中考英语专项复习 形容词和副词

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中考英语专项复习 形容词和副词

‎(七)形容词和副词 ‎01 命题趋势 考标导向化 在历年各地中考中,形容词和副词是必考的知识点,分值通常在3~5分之间。从命题形式来看,一般有单项选择、完形填空、词语运用等;其中对形容词和副词的句法功能、比较等级的用法及易混形容词和副词的辨析的考查又是重中之重。预计年中考热点仍将集中在形容词和副词的词义辨析和比较等级的用法上。‎ ‎02 定义 概念清晰化 形容词是用来修饰名词或不定代词,说明事物和人的性质和特征的一类词,在句子中用作定语、表语、宾语补足语;而副词用以修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,在句子中作状语、表语、补语和定语。英语中的形容词和副词都有等级的变化。‎ ‎03 知识归类 知识网络化 ‎❶形容词的位置 分类图解 形容词作定语通常前置,但在下列情况后置:‎ 修饰some, any, every, no和body, thing, one等构成的复合不定代词时 nobody absent, everything ‎ possible 以-able, -ible结尾的形容词可置于有最高级或only修饰的名词之后 the best book available, the only solution possible alive, alike, awake, aware, asleep等可以后置 the only person awake 表示长、宽、高、深及年龄的形容词 a bridge 50 meters long 形容词短语一般后置 a man difficult to get on with else修饰疑问词和不定代词时 what else,something else 特例清单 ‎1.有些形容词只能作定语。如:‎ little(小的),only(唯一的),wooden(木质的),elder(年长的),woolen(羊毛质的)等及复合形容词man-made(人造的),kind-hearted(好心的),English-speaking(说英语的),take-away(可以带走的)等。‎ ‎2.有些形容词只能作表语。如:‎ alone(孤独的),asleep(睡着的),awake(醒着的),alive(活着的),well(健康的),ill(病的),frightened(害怕的)等。‎ ‎3.有些形容词貌似副词。如:‎ friendly(友好的),lively(生动的),lonely(孤独的)等。‎ ‎4.有些形容词与定冠词the连用,表示一类人或物。如:‎ We should respect the old and love the young.我们应该尊老爱幼。‎ It’s not polite to laugh at the blind or the deaf.取笑盲人或聋人是不礼貌的。‎ ‎5.enough修饰名词时既可以放在名词的前面,也可以放在其后面;然而,enough作状语修饰形容词或副词时,应该放在形容词或副词之后。如:‎ We have enough time(=time enough)to finish the work.我们有足够的时间来完成这项工作。‎ He ran fast enough to catch the bus.他跑得很快,足够赶上公共汽车了。‎ This hall is big enough to hold 1,000 people.这个大厅够大的,可以容纳1000人。‎ ‎6.多个形容词作定语时,通常按“性质→大小(长短、高低、形状等)→年龄/新旧→颜色→国籍(地区、出处等)→材料”的顺序排列。如:‎ a beautiful tall building一座漂亮而高大的建筑物 a large yellow Chinese coat一件黄色的中国式大衣 ‎【题组训练】‎ 形容词的作用及位置 ‎( )1.(2014·绥化)Keep all the windows _______,it’s too hot in the room.‎ A.opened B.open C.closed ‎( )2.(2014·荆州)—I’ll not be Jack’s friend any more.‎ ‎—Don’t be angry.He’s just so ______,but in fact he’s good to us,you know.‎ A.helpful B.direct C.polite D.brave ‎( )3.(2014·河北)How _____ Cindy grows !she’s almost as tall as her mother now.‎ A.cute B.strong C.fast D.straight ‎( )4.(2014·来宾)After the earthquake,we heard of lots of ______ stories,and all of us were deeply .‎ A.moving;moved B.moving;moving C.moved;moving D.moved;moved ‎( )5.(2014·东营)Overseas experience may help make our life______ .So why not try to study abroad?‎ A.usual B.useful C.successful D.traditional ‎❷副词的分类 分类图解 时间 副词 soon, now, early,‎ finally,once, recently 频度 副词 always,often,frequently,‎ seldom,never 地点 副词 here,nearby,outside,upwards,above 疑问 副词 how,where,when,why 方式 副词 hard,well,fast,slowly,excitedly,really 连接 副词 how,when,where,why,whether,however,meanwhile 程度 副词 almost,nearly,very,fairly,quite,rather 关系 副词 when,where,why 注意:‎ 地点副词、时间副词和方式副词放在句尾,它们同时出现时的顺序是:方式副词→地点副词→时间副词。如:‎ The students are doing the experiments carefully in the lab now.同学们现在正在实验室里认真地做实验。‎ Many people take exercise happily on the square every morning.很多人每天早晨在广场上高兴地进行锻炼。‎ ‎【题组训练】‎ 副词的作用及位置 ‎( )6.(2014·曲靖)David doesn’t like rice noodles,his son doesn’t,________.‎ A.also B.too C.either D.not ‎( )7.(2014·随州)—How is Lucy’s English?‎ ‎—She always does very well in her English exams. But she can_______ understand English radio programs.‎ A.always B.already C.easily D.hardly ‎( )8.(2014·宿迁)Sandy likes travelling. She_______ stays at home during holidays.‎ A.seldom B.usually C.always D.often ‎( )9.(2014·绵阳)—Alex,did you find our old school last week?‎ ‎—Yes,but with much difficulty,for it has ________changed over these years.‎ A.completely B.never C.hardly D.partly ‎( )10.(2014·昆明)Teenagers should be encouraged to go______ and be close to nature.‎ A.inside B.back C.outside D.off ‎❸规则变化的形容词和副词的比较级和最高级 分类图解 构成方法 原级 比较级 最高级 一般单音节词末尾加-er, -est。‎ small fast quick smaller faster quicker smallest fastest quickest 以不发音的e结尾的单音节词加-r,-st。‎ nice fine nicer finer nicest finest 以辅音字母+y结尾的双音节单词,先把y变为i,再加-er,-est。‎ early happy earlier happier earliest happiest 以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节的单词,双写末尾的字母再加-er,-est。‎ red big thin redder bigger thinner reddest biggest thinnest 部分双音节词或多音节词在原级前加more,most。‎ interesting ‎ important more interesting ‎ more important most interesting most important 特例清单 ‎1.使用比较级时,在对比中应该是同类进行对比。如:‎ ‎“我的英语不如你的好”应译成“My English is not as(so)good as yours.”,而不能译成“My English is not as good as you.”。因为此句中比较的对象是English,而不是you,所以要把you改成yours(=your English)。‎ ‎2.使用比较级时,切忌一方包含另一方,从而造成自身与自身的比较。如:‎ ‎“她比她班上任何同学学习都努力”应译成“She studies harder than any other student in her class.”,而不能译成“She studies harder than any student in her class.”。any student in her class包括she,使用了other才能将其排除。‎ ‎【题组训练】‎ ‎( )11.(2014·山西)—Have you watched A Bite of China recently?‎ ‎—Of course.I do believe Chinese food is ____ in the world.‎ A.the most delicious B.more delicious C.delicious ‎( )12.(2014·襄阳)With the development of modern science,it’s______ for us to get information from all over the world.‎ A.slower B.busier C.harder D.easier ‎( )13.(2014·呼和浩特)The box was _____ than I had expected.I was out of breath when I got home.‎ A.more heavier B.much heavier C.little heavier D.very heavier ‎( )14.(2014·嘉兴)—Do you like eating fish,Wang Han?‎ ‎—Of course.Nothing can be_______ ,I think.‎ A.delicious B.beautiful C.more delicious D.more beautiful ‎( )15.(2014·白银)—He is the only one who failed in the math exam.‎ ‎—Really?You mean he studies________.‎ A.the most careful B.the least careful C.the most carefully D.the least carefully ‎❹不规则变化的形容词和副词的比较级和最高级 分类图解 原级 比较级 最高级 good/well better best bad/ill/badly worse worst little less least many/much more most far farther farthest old older/elder oldest/eldest ‎【题组训练】‎ ‎( )16.(2014·绵阳)—Rosa,can I wear jeans and T-shirt to the evening party?‎ ‎—OK.But a dress might be______ .‎ A.good B.worse C.bad D.better ‎( )17.(2014·长沙)—Oh,it was fantastic! Lily danced so well.‎ ‎—Well,I think Kate danced_______ than Lily.‎ A.well B.better C.best ‎( )18.(2014·咸宁)—What do you think of her teaching English?‎ ‎—Great! No one teaches_______ in our school.‎ A.good B.worse C.better D.Best ‎( )19.(2013·大庆)If you want to be thinner and healthier,you should eat _____ food and take ______ exercise.‎ A.more;fewer B.more;less C.fewer;more D.less;more ‎( )20.(2013·南宁)We held a concert in the hall yesterday.Kate sang ______ among the singers.‎ A.good B.well C.better D.best ‎❺形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的用法 分类图解 句型 意义 例句 as+形容词/副词原级+as 两者比较,程度相同。“as…as”结构前可以带表示程度的状语,像quite, almost, half, twice, nearly等。‎ This book is almost/nearly as thick as that one.这本书几乎同那本一样厚。‎ His ability is not half as high as yours.他的能力不及你的一半。‎ 如果形容词修饰单数可数名词,应用as+形容词/副词原级+a(n)+可数名词单数形式+as。‎ Tom is as good a person as his uncle.汤姆和他叔叔一样是好人。‎ This is just as good an example as the other one.这个例子和另外那个一样好。‎ 如果指同一个人或物,应译为“不但……而且……”。‎ Li Mei is as beautiful as she is clever.李梅不但漂亮而且聪明。‎ not as /so+形容词/副词原级+as 两者相比,一方不及另一方。‎ This village isn’t as/so big as that one.这个村子没有那个村子大。‎ I didn’t do my homework as carefully as you.我做作业不如你仔细。‎ 形容词/副词比较级+than 两者进行比较。‎ The sun is bigger than the earth.太阳比地球大。‎ She usually gets up earlier than others.她通常比别人起得早。‎ 比较级+and+比较级 ‎“越来越……”,多音节的用more and more+形容词或副词原级。‎ She is growing fatter and fatter.她越来越胖了。‎ Our country is becoming more and more beautiful.我们的国家越来越美了。‎ the+比较级,‎ the+比较级 ‎“越……,越……”,如果“the+比较级”修饰名词作定语,名词要紧跟在比较级之后。‎ The busier the old man is,the happier he feels.那位老人越忙越高兴。‎ The more,the better.越多越好。‎ The more money he gets,the more he wants.他得到的钱越多越想要。‎ 具体数字(如倍数)+as… as …‎ 是……的……倍。‎ The city is two times as big as my hometown.这个城市有我的家乡的2倍大。‎ 具体数字、实物、倍数等+比较级+than 形容词与具体倍数等的比较。‎ He is a head taller than I.他比我高一个头。‎ This city is three times larger than that one.这座城市比那座城市大三倍。‎ 形容词最高级+介词短语(比较范围)‎ ‎(三者或三者以上)最……的。‎ He is the tallest boy in our class.他是我们班里最高的男孩。‎ 副词最高级+介词短语(比较范围)‎ ‎(三者或三者以上)最……的。‎ He works hardest in his class.他是班上学习最用功的一个。‎ 特例清单 ‎1.“A+谓语动词+the+比较级+of the two +…”,表示“两者中较……的”。如:‎ Wang Fei is the taller one of the two brothers.王飞是他们兄弟两人中较高的一个。‎ ‎2.“A+谓语动词+one of the+ 最高级+复数名词+in/of短语”表示 “……是最……的之一”。如:‎ Miss Li is one of the most popular teachers in our school.李老师是我们学校最受欢迎的老师之一。‎ The Yangtze River is one of the longest rivers in the world.长江是世界上最长的河流之一。‎ ‎3.“A+谓语动词+the+序数词+最高级+in/of短语”表示“……是第……最……的”。如:‎ The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.黄河是中国第二长河。‎ ‎【题组训练】‎ ‎( )21.(2014·铜仁)The Yangtze River is one of ____ in the world.‎ A.the longest rivers B.the longest river C.longer rivers D.longer river ‎( )22.(2014·南充)—I think English is as ______ as maths.‎ ‎—I agree with you.‎ A.more interesting B.most interesting C.the most interesting D.interesting ‎( )23.(2014·阜康)Of the two sisters,Lucy is ______ one,and she is also the one who loves to be quiet.‎ A.a younger B.a youngest C.the younger D.the youngest ‎( )24.(2014·兰州)The weather is becoming________ .‎ A.hotter and hotter B.more hot and hot C.hoter and hoter D.more and more hot ‎( )25.(2014·昆明)—It’s smoggy these days. That’s terrible!‎ ‎—Yes.I hope to plant trees.______ trees,______ air pollution.‎ A.The more,the fewer B.The less,the more C.The less,the fewer D.The more,the less ‎04 整合集训 反馈层级化 ‎( )1.Joe took up a cup to drink some water, but he found it was_____ .‎ A.empty B.heavy C.clean D.old ‎( )2.It is _____ for us to bring our umbrellas because the weather report says it will rain this afternoon.‎ A.hard B.interesting C.easy D.necessary ‎( )3.—How about the movie,Jack?‎ ‎—It’s a little boring.And I was too ______ to watch the end of it.‎ A.sleepy B.asleep C.sleep D.sleeping ‎( )4.—Uncle Wang feels very _____ after finishing the ____work.‎ ‎—He really needs to have a good rest.‎ A.tired;tiring B.tired;tired C.tiring;tired D.tiring;tiring ‎( )5.Each of you should be careful enough to keep yourself _____ when doing this chemistry experiment.‎ A.clear B.safe C.safely D.clearly ‎( )6.—Hurry up!The concert will begin soon.‎ ‎—Take it easy.We have ______ time left.‎ A.little B.much C.many D.plenty ‎( )7.—Why do you like living in the countryside,Uncle Wang?‎ ‎—Because the air there is _______ and clean.‎ A.cold B.dirty C.thin D.fresh ‎( )8.We’d better not eat too much ____ food because it’s not only bad for our teeth,but also makes us fat easily.‎ A.tasty B.delicious C.sweet D.cheap ‎( )9.—These days I have always felt stressed.‎ ‎—You can ask Mrs Lee for help.It’s ____ for her to solve your problem.‎ A.necessary B.useful C.important D.possible ‎( )10.—Are you _____,Mike?‎ ‎—Yes, Mom. Could you please get me some water?‎ A.thirsty B.tired C.hungry D.sick ‎( )11.—Whose home is _____ away from school in our class?‎ ‎—Liu Mei’s.‎ A.farther B.far C.the farthest D.near ‎( )12.—Which of the two cars will you buy?‎ ‎—The ______ one.I don’t have much money.‎ A.cheap B.expensive C.cheaper D.more expensive ‎( )13.—Remember this, children.______ careful you are, ______mistakes you will make.‎ ‎—Yes,Miss Gao.‎ A.The more;the fewer B.The more;the few C.The more;the less D.The much;the fewer ‎( )14.—Which is_____ ,the sun,the earth or the moon?‎ ‎—The sun of course.‎ A.big B.bigger C.biggest D.the biggest ‎( )15.—Your daughter is much _______ now.‎ ‎—Yes,the pants she wore last year are all too short for her.‎ A.older B .quieter C.taller D.smarter ‎( )16.If you keep playing sports every day,your health will be getting ________.‎ A.good and good B.better and better C.best and best D.better and best ‎( )17.—Mum,could you buy me a dress like this?‎ ‎—Of course.We can buy _____ one than this,but ____ it.‎ A.a better;better than B.a popular;as good as C.a more popular;not as good as D.a cheaper;as good as ‎( )18.—Which province is the _______ one in winter?‎ ‎—It should be Heilongjiang Province,I think.‎ A.coldest B.hotter C.warmest D.cooler ‎( ) 19.—Would you mind staying in such a noisy room?‎ ‎—No,but my son needs a _____ place to study in.‎ A.cleaner B.quieter C.safer D.bigger ‎( )20.The actress is already 50,but she looks _____ than she really is.‎ A.young B.more young C.more younger D.much younger ‎( )21.—Tom,what do you think of the school?‎ ‎—Oh,no other school is ____ in the city. It’s ____ one.‎ A.better;a better B.the best;the best C.better;the best D.the best;a better ‎( )22.Now,blogs are ______ traditional diaries among young people.Everyone in my class has a blog.‎ A.very popular B.as popular as C.not so popular as D.much more popular than ‎( )23.—Let’s go shopping at the new mall.‎ ‎—Why not shop online?It’s ________.‎ A.expensive B.more expensive C.less expensive D.the most expensive ‎( )24.—What do you think of the film you saw yesterday?‎ ‎—Oh!It’s one of _______ films I’ve ever seen.‎ A.interesting B.more interesting C.most interesting D.the most interesting ‎( )25.—Peter is ____ than you,right?‎ ‎—Yes,but he is____ runner in our class.‎ A.heavier;best B.heavy;the best C.heavier;the best D.heavy;better ‎( )26.—How often do you watch action movies?‎ ‎—______.I don’t like this kind of movies at all.‎ A.Always B.Often C.Sometimes D.Never ‎( )27.—Can you catch what I said?‎ ‎—Sorry,I can ______ understand it.‎ A.nearly B.almost C.hardly D.already ‎( )28.—Have you read today’ s morning paper?‎ ‎—Not_____ .What’s the latest news about the hand-foot-mouth disease?‎ A.only B .just C.ever D.yet ‎( )29.—I always listen to the teacher _____ in class.‎ ‎—It’s very clever of you to do that.‎ A.free B.freely C.careful D.carefully ‎( )30.We are glad to see that our hometown is developing ______ these years than ever before.‎ A.quickly B.less quickly C.more quickly D.the most quickly 参考答案:‎ ‎(七)形容词和副词 题组训练 ‎1—5BBCAC6—10CDAAC11—15ADBCD ‎16—20DBCDD21—25ADCAD 整合集训 ‎1—5ADAAB6—10BDCDA11—15CCADC ‎16—20BDABD21—25CDCDC26—30DCDDC

