八年级上英语课件授课课件_牛津译林版 (1)

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八年级上英语课件授课课件_牛津译林版 (1)

long—longer—longest heavy—heavier—heaviest slim—slimmer—slimmest interesting—more interesting—most interesting worse adj. 更差,更糟,更坏1 eg: His handwriting is worse than mine. 他的书法比我的差。 worse的反义词是better(good,well的比较级)。 eg: —How are you feeling today, Tom? —I'm feeling even worse. ——汤姆,你今天感觉如何? ——我感觉更难受。 worse是bad的比较级。 eg: He sings much worse than he did last year. 他唱得比去年差多了。 worse还可作副词,意为“更坏,更差, 更糟”,是badly的比较级。 height n. 高度; 高 height 表示具体的 而不是抽象的高度。 2 eg: What is his height? = How tall is he? 他多高? height的形容词形式为high,意为“高的; 超乎寻常的”。 eg: He drives at high speed. 他高速驾驶。 典例 The plane is      (高的) in the sky. It is flying at a      (高度) of three thousand meters. high 【点拨】high形容词“高的”; height名词“高度”。 height weight n. 重量3 eg: He is losing weight. 他正在减肥。 weight的动词形式为weigh,意为“重”。 weigh的过去式为weighed,过去分词为weighed。 eg: She weighs 45 kilos. 她体重为45公斤。 competition n. 竞赛,比赛; 竞争4 eg: It's a friendly competition. 它是一场友谊赛。 competition作“竞赛,比赛”讲时,是可数名词; 作“竞争”讲时,是不可数名词。 eg:The famous club has held three basketball competitions this year. 那个著名的俱乐部今年已经举办了三次篮球比 赛。 test /test/ n. 测试,考查5 eg: We'll have a maths test tomorrow. 明天我们将进行一次数学测试。 test作名词“测试,考查”讲时,是可数名词。 eg: Mr Wu tested the students' knowledge of English grammar. 吴老师测验了学生们的英语语法知识。 test还可作动词,意为“测验,考查”。 of the six students 六位学生中6 eg:He is the shortest of the six students. 他是六位学生中最矮的。 辨析:of, among与in 词条 含义及用法 示例 of “在……之中”,表示 所属,后接表示范 围的人或物 My bike is the newest of the three. 我的自行车是 三辆中最新的。 among “在……中间”,指三 者或三者以上,后接 表示范围的人或物 Among the three players, Nick is the best in playing badminton. 在三个运动员中,尼克在打羽 毛球方面是最棒的。 in “在……里面”,后接 表示位置、范围的名 词或名词短语 Amy is the cleverest student in her class. 埃米是她班里最聪明 的学生。 在含有形容词或副词最高级的句子中,常用in, among 或of短语作状语来表示比较范围。 swimmer n. 游泳者7 eg:He is a good swimmer. 他是一个优秀的游泳者。 eg: Can you swim across the river? 你能游过这条河吗? Swimming is my favourite sport in summer. 游泳是夏天里我最喜欢的运动。 swimmer的动词形式为swim,意为“游泳”; 表 示动作的名词为swimming,意为“游泳”。 swimming pool 游泳池拓展 典例 完成句子 露西是一个优秀的游泳者。看!她正在游泳池里游泳。 Lucy is a good ____________. Look! She is ____________ in the _______________ pool. swimmer swimming swimming 形容词的比较级与最高级 语法沙龙 形容词的比较等级的构成 (1) 形容词比较级用于两者之间的比较。构成: 单音节和部分双音节形容词后加er; 部分 双音节和多音节形容词前面加more。 语法沙龙 (2) 形容词的最高级用于三者或三者以上的比较。构成: 单音节和部分双音节形容词后加est; 部分双音节 和多音节形容词前加most。形容词的最高级前须使 用定冠词the,但若有形容词性物主代词,则不用 the。 eg: Andy is taller than me. 安迪比我高。 语法沙龙 (3) 形容词比较级和最高级的构成: 形容词比较级和最高级的变 化规则 示例 大多数单音节和部分双音节 词直接在词尾加er或est。 short—shorter—shortest long—longer—longest 以不发音的字母e结尾的词 直接加r或st。 fine—finer—finest 以辅音字母+y结尾的词, 去掉y,再加ier或iest。 easy—easier—easiest heavy—heavier—heaviest 语法沙龙 以一个辅音字母结尾的重读 闭音节词,双写最后一个辅 音字母,再加er或est。 big—bigger—biggest slim—slimmer—slimmest hot—hotter—hottest 多音节和部分双音节词,在 其前加more或most。 interesting—more interesting— most interesting 不规则变化 good—better—best little— less—least 语法沙龙 形容词比较级的用法 (1)当两者进行比较时通常用形容词的比较 级,常用句型为“A + 系动词 + 比较级 + than +B. ”。形容词比较级前常用much, a lot, a little, even等修饰。 语法沙龙 eg: Millie is much taller than I am. 米莉比我高得多。 Skiing is more exciting than skating. 滑雪比溜冰更刺激。 语法沙龙 典例 —This kind of watch is much      today than last month. Would you like to have one? —Really? I'll take one. (重庆B) A. the most expensive   B. the cheapest C. more expensive    D. cheaper D 语法沙龙 (2)[难点] “比较级 + and + 比较级”或 “more and more + 多音节或部分双音节形容词”表示 “越来越……”。 eg: Day gets shorter and shorter in autumn. 秋天白天变得越来越短。 Our city is becoming more and more beautiful. 我们的城市正变得越来越漂亮。 语法沙龙 典例 —I talked with my little uncle on the computer last night. —The Internet makes the world     . (铜仁) A. small and small   B. smaller and smaller C. small and smaller D. smaller and small B 【点拨】考查形容词的比较级。句意:——昨晚我 和我的小叔叔用电脑聊天了。——互联网使世界越 来越小。比较级+ and+比较级,意为“越来越”。 语法沙龙 (3)“the +比较级, the +比较级”表示“越……,就越……”。 eg:The busier she is, the happier she feels. 她越忙就感到越高兴。 语法沙龙 (4) [难点] “主语 + 系动词 + the + 比较级 + of the two. . . ” 表示“……是两者之中较(更)……的。” eg: She is the taller of the two girls. 她是两个女孩中比较高的那个。 语法沙龙 (5)“Which/Who is + 比较级,A or B?” 表示“A和B哪一个/ 谁更……?”。 eg:Who is slimmer, Lucy or Lily? 露西和莉莉,谁更苗条? 语法沙龙 (6) [难点]:“比较级 + than any other + 可数名词单数” 或“比较级 + than the other + 可数名词复数”表示 “比 其他……都要……”。  eg: Jack is taller than any other boy in his class. =Jack is taller than the other boys in his class. 杰克比他班上其他男生都高。 语法沙龙 形容词最高级的用法 (1)“the + 形容词最高级 + of/in + 表示范围的词语” 表示 “在……中最……”,是最常用的最高级结构。 eg:He is the smartest of us three. 他是我们三个人中最聪明的。 语法沙龙 in表示环境范围,in后的名词和主语不是同 一概念范畴; of表示对象范畴,of后的名词与主语是 同一概念范畴。 语法沙龙 典例 —It is reported that Friday will be________ of the week. —OK, I will take some warm clothes with me. (资阳) A. cold  B. colder C. coldest D. the coldest D 【点拨】考查形容词的比较等级。句意:——据报道, 周五将会是这周内最冷的。——好的,我将会带些暖和 的衣服。根据of the week“在这周中”,表示比较的范围, 可知用最高级,形容词最高级前应加定冠词the。 语法沙龙 (2)“one of the + 最高级 + 可数名词复数” 表示 “最……的……之一”。 eg: Li Yuchun is one of the most popular singers. 李宇春是最受欢迎的歌手之一。 语法沙龙 典例 —Which is _________ season in Beijing? —I think it's autumn. A. the best B. better C. best   D. good A 语法沙龙 (3)“the + 序数词 + 最高级 + 可数名词单数” 表示 “(某范围内)第几……的……”。 eg: The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. 黄河是中国的第二长河。 语法沙龙 (4)“Which/Who + 系动词 + the + 最高级,A, B or C ? ” 表示 “A、B和C,哪一个/谁最……?”。 eg:Which is the largest in area, China, Canada or Russia? 中国、加拿大和俄罗斯,哪个国家面积最大? 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. This book is not as _________(interest) as that one. 2. Betty looks much _________ (slim) than before. 3. Dad, you are carrying the ________ (heavy)bag of the three. 4. —Do you think the film is a good one? —Yes. I think it is the _________ (good) film this year. interesting slimmer heaviest best  5. —Who is the _________ (busy) in your family? —My mother is. She is always as ________ (busy) as a bee. 6. This story is bad, but that one is _________ (bad). 7. Do you know the famous _________ (swim) name? 8. What's the _________ (high) of that wall? 9. — What's the _________ (weigh) of the elephant? — About two tons. (苏州) 10. Henry's painting skill is _______(good)than Andrew's . busiest busy worse swimmer's height weight better 二、单项选择 11. —I don't have enough money to buy the white dress. —What about the orange one? The price is a little ________. A. cheaper B. higher C. lower D. more expensive C 【点拨】考查形容词辨析。句意:——我没有足够的钱买那 条白色的裙子。——那件橙色的怎么样?(它的)价格更低一 点。形容价格高低时,用形容词high/ low。上文中“没有足 够的钱”提示下文推荐价格稍低一些的。故选C。 12. WeChat Wallet is making our life ________ than before. A. so easier B. much easier C. more easy C. much more easy B 【点拨】考查形容词的比较级。句意:微信钱包正让 我们的生活比以前更加方便了。easy的比较级为easier, much可以修饰比较级。故选B。 13. Daniel is __________ his twin brother. They are both 1. 75 metres tall. (宿迁) A. taller than B. shorter than C. as tall as D. so tall as C 14. —What do you think of maths, John? —For me, maths is ________ than any other subject. (河池) A. difficult B. more difficult C. most difficult D. the most difficult 【点拨】考查形容词的比较等级的用法。句意:——约翰, 你认为数学怎么样?——对我来说,数学比其他任何学科都 更难。由句中的than可知这里要用形容词的比较级,difficult 是多音节的形容词,其比较级为more difficult。故选B。 B 15. _________ the mountain is, _________ the air is. A. The highest; the thinnest B. Higher; thinner C. The higher; the thinner D. The high; the thin C 16. Tony is _________ of the three boys, but he is the tallest. (北京) A. young B. younger C. youngest D. the youngest D 17. Shanghai is bigger than ________ in Jiangsu. A. any other city B. any city C. all the other cities D. all the city B 【点拨】前者不属于后者范围内,故选B。 18. —Tom, what do you think of the school? —Oh, no other school is __________ in the city. It's ________ one. (常州) A. better; a better B. the best; the best C. better; the best D. the best; a better C 19. Mr. Black's memory is getting _________. As a result, he often leaves his keys at home. (安徽) A. older B. poorer C. greater D. better B 20. Mount Lao is one of _________ mountains in Qingdao. Many tourists like climbing it every year. (青岛) A. famous B. the more famous C. most famous D. the most famous 【点拨】考查形容词的最高级。句意:崂山是青岛最 著名的山脉之一。每年都有许多游客喜欢爬崂山。 one of+ the+形容词最高级+名词复数,表示 “最……之一”。故选D。 D 三、根据汉语完成句子 21. 在这十个学生中,米莉是最快的游泳者。 __________ __________ ___________ __________, Millie is ____________ ___________ ___________. Among the ten students the fastest swimmer 22. 杰克是我们班最矮的男孩。 Jack is __________ ___________ boy _________our class. 23. 人们都知道中国变得越来越强大 Everyone knows that China is getting ____________ ___________ ____________. the shortest in stronger and stronger 24. 今天下午我们将举行英语测试。 We will ____________ ___________ ___________ ______________ this afternoon. 25. 新图书馆将会比旧的大多了。 __________________________________________ (潍坊) have an English test The new library will be much bigger than the old one. 本节课主要学习了以下知识点,请同学们及 时巩固练习: 形容词的比较级和最高级

