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R·七年级下册 Unit 9 What does he look like? Section A 1a-2d New words & phrases curly straight tall medium height adj.卷曲的 adj.直的 adj.高的 adj.中等的 n.身高;高度 /'kɜː(r)li/ /streɪt/ /tɔːl/ /'miːdiəm/ /haɪt/ (be) of medium height thin heavy tonight 中等身高 adj.瘦的 adj.重的 adv.&n. (在)今晚; (在)今夜 /θɪn/ /'hevi/ /tə'naɪt/ little a little adj.小的 一点;少量 may cinema modal v.也许; 可能;可以 n.电影院 /'lɪtl/ glasses later (pl.) n.眼镜 adv.以后 /meɪ/ /'sɪnəmə/ /'glɑːsɪz/, /'glæsɪz/ /'leɪtə(r)/ Look at the pictures and learn the new words. He is _____. He is______. tall short of medium height 中等身高 She is _____. She is of _____________.heavy medium build thinShe is ______. 中等身材 She has __________.She has _____________. curly hairstraight hair ____ short hair. ____ long hair. ____ straight hair. ____ curly hair. ____ tall. ____ short. ____ heavy. ____ thin. ____ of medium height. ____ of medium build. is has is is is is is has has has He He He He He He She She She She Summary (高矮胖瘦……)主语 + be + ____ (有……头发)主语 + have/has + ____ + ____ adj. adj. n. tall glasses straight cinema may little tonight heavy thin height later Words game A: What does … look like? B: He/she is (of) … And he/she has … Free talk Match the words with the people in the picture. You can use some letters more than once. 1. short hair ____ 2. curly hair ____ 3. long hair ____ 4. straight hair ____ 5. tall ____ e b a a f h 1a 6. short _____ 7. medium height ____ 8. thin ____ 9. heavy ____ g c h a d f What does she look like? She has straight black hair. She is of medium height. She is thin. Listen and fill in the blanks in the picture above. Can you find Amy’s friend? A: Is that your friend? B: No, it isn’t. A: What does he look like? Is he short or tall? B: Well, he’s really ______. And he has __________. I think ___ is Amy’s friend. tall curly hair h 1b One of the people in 1a is your friend. Describe your friend. Your partner will find him/her. 1c What does your friend look like? She’s of medium height, and she has long straight yellow hair. Is she your friend? Yes, you’re right. He/ She’s ... He/ She has ... What does your friend look like? Is he /she your friend? Yes, you’re right./ No, he/ she isn’t. A: B: A: B: Listen and answer the questions. 1. Is David tall or short? 2. Does Sally have long or short hair? 3. Is Peter tall or short? 1. David is tall. 2. Sally has long straight hair. 3. Peter is short. 2a Listen again. Fill in the chart. David Sally Peter is has heavy tall of medium height, thin curly hair long straight hair of medium build, short short hair 2b Conversation 1 A: Is that your brother David? B: No, it isn’t. A: What does David look like? Is he _____or _____? B: He’s ____. He’s ______. And he _____________. Listen again and fill in the blanks. tall short tall heavy has curly hair Conversation 2 A: Is that Sally? B: No, it isn’t. A: Does Sally have _____ or _____ hair? B: She ___________________. She’s ________________. And she’s _____. long short has long straight hair of medium height thin Conversation 3 A: Is your friend Peter short or tall? B: He’s _______. He is of ______________. And he _____________. short has short hair medium build Student A looks at the chart in 2b. Student B asks Student A questions about one of the people and then draws a picture of the person. What does he look like? He’s of medium height. 2c B: Does he/she have …? A: He /she has … B: What does he/she look like? A: He /She is… Sally PeterDavid Role-play the conversation. Mike: Hi, Tony. Are you going to the movie tonight? Tony: Yes. We’re meeting at seven, right? Mike: Yeah, but I may be a little late. My friend David is going, too. Just meet him in front of the cinema first. 有点儿(= a bit) 修饰形容词或副词 Task 12d go to the movie 去看电影 = go to the cinema go to see a film/movie Tony : Oh, but I don’t know him. What does he look like? Mike : Well, he has brown hair and wears glasses. Tony : OK. Is he tall or short? Mike : He isn’t tall or short. He’s of medium height. Tony : OK, sure. See you later then. 棕色的;褐色的 Read again and answer the questions. 1. Who is going to the movie with Mike? 2. What color is David’s hair? 3. Is David short or tall? Tony and David. He has brown hair. He is of medium height. Task 2 Retell 2d and fill in the blanks. Task 3 Tony and Mike are going to the movie tonight. They are going to meet at seven. But Mike may be _______late. His friend David is going, too. And Tony is going to meet him ___________ the cinema first. But Tony doesn’t know him. Mike tells Tony that David has __________ and ____________. He isn’t tall or short. He’s _________________. a little in front of brown hair wears glasses of medium height Language points 1. What does he look like? What does/do+主语+look like? 用来询问某人的 外貌特征 回答方式有两种: 1. 主语+be+描述人物外貌特征的形容词 2. 主语+have/has+名词(名词前可以有多个 形容词修饰) 【辨析】look like与be like look like be like 常指人的外观或外貌 常指人的性格、人品,也可以用来描 述人的外观或外貌。 例:你的父亲长什么样子? 他很高。 — What does your father look like? — He is tall. 你的父亲是个什么样的人?他非常友好。 — What is your father like? — He is very friendly. 【云南昆明中考】 — What does your brother look like? — __________. A. He is outgoing B. He is really tall and thin C. He is a student D. He is in hospital 2. She’s of medium height, and she has long straight hair. 此句是用来描述外貌的常用句型。 Ø 表示某人中等个头或中等身材时的结构为: sb.+ be + of + medium height / build Ø 表示人的相貌特征,尤其是五官、头发时。 常用结构:sb.+have/has +(a/an)+(形容词)+名词 某人长着/留着…… 例:这个男人中等身材。 The man is of medium build. 我的语文老师中等身高。 My Chinese teacher is of medium height. 我的妈妈留着长发。 My mother has long hair. 【四川凉山中考】 —Can you help me meet my friend Steve at the airport, Joe? —With pleasure. What does he look like? —He ____ of medium height and he ____ small eyes. A. has; has B. is; is C. has; is D. is; has 3. Are you going to the movie tonight? 用谓语动词的现在进行时表将来。 主要用于表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作如: come, go, arrive, leave, start, return等。 【河南中考】 —Honey, where are you? —I ________. Just let me put on my shoes. A. come B. came C. am coming D. have come 4. Yeah, but I may be a little late. may(情态动词):可能,后接动词原形表推测。 辨析:may be 与 maybe may be maybe 情态动词+be动词结构 谓语 也许是 短语结构 在句中成分 解释 副词(常用于句首) 状语 也许 【江苏宿迁中考】 —Is Mike coming to the fashion show tomorrow? —I’m not sure. He ______ not come. A. must B. can C. may D. should 【江苏泰州中考】 He got up to get some hot water but found there was ______ left in the bottle. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little 5. Is he tall or short? Ø 一般疑问句+供选择项+or+供选择项? Ø 特殊疑问句+供选择项+or+供选择项? 选择疑问句的常见结构: 选择疑问句,指说话人提出两种或两种以上的情况, 问对方选择哪一种,最后两个选择项用or连接。不 能用yes或no回答。 例: 你喜欢直发还是卷发? 我喜欢卷发。 — Do you like straight hair or curly hair? — I like curly hair. 你喜欢哪种颜色,红色还是黑色?我喜欢红色。 — What color do you like, red or black? — I like red. 课时小结 straight tall height thin heavy tonight little may cinema glasses later (be) of medium height a little She has long straight hair. Is David tall or short? I may be a little late. He isn’t tall or short. —What does he look like? —He is tall/short/heavy/thin. Exercise 一、选择题。 1. Li Lei _____short and _____ straight hair. A. is; is B. is; has C. has; has D. is; have 2. — What______ your sister _____? — She is tall. A .is; look like B. /; like C. does; look D. does; look like 3. — Is your friend tall______? — He’s tall. A. and short B. or short C. but short D. with short 4. — What does she look like? — She _____ long straight black hair. A. is B. has C. have 5. — What does your friend look like? — ______. A. He is thin B. She is a kind girl C. She likes music 6. My sister ______of medium height, but she ______ big eyes. A. is; is B. is; with C. is; has D. has; has 7. The girl is only 17, but she’s very ________. She’s about 175 cm. A. tall B. short C. healthy D. old 8.【辽宁丹东中考】 Look! There ________ a pair of glasses and two boxes on the table. A. is B. are C. was D. were 9.【贵州铜仁中考】—Look ! It’s raining ________. —That’s right. The rain is too ________ to go shopping. A. heavily; heavy B. heavily; heavily C. heavy; heavy D. heavy; heavily 1. I have a new look. Now I wear _______. 2. Her hair is very straight. It is not _________. 3. He is not short or tall. He’s of _____________. 4. She is not thin or heavy. She is of _____________ . 5. Her hair is not black or brown. It is _______. glasses curly medium height medium build blonde blonde(亚麻色的) medium height curly medium build glasses 二、选词完成句子。 Homework 1. Read the conversation and review key words, sentences, language points. 2. Learn how to describe people’s looks with suitable words and phrases in this period. 3. Do the exercises.(见“”系列丛书 《创优作业》对应课时作业)

