牛津译林版八年级上册Unit 5《Wild animals》(Reading I)随堂练习

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牛津译林版八年级上册Unit 5《Wild animals》(Reading I)随堂练习

Wild animals 一、词汇。 1.意思是_________ 2. 开始_________ 3.伤心地_________ 4.面对_________ 5.mainly_________ 6 结果_________ 7.危险_________ 8.行动_________ 9.reserve_________ 10.法律_________ 11.没有一个_________ 二、短语。 1.出生_________ 2.采取行动_________ 3.因此_________ 4.立刻马上_________ 5.一 开 始 _________ 6. 以 食 … 为 生 _________ 7. 出 生 时 _________ 8. 处 境 危 险 _________ 三、句型及交际用语。 1.当希望出生的时候,她只有 100 克重 ,看起来像一只小白鼠。 When Xi Wang _____ ______, she ______ just 100 grams and ______ ______ a white mouse. 2.令人悲伤的是,大熊猫在野外面临严重困难。 _________, giant pandas _________ ________ _________ in the wild. 3.大熊猫现在处境危险。 Giant pandas are now _________ _________. 4.因此,熊猫可能没有住的地方和可吃的食物。 ______ ______ ______, pandas may not have a place ______ ______or food ______ ______. 四、根据句意和汉语提示完成句子。 1.When Lisa was born, she _________(重) just 2 kilograms. 2.The baby panda grew into a young _________(巨大的)one. 3.What you have done might cause _________(问题) for your family. 4.We should take some _________(行动) to protect them. 5.When she was six months old, she began to eat_________(竹子). 6.No one can disobey the _________(法律), including you. 五、用适当的介词填空。 1.The giant pandas live _________ grass and bamboo. 2.She started to go outside her home_________ the first time. 3.It is very difficult _________ the poor_________ survive during the war. 4.We should not do harm _________ pandas. 5.People keep cutting _________trees and forests. 6.We need to do something _________ giant pandas. 六、单项选择。 1.I like monkeys. _________ ? A What about you B What’s wrong C But you D Why not 2.I hear there’s a good French restaurant nearby. Why not _________ there for a lunch. A go B going C to go D go to 3.What would you like ____ your afternoon tea? Just a cup of coffee__ some sugar and milk. A of with B of without C for with D for without 4.The baby panda looks _____ a white mouse. A at B on C as D like 5.Studying in groups is necessary _____ you want to do well in school. A if B until C unless D though 6._____, it is difficult for the pandas_____ enough bamboo. A Sadly to find B Sad to find C Sad finding D Sadly finding 7.The number of the birds is getting _____ these years_____ the environment is better. A more because B more because of C bigger because D bigger because of 七、句型转换。 1.To survive in the wild is difficult for giant pandas.(同义句) _____ _____ for giant pandas _____ _____ in the wild. 2.The little baby weighed about 7 kilograms at ten months.(对划线部分提问) _____ _____ _____ the little baby _____ at ten months? 3.A male wolf always protects its baby.(改成复数句) Some male _____ always _____ _____ _____. 4.Lucy was not a little girl any more. Lucy was _____ _____ a little girl. 5.Hunters kill the tigers to get their fur.(同义句) Hunter kill the tigers _____ their fur.

