八年级上英语课件《Can you come to my party》 (3)_人教新课标

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八年级上英语课件《Can you come to my party》 (3)_人教新课标

1. What did they do last fall? ___________________________________ 2. What does Nick have to do on Saturday? ___________________________________ 3. When will they hang out? ___________________________________ 2d Read the conversation and answer the questions. They went bike riding. Nick has to prepare for an exam. On Monday night. Role-play the conversation. J:嘿,尼克。周六你能来我家吗? 我西安的表弟萨姆要来。 N:哦,萨姆!我记得去年秋天他来看你时, 我们一起骑过自行车。 J:是的,很正确。 N:我很乐意来,但是恐怕我来不了。周一我有一场考试, 所以我必须为它做准备。 J:那真是太糟糕了!哦,但是直到下周三才会离开。 周一晚上你能跟我们在一起(逛逛)吗? N:当然可以 !周一见! 1. prepare vi. prepare for… 使做好准备,把……准备好 e.g. Please prepare for the English exam tonight. vt. ① prepare n. / pron. e.g. I'm preparing my lessons. ② prepare sth. for sb. = prepare sb. sth. e.g. He prepared a nice lunch for sb. = He prepared us a nice lunch. 联想:buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb. give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb. ③ prepare to do sth. e.g. My brother is preparing to call his girlfriend. 2. exam Ø take / have an exam Ø pass the exam Ø fail the exam 3. available Ø be available to do sth. e.g. I’m not available to call him back. 4. go bike riding 去骑自行车 e.g. I remember we went bike riding together last fall [when he visited you]. 5. until 常和 not 连用。译为:直到……才…… ØHe didn’t go home until he finished his work. 直到完成工作后他才回家。 ØThe girl didn’t cry until she found her mother. 6. hang out • He often hangs out in the library. 7. Catch you on Monday! = See you on Monday. • Catch you later! = See you later! 1. 星期六你能来我的聚会吗? ____ you _____ to my party on Saturday? 2. 当然,我乐意去。Sure. ____ ____ ___. 3. 对不起,我必须为数学考试而学习。 Sorry, I _____ ______ ____ a math test. 4. 明天晚上你能去看电影吗? ____ you ____ to the movies __________ night? I’d love to Can come must study for Can go 根据课本内容,完成下列句子。 tomorrow 5. 当然可以,听起来很棒。 _____, that _______ _____. 6. 恐怕不行,我得了流感。 I’m ______ not. I have the ____. 7. 他能去聚会吗? ____ he ___ to the party? 8. 不能。他得帮助他的父母。 No, he _____. He _____ to help his parents. 9. 她能参加棒球比赛吗? ____ she go to the baseball ______? Sure sounds great afraid flu Can game Can go can’t has 10. 不,她没有空。她必须去看医生。 No, she’s ____ _________. She ______ ___ to the _______. 11. 他们能去看电影吗? ____ they ____ to the _______? 12. 不,他们没有空。他们可能必须去见朋 友。 No, they’re not ____. They _____ _____ ___ meet their ________. not available must go doctor to friends Can go movies free might have can 用于表示“________”,如: 汤姆会骑马。___________________ Can you…? 表达 “____________”, 答语:同意用 _________________ 不同意用 __________________________ __________________________ 如:恐怕不行,我要去探望我的姑姑。 __________________________________ Tom can ride a horse. I’m afraid not. I have to visit my aunt. 能,会 邀请或建议 Sure, I’d love to. Sorry, I can’t. I have to … 或 I’m afraid not. I have to … Can you play soccer tomorrow afternoon? Sure, I’d love to. I’m afraid not. I have the flu. 你明天下午能 踢足球吗? 当然 我 很乐意。 恐怕不行。 我得了流感。 Can Kate go fishing tomorrow morning? No, she can’t. She must prepare for the math exam. 凯特明天早上 能去钓鱼吗? 不,她不能。 她必须准备数 学考试。 Can Linda hang out on Saturday afternoon? No, she’s not available. She has to help her mom. 周六下午琳达 能出来逛逛吗? 不行,她没空。 她必须帮她妈 妈。 Can Nick and Peter go hiking tomorrow? No, they are not free. They might have to visit their grandparents. 明天尼克和 皮特能去远 足吗? 不行,他们没空。 他们可能不得不 去看望祖父母。 might 情态动词,意为“可能” 表示的可能性很小。 watch TV, on the weekend, my cousin, visit my grandparents, practice the violin 1. A: What are you going to do on Saturday? B: I’m not sure. I might __________. 2. A: What are you planning to do after school? B: I don’t know. ______________________. 3a Complete the answers with might and one of the phrases in the box. watch TV I might practice the violin 3. A: When will you finish the science homework? B: ______________________________. 4. A: Who are you going to the movies with? B: __________________________. 5. A: Are you free to come to my place on Saturday? B: ________________________________. I might finish it on the weekend I might go with my cousin Sorry. I might visit my grandparents 1. Inviting: ___________________________ (can/play tennis) Accepting: ________________________ 2. Inviting: ______________________________ (would like to/go to the movies) Refusing: _____________________ Reasons: ________________________________ (might have to) ________ 3bCan you play tennis with us? Sure. I’d love to. Would you like to go to the movies? I’m afraid I can’t. I might have to prepare for the math exam. 3. Inviting: _____________________________ (can/hang out with us tonight) Refusing: __________________________ I must help my mom at home. Can you hang out with us tonight? Sorry. I can’t. Reason: ___________________________ (must) 4. Inviting: ___________________________ __________________________ (would like to / come to my birthday party) Accepting: _________________________ Would you like to come to my birthday party? Sure. I’d love to. to sp. 1. invite sb. to do sth. e.g. Invite three students to you party. (P65) My friend invites me to her big house. I invited Jim to play basketball today. 2. accept & refuse Write down everything you have to do next week. Choose a day and time to have a party. Then invite classmates to your party. 3c A: 你能来参加我的聚会吗? B: 什么时候? A: 下周,在周四晚上。 B: 很抱歉。我不得不为数学考试学习。 Can you come to my party? When is it? Next week, on Thursday night. I’m sorry. I have to study for a math test. What have you learnt in Section A? Phrases: 准备考试 帮助父母 看医生 见朋友 患流感 邀请三个学生到你的派对 太多作业 去骑自行车 去年秋天 常去某处 为…学习 Grammar: 邀请 建议: Can you…? 接受邀请: Sure, I’d love to. 拒绝邀请: Sorry, I can’t. I have to … I’m afraid not. I have to … Sentences: 1.周六下午你能来参加我的聚会吗?当然,我很乐意。 2.周六你能去看电影吗?我没空。我有太多作业要做。 3.也许找其他时间吧。 4.谢谢你的邀请。 5.周六你能来我家吗?我西安的表弟萨姆要来这儿。 6.我记得去年秋天他来看你时,我们一起去骑过 自行车。 7.我很乐意来,但恐怕我来不了。 8.我周一有一场考试,所以我必须为它做准备。 9.萨姆直到下周三才离开。 10.你周一晚上能跟我们在一起吗? 11.周一见! 12.我不得不为数学考试而学习。 13.你将和谁去看电影? 14.Tom 直到写完作业才吃晚饭。 导学案第一&二课时

