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八上仁爱版英 Unit 4 Topic 1 Plants and animals are important to us Section A 教学案例 The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 2。 Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and expressions: countryside, clear, nature, thin, cow, horse, hen, sheep, goose 2. Learn some ways of expressing comparative situations: (1)The air is fresher. (2)The hens are much/a little smaller than the cows/geese. (3)The mice are the smallest of all. (4)Michael thinks dogs are much more clever than cats. 3. Learn the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives: strong—stronger—strongest 4. Talk about nature: Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/图片/多媒体/小黑板 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10 分钟) (利用图片,复习动物名称,引出新词,导入新课。) (教师手拿几张动物的图片。) T: What’s this in English? Ss: It’s a cat/dog/rabbit… T: And what’s this? (教师出示牛、马、鸡、羊、鹅的图片。如果学生们不会用英语说,教师可示范并领读。) (板书) cow, horse, hen, sheep, goose(geese) T: Do you like these animals? Ss: Yes./Of course. T: Where can you see them? S1: In the zoo. S2: 在农村。 (教师教学 countryside 并板书。) countryside T:We can see these animals both in the countryside and in the city. I like the countryside because it’s quieter. Do you like the countryside or the city? Why? (板书并帮助学生理解。) quieter (教师引导学生比较城市与农村,并帮助学生说出一些含比较级的句子。) S1: I like the city, because the roads are wider, the buildings are higher. S2: I like the countryside, because the air is fresher, the sky is bluer. People can enjoy nature there. (板书) wider higher fresher bluer nature (教师引导学生观察并适当讲解形容词比较级的变化方式。) Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:5 分钟) 1. (看 1a 挂图,让学生观察人物,猜测他们之间的对话。听 1a 录音,回答问题。) T: Look at the picture. Michael and Wang Wei are talking about life in the countryside. Do they like the countryside? Now listen to the tape and try to answer the following questions. Who likes the countryside? Why? (核对答案。) 2. (阅读 1a,完成 1b。) T: Now, please read 1a, and then finish 1b. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10 分钟) 1. (再放 1a 录音,让学生跟读 1a,注意语音语调,并画出重点词句。) T: Li sten to 1a and read afte r the tape. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Try to find the key words. (板书) think about, life, like, countryside, fresh, blue, green, clear, quiet, enjoy, summer, fun Do you like the countryside? The air is fresher … My grandma lives in the countryside. That must be fun. 2. (学生根据黑板上的关键词,不看课本,表演对话。) T: Now please make a dialog in pairs according to the words on the blackboard. After two minutes I will ask some groups to act it out in front of the classroom. (2 分钟后,找几组学生到前面表演。) Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10 分钟) 1. (让学生看 78 页的图,运用比较级和最高级讨论动物的体态,帮助学生理解掌握形容词最 高级及用法。完成 2 的表格。) T: Now please look at the table and example on Page 78, and then fill out the table in 2. (核对答案。) T: Now please look at the picture on Page 78, and discuss the animals on Wang Wei’s grandma’s farm. (让学生两人一组用课本 77 页表格里的形容词描述各种动物,教师先做示范。) T: Which kind of animal do you like better, cats or dogs? S1: Cats. T: Which animal is the nicest? S1: I think the rabbit is the nicest of them. T: Is the dog the bravest animal on the farm? S1: Yes, I think so. (3 分钟后,让 1-2 组学生表演对话。) 2. (做游戏。巩固形容词的比较级和最高级的变化规则。)[ (首先让学生看语法附录中有关比较级和最高级的内容。) T: Now, Let’s review the adjectives we have learned before. You can look at the content about the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives in the grammar appendix. Then we will play a game. (游戏规则:) (1)小组竞赛。 (2)每一组的一个学生在回答问题后,提出一个新的形容词。 (3)另外一组的学生回答,回答得对得 2 分,提出正确的词得 1 分,说错不得分。 (4)形容词不能重复,每组循环几次。 (5)得分最高的组获胜。 Example: G1: clear G2: clearer, clearest, fresh? G3: fresher, freshest, green? G4: greener, gre enest, small? … T: Stop here! Group 3 gets the most scores! Group 3 is the winner. 3. (运用比较级和最高级仿照例子填词。) T: We have known something about the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives. Now look at Picture 1 and fill in the blanks on the small blackboard according to the example. Picture 1 (出示小黑板。) The first apple is big. The second apple is bigger than the first one. The third apple is the biggest of the three. The third apple is small. The second apple is the third one. The first apple is of the three. (核对答案。) T: Look at Picture 2 and write six sentences about the picture with“tall”and“short”. Picture 2 (核对答案。) (教师可以出示更多的图片帮助学生掌握和运用形容词的比较级和最高级及用法。) 4. (听 3 录音,完成 3。) T: Just now we knew muc h information about the farm. Now listen to the conversation about the animals on the farm, then finish 3. (核对答案。) 5. (听 4 录音,通过 chant 来感受形容词的比较级和最高级。) T: Listen to 4 and let’s chant. Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10 分钟) 1. (学生分 10 人一组,做一个调查,找出各组中有多少人喜欢牛,马,鸡,羊,兔,鼠,猪……, 并说明喜欢的原因。引导学生运用学过的句型,练习比较级和最高级。教师做示范。) T: Which animal do you like better? S1:Cows. T: Why? S1:Because cows are the biggest and they offer milk to us … Name Cows Horses Chickens Sheep[ Mice Cats (5 分钟后,让小组代表报告本组里有多少人比较喜欢某种动物。一个学生在黑板前做记 录。) Example: S2: In our group, 3 students like dogs better, because they are the bravest on the farm. 2 students like horses better… (教师总结。) 2. Homework: 教师利用多媒体出示当地街道容貌变化较大的两张图片,让学生用所学新词的比较级和最 高级写一篇短文。 板书设计: Plants and animals are important to us. Section A think about Grammar: comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives The air is fresher. quieter—quietest There are also greener trees and clearer rivers. The hens are much smaller than the cows. The mice are the smallest of all. 八上仁爱版英 Unit 4 Topic 1 Plants and animals are important to us Section B 教学案例 The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 2。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some useful words and expressions: above, plant, joy, rose, snake, fox, frog, feed, feed on, discuss 2. Go on learning comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives: (1) I think animals are more interesting. (2) I like plants better. I think roses are the most beautiful of all the flowers. (3) I like cats best because they are more lovely than other animals. (4) Which kind of animal / plant do you like better, … or …? (5) Which kind of animal / plant do you like best, …, … or …? (6) Because they are the most interesting … 3. Talk about nature. Describe animals and plants: (1) Which do you like better, plants or animals? (2) I like animals better. I keep a pet dog. I think animals are more interesting. (3) I like birds. They are beautiful like flowers, and they can sing to us, too. (4) Plants and animals are important to us. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/一束玫瑰花或玫瑰花的图片 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10 分钟) 1. (让学生分组比赛。说学过的动物并用英语描述,调动他们学习的积极性,同时复习上节 课所学的内容。) T: Now, let’s play a g ame. If one student can say an animal word and describe it, he/she will get one score. For example, dogs. They’re the bravest on the farm. OK, begin. Ss: … (教师在黑板上记分。) T: Stop! Group 3 has the highest score. So Group 3 is the winner. 2. (通过师生问答,引出生词,多音节形容词比较级,导入新课。) T: From your talk, you seem to like animals, right? Ss: Yes. T: But I like plants better, because they are more beautiful. Let me make a survey. Do you like plants or animals, S1? (板书并帮助学生理解。) plant more beautiful S1: I like animals. I think animals are more interesting. (如有必要可帮助学生回答。) T: Why do you think so? S1: Because animals are our friends. They can make us happy. T: Yes, they can give us joy. (教师补充并板书。 joy happiness T: What about you, S2? S2: I like plants better. T: Really? Do you like this kind of flower? (教师拿出一束玫瑰花或有玫瑰花的图片。) S2: Yes. T: What are they, do you know? S2: They are roses. (如果学生不能说出新单词,教师要给予提示。) (板书) T: (对 S3) Do you like plants or animals? S3: I like animals. I like birds. Because they can sing to us. T: What about you, S4? S4: I like cats best, because they are more lovely than other animals. (这时 ,把学生分组,让他们用同样的方法了解本组学生的爱好,同时运用比较级和最高 级句型。) (两分钟后,让每组派代表,报告本组喜欢的事物。) T: Now please make a survey about your favorites. You will do it in groups. Each group will give us a report about your favorites in two minutes. Example: S5:In our group, S6 likes animals. He thinks animals are more interesting. S7 likes plants better. He thinks roses are the most beautiful of all the flowers. S8 likes birds, because they can sing to us … Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:5 分钟) 1. (听 1a 录音,理解对话并回答问题。) T: From the report, I know some students like animals, some students like plants. What do Michael and Maria like? And why do they like them? Now listen to the dialog, and then answer the questions. (核对答案。) S1: Michael likes animals. He keeps a pet dog. He thinks animals are more interesting. S2: Maria likes birds. Because they are beautiful like flowers, and they can sing to us, too. 2. (再听 1a,完成 1b。) T: Very good. Now let’s listen again and match the people with the things they like and their reasons in 1b. (核对答案。) Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10 分钟) 1. (学生先自读 1a,然后听录音核对语音语调,注意关键词。) T: Please read 1a by yourselves, then read it after the tape. Pay attention to the pronunciation, intonation and the key words. 2. (根据 1b 及关键词分角色表演,训练学生的交际能力,并完成 1b 分组表演对话部分。) T: Please role-play the dialog according to 1a and the key words. Then I’ll let some of you act it out. (挑几组学生到前面表演。评出最佳表演组。) 3. (对话练习,学会描述动物和植物。练习形容词比较级和最高级句式,完成 1c。) (让学生看 1c,首先要明白要操练的句型。) T:In 1a, we know how to use comparative and superlativ e degrees of adjectives. Now let’s practice them. Please look at the sentence patterns in 1c. T: OK, I want to ask two students to help me make up a new dialog with the expressions in 1c. rose T: Hi, S1! Which kind of animal do you like better, dogs or birds? S1:Birds. T: Why do you think so? S1:Because they are more beautiful than other animals and they can sing to us. T: Hi, S2! Which kind of animals do you like best, dogs, birds or cats? S2:I like dogs best. T: Why do you think so ? S2:Because they are the most interesting of all the animals, and they are our friends. They can give us joy. T: Very good. (教师示范后,让学生两人一组进行练习。学生操练时,可以站起来大声操练,使课堂气 氛轻松、活跃、和谐。) T: OK. Now please practice in pairs. You can use any word about plants and animals you have learnt and you can stand up to practice it loudly. (学生操练几分钟后。) T: Now stop. Which pair can act out your dialog for us? OK, you two please. (待他们已灵活运用这些句式并能用所学的新词表演时,要求他们离开座位与其他同学用 任意的动物或植物的名词代替 1a 中的动植物名词进行会话,从而又复习了上节课学过的 动物名词。完成 1c。) Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10 分钟) 1. (看 2 中的图片,学生学习新词。) T: Look at the pictures in 2. Can you name these animals? Ss: Snake, … (教师根据将要板书的单词,提示学生看对应的图片。尽可能地引导学生说新单词。) (板书) snake fox insect frog T: Look at the pictures. Which is the smallest, the insect, the frog or the snake? Ss: The insect. T: Which is the longest, the insect, the frog or the snake? Ss: The snake. T: Insects feed on plants. Birds feed on insects. Foxes feed on birds. (板书) feed on T: Now let’s look at the pictures and talk about them. Which is bigger, birds or insects? Ss: Birds. T: Which is the strongest, insects, frogs or snakes? Ss: Snakes. T: What do insects feed on? Ss: Plants. T: What do frogs and birds feed on? Ss: Insects. T: What do snakes feed on? Ss: Frogs. T: What do foxes feed on? Ss: Birds. T: Insects feed on plan ts. Birds and frogs eat insects. Snakes eat frogs and foxes eat birds. That’s nature. That’s our world. 2. (学生分组谈论 2 中的图画,练习运用比较级和最高级。2 分钟后汇报讨论结果。) T: Look at the pictures, discuss in groups. You must say at least three sentences with the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives. After two minutes, please give me your report. Exampl e: G1:Snakes are bigger than frogs. Frogs are bigger than insects. Snakes are the biggest of all. G2:Frogs are stronger than insects. Snakes are stronger than frogs. Snakes are the strongest of all. 3. (看图画,独立完成 2 中的 1.和 2.练习。) T: Now please look at the pictures and finish 1.and 2. in 2 by yourselves] (核对答案。) Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10 分钟) 1. (将学生分成若干小组,每组 5 人,讨论下列有关动植物的问题。) T: We know many animals and plants. Now please discuss the following questions in groups: (1) Do you know the importance of plants and animals to us? (2) What will our world be like if there are no plants or animals? (3) What should we do to protect plants and animals? (学生讨论后,每组派一个代表陈述他们的观点。) T: After the discussion each group need to choose one student to state your view. 2. Homework 画出自己所喜爱的动植物,不局限于一种。运用比较级和最高级写一篇短文描述,表达自 己的喜爱程度及原因。 板书设计: Plants and animals are important to us. Section B beautiful—more beautiful—the most beautiful give sb. joy Which kind of animal do you like better, … or … ? feed on Which kind of plant do you like best, …, … or … ? Because it’s more lovely… Because they’re the most interesting… 八上仁爱版英 Unit 4 Topic 1 Plants and animals are important to us Section C 教学案例 The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 2a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1.(1) Learn some words about rainforests: cover, earth, surface, dark, forest, control, wood, rubber, protect (2) Learn some other words and expressions: everything, fa ct, in fact, make up, lake, sea, ocean, drop, fill, fill … with … (3) Learn some useful expressions: thousands and thousands of be very important to be necessary for… can’t live without… save every drop of water 2.Go on learning comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives: (1)The plants in the forests help to make the air fresher. (2)But now rainforests are becoming smaller and smaller. (3)Water makes up the largest part of the human body. 3.Describe nature resources and realize the importance of environment protection: (1)They also help to control the climate. (2)The rainforests give us wood, rubber, fruit, medicine and so on. (3)It is important to all living things. We must save every drop of water.[ Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/多媒体/小黑板 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:8 分钟) 1. (师生互动示范,然后让学生表演对话,复习描述动物和植物。) T: Hello, S1! Do you like plants or animals? S1: I like animals better. T: Why do you think so?[ S1: Because animals are our friends. They give us joy. They are very friendly to us. T: Well done! S2! Do you like plants or animals? S2: I like plants better. T: Why do you think so? S2: Because plants are very important to us. They are useful. T: Now, class, please practice the dialog like this, OK? (学生两人一组练习对话。然后找几组学生表演。) 2. (头脑风暴,引出新知识。) T: Now, please say some animals and plants as many as you can. Ss:… T: Where can you see animals and plants? S1: At home. S2: In the zoo. S3: In the forest. T: Very good. In a forest, there are many animals and plants. Today we’re going to learn a special forest. It often rains and it is ve ry wet. It is in the tropical area. Can ou say what’s it? (引出 rainforest 并板书。) rainforest Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:12 分钟) 1. (看热带雨林的图片,学习生词。引出比较级+and+比较级的用法。画线的单词为生词。) (教师通过多媒体出示热带雨林的图片,教师和学生一起观看图片,同时教师讲解图片上 的信息。) T:It’s a picture of forests, rainforests. They cover 6% of the earth’s surface. Thousands and thou sands of animals live in it. It’s always dark, hot and wet in the rainforests. They can help to control the climate. They give us wood, rubber, fruit, medicine and so on. They are very important to us, but they are becoming smaller and smaller, so we must protect them well. (第二遍教师边说边板书。学习生词,帮助学生理解掌握 smaller and smaller 的用法。) forest, rainforest, cover, surface, thousands and thousands of, dark, control, wood, rubber, protect (学生熟读单词后,再看图片并回答教师提出的问题。) T: What are they? Ss:They are rainforests. T: How large are the rainforests? Ss:They cover 6% of the earth’s surface. T: What’s in the rainforests? Ss:Thousands and thousands of animals live there. T: What can we get from the rainforests? S: We can get wood, fruit, medicine and rubber. T: Are they important to us? S: Yes, they are. T: What should we do with them? S: We should protect them well. T: Do you want to know more about rainforests? Ss:Yes. T: Let’s learn Section C together. 2. (听课文 1a,了解课文内容并回答问题。) T: Most students want to know more about the rainforests. Please listen to the tape and answer the following questions. (出示小黑板。) (1)What covers 6% of the earth’s surface? (2)Are there a lot of animals in rainforests? (3)Are there also thousands of different plants and lots of trees in rainforests? (4)Are the rainforests very important to us? (5)Can rainforests help to control the climate? (核对答案。) Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10 分钟) 1. (阅读 1a,完成 1b。) T: Now please read 1a and finish 1b. (核对答案。) 2. (再读 1a,完成 1c。) T: Read 1a again and write down the importance of rainforests. (核对答案。) T: Ss, can you give us your answer? S1: Make the air fresher. S2: Control the weather. S3: Give us wood, rubber, fruit, medicine and so on. 3. (教师播放 1a 录音,学生跟读两遍,核对语音语调,并画出关键词句。) (板书) Paragraph 1: cover 6%—animals—live in—thousands of—dark—wet Paragraph 2: imp ortant—lungs—help to make—control—wood, rubber … —smaller—protect (根据黑板上的关键词,用接龙的形式复述短文。) Example: T: Now please retell the passage one by one according to the key words. S1: Rainforests cover 6% of the earth’s surface. S2: Thousands and thousands of animals live in rainforests. S3: … 4. (将短文内容编成对话来巩固。) T: OK. Now please make up a dialog according to the passage. Then I will ask some groups to act it out. Example: S1: Hi! S2. Do you know the rainforest well? S2: Yes, what’s the matter? S1: I want to know about it. Could you help me? S2: No problem. I know rainforests cover 6% of the earth’s surface. S1: Really? Do thousands and thousands of animals live in them? S2: Yes, many of them live in the trees over 30 meters from the ground. S1: Could you tell me the importance of the rainforests? S2: Yes, they are the lungs of the earth. The plants in the forests help to make the air fresher. They also help to control the climate. S1: What can they give us? S2: They can give us wood, rubber, fruit, medicine and so on. S1: Are the rainforests becoming bigger and bigger? S2: No, they are becoming much smaller than before. S1: What should we do now? S2: I think we should protect them well. S1: I agree. Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10 分钟) 1. (师生对话,引出生词。引入 2a。) T: Rainforests are very important to us. What do you think of water? Ss: It’s very important to us, too. T: What do humans need water to do? Ss: We need water to drink, to cook and to clean. T: Yes. In fact, water makes up the largest part of the human body. (板书) in fact, make up T: Water covers most parts of the earth. It’s in rivers, seas, lakes and oceans. (板书) sea, lake, ocean T: All plants and animals need water, that is to say, water is important to all living things, so we must save every drop of water. (板书) living things, drop 2. (学生读 2a,独立完成 2b。) T: There is more information in 2a. Read it and finish 2b. (核对答案。) 3. (学生听读 2a 短文,核对语音和语调并画出关键词。) T: Listen to 2a and follow. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Write down the key words. (板书) plants (need, be necessary for) animals (plenty of, live, without) humans (drink, cook, clean, make up) water (cover, lakes, rivers, seas, oceans, living things, save, drop) 4. (让学生根据关键词复述短文。) T: Retell the text using the key words on the blackboard. (2 分钟后挑几名学生到前边复述。) 5. (听 3 录音,独立完成 3。第一遍只听不写,从整体上了解短文内容。第二遍边听边写出 空缺处的内容。第三遍听录音核对答案。) T: Listen to the tape and finish 3. For the first time, you just need to know about the passage. You need to write down the answers for the second time. For the third time you need to check the answers. (核对答案。) Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5 分钟) 1. (讨论有关水的问题。) T: Just now, we talked about the importance of water. Next, please discuss the following questions about water in groups. Then each group gives your opinions in the front of the classroom. (出示小黑板。) (1)Are there rivers and lakes in your hometown? (2)Is the water there dirty or clean? Why? (3)What should we do to keep the water clean? (4)What should we do to save every drop of water? (把学生分成四人一组,讨论这些问题,然后每组派一人汇报讨论结果。)[ 2. Homework: 根据讨论结果,以 Water is Our Lif e 为题写一篇短文。 板书设计: Plants and animals are important to us. Section C thousands of The plants in the forests help to make the air fresher. smaller and smaller Water makes up the largest part of the human body in fact Water is important to all living things. We must save every drop of water. make up be necessary for be very important to can’t live without… 八上仁爱版英 Unit 4 Topic 1 Plants and animals are important to us Section D 教学案例 The main activities are 1 and 4 本课重点活动是 1 和 4。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some useful words and expressions: in danger, bamboo, land, whale, kill, south, bear, wolf 2. Review comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives: (1)They have less and less land to live on. (2)Their number is getting smaller and smaller. (3)They are the oldest type of tigers living in the world. 3. Review how to describe animals and plants. 4. Love and protect animals and our world. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/图片/多媒体/小黑板 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10 分钟) (通过对话,复习本话题中的重要句型。) T: Hello! S1, do you like the countryside or the city? S1:I like the countryside. T: Why? S1: Because the air is fresher, the sky is bluer and there are also greener trees and clearer rivers. S1: Hello! S2, do you like the countryside or the city? S2: … (学生用接龙形式操练此句型。) T: Most of us like the countryside better. Do you like plants or animals in the countryside? S2:I like the animals. T: Which kind of animals do you like best? S2:I like dogs best. T: Why do you think so? S2:Because they are more friendly than other animals. (教师示范后,找两组学生进行表演。) T: From your talking, I know some students like animals better, some students like plants better. Now who can tell us something about rainforests? S3, please. S3:Rainforests cover 6% of the earth’s surface, … (学生分组复述,教师评出优胜组并表扬。) T: We know the rainforests are very important to us. In fact, water is also important to us. Please tell us the importance of water, S4. S4:Water is very important to all living things. All animals can’t live at all without water. Water makes up the largest part of the human body, but water is becoming dirtier and dirtier, so we must save every drop of water. Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10 分钟) 1. (教师出示熊猫、蓝鲸、华南虎的图片。引出生词,导入新课。) T: Well done! I have some pictures here. Can you name these animals? Ss: Yes, they are pandas, tigers and … T: Good, they are pandas, blue whales and Chinese tigers. (板书) blue whale T: (出示熊猫的图片。)Where do pandas live? Ss:They live in the forests and mountains. T: Right, they live in the forests and mountains of Southwest China. (板书) southwest T: What do pandas feed on? Ss:They feed on bamboo.(帮助学生回答。) (板书) bamboo T: Their number is getting smaller and smaller. Do you know why? Ss:Because they have less and less land to live on. T: Good. They have less and less land to live on. (板书) land T: (出示蓝鲸的图片。)Are blue whales the largest animal in the world? Ss:Yes, they are. T: Where do they live? Ss:They live in the ocean. T: What do they feed on? Ss:They feed on the smallest sea animals. T: (出示华南虎的图片。)Where do the Chinese tigers live? Ss:They live in the south of China.(帮助学生回答。) (板书) south T: Their number is getting smaller and smaller, too. Because people kill lots of them. Why do people kill them? Ss: They kill them for money. T: Right. People kill them for their fur and bones. (板书) kill fur bone T: Pandas, blue whales and Chinese tigers are all wild animals. Can you name other wild animals?(教师可以引导并帮助学生回答。) Ss:Yes, monkeys, bears, wolves. (板书) bear wolf T: Which do you like best, blue whales, pandas or Chinese tigers? Ss:I like the panda best. T: Why do you think so? Ss:Because it’s the most lovely animal of the three. 2. (让学生读短文 1,回答问题。) T: Pandas, blue whales and Chinese tigers are all wild animals. Their numbers are getting smaller and smaller. They are in danger. Why are the y in danger? Read 1 on Page 83 and answer it. (板书) in danger[ (核对答案。) Ss: Pandas have less and less land to live on. Blue whales don’t have enough clear water and humans kill them, too. Chinese tigers are killed by people for their fur and bones. 3. (再读一遍短文,回答短文后的问题。) T: Now read this passage again, then answer the questions below. (核对答案。)[ Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10 分钟) 1. (让学生听 1 录音,写出关键词。) T: Listen to the tape and write down the key words. (板书) pandas: forests and mountains, bamboo, less and less land, smaller and smaller blue whales: ocean, largest and heaviest, sea animals, kill, ocean water, dirty Chinese tigers: south, oldest type, small animals , fur and bones, in danger 2. (让学生根据关键词复述课文。) T: Please retell the text according to the key words. (2 分钟后找几位学生复述。) 3. (让学生讨论,唤起保护动物的意识。) T: Some animals are in danger, and their numbers are getting smaller and smaller. What should we do to protect them? Discuss in groups. (2 分钟后回答。) S1:We should plant more trees. S2:We should keep the water clean. S3:We shouldn’t kill them. (最后教师补充。) Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10 分钟) 1. (利用多媒体或小黑板,复习形容词比较级和最高级。完成 2a。) T: Now, class. Let’s do an exercise. (教师出示小黑板。) 用所给词的比较级或最高级填空: 1. But now rainforests are becoming ____ and _____ (small). 2. I like cats best, because they are _____ _____ (lovely) than other animals. (核对答案。) T:Now, listen to the tape. And then read 2a together. 2. (做一些有关形容词比较级和最高级的书面练习。) (1) (用多媒体或小黑板出示。) Adjective Comparative Superlative funny little important large long thin (2)(用多媒体或小黑板出示。) 用所给词的正确形式填空。 Jim is (tall) than Tom. Peter is (tall) student of the six students. Michael is (fast) swimmer of all the students. Kangkang’s drawing is (beautiful) than Jane’s. Sally’s English is (good) in her class. 3. (学习 2b,掌握常用的短语。) (1) Listen to 2b and repeat. (2) Read an d write the useful expressions. (3) Make sentences or a dialog with the phrases in the table. (核对答案。) 4. (比较农村和城市的区别,运用形容词比较级。完成 3。) Compare the two pictures in 3 carefully and write a passage about them. Then I’ll let some of you report it. (核对答案。) Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5 分钟) 1. (分组讨论,比较动物和植物,农村和城市,谈一谈水的重要性,写一篇短文。) T: Discuss the questions in 4 with your partner and write a passage with the title, “The World in My Eyes”. 2. Homework: 假设学生是濒危野生动物保护专家,写一篇演讲稿呼吁人们的保护意识。 板书设计: Plants and animals are important to us. Section D give sb. joy They have less and less land to live on. make up Their number is getting smaller and smaller. share … with … They are the oldest type of tigers living in the world. in danger

