人教版八年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 6

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人教版八年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 6

UNIT 6 I’m going to study computer science. 课时 1 SectionA (1a-2d) 安徽人教版八年级上 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. Chinese s ( 科学家 ) worked hard to make Yutu-2 walk on the moon successfully. 2. Peter likes planes very much. His dream is to be a p ( 飞行员 ). 3. I want to be a p ( 钢琴家 ) like Lang Lang in the future . cientists ilot ianist 4. [ 安徽滁州来安期末 ] Jim’s father is a great e ( 工 程 师 ) in the factory. 5. My father is a good d ( 驾驶员 ). He is very good at driving. ngineer river 二、单项选择。 6 . My brother is going to be a violinist when he_____ . A. looks up B . thinks up C. grows up D . dresses up 【 点拨 】 when ( 当 …… 时 ) +从句,当主句是一般将来时时,从句用一般现在时。 C 7. — _____are you going to learn English well? —I’m going to listen to the tape every day. A. What B . How C . Who D . When B 8. My cousin is good at _____ , and he wants to be a _____ . A. cook; cook B . cook; cooker C. cooking; cook D . cooking; cooker 【 点拨 】 cook 作动词时,意为“烹饪”, be good at doing sth. 意为“擅长于做某事”; cook 作名词时,意为“厨师”。句意:我的表弟擅长于烹饪,他想成为一名厨师。 C 9. — Tim played the guitar very well in the school talent show. —I think so. He keeps on _____ it every day. A. practice to play B . practicing playing C. to practice to play D . to practice playing 【 点拨 】 keep on doing sth. 意为“反复做某事”; practice doing sth. 意为“练习做某事”。 B 10. [ 中考 · 天津 ] —Will you join in the discussion tomorrow ? — _____Maybe I’ll have a meeting. A. Well, I’m not sure. B . That’ll be great! C. Certainly. D . You’re welcome . A 11. The song Won’t Cry _____ Jay Chou was very popular as soon as it came out. A. by B . for C . to D . at A 12. [ 中考 · 广西北部湾 ] My uncle works in a hospital. He is a/an _____ . A. singer B . farmer C . actor D . doctor D 13. There _____ an English party in our class next week . A. is going to be B . is going to have C. will have D . have 【 点拨 】 There be 句型与一般将来时连用,结构为 There is/are going to be… 。 A 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 14. 并非每个人都想成为一名编程人员。 _______ _______ wants _______ _______ a computer programmer . Not everyone to be 15. 他每天放学后去上表演课。 He _______ _______ _______ after school every day . takes acting lessons 16. 要确保你每天都要练习篮球,这样才会取得进步。 _______ _______ you _________ __________ every day, so that you can make progress . Make sure practice basketball 17. 我对我的答案没把握。 I _______ _______ _______ _______ my answer . am not sure about 18. 为了保持健康 , 他爸爸坚持每天早晨跑步。 To keep healthy, his father _______ _______ _______, every morning. keeps on running 四、从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话。(有两项多余) A: Linda, what are you doing now? B: _____ 19 F A. When I finish high school. B. I’m going to move to Beijing. C. Where are you going to study? D. How are you going to do that? E. I hope your dream will come true. F. I’m reading a book about medicine. G. My dream is to be a world-famous actor. A: Do you want to be a doctor? B: Yes. My parents often get ill ( 生病 ) so I decide to become an excellent doctor. A: _____ 20 B: I’m going to study medicine in America. Now I often watch programs about medicine too. D A. When I finish high school. B. I’m going to move to Beijing. C. Where are you going to study? D. How are you going to do that? E. I hope your dream will come true. F. I’m reading a book about medicine. G. My dream is to be a world-famous actor. A: When are you going to study? B: _____ 21 A: You’re great! But I don’t like to be a doctor at all. B: What’s your dream? A: _____ 22 Many people say I’m talented in acting. B: Good! _____23 A: Thank you! The same to you. A A. When I finish high school. B. I’m going to move to Beijing. C. Where are you going to study? D. How are you going to do that? E. I hope your dream will come true. F. I’m reading a book about medicine. G. My dream is to be a world-famous actor. G E UNIT 6 I’m going to study computer science. 课时 2   Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) 安徽人教版八年级上 一、用所给词的适当形式或根据提示填空。 1. I _______________( visit) the capital of the UK next month. 2. My sister _______________ (practice) the piano at home now. 3. There _______________ ( be) a new college in our city in two months . am going to visit is practicing is going to be 4. How many famous _____________ (university) are there in your city? 5. I plan to go to L ( 伦敦 ) for higher education. universities ondon 二、单项选择。 6 . [ 中考 · 天津 ] —What is your plan for next weekend, Lingling? —I _____ volunteer work in the museum. A. was doing B . did C. have done D . am going to do D 7. [ 安徽蚌埠联考 ] —_____ a new film next week. —Really? I will go to watch it. A. There is going to be B . There will have C. There is D . There is going to have A 8. She wants to be a singer and she is going to study singing at a _____. A. hospital B . college C. museum D . farm B 9. [ 安徽蚌埠联考 ] Take some_____ and have a good rest , and then you’ll feel better. A. rest B . risk C. medicine D . magazine C 10. — _____are you going to start studying driving? —When I finish college. A. When B . How C . What D . Where 【 点拨 】 答语 When I finish college. 意为“当我大学毕业时”,指时间,故用 when 提问。 A 11. My brother is going to study computer when he _____ high school. A. finish B . finishes C. finishing D . finished B 【 点拨 】 when ( 当 …… 时 ) +从句,当主句是一般将来时时,从句用一般现在时。 12. —How is Mike going to be a cook? —He is going to _____. A. study science B. take acting lessons C. write articles D. go to a cooking school D 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 13. 尽管这次考试没及格,他也不打算戒掉电脑游戏。 He is ________ ________ ________ give up computer games though he failed this exam . not going to 14. —— 你姐姐打算怎么成为一名教师? —— 她打算学习教育学。 —________ is your sister ________ to be a teacher? —She’s going to ________ ________ . How going study education 15. 珍妮一家下个月要搬到合肥。 Jenny’s family is going to ________ ________ Hefei next month . move to 16. 你打算去哪儿学医? ________ are you ________ to study ________ ? Where going medicine 17. 把旧书寄给需要它们的孩子是个好主意。 It’s a good idea to ________old books ________ the children who need them. send to 四、阅读理解 。 ( ) 18 . Jack wants to be a(n )_____ . A. engineer B . doctor C. astronaut D . teacher 请同学们看 《 点拨训练 》 第 42 页原文。 【 点拨 】 根据原文中第一段第二句话: Jack wants to be an engineer. 可知答案。 A ( ) 19. How many jobs are mentioned (提到) ? A. Three. B . Four. C . Five. D . Six . 【 点拨 】 原文中提到了: engineer 、 doctor 、 artist 、 woman astronaut 、 teacher ,五种职业,故答案为 C 。 C ( ) 20. What’s the writer’s name? A. Bob. B . Alice. C . Joan. D . Kate . 【 点拨 】 根据原文中第二段句子: “What do you want to be, Alice?” Joan asks me. “Oh, I want to be a teacher. When ...countryside.” 可知答案。 B ( ) 21. Alice is going to teach _____. A. in the countryside B . in a big city C. in town D . in a foreign country 【 点拨 】 根据原文中第二段句子: “What do you want to be, Alice?” Joan asks me. “Oh, I want to be a teacher. When I grow up, I’m going to teach in the countryside.” 可知答案。 A ( ) 22. From the passage we know that _____. A. all the children like to be writers B. Bob is going to sing and dance for people C. the children are going to do something for the country D. the children are not studying hard at school 【 点拨 】 根据原文中第三段句子: All of us are doing our best at school. I am sure we will do something good for our country. 可知答案。 C UNIT6 I’m going to study computer science. 课时 3 SectionB (1a - 1e) 安徽人教版八年级上 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. They are both good at playing soccer, but they join different t ( 队 ). 2. How many l ( 语言 ) can the boy speak? 3. [ 安徽无为期末 ] English is a useful f ( 外国 的 )language in our country . eams anguages oreign 4. They made a r ( 决心 )to lose weight( 减肥 ) successfully before the new year. 5. Many students have to take after-school l ( 课 ) in China now. esolution essons 二、单项选择。 6 . Kim always studies very hard, so she always ______ . A. gets good grades B. gets lots of exercise C. takes piano lessons D. eats healthier food A 7. Tom will come to our home for dinner with his sister . So we need ______ chairs. A. another two B . other two C. more two D . two much A 8. —I’m going to study hard at English. — ______a good plan. I’m sure that you’ll get good grades . A. Sounds B . Looks C. Looks like D . Sounds like 【 点拨 】 sound + 形容词; sound like +名词短语或句子。 D 9. Mike wants to be a basketball player so he ______, to practice more. A. makes a resolution B. plays a role C. makes the football team D. writes an article 【 点拨 】 make a resolution 意为“下决心”。本题句意:“迈克想成为一名篮球运动员,所以他决心多练习。” A 10. [ 中考 · 天津 ] Happy birthday, Peter! Here is a gift ______ you. A. for B . in C . with D . from A 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 11. 你昨天制订新年计划了吗 ? Did you ________ ________ ________ ___________ , yesterday ? make New Year’s resolutions 12. 我的新年计划是成为足球队的一员。 My New Year’s resolution is ____ ____ ____ ________ ___ the soccer team . to be a member of 13. 一些学生准备再学一门外语。 Some students are ready to ________ ________ ________ ________ . learn another foreign language 14. 明年你打算做什么? ________ ________ you going to ________ next year ? What are do 15. 这首歌听起来如此动听以至于每个人都很喜欢。 This song ________ so _________ that everyone likes it very much. sounds beautiful 四、完形填空 。 I want to become a doctor. I think that being a _____16 is one of the most important jobs in the world . 16. A. doctor B . teacher C . reporter D . singer A Most people are busy working every day. They don’t have much _____ 17 to relax or do exercise. 17. A. hope B . time C . work D . fun B Lots of them are in _____ 18 health because they don’t take good care of themselves. 18. A. better B . worse C . good D . bad D I would like to help them to be _____ 19 again. I know it’s not _____ 20 to be a doctor. I need to learn a lot . 19. A. healthy B . rich C. sad D . warm 20. A. happy B . excited C. surprised D . easy A D I’m going to study hard to _____ 21 my skills. As a doctor , I am going to try to _____ 22 the people who are sick. I’ll always be there with them when they need me . 21. A. use B . find C . check D . improve 22. A. help B . leave C . pass D . like D A If someone doesn’t have enough _____ 23 , I am still going to help him or her. I believe that after he or she gets some money, he or she is going to give the money back to _____ 24 . 23 . A. food B . medicine C. money D . rest 24. A. you B . me C . him D . her C B Maybe doctors can’t make much money, _____ 25 I don’t care. It would be great to be a doctor because I can help others. Helping others would make me happy . 25. A. or B . so C . but D . and C UNIT 6 I’m going to study computer science. 课时 4 Section B (2a - 2e) 安徽人教版八年级上 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. You should often do sports. It’s good for your p , ( 身体的 ) health. 2. Tony is busy with his s ( 学校作业 ). Don’t talk to him now. 3. Can you tell me the m ( 意思 )of the saying ? hysical choolwork eaning 4. They d ( 讨论 ) the problem at the class meeting yesterday afternoon. 5. Tim’s h ( 爱好 ) are different from his good friend Linda’s. iscussed obbies 二、单项选择。 6 . [ 中考 · 河南改编 ] Jerry didn’t pay me back, but he _____ that he would this Sunday. A. sent B . promised C . appeared D . lost B 7. The movie comes from a real story. It _____ a doctor . A. comes up with B . helps with C. has to do with D . has to start with C 8. In our class, some students are good at drawing , and _____ do well in telling stories. A. other B . others C. another D . the other B 9. You must _____ speak English if you want to get the job. A. can B . need C. be able to D . may 【 点拨 】 be able to 意为“能够”,有人称和时态变化; can 是情态动词,后接实义动词原形,不与情态动词同时使用。句意:如果你想要得到这份工作,你必须会说英语。 C 10. If we want to get good grades, we should think and _____ more. A. believe B . question C. mind D . stand 【 点拨 】 此句中 question 用作动词,意思为“质疑,提问”。 B 11. [ 中考 · 山东东营 ] —The sale of oil-fueled vehicles ( 燃油车 )will be stopped in Hainan province by 2030. —Well, it will help _____ the environment. A. improve B . study C . pollute D . control 【 点拨 】 句意: —— 到 2030 年,海南将停止售卖燃油车。 —— 嗯,这会帮助改善环境。故选 A 。 A 12. [ 中考 · 湖北鄂州 ] —Tom, what are you doing? — I’m _____ drawing because I want to be a painter . A. taking up B . cleaning up C. putting up D . making up A 13 . [ 安徽龙湖中学 ] I’m _____tired _____ anymore. Let’s have a rest. A. too; to walk B . too; walking C. such; to walk D . so; walking 【 点拨 】 too…to… 意为“太 …… 而不能 ……” 。 A 14. Without the help of the teacher, they teach _____ French after class out of( 出于 )interest . A. yourselves B . themselves C. ourselves D . myself B 15. [ 安徽蚌埠联考 ] I don’t know your e-mail address. Could you please _____ here? A. write down it B . write it down C. cut down it D . cut it down B 【 点拨 】 write it/them down 把它 / 它们记下, it 或 them 必须放中间。 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 16. 制订一个周计划能帮你学得更好。 _______ _______ _______ _______ can help you study better . Making a weekly plan 17. 如果你做不到,不要对别人许诺。 Don’t _______ _______ _______ other people if you can’t keep them . make promises to 18. 他想提高他的英语。因为这个原因,他加入了英语 俱乐部 。 He wanted to _______ his English. _______ _______ _______ , he joined an English club . improve For this reason 19. 在新一天的开始做计划是一个好习惯。 It’s a good habit to make a plan _______ _______ _______ _______ a new day . at the beginning of 20. 这件事与自我改进无关。 This thing ______ nothing ______ ______ ______ , self-improvement. has to do with 四、完形填空。 The new year is always a time for celebration( 庆祝 ). People celebrate the New Year _____ 21 parties and special dinners . 21. A. with B . for C . of D.to A The New Year is also a great time to _____ 22 resolutions . A New Year’s resolution is a promise that you make to yourself at the _____ 23 of the year . 22. A. discuss B . improve C . make D . share 23. A. ending B . middle C. half D . beginning C D Next year I am going to _____ 24 a long vacation. I’m going to visit my grandparents in New York. And I am going to study harder at school. I’m not _____ 25 at some of my subjects-science, math and history. 24. A. take B . pay C . describe D . miss 25. A. kind B . good C . fine D . well A B I _____ 26 myselfto do better next term. I am going to save ( 节省 )a lot of _____ 27 and buy a new bike. And I am going to try _____ 28 new. It is going to be a great and exciting year. I know I’ll be busy and happy next year. 26 . A.help B . teach C . promise D . enjoy 27. A. money B . time C . food D . paper 28. A. anyone B . someone C. anything D . something C A D _____ 29 are your New Year’s resolutions? Are you going to keep them? I think you should try to do that. Say to _____30 , “I can do that!” You should believe that they will happen . 29 . A. Where B . What C . How D . When 30. A. himself B . myself C . yourself D . herself B C 五、阅读理解 。 ( ) 31 . What is Alice going to do soon? A. Go to university. B . Take a vacation. C. Go hiking. D . Have a party . 请同学们看 《 点拨训练 》 第 45 页原文。 【 点拨 】 根据原文中第二段句子: Alice My father …it. I’m going to go to university soon. I will miss him. 可知答案。 A ( ) 32. What might Vicky’s mother be? A. A teacher. B . An engineer. C. A doctor. D . A musician . 【 点拨 】 根据原文中第三段句子: Vicky I …person. A lot of people come to see her in the hospital every day. She spends most of her time helping sick (生病的) people. 可知答案。 C ( ) 33. What does the underlined word “knowledgeable” mean in Chinese? A. 失败的 B . 知识渊博的 C. 正常的 D . 传统 的 【 点拨 】 根据第四段 Jake 部分中的介绍: My father is a knowledgeable scientist. 我爸爸是一个知识渊博的科学家,故答案为 B 。 B ( ) 34. What does Toby think of his mother? A. Hard-working. B . Kind. C. Busy. D . Strict . 【 点拨 】 根据第五段 Toby 部分中的介绍: My mother is strict with me. 可知答案。 D ( ) 35. What can we learn from the passage? A. Alice doesn’t have a good relationship with her father. B. Vicky meets a lot of people every day. C. Toby lives in a poor family. D. Jack wants to be a scientist. 【 点拨 】 根据第四段 Jake 部分中的介绍: My father is a knowledgeable scientist. It … much. I want to be like him when I grow up. 故答案为 D 。 D He was born in 1981. 六、任务型阅读。 36. When was Roger Federer born ? ( 不 超过 5 个 词 ) __________________________________________ 请同学们看 《 点拨训练 》 第 45 页原文。 【 点拨 】 根据原文中第一段句子: …, Roger Federer , …He won the final of the Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships on March 3, 2019. 及第二段句子 “…,” the 38-year-old Swiss said. 可知 Roger Federer 在 2019 年是 38 岁,由此可以推测他出生于 1981 年。 37. What does Federer think of the 100th ATP singles title 2019? ( 不 超过 10 个 词 ) ___________________________________________ 【 点拨 】 根据原文中第二段句子: “It’s been a long, wonderful journey. I …,” the 38-year-old Swiss said. 可知答案。 It’s a long and wonderful journey. 38. Why did Federer miss out the games in 2016? (不超过 10 个词 ) ____________________________________________ 【 点拨 】 根据原文中第四段句子: Federer …2001. He missed out only in 2016 when he met a knee injury. 可知答案。 Because he met a knee injury. UNIT 6 I’m going to study computer science. 课时 5 Section B (3a - 4) & Self Check 安徽人教版八年级上 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. In America, it’s impolite to ask others’ p ( 私 人的 ) questions. 2. Please write something about your o ( 自己的 ) school life. 3. I’m going to improve my r ( 关系 ) with my friends. ersonal wn elationship 4. We have two P.E. classes w ( 每周地 ) this term. 5. He p ( 在 …… 上刷油漆 ) his door himself. eekly aints 二、单项选择。 6 . —Don’t ask Mary that question. It’s too ______ . —Sorry, I won’t next time. A. personal B . creative C. interesting D . successful A 7. [ 中考 · 山东菏泽 ] I believe the Belt and Road Initiative ( “一带一路”倡议 ) will help China improve the ______ with lots of countries. A. relationship B . situation C . environment A 8. —Be sure ______ the door before you leave. —OK, I promise. A. to close B . close C. closing D . closed 【 点拨 】 be sure + to do sth. 确保做某事。 A 9. My brother is going to learn to act when he ______ high school. A. is going to finish B . is finishing C. finishes D . finished C 10. — To be a good tennis player, I’m going to practice tennis every day. —______ . A. No problem B . Have a good day C. Here you are D . Sounds like a good idea D 11. — ______the address before you forget it. —OK, Mum. A. Write down B . Listen to C. Learn from D . Put up A 12. —What is your New Year’s resolution? — I never make any resolutions because it is difficult for me to ______ them. A. keep B . take C. borrow D . have 【 点拨 】 keep resolutions 意为“坚持决心”。本题答句句意:“我从不下决心,因为对我来说坚持决心很难。” A 13. [ 中考 · 内蒙古呼和浩特 ] —Hi, Susan! What are you going to do during the summer holiday? — I’m going to ______ cooking because I like eating delicious food. A. clean up B . put up C. take up D . make up C 三、任务型 阅读。 14. What did Li Ming and his classmates talk about in the class meeting ? ( 不 超过 5 个 词 ) ____________________________________________ 请同学们看 《 点拨训练 》 第 46 页原文。 Their dreams. 【 点拨 】 根据原文第一段中句子 Last Monday, we talked about our dreams in the class meeting. 可知答案。 15 . Who does Li Ming want to be like? ( 不超过 5 个词 ) __________________________________________ 【 点拨 】 根据原文第一段中句子 I hope to be a good teacher like Mr Wu. 可知答案。 Mr Wu. 16. What do Chen Jie’s parents think of the job as a voluntary doctor? ( 不超过 10 个词 ) ____________________________________________ 【 点拨 】 根据 Chen Jie 写的信中说: My dream is to be a voluntary ( 志愿的 ) doctor. But my parents don’t agree with me. They think the job will sometimes be very difficult. 由此可知答案。 They think the job will sometimes be very difficult. 17. Why did Chen Jie write to Miss Liu? ( 不超过 10 个词 ) ____________________________________________ 【 点拨 】 根据 Chen Jie 写的信中说: This week I wrote to my Chinese teacher, Miss Liu. I asked her for some advice. 由此可知答案。 Because Chen Jie wanted to ask her for some advice. UNIT 6 I’m going to study computer science. 安徽人教版八年级上 写作素养提升练 假如我是一名画家 , 我就用手中的画笔描绘祖国迷 人的景色;假如我是一名建筑师 , 我就用创意勾勒 出祖国 建筑的宏伟 …… 同学们,你们的理想是什么? 安徽人教版八年级上 你 校本周要进行英语演讲 比赛,主题为 “My Dream ” 。请你根据以下提示,写一篇英语短文。 提示: 1. What do you want to be? 2. Why do you want to be a(n)…? 3. How are you going to be a(n)…? 要求:词数: 80-100 ,可适当发挥。演讲稿的 开头 和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Hello, everyone! I’m happy I can share my dream with all of you here .___________________________________ _______________________________________________ No pains, no gains. I believe as long as I try my best, my dream will come true some day. Thank you. 【 思路构建 】 Hello, everyone! I’m happy I can share my dream with all of you here. I’m going to be a writer when I grow up. Firstly, I’m very creative. Secondly, I like reading and writing. Finally, I want to share my works with people. To be a writer, I’m going to read more books by famous writers because I can learn a lot from them. I am also going to keep on writing articles and send them to magazines. 【 精彩范文 】 Then I’m going to Peking University after I finish high school. There I can get better education. No pains, no gains. I believe as long as I try my best , my dream will come true some day. Thank you. 1. I want to be a(n)…when I grow up. 2. My dream job is to be a scientist/ an engineer/… 3. I am going to study computer science/ take acting lessons/ take up a hobby/ eat healthier food /… 4. I’m going to start when I finish high school/ college. 【 常用写作句型 】 5. My resolution has to do with self-improvement./ My resolution is about my own personal improvement. 6. Hope everyone can keep their resolutions. 7. I am sure my dream will come true. 8. I believe as long as I try my best, my dream will come true some day. Mark 和同学们在一起制订新年的决心和计划。请根据表格中的信息,写一篇短文。 Name New Year’s Resolution How are they going to do that? Mark learn to play the violin take violin lessons John get better grades study harder Mary lose weight (减肥) eat healthy food and get lots of exercise Linda learn a foreign language go to the French club 要求: 1. 短文必须包括所有提示内容 , 可适当发挥; 2. 词数: 80-100 。开头已给出 , 不计入总词数。 Mark is making New Year’s resolutions with a few of his classmates .____________________________________ ________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Mark is making New Year's resolutions with a few of his classmates. Mark likes music very much, so he is going to learn to play the violin. He will take violin lessons in a music club. John is going to get better grades, so he decides to study harder. Mary is a little fat , so she wants to lose weight. She is going to eat healthy food and get lots of exercise. Linda is ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ interested in foreign languages and she wants to learn French. She is going to go to the French club. Hope everyone can keep their resolutions.

