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七年级(下)Unit11 What do you think of game shows ?复习导学案 Section A 主备人:刘文光 参与者:曹玉刚,李爱玲, 李明玉,张燕刘文光, 李春锋,曲惠敏,曹阳。‎ 审核人:曹玉刚 备课时间:第17周 拟使用时间:第18周 学习目标: 1、复习并掌握本节单词及短语; ‎ ‎2、掌握句型: What do you think of sitcoms? I love them. What does she think of sports shows? She doesn’t mind them. ‎ ‎3.重点词组:think of, talk about, soap opera, sports show, situation comedy, game show,‎ 复习导航: 重难点解析 Mind的用法 mind作“介意”“反对”讲,为及物动词或不及物动词,常用与疑问句,否定句,条件句中,其后可跟名词,代词,动名词或从句。如 ‎ I don’t mind cigarette smoke.我不在乎香烟的味儿。‎ ‎ I’m sure that he won’t mind.我确信他不会介意的。‎ ‎ Would you mind if I went home early?我早点回家你反对吗?‎ mind作“思想”“主题”“想法”讲,为可数名词。如 ‎ Speak your mind out.把你的想法说出来。‎ ‎2.how about和what about同义,用法也相同。About是介词,后面除了名词,代词以外,还可以跟动名词或介词短语。‎ ‎1)how/what about用来询问或打听情况,意思为“。。。怎么样?”“。。。如何?”如 I am tired. What about you?我很累了,你呢 ‎2)how/what about用来提出请求,建议或征求意见,意思为“(你认为)。。。怎么样?”“。。。。如何?”如,How about going out for a walk?出去散步怎么样?‎ ‎3.Show的用法 show作“给….看” “出示” “显示”讲,为及物动词.如 Please show your tickets.请把票拿出来.‎ ‎2)表示 “给某人看什么东西”时,用 “show sth to sb”或 “show sb sth”.如 Please show me the map.= Please show the map to me.请把地图给我看一看.‎ ‎3) show someone around some place带领某人参观某地 如,‎ I showed him around our school.我领着他参观了我们学校.‎ 认定目标:师生共同认定 ‎ 自主探究 ‎1、个别复习本课时出现的短语,并在小组内交流,汇总,然后小组代表展示成果。‎ 师巩固用法并造句练习。‎ ‎2、学生背诵P65 1c、P66 2b、P67 3b对话,小组内互相检测,然后教师抽查。‎ ‎3、复习课堂笔记,针对周结中的错题进行反思,小组之间进行交流,教师补充讲解。‎ 达标测评: 根据所给句意及首字母提示,完成下列单词的拼写。‎ ‎1.I can’t s_______ your i________.‎ ‎2.Alan is a five-year-o________ boy.[‎ ‎3.The c________ thing was the belt. Everyone loved it.‎ ‎4.I enjoy r________ your article in the school magazine.‎ ‎5.She wears c________ clothes because she wants to be young.‎ ‎6.I don’t m________ what young people think of me.‎ ‎7.She put her money in the w________.‎ ‎8.I don’t like s________ o________.‎ ‎9.I saw an interesting talk s________.‎ ‎10.In f________, he is wrong.11.He was a good k________.‎ ‎12.My classmates don’t a________ with me.‎ ‎13.In summer, he always w________ sunglasses.‎ ‎14.W________ to China!‎ 创新提高:用所给词的适当形式填空。‎ ‎1.The girls enjoy __________(sing) this song in English.‎ ‎2.Look! His father __________(talk) to a tall boy.‎ ‎3.Do you mind my __________(open) the window?‎ ‎4.Thank you very much for __________(give) me the nce toy.‎ ‎5.What about __________(take) a walk with us after dinner?‎ ‎6.I think __________(swim) is for boys.‎ ‎7.Last Sunday afternoon, Peter __________(write) a letter to his pen pal.‎ ‎8.Please stop __________(talk) in class.‎ ‎9.He __________(say) he did a good thing last week ‎10.I often wear __________(color) clothes.‎ ‎11.He agrees __________(do) some shopping now.‎ ‎12.Do they like those __________(scarf)?‎ ‎13.We __________(play) basketball on the playground yesterday.‎ ‎14.I can’t stand __________(work) so much time.‎ ‎15.My father __________(not like) playing soccer.‎ ‎2.书面表达。用love,like,can’t stand,don’t like,don’t mind等,写一篇短文,介绍你父母及你自己对某物的喜好及原因,60词左右。‎ I have a very beautiful wallet. I like it very much, but my father doesn’t think so. He doesn’t like watches, either. My mother loves scarves. She thinks that they are colorful. I can’t stand them. And my father says that he doesn’t mind them, because he never wears them.‎ 教学反思:‎ 七年级(下)Unit11 What do you think of game shows ?复习导学案 Section B 主备人:刘文光 参与者:曹玉刚,李爱玲, 李明玉,张燕刘文光, 李春锋,曲惠敏,曹阳。‎ 审核人:曹玉刚 备课时间:第17周 拟使用时间:第18周 学习目标: 1、复习并掌握本节单词及短语; ‎ ‎ 2、掌握句型: How about..?=What about..? Thanks for joining us. I can’t stand it.‎ ‎3.重点词组: how about, weekend talk, a thirteen-year-old boy, hair clip, key ring, enjoy doing, thanks for doing, mind doing, show sb. sth, show sth to sb. , show sb around 复习导航: 重难点解析 ‎1. enjoy的用法 enjoy后面接动词时,要使用动名词形式.如enjoy swimming finish, be busy, mind, go on等词的用法也如此.enjoy oneself=have a good time玩得快乐,玩得高兴 Did you enjoy yourself at the party?你在聚会上玩得愉快吗?‎ ‎2.词语辨析 ‎1)think, think of, think about想 Think意为 “思考,认为”单独使用时,think表示 “思考”;后接 that从句时,think表示 “认为,觉得”‎ Think of是动词短语,意思为 “想起,想到”某人或某物.还有 “对….有某种看法,认为”的意思.‎ Think about也是动词词组,意思是 “考虑”.其后面可以跟名词,动名词,代词.‎ ‎2) agree with与 agree to “同意”Agree with后面通常接表示人的词语,表示 “赞成,同意”某人 Agree to 后面常接表示物或事的词语,而不接表示人的词语.‎ ‎3)talk to与talk with 交谈 Talk 通常是用作不及物动词,意思是 “谈话,说话”. 要表示与某人谈话则应在其后加上介词to 与with. Talk还作名词,意思为 “聊天,谈话”,如have a long talk进行长谈, have a talk with和某人谈谈.‎ 认定目标:师生共同认定 ‎ 自主探究:‎ ‎1、个别复习本课时出现的短语,并在小组内交流,汇总,然后小组代表展示成果。‎ 师巩固用法并造句练习。‎ ‎2、学生背诵P69 3a 3b,小组内互相检测,然后教师抽查。‎ ‎3、复习课堂笔记,针对周结中的错题进行反思,小组之间进行交流,教师补充讲解。‎ 达标测评: 1.  词组 1.连续剧_____________ 2.实际上___________ 3.喜欢看电视__________ ‎ ‎4.体育节目________________5.欢迎来参加这个节目______________ ‎ ‎6.认为/考虑________________7怎么样?_______________ 8.一个13岁的男孩_______________9.同意某人的意见_____________10.周末谈话节目_______________‎ ‎2.选择填空 ‎( )1.I turned _____ the radio and listened ________ the music.‎ A. on , on B. to, to C. on, to D. in, in ‎( )2.My father enjoys __________ newspapers.‎ A. read B. reads C. to read D. reading ‎( )3.The sitcom is very interesting, I ___________ it.‎ A. like B. don’t like C. don’t mind D. can’t stand ‎( )4.I __________ soap operas. They are boring.‎ A. can’t stand B. like C. love D. don’t mind ‎( )5.-I think football is very interesting. -I agree __________you.‎ A. to B. with C. on D. at ‎( )6.I love the talk show. He _________, too. A. do B.does C. what about D.is ‎( )7.This is ________________. ‎ A. what I want B. what do you do C. where is he D. how is it going ‎( )8.She can’t stand that she has ________ right to __________ beautiful.‎ A. no, be B. not, be C. not, is D. no, is ‎ ‎( )9.He looks rich. __________ He is very poor.‎ A. In the fact B. In fact C. At the fact D. At fact ‎( )10.She __________ her photos __________ us yesterday.‎ A. showed, for B. shows , to C. shows , with D. showed, to ‎( )11.Li Lida a ___________ boy crossed the Qiongzhou Channel in June 2000.‎ A. thirteen-year-old B. thirteen-years-old C. thirteen years old D. thirteen- years old ‎( )12.__________ the answers are right, but __________ are wrong.‎ A. Some of, others B. Each of, the others C. Some of , the other D. Each of , others 创新提高:句型转换 ‎1.I agree with what she said.(改为一般疑问句) ‎ ‎__________ _________ agree with what she said?‎ ‎2.His mother doesn’t mind soap operas.(对画线提问) ‎ ‎ ________ does his mother ______ of soap operas? ‎ ‎3.This lesson is easy. (改为同义句) ‎ This is __________ __________ lesson.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎4.Does your sister love talk shows?(改为陈述句) ‎ ‎ ___________ sister ___________ talk shows.‎ ‎5.shows, do, of, you, what, think , game(连词成句) ‎ ‎________________________________________________________? ‎ 教学反思:‎

