八年级上英语课件《How do you make a banana mike shake》 (16)_人教新课标

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八年级上英语课件《How do you make a banana mike shake》 (16)_人教新课标

How do you make a banana milk shake? Unit 8 What kind of fruit do you like? I like ….. 点此播放视频 How do you usually eat bananas? A: Peel the banana and eat it. /pi: l/ 剥;削 B: Peel the banana, cut it up and eat it. c: Peel the banana ,cut it up and pour some yogurt into it /pɔ: / 倾倒 pour …into.. 把…倒入…. /kʌ t/ 切碎 /jɔ:gət/ 酸奶 banana milk shake /ʃeIk/ 奶昔 ingredients / In'gri:dIənts / (材料;原料) a cup of milk two spoons of ice cream What do we need? blender /'blendə / 果汁机,搅和器 knife 水果刀 cup 杯子 plate 盘子 three bananas /spu:n/ 勺子 /kʌp/ 杯子 peel the bananas. cut up the bananas. put the bananas and ice cream into the blender. Let’s make a banana milk shake together First, Next, Next, 把…放进…去 pour the milk into the blender. turn on the blender. drink the milk shake.Finally, Next, Then, (After that, turn off the blender.) 打开 关上 /‘faɪnəlI/最后 How to make a banana milk shake? First, peel… Next cut up… Next, put … into … Then, turn on… Finally ,drink… Next, pour …into ... Challenge yourself: • Make a milk shake with your favorite fruit. • A: How do you make a banana/ apple/… milk shake • B: Peel the bananas… fruit salad 水果沙拉 listen and fill in the blanks . How many … do we need? We need …. How much … do we need? We need….. Pair work : one two three one cup two spoons Watermelon orange apples bananas yogurt honey First Next Then Finally cut up three bananas, two apples and a watermelon and an orange. mix it all up add two spoons of honey and a cup of yogurt to the fruit put the fruit in a bowl How to make a fruit salad. match the sentences 混合在一起 把…加到….上 How to make fruit salad. First cut up … Next put…in Then add ...to Finally mix …up Writing Work in groups to write a recipe(食谱) about how to make tomatoes and beef noodles Like this: Do you know how to make noodles? First,________Next, _____________ Then________Finally ____________ beef tomatoes boil the noodles /bɒɪl/ 煮 salt /sɔ: t/盐 ingredients add … to…. • 奶昔 • 打开 • 关上 • 切碎 • 把….倒进…. • 一杯酸奶 • 两勺蜂蜜 • 混合在一起 • 把…加到…上 • milk shake • turn on • turn off • cut up • Pour ...into • a cup of yogurt • two spoons of honey • mix up • add … to… Summary 1.You should _______ the apple before you eat it. A. eat B. peel C. cut D pour 2.Please ____ the TV and there is a football match on it. A. opens B. turn on C. turns off D turn up 3.I think you should ____ some salt ___ the noodles A. add, to B. put, in C. pour, into D cut ,up 4.The watermelon is too big. Let’s _____. A.cut it up B. cut them up C. cut up it D. cut up them Exercises B B A A Cook :Good morning, everyone! I’m … from “Super kitchen”. Today let us make a banana milk shake/fruit salad together. Do you know how to make a banana milk shake? --First, peel the bananas. --Next, … --Then… --Finally … Homework: 1.Try to recite the new words and phrases 2.Make a meal for your parents

