八年级上英语课件《I'm more outgoing than my sister》 (5)_人教新课标

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八年级上英语课件《I'm more outgoing than my sister》 (5)_人教新课标

A good friend ___a. has cool clothes ___b. is talented in music. ___c. likes to do the same things as me. ___d. is good at sports. ___ e. truly cares about me. ___f. makes me laugh. ___g. is a good listener. What kind of things are important in a friend? Rank the things below[1-7](1is the most important) 1a A good friend… is good at sports. is good at school work. is popular at school. likes to do the same things as me. has cool clothes and hair style. makes me laugh. is more outgoing than me. has good grades. likes telling jokes. keeps secrets. … My view 1. talent( n.天才)+ed = talented (adj.有才能的) 比较级:______________. 2. do the same things as me. (翻译)_________; the same …as… 表示:__________, 3. is good at sports.(翻译)意为________, 其后可接名词、代词或动名词。 同义词组:_________ He ____ _____ ____ English.(他擅长英语) I’m _____ ___ _______ basketball.(我擅长打篮球) 自主学习 more talented 在…方面有专长 应该用be talented in sth./doing sth . 做与我一样 的事情 与…一样… 擅长… do well in is good at good at playing 自主学习 4. care about,意为________; care for 意为_________; take care (当/小心) take care of (照顾) 5.makes me laugh. (翻译)______; make sb. do sth.意为:_____________. His father always _____ _____ _____ up before five o’clock.(让他起床) 让(使)某人做某事(make后跟不带to的不定式) 关心,在意 喜欢,照顾 使我笑 让/使某人做某事 makes him get Talk about what you think a good friend should be like. 1b Who is your best friend? Why is he / she a good friend? A: I think a good friend makes me laugh. B: For me, a good friend likes to do the same things as me. C: Yes, and a good friend is talented in music,too. D: That’s not very important for me… 为,对 Group work :Talk about what you think a good friend should be like. A: I think a good friend is a good listener. What about you? B: For me, a good friend likes to do the same things as me. That’s very important for me. C: Yes, and a good friend is popular, too. D: That’s not very important for me. I think a good friend … (funny, likes telling stories, can help me when I am in trouble, can give me good advice, likes English…etc.) 7 1c like about their best friends Molly Mary Peter likes to do the same things Listen. what do Molly and Mary like about their best friends? He’s popular, He’s good at sports. Lisa is a good listener. 1d Listen. How are Molly and Mary the same as and different from their best friends? Molly Marry The same as their best friends Different from their best friends They’re both tall. Lisa is quieter Molly studies harder. They’re both pretty outgoing They look similar. They both have long, curly hair. Molly is a little quieter. Pete plays baseball better. He speaks more loudly. she’s smarter. Mary is more outgoing. Interviewer: Who is your best friend, Molly? Holly: Pete. Interviewer: Why do you like him? Holly: Because he likes to do the same things as I do. He’s popular, too, and he’s good at sports. Interviewer: So, Is he different from you in many Molly: Well, yes. I like to study. I study harder than Peter. He plays baseball better than me. Interviewer: OK,I see… Holly: Oh, and he speaks more loudly than me .I’m a little quieter. But I’d say we’re both pretty outgoing. ways? Tapescript Interviewer: How about you, Mary? Who’s your best friend? Mary: My best friend is Lisa. Interviewer: What do you like about her? Maria: Well, she’s a good listener, and that’s important to me. Interviewer: Is she a lot like you? Maria: Some people say we look similar. We’re both tall, and we both have long, curly hair. But Lisa is quieter than me, I’m always talking. She’s also smarter. I’m more outgoing. 相当于very much be like 像…… Likes about their best friends Different from their best friends Molly Mary Peter likes to do the same things, popular, good at sports Lisa is a good listener. They are both pretty outgoing Molly studies harder. Molly is a little quieter. Peter plays baseball better. speaks more loudly. They’re both tall. look similar, both have long, curly hair. Lisa is quieter she’s smarter. Mary is more outgoing. Pairwork 1e The same as their best friends Talk about Molly and Mary and their best friends. eg. The boss made the workers work 12 hours a day. His mother made him finish the work alone. 他妈妈让他一个人完成这项工作 make sb./ sth.+adj. 使/让某人/某事怎么样; 例如:His words made us feel so exciting. Mother made a birthday cake for me. The news makes everyone happy. Explanation 1. I think a good friend makes me laugh. make sb. do sth. 让(使)某人做某事(make后跟不带to的不定式) 1. The boss makes the worker ____10 hours every day. A. work B. to work C. working D. works 2. Mr Bean enjoys ____ jokes and often makes us _____. A. to tell; to laugh B. tells; laughC. telling; laugh D. telling; laughing 3. His parents often make him __ his homework till 10 pm. A. do B. does C. to do D. doing 4.这个消息使每个人都很快乐。 The news _________everyone_________. 8.I think a good friend makes me laugh.我认为好朋友会使我 笑。 make v. 制造;使;让。常用结构: make sb./ sth.+adj. 使/让某人/某事怎么样; make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事。 例如:Mother made a birthday cake for me. The news makes everyone happy. His mother made him finish the work alone. 2. be good at … 意为”在某方面做得好,擅长 做某事”,后跟名词,代词或动名词如: She . 她擅长运动 My friend .我的朋友英语学得好. Jack . 杰克擅长游泳. is good at sports. is good at English is good at swimming Explanation be good at 擅长; be good to/with 对…友好 be good for 对…有好处 e.g. They are good at playing the piano . I am not good at swimming. Who is good at computer in your class? Li Lei is good at schoolwork =Li lei does well in schoolwork (2) be good at sth. / doing sth. 擅长于(做) 某事 e.g. They are good at playing badminton. I am not good at painting. Who is good at using computers in your class? Explanation 3. same 前要加定冠词 the same 反义词 different 前不加定冠词 1. 你们看起来一样 2. 在中国和美国有些东西是不同的 You look the same. Some things in China are different from those in America. They look the same Liu Li is the same as Liu Ying. They look different. Liu Li is different from Liu Ying. Explanation the same as 我的书和你的一样。 她的头发的颜色和他的一样。 我的朋友喜欢做和我一样的事。 Mary is as tall as Gina.(同义转换) My book is the same as yours. The color of her hair is the same as the color of his. My friend likes doing the same things as me. Mary has the same height (高度 ) as Gina. as the color of his I know she cares about me because she’s always there to listen. 我知道她很在乎我,因为他随时能够听我倾听。 care about v. 担心 。相当于:be worried, be interested 指:忧虑、担心、关心、惦念 例句: Do not you care about anybody? 你难道谁也不关心吗? I really care about my work. 我真的关心我的工作。 1. 与…一样 不如… 2. 有点外向a little/much/a lot/even/far + adj.比较级 3. 与某人做相同的事 4. 使某人(不)做某事 5. 对于我来说那并不重要。 6. 最好的朋友 7. 大多数的孩子 most of the kids = most kids as +adj. /adv.原级 +as… not as/so+adj./adv.原级+as… a little more outgoing do the same things as sb make/let sb (not) do sth That’s not important for me. the best friend =ask/tell sb (not) to do sth popular________ funny ________ quiet ________ friendly ________ shy ________ serious ________ outgoing ___________ smart ________ hard-working ________________________ more popular quieter shier more outgoing funnier friendlier smarter more hard-working more serious 2a Write the comparative forms of the following adjectives. Then use them to write five sentences about you and your friends.(写出比较级并造5个比较句子) write the rest sentences by yourself. My friend David is more hard-working than me. but I’m funnier than him.___ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ I’m quieter and more serious than most kids. He is taller and more outgoing than me. Huang Lei is more hard-working than Larry I always get better grades than he does. She’s funnier than anyone I know. Read the passages quickly and match the person with the right ideas. Friends are like books —you don’t need a lot of them. It’s not necessary to be the same. My best friend is quite different from me. A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. Mary Smith Huang Lei Jeff Green 2b My mother told me a good friend is like a mirror. I’m quieter and more serious than most . That’s why I like reading books and studying harder in class. My best friend Yuan Li is quiet too, so we enjoy studying together. I’m shy so it’s not easy for me to make friends. But I think friends are like books---you don’t need a lot of them as long as they’re good. Jeff Green as long as 只要;既然 阅读短文找出比较级的词汇和短语划线。 交朋友 喜欢学习 许多=lots of It’s not necessary to be the same. My best friend Larry is quite different from me. He is taller and more outgoing than me. We both like sports, but he plays tennis better , so he always wins. However, Larry often helps to bring out the best in me. So I’m getting better at tennis. Larry is much less hard-working, though. I always get better grades than he does, so maybe I should help him more. Huang Lei 使显现;使表现出 与······不同;与······有差异 取得好成绩 I don’t really care if my friends are the same as me or different. My favorite saying is, “ A true friend reaches for your hand touches your heart .” My best friend Carol is really kind and very funny. In fact , she’s funnier than anyone I know. I broke my arm last year but she made me laugh and feel better. We can talk about and share everything. I know she cares about me because she’s always there to listen. Mary Smith I事实上;实际上 关心;在意 和······相同;与······一致 The young people should care about the old. 短语熟记 make friends be like as long as be different from bring out get better grades the same as touch your heart in fact talk about care about be similar to 交朋友 像……;跟……一样”。 只要;既然 与······不同;与······有差 异 使显现;使表现出 取的好成绩 和······相同;与······一致 触动你的心 事实上;实际上 交谈 关心;在意 与······相像(类似)的 1.like 动词,喜欢; Tom likes fish very much.汤姆非常喜欢鱼。 I like reading books and studying harder in class. 介词,像 (1). be like, look like 意为“像……;跟……一样”。 例如 A good friend is like a mirror What‘s your sister like?你姐姐怎么样/你姐是怎样一个人? She is like her mother.她象她的妈妈。(性格) What does your sister look like?你姐姐长什么样子? She looks like her mother.她看起来象她的妈妈。(外貌) (2). feel like后接Ving形式、代词或名词,意为“想要做某 事”。 例如:Do you feel like having a rest?你想休息吗? 常见句型: What do you like about...?意为“关于……你喜欢什么?”, How do you like...?意为“你认为……怎么样?” (=What do you think of...?) Would you like +名词 / to do sth.?意为"你想要……吗? We can talk about this as long as you want. 只要你想谈,我们就可以谈谈这事。 It’s fine as long as you’re happy. 只要你高兴就好。 You don’t need to a lot of them as long as they’re good. 朋友不在多而贵在好。表示 “只要……” 1.Life in the country is quite ______ that in the city, A. the same B. different from C. full of D. the same as 2.Is your pen _______ Jim’s? A. same as B. the same C. the same with D. the same as 3.There is not much _______________ (different) in price between the two coats. 4.我的妹妹和我不一样。 My sister _______ _______ _______ me. 3.It is+形容词(easy, important, difficult, necessary,...)+( for/of sb.)+不定式 【例如】 It is important for to learn English. It’s not necessary to be the same. It’s good to run in the morning. It’s not easy for me to make friends. 做某事是…… It’s important for you to practice speaking English. It’s good for us to do sports every day. 练一练 1.There are lots of buildings on _____ sides of the streets. A. each B. both C. either D. all 2.What are your parents? They _____ doctors. A. are all B. are both C. all are D. both are 3.Li Lei and Li Ming_____ black hair. A. have both B. both have C. has both D. both has 4.We both like sports. 我们两个都喜欢运动。 They are both tall. 他们两个都高。 both 表示两者都, both of 两者都 例如: They are both students.= Both of them are students. The girls both like English. =Both of the girls like English. 放在be动词之后, 实义动词之前 5.Huang Lei isn’t as good at tennis as Larry.黄磊不如拉里擅长网 球。as...as 与······一样 not as/so...as 不如······ 中间加形容词或副词的原级。例如: He is as tall as Tom. 他跟汤姆一样高。 She isn’t as outgoing as her sister. 她不如她的姐姐外向。 1.Jim is twelve years old. Tim is twelve years old, too.(合 并为同义句) Jim is _______ _______ _______ Tim. 2.Do you think football is as _______ as basketball in America? A. most popular B. the most popular C. more popular D. popular 3.This math problem is _______that one. A. not so easy as B. more easy than C. as easier as D. easy than She doesn’t study so / as hard as her brother 6.However, Larry is much less hard-working, though I always get better grades.然而,拉里不如我用功,因此我 总是取得更好的成绩。 little 和much 都可用来修饰比较级,表示“更······一 点,······得多”。例如: He is a little shorter than you. 他比你少矮一点儿。 [拓展] 修饰比较级除了用a little 外,还可用even(甚 至),far(非常),a lot(非常),a bit(一点)等。 练一练 14.This is my friend. He is _____outgoing than I am. A. much B. more much C. a little more D. a lot of more 15.She is _______ _______ _______(稍矮一点)than Tom. 7. win +比赛项目 win a match / game 赢得某个比赛项目 He won the game. beat sb + (in +比赛项目) beat sb. / a team (在某个比赛项目中)打败某人 He always beats me in pingpong. 他总在网球方面打败了我 记忆:A beat B, so A win How do you and your friends compare with the people in the aricle?(写5句)(拓展提高) 2d be similar to 与······相像(类似)的 A + be different from B because A + be similar to B because I’m different from Jeff because I'm louder than the other kids in my class. My best friend is similar to Larry because she’s less hard- working than me. Which saying about friends is your favorite? Which friend do you think about when you read this saying ?Why? Tell your partner about it. 1.A good friend is like a mirror. 2.Friends are like books-you don’t read a lot of them as long as they’re good. 3.My best friend helps me to bring out the best in me. 4.A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. My favorite saying is …It makes me think about my best friend. She/He… 好朋友就像一面镜子。 朋友如书—你不需要很多,只要它们好就行。 我最好的朋友帮我显现最好的一面。 真正的朋友是一个可以援手 帮助并感动你心扉的人。 2e A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. 一个真正的朋友是在需要时给你帮助,使你感动。 此句中“ hand”引申为“ 帮助, 援助”; “heart” 则为“情感;感受” 例如: Can you give me a hand? 你能他帮我一把吗? The movie touched the hearts of all the people at the cinema. 这部电影让在场的所有观众动容。 记一记 reach for your hand (伸手帮你一把) touch your heart (令你感动) My best friend helps to bring out the best in me. 我最好的朋友能帮我激发出自己的所能。 bring out 是个习语,“使显现;使表现出” bring out the best/ worst in someone “ 把某人最好的(或最坏的)一面表现或显露出来”。 如: In the basketball game, it’s important for the players to play together and bring out the best in each other. 在篮球比赛中,队员们密切协作,是大伙都发挥到极 致是很重要的。 3a Wang Lingling and Liu Lili are best friends. Look at the chart below and compare them. Wang Lingling Liu Lili Wang Lingling and Liu Lili are best friends. Look at the chart below and compare them. Wang Lingling Liu Lili tall tall short straight hair like reading like sports popular outgoing outgoing serious hard-working long straight hair popular funny smart 3a The same points Differences Lingling LiuLi 1.black eyes black hair 3.popular 2.tall 4.outgoing Longer straight hair more serious more hard working likes reading shorter straight hair funnier smarter likes sports Wang Lingling’s straight hair is longer than Liu Lili’s. Wang Lingling likes reading and LiuLili likes sports. Both of them are popular and outgoing. Wang Lingling is more serious, and Liu Lili is funnier. Wang Lingling is more hard- working, and Liu Lili is smarter than Wang Lingling. Write two paragraphs describing your friends. 3c 根据表格,写出“我”和“Dick”在学习,爱好, 等方面的相同和不同之处。 相同点 不同点 Dick a)喜欢运动。 b)各门功课学得 好。 c)喜欢阅读,通 常在周末去图书 馆。 a)身材比我高,更健 壮。 b)喜欢听音乐会。 c)每天锻炼。 I a)喜欢看电视 b)每周锻炼三次。 Who do you think should get the job, Jenny or Jill? 本句是由“特殊疑问句+选项”构成的选择疑问句, “do you think”作插入语。 Who do you think cleaned the classroom yesterday Which bike do you think is Tom’s, the new one or the old one?你认为哪辆自行车是汤姆的,那辆新的还是旧的呢? or 意为“或者;还是”,常用于选择疑问句中。例如: Do you like math or English? 你喜欢数学还是英语? 1.Lucy do you think who ____ the shortest in your class? A. do B. does C. is D. are 2. Which do you think _______ the longest river in China? A. is B. are C. am D. be 3. Who do you think _______ him clean the classroom yesterday? A. help B. helped C. helps D. helping What people are like What people can do Put the words in the correct column in the chart.1 hard-working run fast quiet serious jump high smart Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the words in brackets. 1.My brother is __________ (funny) than me. He makes people laugh a lot. 2. I’m outgoing, but my best friend is a lot ______________ (outgoing) than me. 3. My brother is _________ (serious) as my sister. They both like to study. 4. My cousin can run ______ (fast) than me. She is taller than me, too. 5. Jim is ______ (friendly) than Tom, so Tom has more friends than Jim. 2

