初中英语八年级上册Unit9Canyouco业课件 人教新目标版

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初中英语八年级上册Unit9Canyouco业课件 人教新目标版

Unit 9 Can you come to my party? 第二课时 Section A (3a~3c) 一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(5×4分=20分) 1.I asked him to join the club,but he ________ (refuse). 2.He received the gift,but he didn't ________ (accept) it. 3.Julie plans ________ (visit) her grandparents tomorrow. 4.My parents might ________ (take) me to the movie theater. 5.Would you like ________ (fly) kites with us this afternoon? refused accept  to visit take to fly 二、按要求完成下列句子。(5×5分=25分) 6.Can you go to the movies with me this evening?(改为同义句) ________ you ________ ________ go to the movies with me this evening? 7.Lucy,can you come to the English party in our school?(作否定回答) Sorry,________ ________. 8.She has to help her parents at home on weekends.(改为否定句) She ________ ________ ________ help her parents at home on weekends. 9.Mother prepared us delicious food.(改为同义句) Mother ________ delicious food ________ us. Would like to I can't doesn't have to prepared for 10.Liu Jing can't go to the concert.She has to go to the doctor.(合并 为一句) Liu Jing can't go to the concert ________ she ________ ________ go to the doctor. because has to 三、单项选择。(5×5分=25分) 11.—Why did you ________ Linda's invitation, Frank? —Because I had to go to the doctor. A.accept B.refuse C.catch D.invite 12.(南充中考)—Mum,may I play computer games this evening? —No way,you ________ finish your homework. A.can B.must C.may D.will B B 13.—Could we see each other at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow? —Sorry, let's make it ________ time. A.other B.the other C.another D.other's 14.My friend invited me ________ the sports club last week. A.join B.joining C.joined D.to join 15.—Ted, can you go to the theater with me tomorrow? —I'm sorry. ________. A.I'm not available B.Catch you later C.I don't mind D.Let's make it C D A 四、任务型阅读。(5×6分=30分) 阅读下面短文,回答问题。 Hi Francisco, Thank you for inviting me to your party. I'm sorry that I can't go. Because your party is on Saturday, and that day, I'll really be busy. In the morning, I'll get up early as usual. I'm going to visit my cousin because she's ill in hospital. Then at around 9 o'clock I have to study for an English test. At about 10:30 a.m., I'm going to have a piano lesson and then I will go to school from the dentist's and practice soccer with my classmates. At around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, I have to go back home and help my mom with dinner. And in the evening, my parents are going out to play with their friends, so I will babysit (照看) my little brother. But don't feel pity (遗憾), I will go to see you on Sunday, because on Sunday I will be free. Yours, Martin 16.Can Martin go to Francisco's party? ______________________________________________________________________No./No, he can't. 17.Why is Martin going to visit his cousin? ______________________________________________________________________ 18.Does Martin have to go back home at around 4 o'clock in the afternoon? ______________________________________________________________________ 19.What will Martin do in the evening? ______________________________________________________________________ 20.When will Martin go to see Francisco? ______________________________________________________________________ Because his cousin/she is ill in hospital. Yes./Yes, he does. He will babysit/look after his (little) brother.  On Sunday./He will go to see him on Sunday.

