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Unit 6 Topic 3(including Review 3)‎ 名词 阶段;舞台 平坦的;光滑的 乘客,旅客 锦标赛 中级的;中间的 污染 天,天空 正面相撞的 死 欧洲 确定的;无疑的 相反;对面 瑞士 最后的;终极的 热线 毛衣;厚运动衫 弄坏了的 警察;巡警 乡村;村庄 中心的;主要的 头盔 动词 成功的;有成就的 罚款 ‎(使)放慢速度 代词 十字路口 冲;奔跑 任何人;无论谁 摩托车 罚款 副词 英国;不列颠 警告;告诫 任何地方 问题;麻烦 使忧虑;使烦恼 面对面地 勇气;胆略 带领;领导 在里面 成功 测定---的时间 介词 骑自行车的人 包含;包括 直到 成绩;成就 形容词 词组 道路;途径 疯狂的 减速 挑战 不可能的 继续做某事 复出;重返 缓慢的 再一次 超级明星 急转弯的;锋利的 环法自行车赛 结果;效果 相反的;对面的 国际自行车联合会 亚洲 浅色的;淡色的 海拔;海拔高度 左手的;左边的 Section A 一.读‎1a, 回答问题 ‎1.What does Darren think of traffic in Beijing ? ______________________________________________‎ ‎2.Does Michael feel a little more confident now ?_____________________________________________‎ ‎3. What are the advantages of riding bikes? a.____________________________________________________________‎ ‎ b.____________________________________________________________‎ 二.在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语 ‎1.受伤_________________________________‎ ‎2.习惯_________________________________‎ ‎3.害怕_________________________________‎ ‎4.多一点自信_________________________________‎ ‎5.遵守交通规则_________________________________‎ ‎6.节约能源_________________________________‎ ‎7.引起空气污染_________________________________‎ ‎8.写下_________________________________‎ ‎9.当众吐痰_________________________________‎ ‎10.一小时内完成这么多工作 ‎ ___________________________________________‎ ‎11.引发事故_________________________________‎ ‎12.找到;发现_________________________________‎ ‎13.听mp3_________________________________‎ ‎14.数米远处_________________________________‎ ‎15.向左的急转弯________________________________‎ ‎16.减速_________________________________‎ ‎17.从对面开来_________________________________‎ ‎18.避免撞上卡车________________________________‎ ‎19.撞上_________________________________‎ ‎20.严重地撞伤了他的胳膊________________________‎ ‎21.把他送到医院______________________________‎ ‎22.受伤_________________________________‎ ‎23.失去生命_____________________________‎ 三.在文中划出下面的句子并翻译 ‎1.Many passengers were hurt. 译:______________________________________________________‎ ‎ 点拨:hurt 1.及物动词:使受伤;伤害。His left leg was hurt.. 译:_____________________________________‎ ‎ 2.不及物动词:疼;难受。 His left leg hurt. 译:_____________________________________‎ ‎ 巩固:1. He had a fall yesterday. Today his right leg ____________. ‎ A. still hurts B. is still hurt C. are still hurting D. was hurt ‎ 2. After examining me carefully, the doctor said ,”you _______ a bone in your back.”‎ ‎ A. are hurt B. hurt C.hurts ‎2.You’ll get used to it soon. 译:______________________________________________________‎ ‎ 回忆:get used to _______ (do) sth, be used to ________ (do) sth. 译:___________________________‎ ‎ 链接:used to _________(do) sth 译:___________________________‎ ‎ 练习:1.我习惯了饭后散步。I _______ _______ ________ _________ after meals.‎ ‎ 2.他过去很胖。He _______ ________ ________ heavy .‎ ‎ 3.你们过去常常收集模型飞机吗?________ you _______ _______ _______model planes?‎ ‎ 4.His father is used to ____________ (drink ) milk in the morning.‎ ‎3.When I first arrived , I was afraid of riding my bike anywhere.‎ ‎ 译:________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ 回忆:be afraid of sth. 译:___________________ be afraid of doing sth 译:___________________‎ ‎ 练习: 1.我害怕蛇。I _______ ________ _________ snakes.‎ ‎ 2.Tom害怕当众讲话。Tom ______ _________ __________ ___________ in public.‎ ‎ 链接:be afraid to do sth. 译:___________________‎ ‎ 1. I’m not afraid to talk with others now. 译:___________________________________________‎ ‎ 2.Mary不敢独自呆在家里。Mary ______ ___________ ________ _________ at home ________.‎ ‎4.If people obey the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents.译:___________________________________________‎ ‎ 链接: 原级 比较级 最高级 few , ________, fewest few修饰__________ 名词 , fewer 修饰__________ 名词 little, ________, ______ little修饰__________ 名词, less 修饰__________ 名词 ‎ 原级 比较级 最高级 ‎ many ______ _______ many 修饰__________ 名词 more 修饰__________ 名词 ‎ much _______ ________ much 修饰__________ 名词 more 修饰__________ 名词 巩固:1. There will be __________ (更多的) schools in 20 years .‎ ‎ 2. There will be __________ (更少的) free time next week.‎ ‎ 3. There will be __________ (更少的) trees on both sides of the road .‎ ‎ 4. I have _________ (更多的) money than Jane.‎ ‎5.Now I like riding my bike around the city more than before. 译:___________________________________________‎ ‎6.It’s easy to park bikes ,too. 译:___________________________________________‎ ‎ It’s impossible to finish so much work in an hour. 译:___________________________________________‎ ‎ 回忆:在此处it 作______________, 真正的主语为 ______________ 短语 ‎ 练习:1.在公共场所吐痰是种坏(行为)。_________ is bad _______ ________in public.‎ ‎ 2.骑自行车探险明陵非常刺激。______ is _______ ________ _________the Ming Tombs _______ _______.‎ ‎ 3.早上吃早饭很有必要。_______ ________ ________ ________ ________ _________ in the morning.‎ ‎ 提升:It is +adj+for sb.+to do sth.‎ ‎1.对学生来讲,早上吃早饭很有必要。‎ ‎ _______ ________ ________ ________ ________ ___________ ________ _________ in the morning.‎ ‎ 2.对我们来说,上课认真听讲非常重要。‎ ‎ ________ is __________ ________ __________to listen ______________ in class.‎ ‎7.But sometimes bicycle accidents do happen.‎ ‎ 点拨:do 是多余的吗?答:___________ 去掉do 句子还对吗?答:__________‎ ‎ 助动词do有一个很主要的用法:在肯定句中表示强调。注意:在这种用法下它只有现在时(do;does)和过去时(did)。读时要重度。‎ ‎ 例句:1.) I do think you are a good cook. 译:___________________________________________‎ ‎ 2.)He does speak well ! 译:___________________________________________‎ ‎ 练习:1.)“Are you going to stay here?” “If I _________, I’ll let you know.”‎ ‎ A. will stay B. staying C. do stay D. stayed ‎ 2.)”Cars moved very slowly in the 1920’s”. “ Yes, but they ______ move more quickly than in 1910’s.‎ ‎ A. were B. did C. will D. can ‎8.They can bring us sadness and death. 译:___________________________________________‎ ‎ 点拨:构词法:一些形容词+后缀ness 名词 ‎ sad +ness sadness ill +ness illness ‎ happy+ness happiness busy+ness business ‎ 链接:die _______词 die的过去式___________ die的现在分词 _____________‎ ‎ dead _______词 death_______词 ‎ 练习:1.那个老人快不行了。The old man _________ __________.‎ ‎1.那个老人上个星期去世了。The old man __________ last week.‎ ‎ 2.那个老人去世了。The old man _________ _________.‎ ‎3.他的死使我们很伤心。His ____________ made us ____________.‎ ‎9.A young man was riding his bicycle very fast while listening to an MP3. 译:_________________________________‎ ‎ 点拨:while是连词,为什么它连接的不是从句呢?答:省略了_________ 语。‎ ‎ 全句应为:while (he was) listening to an MP3.‎ ‎ 链接:有此用法的连词:when, as soon as , though, if , unless等。‎ ‎ 练习:1.________ _________ (当旅行时), you should take care of your health.‎ ‎ 2.过马路要小心。 Be careful __________ ____________ the street.‎ ‎ 3. 当他在轮船工作时,他写出了最伟大的小说。He wrote his greatest novel _______ ________ on a ship. ‎ ‎10.To avoid hitting the truck ,the young man ran into the wall and hurt his arm badly.‎ ‎ 点拨:A) to avoid hitting the truck 不定式短语可用在句首表目的,意为“为了------”,在句中作状语。‎ ‎ 1.为了看日出,我们很早就起来了。 _________ __________ _________ __________ , we got up very early.‎ ‎ 2.为了学好汉语,Tom 每天都练习说汉语。‎ ‎ ________ _________ Chinese _______, Tom practices ___________ Chinese every day.‎ B)avoid doing sth. 译:______________‎ ‎ 1.We should avoid __________ (fight) in school. 2.We all avoided ________________(mention) his name.‎ C) run into译:______________ run 过去式______________‎ ‎ That boy ________ _________an old woman when he was running.‎ ‎ The bus went out of control and _________ ________ a line of people.‎ ‎ 注意:run into 还可表示“跑进(房屋)、流入”等。‎ ‎ The rain is coming . ________ ___________ the classroom quickly. ‎ Section B 一.读‎1a, 回答问题 ‎1.Why did the bike accident happen?_____________________________________________________________‎ ‎2.What’s Kangkang’s suggestion? _______________________________________________________________‎ ‎3.Does Michael agree with Kangkang? ___________________________________________________________‎ 二.在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语 ‎1.骑自行车的年轻人___________________________‎ ‎2.实际上;事实上___________________________‎ ‎3.戴自行车头盔___________________________‎ ‎4.穿浅色的衣服___________________________‎ ‎5.在夜里___________________________‎ ‎6.违反交通规则___________________________‎ ‎ 遵守交通规则___________________________‎ ‎7.被罚款___________________________‎ ‎8.处在危险中___________________________‎ ‎9.警告某人做某事___________________________‎ ‎ 警告某人不要做某事___________________________‎ ‎10.向左转___________________________‎ ‎11.直行___________________________‎ ‎12.不准停车___________________________‎ ‎13.禁止左拐___________________________‎ ‎14.靠左行驶___________________________‎ ‎15.发生事故___________________________‎ ‎16.受伤___________________________‎ ‎17.在不适当的地方转弯__________________________‎ ‎18.对---有好处___________________________‎ 三.在文中划出下面的句子并翻译 ‎1.We can wear bicycle helmets when riding. 译:______________________________________________________‎ ‎ 看学案Section A 的第九个讲解 while listening to an MP3.‎ ‎ when riding 完整句子为:when ________ ___________ riding.‎ ‎2.If we ride at night ,we should have lights on the bicycle or wear light-colored clothes.‎ 译:________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ If we break the traffic rules, we may get a fine and even be in danger.‎ 译:________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ 点拨: if 引导__________________从句。详细内容看下面的Grammar。‎ ‎3.It warns us to be more careful. 译:______________________________________________________‎ ‎ 点拨:warn ________词,意为“警告;告诫;预告”,其常用法:‎ ‎ ① warn后直接跟名词或代词 。I won’t warn you again. 译:___________________________________‎ ‎ ② warn sb.(not) to do sth. 警告/提醒某人(不要)做某事 ‎ Doctor Lee warned me to drink more water. 译:___________________________________‎ ‎ My parents warned me not to play on the street. 译:___________________________________‎ ‎③ warn sb.about / of sth “警告/提醒某人某事”‎ ‎ Darren warned me about the stone on the road. 译:___________________________________‎ ‎ 练习:根据汉语完成句子,每空一词 ‎ 1.)我警告他好几次,但他不听。I __________ ___________several times, but he __________ ___________.‎ ‎ 2.)保安警告我们不要在湖里游泳。The guards _________ us _________ __________ ________ in the lake.‎ ‎ 3.)警察提醒人们注意高峰时期拥挤的交通。‎ ‎ The police ________ people __________ the busy traffic in the rush hour.‎ ‎4.Go straight ahead. 译:______________________________________________________‎ ‎ 链接:go ahead 固定词组 ,表示同意对方去做他所请求的事,意为“请(说、用、走、干)吧”。‎ ‎ 1.) May I use your phone ? ____________. ‎ ‎ A. Doesn’t matter . B. Go ahead C. You do it. D. No, I don’t mind.‎ ‎ Go straight 意为 ________________ , ahead ________词,意为 ____________.‎ ‎ Go straight ahead. 意为___________________.‎ ‎5.No parking. 译:___________________________‎ ‎ No parking: You _________ __________ your car here.‎ ‎ 链接:No smoking : You _______ __________ here. No photos: You ________ __________ _________here.‎ ‎6.Cars often cost 100 times as much as bicycles. 译:_________________________________________________‎ ‎ 点拨:在英语中,倍数的表达方式:数字+times +as +形容词/副词原级+as ---‎ 1.) 这个箱子是那个箱子的三倍重。This box is ______ _______ ______ ________ ________that one.‎ 2.) 汽车比自行车快五倍。Cars run ______ _______ ______ ________ ________ bicycles.‎ Grammar A ) 含义 条件状语从句表示主句动作发生的条件,在初中阶段常由if(如果)引导,表示假如有从句的动作发生就会有主句的动作发生。例如: Please call me if he is at home. 假如他在家的话,请给我打电话。   If we ride at night ,we should have lights on the bicycle or wear light-colored clothes.‎ If we break the traffic rules, we may get a fine and even be in danger.‎ 练习:用以下信息组成包含条件状语从句的复合句。‎ ‎1).break the rules ; get a fine _______________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2.)cross a busy road ; be in danger_____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3.)make a wrong turn; cause trouble____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎4.)not drive carefully ; get hurt________________________________________________________________________‎ B) 时态:如果主句是一般将来时态,条件状语从句用一般现在时(主将从现)。例如:   I won’t go there with you if it rains tomorrow. 译:___________________________________________________ 练习:用括号中所给动词的正确时态填空 ‎1.)If you ____________(be) ill ,you should see a doctor at once.‎ ‎2.)You must wear a helmet if you ______________(ride) a motorcycle.‎ ‎3.)They ____________(not go) on a trip if it _______________(rain) tomorrow.‎ ‎4.)It you _____________(break) the traffic rules , you ________________(get) a fine.‎ ‎5.)If the noise ___________________(not stop) soon, I ______________________(not go )on studying.‎ C) 条件状语从句有时可用“祈使句+and / or+简单句”表示。其中and表示句意顺承;or则表示转折,意为“否则”。例如:   If you work harder, you’ll pass the exam. ‎ ‎= Work harder, and you’ll pass the exam. 译:______________________________________________________‎ If you don’t hurry up, you’ll miss the train. ‎ ‎= Hurry up, or you’ll miss the train. 译: ___________________________________________________________   练习:将下列句子改为同义句,每空一词。‎ ‎1.) If you study harder ,you’ll pass the exam. ___________ harder, _________ you’ll pass the exam.‎ ‎2.)If we don’t hurry up ,we will be late for school. ____________ up, ____________ we will be late for school.‎ ‎3.)Be careful, or you will make mistakes in your exams. ‎ If you ________ ________careful, you ______ __________mistakes in your exams.‎ Section C 一.读‎1a, 达到以下要求。‎ A.本课的生词及重点句子 courage lead (led)‎ smooth success middle path go on doing once again cyclist achievement challenges head-on comeback Tour de France till certain His path to success wasn’t smooth.‎ Lance faced it head-on.‎ Lance Armstrong rode into history by winning the Tour de France for a record sixth time in 2004.‎ It is certain that Lance Armstrong is the greatest cyclist in the world.‎ B.阅读1a,完成下列表格 Year What happened ‎1971‎ ‎1996‎ Later 1996‎ ‎1998‎ ‎1999‎ ‎2000-2004‎ C.回答课本p45 1b的问题。‎ 二.在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语 ‎1.查找单词__________________________‎ ‎2.以---而出名的__________________________‎ ‎3.一天320多公里__________________________‎ ‎4.最优秀的赛车手之一__________________________‎ ‎5.他的成功之路__________________________‎ ‎6.使他停止了骑车__________________________‎ ‎7.患了癌症__________________________‎ ‎8.在他的生命里__________________________‎ ‎9.迎头面对__________________________‎ ‎10.复出__________________________‎ ‎11.继续做某事__________________________‎ ‎12.进入;跻身于__________________________‎ ‎13.毫无疑问__________________________‎ ‎14.处理;处置__________________________‎ ‎15.代替__________________________‎ ‎16.决定做某事__________________________‎ ‎ 决定不做某事__________________________‎ ‎17.确信__________________________‎ ‎18.数百万的__________________________‎ ‎19.等着看最后的结果__________________________‎ ‎20.一匹黑马__________________________‎ 三.在文中划出下面的句子并翻译 ‎1.Lance Armstrong ,the American cyclist ,is famous for his achievement and courage in cycling.‎ ‎ 译:_______________________________________________________________________________‎ 点拨:A) be famous for sth. 译:_______________ be famous as 译:________________‎ ‎ Jay is famous _________ a singer , he is famous _________ the song of shuangjiegun.‎ ‎ China __________ ____________ ____________the Great Wall.‎ ‎ Guo Jingming _________ __________ _______ an author.‎ B) 构词法: 一些动词加上后缀-ment ,变成名词。‎ ‎ achieve achievement environ environment ‎ treat treatment agree agreement ‎2.By 1996, he was one of the top cyclists in the world. 译:_______________________________________________‎ ‎ 点拨:A) by ________词,此处为“不迟于;在---之前;‎ ‎ 1.)Can you finish the work by five o’clock? 译:_______________________________________‎ ‎ 2.)By this time next year you should have a very good knowledge of English .‎ ‎ 译:_________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ B)top _________ 词,_________; __________‎ ‎ 1.)She got the top job. 译:_____________________________‎ ‎ 2.)He got top marks for his composition. 译:_____________________________‎ ‎ 链接:top ________词 顶部;顶端 ‎ Mary is standing _________ _________ __________of the house.(房顶)‎ ‎3.However, his path to success wasn’t smooth. 译:______________________________________________________‎ ‎ 点拨:这里to是介词还是不定式? 答:_____________. to success 修饰his path 译:__________________‎ ‎ 哪一条是去火车站的路? Which is the way ________ the _________ _______ ?‎ ‎ 他跳上开往杭州的火车。He got on ________ ___________ __________ ______________ .‎ ‎4.Like the other challenges in his life, Lance faced it head-on. 译:___________________________________________‎ ‎5.He went on winning the Tour de France from 2000 till 2004. 译:__________________________________________‎ ‎ 点拨:go on doing sth 译:__________________(前后做同样的事)‎ ‎ After he had a short break , he went on _________(做饭). 译:____________________________________‎ ‎ It is turning dark ,but the farms go on ________(work) in the field.‎ go on with sth 译:__________________(前后做同样的事)‎ After drinking some water, Darren went on with his homework.‎ ‎ 译:_______________________________________________________________________________‎ 链接:go on to do sth. 译:_________________________ (前后做不同的事)‎ ‎ After she finished her homework, she went on to help her mother with the housework.‎ ‎ 译:_______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎6.Lance Armstrong rode into history by winning the Tour de France for a record sixth time in 2004.‎ ‎ 译:_______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ 点拨:ride into 进入,跻身于 We got on the bus and _________ _________(进入)New York. ‎ ‎7.It seems impossible to beat his seven-time record. 译:__________________________________________________‎ ‎ 点拨:beat 动词:打破(记录) 过去式______________‎ ‎ He beat the world record by 0.3 of a second. 译:____________________________________________‎ ‎ beat 动词:击败某人 I can ________ you at chess. 译:____________________________________‎ ‎ We ________ the team from Yu Ying Middle school. 译:____________________________________‎ ‎ 链接:win _______ 词, 过去式:____________ ;意为: 赢得名次、奖金、奖品等。‎ ‎ Li Ping _________ the first place in the boys’ 400- meter race. He ________ a notebook.‎ ‎ Darren ___________Michael at running yesterday,‎ ‎8.It is certain that Lance Armstrong is the greatest cyclist in the world. 译:____________________________________‎ ‎ 点拨:It is certain that they will agree.= They are certain to agree. 译:____________________________________‎ ‎ She looks certain to win an Oscar. 译:____________________________________‎ ‎9.Who will win the race instead of Lance Armstrong? 译:_________________________________________________‎ ‎ 回忆:instead of 与 take the place of ‎ Miss Lee will teach us math ________ _________Mr Green.‎ ‎ Miss Lee will __________ ________ ________ ________Mr Green ________ teach us math.‎ Section D 一.A. 读‎1a, 做p47 的Work alone B. 阅读1a后填空 The Tour de France began in . At the beginning, it was only 1 500 miles long, but today it covers miles. In the race, there are timed stages. It takes over weeks to finish the race. During the race, the cyclists have or days to rest. The roads are very difficult to ride on.‎ 二.在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语 ‎1).最高的海拔________________________________‎ ‎2).在国际自行车联合会主办的所有赛事中 ‎__________________________________________‎ ‎3).21个计时赛段______________________________‎ ‎4).一两天________________________________‎ ‎5).穿越________________________________‎ ‎6).拥有最好总计成绩的人________________________‎ 三.在文中划出下面的句子并翻译 ‎1.It has the highest altitude among all races hosted by the International Cycling Union.‎ ‎ 译:_______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ 点拨:hosted 过去分词作修饰语,修饰all races.‎ ‎ I know a boy ________ (call) Mingming. He lives in a city _________ (name) Xinxiang. His mother likes the program ________(host) by Wang Xiaoya. She also likes reading a novel _________ (write) by Lu Yao.‎ ‎2.Today the race covers around 2000 miles and there are 21 timed stages over three weeks.‎ ‎ 译:_______________________________________________________________________________‎ 点拨:A)cover 动词:spread over The Ming Tombs _________an area of 40 km2.‎ ‎ B) over 介词:more than He stayed in Shanghai for _________ a month.‎ ‎ There are ______ fifty sheep on the hill.‎ ‎3.The roads are very difficult to ride on. 译:_________________________________________________‎ ‎ 点拨:on能去掉吗? 答:_____________ . ‎ ‎ 同理的句子:I need a pen to write with. I need a house to live in.‎ ‎ There is nothing to worry _________.‎ 复习巩固条件状语从句和不定式作主语的句子。‎ ‎(1)如果人人都遵守交通规则,道路将会更加安全。‎ ‎ everyone the , the roads much safer.‎ ‎(2)如果你上学迟到了,你应该向老师说对不起。‎ You should your teacher you are school.‎ ‎(3)如果明天天晴,我们就去郊游。 sunny tomorrow, we on a field trip.‎ ‎(4)越过繁忙的道路是很危险的。 dangerous the busy street.‎ ‎(5)随地吐痰是不好的行为。 bad everywhere.‎ 单项选择 巩固练习 ‎( )1. —The girls ____ the boys in that exciting football match. —How surprising!‎ ‎ A. win B. beat C. hit D. hurt ‎( )2. She didn’t have a rest and ____. ‎ ‎ A. continue working B. go on working C. went on to work D. went on working ‎( )3. Beijing is famous ____ its places of interest, such as the Forbidden City, the Summer‎ ‎Palace and the Great Wall. ‎ ‎ A. for B. as C. to D. in ‎( )4. When you ____ the classroom, please turn off the lights. ‎ ‎ A. left B. are leaving C. leave D. leaves ‎( )5. Jack is a little ____ than Peter. A. strong B. stronger C. strongest D. the strongest ‎( )6. At last, the truck avoided ____ the tree. A. hit B. to hit C. hitting D. hits ‎( )7. Li Lei’s legs were ____ in the traffic accident yesterday. ‎ ‎ A. badly hurt B. bad hurt C. hurts D. hurt bad ‎( )8. Miss Li warns us ____ loudly in the classroom. ‎ ‎ A. not speak B. not speaking C. not to speak D. don’t speak ‎( )9. Many animals are not found ____ else. They are extinct (灭绝的). ‎ ‎ A. anywhere B. everywhere C. in anywhere D. in everywhere ‎( )10. In Britain, you must drive on the ____ side of the road. ‎ ‎ A. right-hand B. right hand C. left hand D. left-hand ‎( )11. —Are there any _____ in the accident? —Yes. Five people _____. ‎ A. death; die B. deaths; died C. death; died D. deaths; die ‎ ‎( )12. Jim usually _____ his father at golf when he was young. ‎ A. wins B. won C. beats D. beat ‎ ‎( )13. —You should avoid _____ loudly in the library. —Sorry, sir. ‎ A. talking with B. talking C. to talk with D. to talk ‎ ‎( )14. —May I _____ you to post the letter? —With pleasure. ‎ A. help B. mind C. trouble D. serve ‎ ‎( )15. If you _____ able to come tomorrow, please let me know your reason. ‎ A. aren't B. won't be C. weren't D. wouldn't ‎ 词汇部分 (A)根据句意及首字母提示填空。‎ ‎1. When you are going across the road, you shouldn’t r______________. ‎ ‎2. You may call the police when you are in t_____________. ‎ ‎3. In China, when you see the yellow lights, please s____________ down. ‎ ‎4. He always wants to get more money without working. He must be c______________. ‎ ‎5. Lance Armstrong l_____ the American team to win the Tour de France in 1999.‎ ‎(B)根据句意及汉语提示填空。‎ ‎6. There are twenty _____________ (乘客) in the bus. ‎ ‎7. It is _____________ (不可能的) to finish this work in an hour. ‎ ‎8. Mary won the game. She was ___________ (成功的). ‎ ‎9. Bicycle accidents can also bring us sadness and ______________ (死亡). ‎ ‎10. Did you see my watch? I can’t find it ____________ (任何地方). ‎ ‎(C) 请根据句意及括号内的中文提示,用词组的适当形式填空,每空一词。 ‎ ‎11. Michael rode his bicycle so fast that he _________ _________(撞上) an old man.‎ ‎12. Mr. Zheng noticed that he was _________ _________(处在危险中).‎ ‎13. The train began to _________ _________(减速) and soon stopped. ‎ ‎14. Though it's only a small town, _________ _________(数以百万计的) travelers come here for a visit every year. ‎ ‎15. To everyone's surprise, he won the match _________ _________(再一次). ‎ 句型转换 ‎1. It’s impolite to spit everywhere. (改为同义句) ___________ ___________ everywhere is impolite. ‎ ‎2. I have over ten story books. Would you like one?(改为同义句)‎ I have _________ __________ ten story books. Would you like one?‎ ‎3. Shanghai is larger than any other city in China.(改为同义句) Shanghai is ________ __________ _______ in China. ‎ ‎4. Why don’t you go to school earlier?(改为同义句) __________ __________ go to school earlier?‎ ‎5. Get up early, or you will be late.(改为同义句) _________ __________ _______ get up early, you _________ be late. ‎

