能的低;故选 A 【16题详解】 句意:他道歉让我们失望了,因为我们刚刚签了协议。A. pushing推; B. refusing拒绝; C. cheating 欺骗; D. disappointing 失望;根据上文他想退役和 we had just traded for him.我们刚刚签了协议,可知 是让我们失望了;故选 D 【17题详解】 句意:他总是充满活力。A. faced 面对; B. carried 携带; C. received 收到; D. imagined想象; 根据 Lyle was always an emotional person. 他是一个情绪饱满的人,可知是带着活力;故选 B 【18题详解】 句意:我想了一会,意识到我们必须火种。6. A. ball 球; B. fire 火; C. time 时间; D. talk谈话; 根据上文提到 Lyle 是一个充满情绪活力的运动员,和他想退役,可推测教练想留住他这个火种;故选 B 【19题详解】 句意:让我们决定看你是否仍然有能力。A. guess 猜猜; B. wonder想知道; C. decide 决定; D. predict预测;根据上文他想退役,教练想留住他和 You go out and play your very best,出去尽力打好,来决定 看看是否退役;故选 C 【20题详解】 句意:否则我也会和他一起掉泪。 A. cheers 欢呼; B. pain 疼; C. peace 和平; D. tears眼泪;根 据 I saw Lyle,crying like a baby. I had to turn away quickly,我看到 Lyle像个孩子样在哭,我赶快走开,否则 也会和他一起掉泪;故选 D (一)【2020 • 贵州省安顺市中考】 Wang Wei’s parents were waiting for him when he got home. His dad handed him a letter. It was from the university. His hands were shaking as he took the letter—his ___26___ was inside. Ever since Wang Wei was little, he wanted to be an ___27___. He often took his toys apart and put them back together. One day, his mom was ___28___ to see that Wang Wei had taken apart the television! His dad told her to have faith(信心) in Wang Wei, and sure enough he put the television back together ___29___. Wang Wei’s teachers all noticed his talent. They told his ___30___ Wang Wei should go to university. Wang Wei was very excited about this. No one in Wang Wei’s family had ever gone to university before. His mom was not sure if it was a good idea. ___31___ his dad said, “Have faith in Wang Wei and his dream.” Wang Wei knew his family couldn’t ___32___ university. So he studied harder and applied for the scholarships(奖学金). NowWang Wei had the letter in his hand that would tell him if he could go to the university.He took a deep breath and opened the envelope. It says, "Congratulations. You have been accepted to the university on a full scholarship! "His mom ___33___ him with tears in her eyes. “I am so proud of you!” she said. His dad patted his back. “I’ve always had faith in Wang Wei and his dream,” he said. 26. A. future B. resolution C. pride 27. A. artist B. actor C. engineer 28. A. happy B. upset C. scared 29. A. angrily B. bravely C. perfectly 30. A. guests B. parents C. cousins 31. A. Because B. As C. But 32. A. afford B. choose C. enter 33. A. hugged B. thanked C. left 【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文,记叙了王伟收到录取通知书的故事。 26.A【解析】句意:他的未来就在里面。考查名词。A. future未来;B. resolution(问题、分歧等的)解决; C. pride 骄傲。根据下文 Now Wang Wei had the letter in his hand that would tell him if he could go to the university可知,这封来自大学的信里面装着他的未来。A选项符合句意,故选 A。 27.C【解析】句意:王伟从小就想当工程师。考查名词。A. artist艺术家;B. actor演员;C. engineer工程师。 根据下文 He often took his toys apart and put them back together … and sure enough he put the television back together perfectly可知,他从小就喜欢拆解机器,此处是说王伟从小就想当工程师。C选项符合句意,故选 C。 28.B【解析】句意:有一天,他妈妈看到王伟把电视机拆开了,很不高兴。考查形容词。A. happy快乐的; B. upset不高兴;C. scared恐惧的。根据下文 that Wang Wei had taken apart the television可知,王伟把家里的 电视给拆了,所以弄得母亲很不开心。B选项符合句意,故选 B。 29.C【解析】句意:果然他把电视机完美地组装好了。考查副词。A. angrily愤怒地;B. bravely勇敢地;C. perfectly完美地。根据下文WangWei’s teachers all noticed his talent可知,王伟在机械方面很有天赋,故此 处是说他最终完美地组装好了电视。C选项符合句意,故选 C。 30.B【解析】句意:他们告诉他的父母王伟应该上大考查名词。A. guests 顾客;B. parents父母;C. cousins 堂兄弟。根据下文 His mom was not sure if it was a good idea. But his dad said, “Have faith in Wang Wei and his dream.”可知,此处说的是老师们告诉他的父母王伟应该上大 B选项符合句意,故选 B。 31.C【解析】句意:但他爸爸说:“要相信王伟和他的梦想。”考查连词。A. Because因为;B. As因为;C. But 但是。结合上下文 His mom was not sure if it was a good idea和 Have faith in Wang Wei and his dream可知,两 者为转折关系,故应用连词 but表转折。故选 C。 32.A【解析】句意:王伟知道他的家庭负担不起上大学的费用。考查动词。A. afford承担得起;B. choose 选择;C. enter进入。根据下文 So he studied harder and applied for the scholarships可知,他努力学习想要申 请奖学金,是因为他知道他的家庭负担不起上大学的费用。A选项符合句意,故选 A。 33.A【解析】句意:他妈妈含泪拥抱他。考查动词。A. hugged拥抱;B. thanked感谢;C. left离开。根据下 文“I am so proud of you!” she said可知,得到好消息后,母亲激动地拥抱了王伟。A选项符合句意,故选 A。 (二)【2020 •黑龙江省龙东地区中考】 Dear daddy, Hey! How's everything ___21___? It's been so many days since you went to Wuhan. Do you still ___22___ the day before you left? I remember I saw the luggage(行李)in your bedroom. I asked you, “Are you going to leave ___23___ business?” You smiled and put your hand on my head, saying, “I'm just tidying up some clothes.” Later that night, I learned that you and mom had asked to ___24___ to Wuhan and were waiting for a phone call. At that moment, I hoped ___25___ of you would get the call. ___26___, your phone still rang. I almost cried out, as if I were going to Wuhan myself. The next morning, I got ___27___ early. During breakfast, you smiled and asked me if I ___28___ miss you. I pretended(假装)it was no big ___29___ and said, “I can send you a message whenever I miss you. ” When you were leaving, I waved(挥手)to you ___30___ I couldn't see you anymore. Tears flowed down my face. I later realized it was Lantern Festival. I wrote down “Waiting for you to come back” in my notebook. I knew the people of Wuhan needed you ___31___ than I did. At night, mom sent me some photos of you and the rest of the medical team. I found you in the photos ___32___ . I pointed you out and shouted, “Hey, this is my daddy!” I was so proud of you! After you left, I paid more attention ___33___ the battle(战役)against the new coronavirus(冠状病毒). I wondered whether you would take good care of ___34___. Daddy, remember to exercise and get ___35___ rest. We all miss you every day. I love you, my superhero, forever and ever. Kathy Feb 15, 2020 21. A. go B. going C. to go 22. A. remember B. realize C. forget 23. A. to B. on C. for 24. A. send B. sent C. be sent 25. A. neither B. both C. either 26. A. But B. However C. And 27. A. on B. off C. up 28. A. would B. will C. shall 29. A. smile B. deal C. laugh 30. A. unless B. if C. until 31. A. many B. much C. more 32. A. just now B. at once C. at last 33. A. to B. onto C. into 34. A. your B. yourself C. yours 35. A. lot B. little C. enough 【文章大意】本文是 Kathy 写给去武汉抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎的爸爸的一封信,信中写了爸爸妈妈去武汉 前后 Kathy的心理变化,并表达了爸爸离开之后自己的思念之情。 21.B句意:一切都好吗?go进展,进行。go动词原形;going动词的现在分词或动名词;to go 动词的不定 式。结合题干“How's everything ____?”可知 be动词与动词现在分词构成现在进行时。故选 B。 22.A句意:还记得你离开的前一天吗?remember记得;realize意识到;forget忘记。根据下文“I remember I saw the luggage in your bedroom.”讲自己记得的事情,可推出此处是问爸爸是否记得,用 remember符合题意。故 选 A。 23.B【解析】句意:你要出差吗?to朝,向;on用于说明活动或状态;for为了。根据上文“I remember I saw the luggage in your bedroom.”提到行李,可推出问是否要出差,on business出差。故选 B。 24.C【解析】句意:那天晚上,我得知你和妈妈已经要求被派往武汉,正在等一个电话。 send派遣。send动词原形;sent动词过去式;be sent动词的被动式。从句中主语“you and mom”与动词 send 之间是动宾关系,此处用被动式 be sent。故选 C。 25.A【解析】句意:我希望你们俩都不会接到电话。neither两者都不;both两者都;either两者之一。根据 下文“your phone still rang”讲到电话依旧响了,可推出此处是说希望两人都不会接到电话,用 neither符合题 意。故选 A。 26.B【解析】句意:然而,你们的电话铃依旧响了。But但是;However然而;And和。Kathy 希望电话不 要响但未能如愿,句意出现转折,且空后有逗号隔开,用 However符合题意。故选 B。 27.C【解析】句意:第二天早上,我起得很早。get on上车;get off下车;get up起床。根据下文“During breakfast” 可推出此处是说起床很早。故选 C。 28.A【解析】句意:早餐时,你微笑着问我是否会想你。would将会;will将会;shall将。根据题干中“asked if I ____ miss you”可知主句是一般过去时,主过从必过,BC两项都构成一般将来时,此处用 would构成过 去将来时。故选 A。 29.B【解析】句意:我假装没什么大不了的,然后说:……smile 微笑;big deal重要的事;laugh 笑。根据 题干中“it was no big ____”可知此处用 no big deal表示“没什么大不了”。故选 B。 30.C【解析】句意:你走的时候,我向你挥手,直到看不见为止。unless除非;if如果;until直到……为止。 根据下文“Tears flowed down my face.”可知 Kathy 舍不得爸爸,由此可知送别时会一直挥手,直到看不见对 方,用 until引导时间状语从句。故选 C。 31.C【解析】句意:我知道武汉的人民比我更需要你。 many许多;much许多,非常;more更。根据空后“than”可知此处要用比较级 more表示需要的程度。故选 C 。 32.B【解析】句意:我一下子就在照片里找到了你。just now刚才;at once立刻;at last最后。根据下文“I pointed you out and shouted”及常识可知是立刻就找到了爸爸。故选 B。 33.A【解析】句意:你走后,我更加关注抗击新冠病毒的战役。to对于,关于;onto朝向,面向;into进入。 根据题干中“paid more attention ____ the battle”可知此处用固定搭配 pay attention to表示“关注”。故选 A。 34.B【解析】句意:我怀疑你会不会照顾好自己。your你的,形容词性物主代词;yourself你自己,反身代 词;yours你的,名词性物主代词。根据主语 you 可知此处是说怀疑爸爸会不会照顾好自己,用反身代词符 合题意。故选 B。 35.C【解析】句意:爸爸,记得要运动,要休息好。lot大量,许多,其后不直接跟名词;little极少;enough 足够的。根据上下文可知 Kathy爱自己的爸爸,应该是提醒他要有充足的睡眠,用 enough符合题意。故选 C。 (三)【2020 •湖南省常德市中考】 Kevin White is an 8-year-old boy from Salt Lake City. He started school two years ago but he has ____21____ been able to ride the school bus with the other kids. Because of a serious illness, he needs ____22____ care even on the way to school. His parents drive him to ____23____ each day. When he heard that a service dog could allow him to ride the bus, he ____24____ to get one at once. However, his family didn’t have that much ____25____. So Kevin came up with an idea to raise money by selling ____26____. After Kevin told his father what he ____27____, his father helped him grow vegetables in their yard. To let people know about Kevin’s ____28____ on September 26, Kevin’s dad wrote ____29____ article online, telling people what happened to Kevin and _____30_____ he wanted to do. The story touched many people’s hearts _____31_____ they wanted to lend Kevin a hand. In just a few weeks, Kevin’s vegetables were _____32_____. People even began giving _____33_____ own vegetables to Kevin to sell. With the help of others, Kevin has _____34_____ over 21,000 dollars in all. Kevin said he would use the money to buy service dog and give the money left _____35_____ other children in need. 21. A. always B. often C. never 22. A. special B. strange C. usual 23. A. work B. school C. home 24. A. wanted B. went C. refused 25. A. food B. time C. money 26. A. fruit B. vegetables C. flowers 27. A. heard B. said C. thought 28. A. life B. story C. problem 29. A. a B. an C. the 30. A. what B. which C. that 31. A. and B. but C. or 32. A. put out B. given out C. sold out 33. A. our B. your C. their 34. A. sent B. raised C. donated 35. A. to B. for C. from 【文章大意】这篇短文讲述的是 8 岁的男孩 Kevin 患有重病,他不能独自坐校车上服务犬可以帮助 Kevin 坐校车上但需要很多钱买到,于是 Kevin 就想通过卖菜筹集钱。当人们听说了 Kevin的故事之后,他们都给 Kevin伸出了援助之手,Kevin很快就把钱筹集够了。 21.C【解析】句意:他两年前开始上但他从来不能和其他孩子一起坐校车。考查副词辨析及语境。always 总是;often经常;never从不。根据下文“Because of a serious illness, he needs ____22____ care even on the way to school. His parents drive him to ____23____ each day.”可知,Kevin患有重病,需要照顾,他不能坐 校车上他的父母开车送他上故选 C。 22.A【解析】句意:因为一场重病,他即使在上学的路上也需要特殊照顾。考查形容词辨析及语境。special 特殊的,特别的;strange奇怪的,陌生的;usual通常的。根据句意和常识可知,Kevin患有重病,所以需 要特殊的照顾。故选 A。 23.B【解析】句意:每天他的父母开车送他去学校。考查名词辨析及语境。work工作;school学校;home 家。根据上文“He started school two years ago but he has ____21____ been able to ride the school bus with the other kids.”可知,Kevin不能和其他孩子一起坐校车上因此这里应说的是父母送他去学校。故选 B。 24.A【解析】句意:当他听说服务犬可以让他坐公共汽车时,他想马上买一条。考查动词辨析及语境。wanted 想要;went去;refused拒绝。根据下文“However, his family didn’t have that much ____25____ . So Kevin came up with an idea to raise money by selling ___26____ .”可知,Kevin想通过卖菜来筹集钱买一条服务犬,所以 这里表示“想要……”,故选 A。 25.C【解析】句意:然而,他家里没有那么多钱。考查名词辨析及语境。food食物;time 时间;money钱。 根据下句话“So Kevin came up with an idea to raise money by selling ____26____ .”,Kevin想要通过……来筹 钱,所以这里是说他的家里没有太多钱。故选 C。 26.B【解析】句意:所以 Kevin想出了一个卖蔬菜来赚钱的主意。考查名词辨析及语境。fruit水果;vegetables 蔬菜;flowers花。根据下文“In just a few weeks, Kevin’s vegetables were ____32____ . People even began giving ____33____ own vegetables to Kevin to sell.”可知,Kevin 想通过卖菜来筹钱。故选 B。 27.C【解析】句意:Kevin告诉他爸爸他的想法后,他爸爸帮他在院子里种蔬菜。考查动词辨析及语境。heard 听到,听说;said说;thought想;思考。根据上文“So Kevin came up with an idea to raise money by selling ____26____ .”可知,Kevin想到了通过卖菜来筹钱,这里是他把自己的想法告诉了爸爸。故选 C。 28.B【解析】句意:9月 26日,为了让人们知道 Kevin的故事,Kevin的爸爸在网上写了一篇文章,告诉人 们 Kevin的遭遇和他想做的事情。考查名词辨析及语境。life生活;story故事;problem问题。根据下文“The story touched many people’s hearts”可知,Kevin的爸爸把 Kevin 的故事写成了文章,这个故事打动了很多人。 故选 B。 29.B【解析】句意:9月 26日,为了让人们知道 Kevin的故事,Kevin的爸爸在网上写了一篇文章,告诉人 们 Kevin的遭遇和他想做的事情。考查冠词辨析及语境。a和 an是不定冠词,修饰可数名词单数,表示泛 指一个……;an用元音音素前;the是定冠词,修饰名词表示特指。根据句意可知,这里表示泛指“写了一 篇文章”,并且空后的 article是元音/a:/开头,应用 an修饰。故选 B。 30.A【解析】句意:9月 26日,为了让人们知道 Kevin的故事,Kevin的爸爸在网上写了一篇文章,告诉人 们 Kevin的遭遇和他想做的事情。考查连词辨析及语境。根据句子结构可知,该空引导的是宾语从句。what 连接代词,什么,所……的,在从句中作主语或宾语;which哪一个;that引导宾语从句时,没有意义,在 从句中不作成分。根据句意和句子结构可知,该空代指“他所做的事情”,在从句中作宾语,应用 what引导。 故选 A。 31.A【解析】句意:这个故事感动了许多人的心,他们想帮助 Kevin。考查连词辨析及语境。and和,而且; but但是;or或者;否则。根据句意可知,空前“…touched many people’s hearts”和空后“wanted to lead Kevin a hand”是承接关系,应用 and连接,故选 A。 32.C【解析】句意:仅仅几个星期,Kevin 的蔬菜就卖光了。考查动词短语辨析及语境。put out扑灭;given out分发;发出;精疲力竭;sold out卖完。根据文意“People even began giving ____33____ own vegetables to Kevin to sell.”可知,有了人们的帮助,Kevin 的菜很快就卖完了。故选 C。 33.C【解析】句意:人们甚至开始把他们自己的蔬菜给 Kevin卖。考查物主代词辨析及语境。our我们的; your你的;their他们的。根据句意可知,这句话的主语是 people,因此该空代指“人们的”,应用 their,故 选 C。 34.B【解析】句意:在其他人的帮助下,Kevin总共筹集了 21,000多美元。考查动词辨析及语境。sent发 送;寄;raised筹集;donated捐赠。根据上文“So Kevin came up with an idea to raise money by selling ____36____ .”可知,Kevin卖菜是为了筹钱买服务犬。故选 B。 35.A【解析】句意:Kevin说他会用这笔钱买一只服务犬,然后把剩下的钱给其他需要帮助的孩子。考查介 词辨析及语境。to到;for为了;因为;from从,来自。根据句子结构可知,这句话使用了 give sth. to sb. 这个短语,意为“把某物给某人”,故选 A。 (四)【2020 •山东省聊城市中考】 Grandma Kong is from the western countryside of China. She has spent nearly ___1___years adopting(收养) and raising abandoned(被遗弃的)children. She gives them food to eat and sends them to school to get an ___2___. Kong first adopted an abandoned child in the 1970s. She found she couldn't stop there. Though in poor health, the kind woman ___3___ adopting abandoned children and raising them as her own. Over the last 48 years, she has adopted over 40 children. ___4___ of them have grown up and become doctors or lawyers. It costs Kong a lot to raise so many children. There were times she couldn't put enough ___5___on the table. She chose to leave home to look for leftovers(残羹剩饭)in the rubbish. To her great ___6___, things got much better with time. Now her grown-up children help her to bring up their ___7___brothers and sisters. Kong always believes that education is the best way to get out of poverty(贫穷), ___8___ she makes sure that all her children go to school. She said, "I told my children that it was quite ___9___ for them to study hard and that it was their only chance to change their lives." Kong's story has ____10____ thousands of people's hearts. Many of them say she is a great mother and a good example to follow. 1. A. thirty B. forty C. fifty 2. A. education B. answer C. exam 3. A. stops B. keeps C. regrets 4. A. None B. Some C. All 5. A. food B. water C. paper 6. A. sadness B. pity C. pleasure 7. A. younger B. elder C. taller 8. A. but B. or C. so 9. A. strange B. impossible C. necessary 10. A. separated B. touched C. protected 【文章大意】本文主要向我们介绍孔奶奶的善行。 1.C【解析】句意:她花了近 50年的时间收养和抚养被遗弃的孩子。thirty三十;forty四十;fifty 五十。根 据后文“Over the last 48 years, she has adopted over 40 children.”可知,在过去的 48年里,她收养了 40多个孩 子。48年接近 50年,故选 C。 2.A【解析】句意:她给他们食物吃,送他们去学校接受教育。education教育;answer回答;exam考试。 根据“She gives them food to eat and sends them to school to get an ___2___.”可知,她给他们食物吃并送他们去 学校,去上学是为了得到教育,故选 A。 3.B【解析】句意:虽然这位好心的妇女身体不好,却一直收养被遗弃的孩子,把他们当作自己的孩子抚养。 stops停止;keeps继续;regrets后悔。分析“Though in poor health, the kind woman ___3___ adopting abandoned children and raising them as her own.”可知,此处是 Though引导的让步状语从句,前后构成让步关系,表示“虽 然这位好心的妇女身体不好,却一直收养被遗弃的孩子”的含义,此处强调“继续”。故选 B。 4.B【解析】句意:他们中的一些人长大后成为了医生或律师。None三者及以上都不;Some一些;All所有。 分析句意可知,此处描述收养的四十几个孩子中的一些长大后成为了医生或律师,强调“一些”。故选 B。 5.A【解析】句意:很多次,她没有足够的食物摆到餐桌上。food食物;water水;paper纸。根据后文“She chose to leave home to look for leftovers(残羹剩饭)in the rubbish.”可知,她选择离开家去垃圾中找残羹剩饭, 所以应该是食物不够。故选 A。 6.C【解析】句意:使她高兴的是,随着时间的推移,情况越来越好了。sadness悲伤;pity遗憾;pleasure 快乐。分析“To her great ___6___, things got much better with time.”可知,情况越来越好了,所以她很高兴。 故选 C。 7.A【解析】句意:现在她的孩子们帮她抚养他们年更小的弟弟妹妹。younger更年轻;elder更老;taller更 高。分析“Now her grown-up children help her to bring up their ___7___brothers and sisters.”可知,是长大的孩 子帮助她抚养更小的孩子。故选 A。 8.C【解析】句意:孔一直认为教育是摆脱贫困的最好方法,所以她确保她所有的孩子都能上 but但是,表转折;or或者,表选择;so所以,表结果。分析“Kong always believes that education is the best way to get out of poverty(贫穷), ___8___ she makes sure that all her children go to school.”可知,她认为教育是摆 脱贫困的最好方法,所以她确保她所有的孩子都能上此处强调结果。故选 C。 9.C【解析】句意:我告诉我的孩子们,努力学习是非常必要的,这是他们唯一的机会来改变自己的生活。 strange陌生的,奇怪的;impossible不可能的;necessary必要的。分析句子可知,此处表示“努力学习是非 常必要的”,强调必要性,其他两项不符合语境,故选 C。 10.B【解析】句意:孔的故事感动了成千上万人的心。separated分离;touched触摸,感动;protected保护。 分析句意可知,很多人说她是一位伟大的母亲,是一个值得学习的好榜样,所以她的故事感动了成千上万 人的心,其他两项不符合语意。故选 B。 (五)【2020 •四川省甘孜州中考】 I do volunteer work every Friday. A week ago, I had the pleasure of helping one sick lady. She is in her eighties and is very ___16___ and I always bring her lunch on Fridays. She looked worried when she opened the door that day. She told me her phone was broken and that she couldn’t receive the ___17___ from her doctor. She went to her neighbors, but they were not at home. She thought maybe the mailman could ___18___ her, but he didn’t come. She was disappointed. Having heard her story, I decided to do something for her. I tried to satisfy the needs of the old ___19___ who only needed a helping hand. I called the phone company(公司)and made sure they knew that getting this phone fixed was ___20___. I took down her phone number and her name just to make sure I could call her ___21___ to make sure that the phone had been fixed. I called the phone company twice that day. They told me they had checked the phone and got the phone fixed. I called the old woman. She was so ___22___ that she was in tears. To make sure she was ___23___, I called her every day after that. Just being able to help her in her time of difficulty filled my heart with such ____24____and happiness. It is not so ____25____ to help someone like a neighbor. Sometimes, all that is needed is just a smile, a hug or a phone call. 16. A. weak B. rich C. kind 17. A. medicine B. call C. letter 18. A. see B. know C. help 19. A. woman B. doctor C. mailman 20. A. possible B. difficult C. important 21. A. easier B. later C. quicker 22. A. thankful B. worried C. surprised 23. A. alone B. busy C. fine 24. A. love B. thought C. task 25. A. good B. hard C. useful 【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者每周五都会做志愿者活动,一周前,作者帮助了一名老太太, 她的电话坏了,又找不到别人帮忙。作者帮她联系了电话公司修好了她的电话。从那以后,作者每天都会 给这个老太太打一次电话问候。 16.A 【解析】句意:她已经八十多岁了,并且非常虚弱。我在周五总会去给她送午餐。 weak虚弱的;rich富有的;kind善良的。根据前文“I had the pleasure of helping one sick lady”,可知老太太 身体不太好,故选 A. 17.B【解析】句意:她告诉我她的电话坏了,她无法收到医生的来电。medicine药;call来电;letter信件。 根据前文“She told me her phone was broken”说电话坏了,可知此处是收不到别人的来电,故选 B。 18.C【解析】句意:她想也许邮递员可以帮她,但是他没来。see看见;know知道;help帮助。根据前文说 老太太电话坏了,可知此处是想别人帮她,故选 C。 19.A【解析】句意:我努力满足这位仅仅只需要别人伸出援助之手的老妇人的需求。woman妇女;doctor 医生;mailman邮递员。根据此处就是指前文的老太太,可知用 woman 指代她,故选 A。 20.C【解析】句意:我给电话公司打了电话,确认他们知道修好这台电话是很重要的。possible可能的;difficult 困难的;important重要的。根据前文说老太太在等医生的电话,可知此处表示修好电话对老太太很重要, 故选 C。 21.B【解析】句意:我记下了她的电话号码和名字,确保我一会儿可以打给她确认电话已经修好。easier更 简单的;later稍后;quicker更快的。根据后文“I called the phone company twice that day. They told me they had checked the phone and got the phone fixed. I called the old woman”,可知作者过后给老太太打电话了,故选 B。 22.A【解析】句意:她如此感激,以至于哭了出来。thankful感谢的;worried担忧的;surprised惊讶的。根 据作者尽心帮助她解决了难题,可知她是感谢的,故选 A。 23.C【解析】句意:为确保她身体状况良好,从那以后我每天都给她打电话。alone单独的;busy忙的;fine (身体)好的。根据后文“I called her every day after that”每天都打电话,可知是为了问候老人家身体安好, 故选 C。 24.A【解析】句意:在她困难时能帮助她,这让我心中充满了爱与幸福。love 爱;thought想法;task任务。 根据后文的 happiness,可知此处表示“爱”,帮助别人会让自己的心中也充满爱,故选 A。 25.B【解析】句意:要帮助别人并不难,比如帮助你的一个邻居。good好的;hard困难的;useful有用的。 根据后文“Sometimes, all that is needed is just a smile, a hug or a phone call”,可知此处表示要帮别人并不难, 故选 B。 (六)【2020 •浙江省金华中考】 Sam was very nervous. It was his first day in new ___1___, and lunch was only thirty minutes away. For most students, lunch is the ___2___ part of the school day. It is time when you talk with your friends, get to know what interesting things everyone is doing, and, of course, ___3___. Sam, however, didn’t know anyone or anything, like where to sit or with whom to sit at lunch. Sam’s ___4___ was in the army. so his family moved a lot. He had really liked his old school and ___5___ leaving his two best friends. They still talked to each other through phone calls and emails, ___6___ he couldn’t see them every day. He wondered if their ___7___ would continue. He didn’t want to lose them, but he knew it would be ___8___ for them to stay close. “I know this is hard on you,” his mother said as he got ready for school this morning, “and I’m really ___9___ you have to keep changing schools.” Sam could see regret in her eyes, but he didn’t want her to feel that way. ____10____ had always been ready to defend(保卫) not only the family but also the country. Sam loved her so much. He gave her a smile and told her not to _____11_____. He had wanted to mean it, but there was still always worry in him when they moved. The ____12____ time came quickly. As Sam was walking to the dining room, a voice behind him said. “Excuse me.” Sam ____13____ and saw five friendly faces. “Would you like to join us?” asked one of them. This ____14____ invitation was exactly what he needed. Sam nodded yes ____15____ and joined them. He was sure about his future school life now. 1. A. company B. family C. factory D. school 2. A. best B. longest C. shortest D. worst 3. A. eat B. learn C. run D. sleep 4. A. brother B. father C. mother D. sister 5. A. hated B. imagined C. tried D. suggested 6. A. so B. or C. but D. if 7. A. discussion B. dream C. business D. friendship 8. A. safe B. hard C. natural D. terrible 9. A. proud B. sorry C. excited D. surprised 10. A. He B. I C. She D. We 11. A. forget B. move C. return D. worry 12. A. breakfast B. lunch C. tea D. dinner 13. A. sat down B. got up C. ran away D. turned around 14. A. unexpected B. creative C. funny D. popular 15. A. bravely B. happily C. nervously D. patiently 【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了山姆在新学校的第一天,虽然对新生活有担忧,但是为了让母亲 放心,他还是勇敢地去面对,最后他意外地在第一天就收获了他人的友善邀约。 1.A【解析】句意:这是他在新学校的第一天。考查名词。A. company公司;B. family家庭;C. factory工厂; D. school学校。根据下文 For most students, lunch is the best part of the school day可知,此处指的是山姆在学 校的第一天。D选项符合句意,故选 D。 2.A【解析】句意:午餐是学校一天中最好的部分。考查形容词最高级。A. best最好的;B. longest最长的; C. shortest 最短的;D. worst 最糟糕的。根据下文 It is time when you talk with your friends, get to know what interesting things everyone is doing, and, of course, eat可知,此处指的是午餐是学校一天中最好的部分。A选 项符合句意,故选 A。 3.A【解析】句意:午餐时可以和你的朋友聊天,了解每个人都在做什么有趣的事情,当然,还有吃饭。 考查动词。A. eat吃;B. learn学习;C. run跑;D. sleep睡。根据上文 lunch is the best part of the school day 可知,午餐时可以和你的朋友聊天,了解每个人都在做什么有趣的事情,当然,还有吃饭。A选项符合句 意,故选 A。 4.C【解析】句意:山姆的母亲在部队服役。考查名词。A. brother哥哥;B. father父亲;C. mother母亲;D. sister姐姐。根据下文 She had always been ready to defend(保卫) not only the family but also the country 可知, 山姆的母亲在部队服役。C选项符合句意,故选 C。 5.A【解析】句意:他真的很喜欢他的老学校,讨厌离开他的两个最好的朋友。考查动词。A. hated讨厌;B. imagined想象;C. tried 尝试;D. suggested 建议。根据下文 He wondered if their friendship would continue. He didn’t want to lose them, but he knew it would be hard for them to stay close 可知,他很讨厌离开自己最好的朋 友。A选项符合句意,故选 A。 6.C【解析】句意:他们仍然通过电话和电子邮件互相交谈,但山姆不能每天都见到他们。 考查连词。A. so因此;B. or或者;C. but但是;D. if是否。根据前后句句意可知,空格处应填入表转折的 连词,C选项符合句意,故选 C。 7.D【解析】句意:他怀疑他们的友谊能否继续下去。考查名词。A. discussion讨论;B. dream梦想;C. business 生意;D. friendship 友谊。根据下文 He didn’t want to lose them, but he knew it would be hard for them to stay close可知,山姆不想失去两个最好的朋友,但他怀疑他们能否继续保持亲密,此处指的是他怀疑他们的友 谊能否继续下去。D选项符合句意,故选 D。 8.B【解析】句意:他不想失去他们,但他知道他们很难保持近距离。考查形容词。A. safe安全的;B. hard 困难的;C. natural自然的;D. terrible 可怕的。根据上文 They still talked to each other through phone calls and emails, but he couldn’t see them every day可知,他们只能通过电话和电子邮件保持联系,所以要维持近亲密 无间的友谊很难。B选项符合句意,故选 B。 9.B【解析】句意:我真的很抱歉你不得不频繁地换学校。考查形容词。A. proud骄傲的;B. sorry歉疚;C. excited兴奋的;D. surprised惊讶的。根据下文 Sam could see regret in her eyes可知,母亲感到很愧疚,故此 处指的是“我”真的很抱歉你不得不频繁地换学校。B选项符合句意,故选 B。 10.C【解析】句意:她时刻准备着保家卫国。考查代词。A. He 他;B. I我;C. She 她;D. We我们。根据 上文 Sam’s mother was in the army可知,山姆的母亲是军人,故此处指的是她时刻准备着保家卫国。C选项 符合句意,故选 C。 11.D【解析】句意:他给了她一个微笑,告诉她不要担心。考查动词。A. forget忘记;B. move 移动;C. return 返回;D. worry担心。根据上文 I know this is hard on you可知,母亲对山姆不停地换学校还是有点抱歉和担 心的,故此处指的是他给了她一个微笑,告诉她不要担心。D选项符合句意,故选 D。 12.B【解析】句意:午餐时间很快就到了。考查名词。A. breakfast早餐;B. lunch午餐;C. tea茶;D. dinner 晚餐。根据上文 lunch was only thirty minutes away可知,此处指的是午餐时间很快就到了。B选项符合句意, 故选 B。 13.D【解析】句意:山姆转过身,看到五张友好的面孔。考查动词短语。A. sat down坐下;B. got up起床; C. ran away 逃跑;D. turned around转身。根据上文 a voice behind him said 可知,身后传来了声音,于是山 姆转过了身。D选项符合句意,故选 D。 14.A【解析】句意:这一令人意外的邀请正是他所需要的。考查形容词。A. unexpected出乎意料的;B. creative 有创造力的;C. funny好笑的;D. popular受欢迎的。根据上文 Sam, however, didn’t know anyone or anything, like where to sit or with whom to sit at lunch可知,今天是山姆在新学校的第一天,所以他不知道和谁去吃午 饭,故此处指的是这一令人意外的邀请正是他所需要的。A选项符合句意,故选 A。 15.B【解析】句意:山姆高兴地点头同意,加入了他们的行列。考查副词。A. bravely勇敢地;B. happily快 乐地;C. nervously紧张地;D. patiently耐心地。根据上文 This unexpected invitation was exactly what he needed 可知,这一令人意外的邀请正是他所需要的,所以他很愉快地接受了这一邀请。B选项符合句意,故选 B。 (七)【2020 •浙江省宁波市中考】 One day, while I was walking in the park, I noticed a little girl. Barefoot (赤脚的) and___1___, she was silent and did not say a word. She was ___2___ all the people going by. Everybody just passed by and did not pay any attention to___3___. The next day I went back to that park to see if the girl was ___4___ there. To my surprise, she was right there, sadly looking around. I began to ___5___ her, as at that time a park full of ___6___ was not a good place for small kids to play alone. I went towards the girl and ___7___noticed that something was wrong with her back. A thought crossed my mind that maybe this was the reason why everyone was ___8___ her and did not try to help. I got closer and smiled to let her know that I was there to talk, to ___9___ . I started with "Hello" and then sat down ____10____ her. The girl was very surprised, ____11____, after a long look into my eyes, she replied, "Hi". We talked and talked, so many hours passed by and ____12____came. The park became silent and ____13____. Then I carefully asked the little girl ____14____she was so sad and lonely. "I am different, that's why. "was her ____15____. I agreed with her and smiled. "Yes, you are!" and then I ____16____, "But you remind me of a sweet angel (天使) full of love. " She slowly ____17____ up, smiled and said, "Really?" She nodded her head and ____18____her wings, adding, "I am an angel. " I was so ____19____ that I couldn't say a word. "Think of someone else besides yourself—that was the ____20____ of my job here." With these words, she disappeared into the sky. 1. A. rich B. dirty C. happy D. cool 2. A. watching B. leaving C. hearing D. feeling 3. A. it B. them C. her D. me 4. A. always B. still C. ever D. once 5. A. laugh at B. play with C. talk to D. worry about 6. A. policemen B. children C. strangers D. cleaners 7. A. hardly B. carefully C. luckily D. suddenly 8. A. asking B. avoiding C. missing D. loving 9. A. help B. play C. answer D. stay 10. A. behind B. over C. beside D. around 11. A. so B. till C. unless D. however 12. A. rain B. snow C. darkness D. warmth 13. A. crowded B. empty C. tiny D. special 14. A. why B. when C. where D. whether 15. A. advice B. reply C. praise D. excuse 16. A. continued B. cried C. waved D. sang 17. A. woke B. stood C. gave D. put 18. A. spread B. pushed C. beat D. folded 19. A. bored B. relaxed C. amazed D. interested 20. A. resolution B. difficulty C. dream D. purpose 【文章大意】本文讲述了作者在公园里看到一个孤单并且悲伤的小女孩,作者上前想帮助这个小女孩,没 想到最后小女孩告诉他,其实她是一个天使。 1.B【解析】句意:有一天,当我在公园散步时,我看到一个小女孩赤着脚并脏脏的,她很沉默,没有说一 句话。rich 富有的;dirty 脏的;happy高兴的;cool冷酷的。and 表并列关系连词,根据 and前 Barefoot, 可知,赤着脚肯定会很脏,所以空格处填 dirty。故选 B。 2.A【解析】句意:她正看着所有路过的人。watching观看;leaving离开;hearing听;feeling感到。根据下 文 To my surprise, she was right there, sadly looking around,可知,这个小女孩坐在公园里看着周围路过的人, 所以空格处填 watching。故选 A。 3.C【解析】句意:每个人只是路过,并没有注意到她。it它;them他们;her她;me 我。根据上文 She was watching all the people going by,可知,路过的人并没有注意到她,此空指代上文提到的 little girl,是女性, 所以空格处填 her。故选 C。 4.B【解析】句意:第二天我再次回到那个公园,看看是否她还仍然在那。always总是;still仍然;ever曾 经;once一次。根据 The next day I went back to that park to see,可知,作者再次回到那个公园的目的是看看 小女孩是否仍然在那,所以空格处填 still。故选 B。 5.D【解析】句意:我开始担心她,因为那时候充满了陌生人的公园不是一个适合孩子独自玩耍的好地方。 laugh at嘲笑;play with玩耍;talk to谈话;worry about担心。根据 not a good place for small kids to play alone, 可知作者担心她,所以空格处用 worry about。故选 D。 6.C【解析】句意:我开始担心她,因为那时候充满了陌生人的公园不是一个适合孩子独自玩耍的好地方。 policemen警察;children孩子们;strangers 陌生人;cleaners清洁工。根据 I began to worry about her,可知, 作者担心她是因为公园里到处都是陌生人,所以空格处填 strangers。故选 C。 7.D【解析】句意:我走向她,突然注意到她背部有些问题。hardly几乎不;carefully仔细地;luckily幸运 地;suddenly突然地。根据 I went towards the girl及 something was wrong with her back,可知,作者走向她 时才突然发现她背部有些问题,所以空格处填 suddenly。故选 D。 8.B【解析】句意:我脑子里闪过一个念头,也许这就是为什么每个人都避开她的原因,并且没有尝试去帮 助她。asking要求;avoiding避开;missing错过;loving喜爱。根据前文 Everybody just passed by,可知, 这时作者明白了为什么之前路过的人都在避开她,所以空格处填 avoiding。故选 B。 9.A【解析】句意:我笑着靠近,让她知道我想跟她聊天和帮助她。help帮助;play玩耍;answer回答;stay 停留。根据前文A thought crossed my mind that maybe this was the reason why everyone was avoiding her and did not try to help,可知,其他人都避开这个小女孩,而作者靠近她是为了想帮助她,所以空格处填 help。故选 A。 10.C【解析】句意:我从“你好”开始并坐在她的旁边。behind在……后面;over在……上;beside在旁边; around在周围。根据 I started with "Hello"及 after a long look into my eyes,可知,作者跟这个小姑娘打招呼 后,就坐在她的旁边,所以空格处填 beside。故选 C。 11.D【解析】句意:这个小姑娘很惊讶,然而,久久地凝视我的眼睛后,她回答:“你好”。so所以;till直 到;unless除非;however然而。根据 The girl was very surprised及 after a long look into my eyes, she replied, "Hi",可知,刚开始小女孩很惊讶,然而在凝视我的眼睛后,她开始回复我,后文表转折,所以空格处填 however。故选 D。 12.C【解析】句意:我们聊了又聊,几个小时就这样过去了,黑夜来临了。rain雨;snow雪;darkness黑夜; warmth温暖。根据 so many hours passed by,可知,聊了很长时间,天变黑了,所以空格处填 darkness。故 选 C。 13.B【解析】句意:公园变得很寂静并空荡荡的。crowded拥挤的;empty空的;tiny微小的;special特别 的。根据 darkness came. The park became silent,可知,黑夜来临,公园变得很寂静并空荡荡的,所以空格处 填 empty。故选 B。 14.A【解析】句意:然后我小心翼翼地询问小女孩为什么如此悲伤和孤独。why为什么;when什么时候; where哪里;whether是否。根据下文"I am different, that's why. ",可知,作者问她为什么如此悲伤和孤独, 所以空格处填 why。故选 A。 15.B【解析】句意:她回答:“我很不同,这就是原因”。advice建议;reply回答;praise表扬;excuse理由。 根据上文 Then I carefully asked the little girl why she was so sad and lonely,可知,小女孩是回答作者问她为什 么如此悲伤和孤独的原因,所以空格处填 reply。故选 B。 16.A【解析】句意:然后我继续说:“但是你让我想起一个充满爱的甜美天使”。continued继续;cried哭; waved挥手;sang唱歌。根据 I agreed with her and smiled. "Yes, you are!"可知,作者接着上一句话继续跟小 女孩说她像一个天使,表述过去发生的动作,句子用一般过去时,所以空格处填 continued。故选 A。 17.B【解析】句意:她慢慢地站起来,并笑着说:“真的吗?”woke醒来;stood站起;gave给;put放。根 据 then sat down beside her,可知,刚开始作者和小女孩坐在一起,所以此时小女孩是慢慢地站起来,表述 过去发生的动作,句子用一般过去时,所以空格处填 stood。故选 B。 18.A【解析】句意:她点头并展开她的翅膀,说:“我就是一个天使”。spread展开;pushed推;beat击败; folded折叠。根据 her wings, adding, "I am an angel. "可知,此时小女孩告诉作者,她就是一个天使,所以她 是展开了自己的翅膀,所以空格处填 spread。故选 A。 19.C【解析】句意:我如此吃惊,以至于我说不出一句话。bored无聊的;relaxed 放松的;amazed吃惊的; interested感兴趣的。根据 spread her wings, adding, "I am an angel. "可知,作者看到小女孩突然展开了她的翅 膀变成一个天使,让他很吃惊,所以空格处填 amazed。故选 C。 20.D【解析】句意:想想除了你以外的其他人,是我在这工作的目的。resolution决心;difficulty困难;dream 梦想;purpose目的。根据 Think of someone else besides yourself,可知,这个小姑娘来到这的目的是为了让 其他人多想想除了自己以外的其他人,所以空格处填 purpose。故选 D。 (一)【2020 •北京市昌平区中考二模】 The Bread Lesson I've been feeling stressed out since I found out I wasn't able to enter the swim team. Now I'll have to___13___ for a whole year to try out again; that might as well be a million years. I think Dad knew I was feeling ___14___. He asked me how things were going. I said OK, even though I didn't feel OK at all. He looked at me for a moment, and then he said it was time for me to help. Dad headed to the kitchen and took out his large mixing bowl and told me to stir(搅拌)while he was ___15___ the materials. He threw in a large handful of flour(面粉). He then put salt into the bowl. Dad isn't big on measuring. He knows exactly how much of each thing to use without thinking, and the bread always turns out great. After we mixed everything and made a dough(生面团), we waited for more than an hour for the dough to slowly double in size. Next, we deflated(放气)the risen dough. We divided it into two and waited for it to___16___ again. Afterward, we put the dough into pans and waited another hour for the dough to double one last time. Dad said the waiting was always the hardest part because of the sharp, sweet smell coming from the yeast. "You can't help putting the dough ___17___ into the oven, but if you do, the bread will be small and hard. The most important lesson of all is learning to be___18___, "Dad explained. While we waited, we sat and talked. It felt good to open up and share our___19___. I started enjoying the quiet time with Dad. My father taught me how to bake bread, but I think I learned to appreciate the slow passing of time. I learned to___20___and let the bread rise. 13. A. rest B. wait C. search D. race 14. A. safe B. stupid C. serious D. stressful 15. A. adding B. counting C. tasting D. touching 16. A. dry B. rise C. soften D. change 17. A. carefully B. cleverly C. directly D. successfully 18. A. honest B. patient C. helpful D. creative 19. A. mistakes B. backgrounds C. dreams D. thoughts 20. A. relax B. train C. imagine D. compete 【答案】13. B 14. D 15. A 16. B 17. C 18. B 19. D 20. A 【解析】这篇短文讲述的是“我”没有进入游泳队,再次尝试还需要等一年的时间,我感到有压力。“我” 的爸爸通过和我一起制作面包,告诉了“我”耐心的重要性。 【13题详解】 句意:现在我要等整整一年才能再试一次。 考查动词辨析及语境。rest休息;wait等,等待;search搜索,搜寻;race比赛,竞赛。根据上文“I've been feeling stressed out since I found out I wasn't able to enter the swim team.”可知,“我”没有进入游泳队;再根 据句中 try out again可知,需要再等一年的时间再次去尝试。故选 B。 【14题详解】 句意:我想爸爸知道我感到压力很大。 考查形容词辨析及语境。safe安全的;stupid愚蠢的;serious严肃的;stressful有压力的。根据短文开头“I've been feeling stressed out since I found out I wasn't able to enter the swim team.”可知,“我”没有进入游泳队, 感到很有压力。故选 D。 【15题详解】 句意:爸爸走向厨房,拿出他的大碗,让我在他加材料时搅拌。 考查动词辨析及语境。adding增加;counting数数;tasting品尝;touching触摸。根据下文“He threw in a large handful of flour(面粉). He then put salt into the bowl.”可知,爸爸往碗里加东西。故选 A。 【16题详解】 句意:我们把它分成两部分,等待它再次发酵。 考查动词辨析及语境。dry弄干;rise上升;发酵;soften变软;change 改变。根据上文“we waited for more than an hour for the dough to slowly double in size.”可知,做好了面团之后,我们等着它发酵,结合文末“let the bread rise”可知用 rise符合题意。故选 B。 【17题详解】 句意:你忍不住把面团直接放进烤箱,但是如果你这样做,面包会又小又硬。 考查副词辨析及语境。carefully仔细地,认真地;cleverly聪明地;directly直接地;successfully成功地。根 据文意和生活常识可知,制作面包时,要耐心等待面团发酵,如果直接放进烤箱,那么面包就会又小又硬。 C选项符合语境,故选 C。 【18题详解】 句意:最重要的一课是学会耐心。 考查形容词辨析及语境。honest诚实的;patient耐心的;helpful有帮助的;creative有创造力的。根据上文 “we waited for more than an hour for the dough to slowly double in size. Next, we deflated(放气)the risen dough. We divided it into two and waited for it to_____ again. Afterward, we put the dough into pans and waited another hour for the dough to double one last time. Dad said the waiting was always the hardest part because of the sharp, sweet smell coming from the yeast.”可知,制作面包非常费时间,要耐心等待,才能做出好吃的面包。 因此这里是爸爸让“我”知道了耐心的重要性。故选 B。 【19题详解】 句意:敞开心扉分享我们的想法感觉很好。 考查名词辨析及语境。mistakes错误;backgrounds背景;dreams梦想;thoughts想法。根据上句话“While we waited, we sat and talked.”可知,我们一边等,一边聊天,所以这里是和爸爸分享想法。故选 D。 【20题详解】 句意:我学会了放松,让面包发酵。 考查动词辨析及语境。relax放松;train训练,培训;imagine想象;compete竞争,比赛。根据文意及上句 话“My father taught me how to bake bread, but I think I learned to appreciate the slow passing of time.”可知,从 爸爸那里学会了等待以及耐心的重要性,不再感到有压力。A选项符合语境,故选 A。 (二)【2020 •北京市丰台区三模】 Something caught my eyes when I was walking down the street. Two silver coins were shining in a melting( 溶化的)snow bank, so I dug through the snow looking for more. Of course, I just ended up with really cold hands. I put the two____13____ into my pocket and went home, colder but richer. I began to think about how to spend the money. Two days later, Mary and her little sister Sue were ____14____ the snow banks. "Finders are keepers" was my first thought. I didn't want to hand them out even though Sue was already____15____. "I dropped them right here, "she said between tears. Her hands were cold and red for digging in the snow. "Maybe they slid(滑落) down the street with the melting snow. Let's dig over there." Mary's ____16____ sounded confident. "They'll never know" was my second thought,and I walked past them. "Phil,have you seen two silver coins?" asked Mary. Sue looked up from digging. Her eyes were_____17_____. "Tell a lie" was my third thought. "As a matter of fact " I hesitated ( 犹豫),"I dug two coins out of that snow bank just a few days ago. I____18____who might have lost them. " Sue hugged me with a big smile, "Oh, thank you, thank you. " Wealth got through dishonest means(方法,手段) does not bring happiness. If you get your money by taking advantage of others or by___19___ others , you will not be happy with it. You will think you are a base person. Many people think that when they become rich and successful, happiness will____20____follow. Let me tell you that nothing is further from the truth. Now I feel happy and satisfied. 13. A. coins B. bills C. checks D. notes 14. A. watching B. cleaning C. searching D. making 15. A. worrying B. crying C. exciting D. shouting 16. A. voice B. talk C. speech D. reason 17. A. thankful B. hopeful C. careless D. fearless 18. A. imagined B. expected C. wondered D. remembered 19. A. shaming B. forcing C. controlling D. hurting 20. A. gradually B. quietly C. actually D. naturally 【答案】13. A 14. C 15. B 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. D 20. D 【解析】短文大意:本文是记叙文,讲述了“我”在雪地里“捡到”两枚银币后沾沾自喜,当得知是玛丽 的妹妹丢失的,“我”经过激烈的思想斗争终于归还给她们,并深刻认识到:通过不正当手段获得的财富 并不能带来幸福。 【13题详解】 句意:我把两枚硬币放进口袋。 coins硬币;bills 账单;checks检查;notes便条。根据前文“Two silver coins were shining in a melting snow bank 两枚银币在融化的雪堆里闪闪发光”,可知选 A。 【14题详解】 句意:两天后,玛丽和她的小妹妹苏在雪地里搜寻(银币)。 watch观察;clean打扫;search搜索;make制作。根据前文“so I dug through the snow looking for more于是 我在雪地中挖寻更多的银币”,可知 search符合句意,故选 C。 【15题详解】 句意:尽管苏已经哭了,我还是不想把它们交出去。 worry担心;cry哭叫;excite 使兴奋;shout喊叫。根据下文“she said between tears她含着泪说”,可知苏 哭了,故选 B。 【16题详解】 句意:玛丽的声音听起来很自信。 voice嗓音;talk谈话;speech演讲;reason原因。根据“sounded confident听起来很自信”,可知 BCD三 项不合语境,voice切合句意,故选 A。 【17题详解】 句意:她的眼睛里充满了希望。 thankful感激的;hopeful有希望的;careless粗心的;fearless无畏的。根据上文玛丽的问话“have you seen two silver coins? 你看到两个银币了吗”,可知她以为银币被菲儿挖走了,hopeful符合语境,故选 B。 【18题详解】 句意:我想知道是谁把它们弄丢了。 imagined想象;expected期待;wondered疑惑;remembered记得。根据上文的回答“I dug two coins out of that snow bank just a few days ago 我从那个雪堆里挖出了两枚硬币”,可知想知道是谁丢的,故选 C。 【19题详解】 句意:如果你通过占别人的便宜或伤害别人来得到你的钱,你将不会快乐。 shame使羞愧;force强迫;control控制;hurt伤害。根据上文“Wealth got through dishonest means does not bring happiness通过不正当手段获得的财富并不能带来幸福”,可知占别人的便宜或伤害别人都是不正当的,故 选 D。 【20题详解】 句意:许多人认为当他们变得富有和成功,幸福自然会随之而来。 gradually渐渐地;quietly静静地;actually实际上;naturally自然地。根据上文“when they become rich and successful当他们变得富有和成功”,可知人们会充满了幸福感,这自然是多数人的心理,故选 D。 【点睛】完形填空。主要题型有(1)考查词义辨析:名词辨析,形容词副词辨析,冠词辨析,介词连词辨 析等;(2)考查句子时态,语态,要根据语境,选择正确的时态和语态的选项;(3)考查从句(宾语从句, 定语从句,主语从句等);(4)根据固定句型或短语结合语境选择正确的选项。本文是故事类阅读,主要考 查单词或短语辨析,做此类型题时,要知道每一个词的意义,然后结合上下文背景语境,选择适合语境的 选项。例如小题 3,四个选项都是形容词:worry担心;cry哭叫;excite使兴奋;shout喊叫。根据下文“she said between tears她含着泪说”,可知苏流泪了,故选 B。 (三)【2020 •安徽省合肥市中考二模】 Last week my biology teacher asked us to do a project— the introduction of green food. We didn’t have any idea ____31____. Then our four-member group ____32____ and decided to do a research in a supermarket. One of us ____33____ the names of the green food on the shelves. ____34____ three interviewed ____35____ with questions like “Do you know ____36____ are green foods?”, “____37____ do you buy green food?” and so on. We interviewed more than fifty shoppers! Later we made a ___38___ on the research and handed it in. Our teacher ___39___ the best reports and posted them on the back wall of our classroom, among which there was _____40_____. We learned a lot from this fun activity. 31. A. at first B. in all C. after that D. in the end 32. A. told a joke B. had a party C. told a story D. had a meeting 33. A. looked after B. depended on C. called up D. wrote down 34. A. Other B. The other C. Others D. The others 35. A. doctors B. drivers C. cooks D. shoppers 36. A. whose B. which C. when D. how 37. A. How often B. How many C. How long D. How soon 38. A. wish B. deal C. report D. list 39. A. chose B. sent C. gave D. wrote 40. A. mine B. its C. theirs D. ours 【答案】31. A 32. D 33. D 34. B 35. D 36. B 37. A 38. C 39. A 40. D 【解析】本文主要讲述了我和同学们去超市做有关于绿色食物的研究报告的经历。 【31题详解】句意:一开始我们没有主意。 at first首先,起初;in all总共;after that之后;in the end最后。联系下文“Then our four-member group ________ and decided to do a research in a supermarket.”然后组员决定去超市做研究,说明一开始没有主意。故选 A。 【32题详解】 句意:然后我们的 4人小组开了会议,决定去超市做研究。 told a joke 讲笑话;had a party举办派对;told a story讲故事;had a meeting开会。根据句意表示开会做决定 去超市做研究。故选 D。 【33题详解】 句意:我们中的一人写下货架上的绿色食物名字。 looked after照顾;depended on取决于;called up打电话;wrote down写下。根据句意表示写下绿色食物的 名字。故选 D。 【34题详解】 句意:其他 3人采访购物者一些像这样:“你知道哪个是绿色食物么”“你多久买一次绿色食物”的问题。 Other其他的,后跟名词;The other另一个,指 2个中的另一个;Others其余的,后不跟名词;The others 其余的,表示同一个范围中剩余的。联系上文“our four-member group”4人一组,可知是指团队中剩余的另 一部分。故选 B。 【35题详解】 句意:其他 3人采访购物者一些像这样:“你知道哪个是绿色食物么”“你多久买一次绿色食物”的问题。 doctors医生;drivers司机;cooks厨师;shoppers购物者。联系下文“We interviewed more than fifty shoppers” 我们采访了 50多个购物者,故选 D。 【36题详解】 句意:其他 3人采访购物者一些像这样:“你知道哪个是绿色食物么”“你多久买一次绿色食物”的问题。 whose谁的;which哪一个;when何时;how怎样。根据句意表示哪个是绿色食物,故选 B。 【37题详解】 句意:其他 3人采访购物者一些像这样:“你知道哪个是绿色食物么”“你多久买一次绿色食物”的问题。 How often多久一次,问频率;How many多少,问数量;How long多久,问时间;How soon多久,问时间。 根据句意表示多久买一次绿色食物。故选 A。 【38题详解】 句意:之后我们做了个研究报告然后上交了。 wish祝愿;deal约定,交易;report报告;list清单。联系下文“Our teacher ______ the best reports”可知是报 告。故选 C。 【39题详解】 句意:我们老师挑选了最好的报告然后把它们贴在教室后面的墙上。 chose选择;sent发送;gave 给与;wrote 写。根据句意表示老师挑选出最好的报告然后贴在墙上。故选 A。 【40题详解】 句意:其中有我们的。 mine我的;its它的;theirs他们的;ours我们的。联系上文“Later we made a ______ on the research and handed it in.”我们做的研究,可知是我们的报告。故选 D。 (四)【2020 •北京市朝阳区中考零模】 No One’s Words but My Own The classroom was full of those of us who wanted to work on the school newspaper. I didn’t write a lot, but working on the paper sounded like fun. I liked the idea of being a reporter, interviewing my friends, and covering middle school events. To be chosen, we had to turn in an example of our ___13___. I wrote an article about the joys of summer, and showed it to my father, a talented poet. He read it and frowned(皱眉). “It’s okay,” my father said, taking out a pencil. “But how about changing this sentence to …” And as a result, he rewrote the whole piece─without me, for I never said anything to ___14___ him. No surprise─his version (版本) was wonderful. He had a gift for language. It was so much better than my piece that I turned in his version instead of mine. “Welcome to the Dundee School News,” my teacher said to me. But before I could be ___15___ about the news, he added, “based on that excellent article you wrote about summer, I expect you to write a personal opinion article every week for the second page of the paper.” I was so surprised. I was unable to write at that level, but I couldn’t tell the ___16___ to the teacher, and I couldn’t ask my father for help, either. That term working on the paper was really painful. And my teacher expressed ___17___, “Can’t you write something more like that first piece you wrote?” he said, each time I turned in my article. I couldn’t, because at that age, I didn’t have my father’s ability and experience as a writer. Week after week, I tried hard, but my writing never ___18___ the level of the first article. At last, to my total shame, another student took my place. I ___19___ that my father rewrote my first article himself, instead of trying to help me to improve it. But in my heart I knew it was my fault (错误) because I allowed him to do it. Later, I did become a successful writer on my own. Looking back, I realized that the pain and shame of that school experience had a ___20___ side. It taught me to depend on myself and be myself. So every day, I try to use my own words, find my own style and be my own best self. It feels great. 13. A. report B. newspaper C. writing D. homework 14. A. help B. stop C. allow D. praise 15. A. excited B. worried C. nervous D. confident 16. A. truth B. excuse C. feeling D. answer 17. A. honestly B. patiently C. hopefully D. disappointedly 18. A. set B. reached C. raised D. changed 19. A. agreed B. realized C. remembered D. complained 20. A. magic B. serious C. bright D. strange 【答案】13. C 14. B 15. A 16. A 17. D 18. B 19. D 20. C 【解析】这是一篇记叙文,文章讲述作者想加入学校报社,写了一篇文章让父亲修改,结果父亲重写了全 篇,作者也没有阻止,作者上交了这篇被父亲修改过的文章,凭借此加入了报社。老师要求他每周写一篇 个人评论,可是作者无论怎样都写不出当初的那篇文章;最后他通过自己不断的努力,用自己的语言去写 作,凭借自己的风格写作而成为了一名优秀的作家。 【13题详解】 句意:想要被选入报社,我们不得不上交一份写作样张。 report报道;newspaper报纸;writing作品,写作; homework作业。根据“I wrote an article”可知此处指的 是上交作品。故选 C。 【14题详解】 句意:因为我没说任何话来阻止他。 help帮助; stop 阻止; allow允许; praise赞誉。作者让父亲帮助改作文,因为作者没有阻止他所以全篇 都被父亲重写了,上交的是爸爸修改的面目全非的文章,此处用动词 stop表示“阻止”。故选 B。 【15题详解】 句意:但是在我对消息感到兴奋之前,我的老师又说:“基于你暑假写的出色的文章,我期望你每周给报纸 的第二页写一篇个人评论。” excited兴奋的;worried担心的;nervous紧张的;confident自信的。根据“Welcome to the Dundee School News” 作者被告知自己进入了报社,是兴奋的 excited。故选 A。 【16题详解】 句意:但是我不能告诉老师真相,也不能找父亲帮忙。 truth真相;excuse借口;feeling感情;answer答案。根据前文“It was so much better than my piece that I turned in his version instead of mine”及“I was unable to write at that level”可知作者将父亲改写的文章交上去结果被报 社录入,作者自己不能写出那个水平,此处指的是不敢把真相告诉老师。用 tell the truth。故选 A。 【17题详解】 句意:老师很失望地说:“你不能写出点像你第一篇那样的东西么?” honestly诚实地;patiently有耐心地;hopefully 充满希望地;disappointedly失望地。根据“Can’t you write something more like that first piece you wrote”可知老师对作者后来交的作品感到失望,此处用副词 disappointedly。故选 D。 【18题详解】 句意:一周一周过去,我努力尝试,但是我的写作水平永远达不到第一篇的水平。 set设置;reached到达;raised上升;changed 改变。根据“the level of the first article”可知此处用动词 reached 表示“达到第一篇的水平”。故选 B。 【19题详解】 句意:我抱怨我父亲亲自改写了我的第一篇文章,而不是帮我改进它。 agreed同意;realized意识到;remembered记得;complained抱怨。根据“my father rewrote my first article himself, instead of trying to help me to improve it”可知此处表示作者的埋怨,用动词 complained。故选 D。 【20题详解】 句意:回看过往,我意识到那次学校经历的痛苦和羞耻,也有光明的一面。 magic魔法,有魔力的;serious严肃的;bright明亮的;strange奇怪的。根据“It taught me to depend on myself and be myself”可知此处用形容词 bright side表示“痛苦和羞耻也有好的一面(光明的一面)”。故选 C。查看更多