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广东省汕头市金园实验中学2013-2014学年下学期初中七年级期中考试 英语试卷 一、听力理解 (本大题分为A、B、C、D四部分,共25小题,25分)‎ A、听句子 (本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)‎ B、听对话(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共l0分)‎ 听第一段对话,回答第6小题。‎ ‎( ) 6. What can Jenny do?‎ A. She can swim. B. She can play the violin. C. She can play the guitar.‎ 听第二段对话,回答第7小题。‎ ‎( ) 7. What club does Jim want to join?‎ A. He wants to join the chess club. B. He wants to join the basketball club.‎ C. He wants to join the art club.‎ 听第三段对话,回答第8小题。‎ ‎( ) 8. What time does Rick have lunch?‎ A. at 11 o’clock B. at 11:30 C. at 12 o’clock 听第四段对话,回答第9小题。‎ ‎( ) 9. How does Tim’s mother go to work?‎ A. She goes to work by bus. B. She goes to work by train. ‎ C. She goes to work on foot.‎ 听第五段对话,回答第10小题。‎ ‎( ) 10. How far is it from Ann’s home to school?‎ A. It is about 6 kilometers. B. It is about 16 kilometers. C. It is about 60 kilometers.‎ 听第六段对话,回答第11—12小题。‎ ‎( ) 11. What does Lily have to do on weekends?‎ A. She has to play the violin. B. She has to do her homework.‎ C. She has to wash the dishes.‎ ‎( ) 12. What is Lily doing now?‎ A. She is watching TV. B. She is speaking English with her friends.‎ C. She is washing the dishes.‎ 听第七段对话,回答第13—15小题。‎ ‎( ) 13. What is Wendy doing?‎ A. She is reading a book. B. She is playing the violin. C. She is listening to music.‎ ‎( ) 14. What animals does she like?‎ A. She likes tigers. B. She likes giraffes. C. She likes koalas.‎ ‎( ) 15. Why doesn’t she like lions?‎ A. Because it is beautiful. B. Because it is scary. C. Because it is lazy.‎ C、听短文(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)‎ ‎( ) 16. Mike wants to help kids with , music and English.‎ A. art B. sports C. math ‎( ) 17. He often goes to school .‎ A. by bus B. on foot C. by bike ‎( ) 18. His father is a(n) teacher. ‎ A. singing B. guitar C. English ‎ ‎( ) 19. He can swim and .‎ A. play the piano B. play football C. speak English ‎( ) 20. He thinks he can the kids.‎ A. play crazily with B. be good with C. be strict with D、听填信息(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)。‎ ‎ 你将听到一篇短文。录音听两遍。请将答案填写在答题卷相应的位置上。‎ ‎21. In big cities, many people take buses, trains or ___________ to get to different places.‎ ‎22. If you are taking a bus, you need to know which bus to take and where you can ___________.‎ ‎23. You also need to ___________ the timetable (时间表) .‎ ‎24. You can take the right bus and get to your place ____________.‎ ‎25. At last, you need to know how to get off and tell the driver the name of the ____________.‎ 二、单项填空:(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分。)‎ ‎( ) 26. Julie is from _______ United States. She is singing _______ American song for us.‎ ‎ A. a, the B. /, the C. the, a D. the, an ‎( ) 27. ---Is your brother doing his homework?‎ ‎ ---No, he is talking _______ the phone _______ his friend in Beijing.‎ ‎ A. in, to B. on, with C. from, to D. on, about ‎( ) 28. ---There's a new ________ at Green Street. Let's go ________. ‎ ‎---Sounds good.‎ ‎ A. library, reading B. pool, fishing C. supermarket, shopping D. dining hall, swimming ‎( ) 29. Remember to ________ the lights when you leave the classroom.‎ ‎ A. get off B. cut down C. turn off D. think of ‎( ) 30. Apples of this kind________ good and sell ________.‎ ‎ A. taste, well B. tastes, well C. taste, good D. tastes, good ‎( ) 31. The 3-day trip is really ________ and it makes me feel very ________.‎ ‎ A. relaxed, exciting B. exciting, relaxed C. relaxing, exciting D. excited, relaxed ‎( ) 32. There are always ________ people on the bus from 7 am to 8 am.‎ ‎ A. too much B. much too C. too many D. much many ‎( )33. ---Does your grandpa ________ in the morning?‎ ‎ ---Yes, he usually ________ kung fu in the park.‎ ‎ A. exercises, play B. exercise, do C. take exercise, does D. take exercises, does ‎( ) 34. We should keep the hair ________. It's one of the school ________.‎ ‎ A. shorts, rules B. short, rule C. shorter, rule D. short, rules ‎( ) 35. There are two apples here. One is for you and ________ is for your sister. You can take ________ of them.‎ ‎ A. the other, either B. another, either C. the other, both D. another, both ‎( ) 36. He often brushes his teeth after ________ to have good teeth.‎ ‎ A. eats dinner B. to eat dinner C. eat dinner D. having dinner ‎( ) 37. Trees ______ fight air pollution(污染). They are natural(天然的) air conditioner.‎ ‎ A. should B. must C. need D. can ‎ ( ) 38. Elephants can remember places _______ food and water. This helps them _______.‎ ‎ A. about, to live B. have, live C. with, with live D. with, to live ‎( ) 39. An _______ boy has to ________ the river to go to school every day. ‎ ‎ A. 11 years old, cross B. 11-year-old, go across ‎ ‎ C. 11-years-old, cross D. 11 year old, go across ‎( ) 40. During the Tomb-sweeping Festival(清明节), ________ people come back to their ‎ ‎ hometown to show respect to their ancestors(祖先) and family members.‎ ‎ A. thousands of B. thousand of C. five thousand of D. five thousands ‎ ‎( ) 41. The scarf ________ silk (丝) is made ________ Hangzhou.‎ ‎ A. is made of, in B. made of, in C. is made of, from D. made of, from ‎( ) 42. ________ not easy for him ________ so interesting a story.‎ ‎ A. It's, writing B. It's, writes C. It is, to write D. That is, to write ‎( ) 43. ---Isn't your mother doing the dishes in the kitchen? ‎ ‎ ---________. She is watching TV in the living room.‎ ‎ A. Yes, she does B. No, she isn't C. Yes, she is D. No, she can't ‎( ) 44. --- Can you tell me ________? ‎ ‎---It's about 15 minutes' ride.‎ ‎ A. how does he get to school B. how often he goes to a movie ‎ C. how long it takes him to get there D. how far he lives from his school ‎( ) 45. ---I will have a math test tomorrow. ---_________!‎ ‎ A. Good luck B. It's good exercise C. The same to you D. Well done 三、 完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分。)‎ ‎ Some people think that all wild animals are 46 . But in fact, very few of them will ‎ attack(攻击) a man if he leaves them alone. If you meet a lion or an elephant, I guess you will 47 ;but even a lion will avoid(躲避) a man if it is not very 48 . Lions and tigers only kill and eat men when they are too old and too weak to (太…而不能…)get their usual 49 , such as deer and 50 small animals. If you see a wild elephant, perhaps you will be   51 . However, elephants usually run away at once if you don’t attack them. Some animals get very frightened(害怕) if they only smell a man, some stand and look at him for a short time 52 they run away, some take no notice at all but walk away 53 . Wild animals only attack 54 when they are afraid that people want to kill their 55 , or when the hunters(猎人) shoot at them and make them angry.‎ 四、阅读理解(本大题A, B两篇有10小题,每小题2分,C篇有5小题,每小题1分。共25分)‎ ‎ A The Rules for Page Hot Spring(温泉)‎ ‎ In order that you can enjoy your visit, please read the following:‎ ² Don't run around because the floors are wet and it's easy to fall down.‎ ² Please don't smoke in the area.‎ ² To keep the area clean, please go to the certain place to eat and drink.‎ ² You'd better keep your own things in the case(寄物箱) so that you won't lose them.‎ ² Don't bring anything easily broken to the area, or it may hurt you when you fall.‎ ² Don't leave your children alone in the area because they need your care at any time.‎ ² Don't get into the pool after drinking wine or beer.‎ ² Don't put your head under the hot water for too long, for it may be bad for your health.‎ ² Get out of the pool quickly as soon as you feel uncomfortable.‎ ² Don't stay in the sun for a long time.‎ ‎( ) 56. Because the floors are wet, you may _______ if you run around.‎ ‎ A. fall down B. be lost C. lose your things D. enjoy your visit ‎( ) 57. Which of the following is allowed (允许) at Page Hot Spring?‎ ‎ A. To smoke. B. To bring something easily broken.‎ ‎ C. To stay with children. D. To stay in the sun for a whole afternoon.‎ ‎( ) 58. Visitors come here in order to(为了) _______.‎ ‎ A. look after the children B. stay in the hot water for fun and health ‎ C. lie on the beach and enjoy the sunlight D. smoke in the pool ‎( ) 59. "_______" is NOT mentioned (提及) in the passage.‎ ‎ A. How long visitors can stay there ‎ B. What visitors can't bring into the area ‎ C. Whether (是否) eating or drinking is allowed ‎ D. How to take care of your children ‎( ) 60. What are the rules in the passage for?‎ ‎ A. Asking people to visit Page Hot Spring.‎ ‎ B. Telling visitors what to do and not to do.‎ ‎ C. Telling visitors to have a rest.‎ ‎ D. Asking people not to smoke.‎ ‎ B ‎ What is a Chinatown? Is it a town in China? Of course not! Chinatown is a part of a town area with a large number of Chinese residents(居民), usually outside of mainland China. Chinatowns are all around the world. There are Chinatowns in East Asia, Southeast Asia, North America, South America, Australasia and Europe. The biggest one is in New York. It is a good place to go. Shopping in the Chinatown is fun. You can find lots of things there. Most of them are made in China. Mott Street is the best place to shop because things there are not very expensive. The Chinatown has more than 200 restaurants. You can enjoy traditional Chinese food there. New Silver Palace Restaurant is one of the best Chinese restaurants. Living in the Chinatown is comfortable. You can find hospitals, banks, libraries and supermarkets there. In some schools, students must study Chinese. Many overseas(海外)Chinese send their children to these schools. They want their children to learn more about China and its culture.‎ ‎ C ‎ 配对阅读。阅读左边人员的相关信息,然后与右栏的职业介绍相匹配。并将最佳选项的字母编号涂在答题卡上。 (选E涂AB,选F涂AC, 选G涂AD)‎ ‎( ) 66. Li Lei is good at writing. He wants to read more books to make his writing even better.‎ ‎( ) 67. Justin likes to sing and dance. He also likes to show himself in front of people.‎ ‎( ) 68. Da Ming is very brave. He wants to catch all the robbers(强盗).‎ ‎( ) 69. Teresa is very kind and careful. She likes to look after sick people.‎ ‎( ) 70. Lingling is good at English. She likes to help others with English. She likes teaching others.‎ A. To be a good English teacher is not easy. It is ‎ ‎ sometimes tiring, but it is also a highly-respected (倍受尊敬的) job.‎ B. To be a policeman is dangerous. Robbers all dislike ‎ ‎ policemen, but our society needs policemen.‎ C. Do you like to work with people and money? If ‎ ‎ your answer is “Yes”, come to our bank.‎ D. Our newspaper needs a student reporter. If you are ‎ good at writing, come to join us.‎ E. Many girls like to be a nurse. It is a great job. They ‎ ‎ look after sick people carefully and patiently.‎ F. Our restaurant is in great need of waiters. As a good ‎ ‎ waiter, you must smile often and serve others ‎ ‎ politely.‎ G. A good actor is always good at singing and dancing. An actor’s life is not so easy as many people think.‎ 第二卷 综合语言运用能力 ( 40分)‎ 五、 根据句意写出单词的正确形式,或根据音标或首字母提示补全单词。‎ ‎ (本大题10小题,每小题0.5分,共5分。)‎ ‎ 71. Give me today’s n________, please. I want to read the news.‎ ‎ 72. ________ (exercise) every day is really good for our health.‎ ‎ 73. Dolphins are very s_________. They can learn something from people.‎ ‎ 74. Look! Two boys _________ (fight) there. Let’s go and stop them.‎ ‎ 75. It takes me two days ________ (finish) reading the book.‎ ‎ 76. It is _________ [ɪm'pɔːt(ə)nt] to have a good breakfast in the morning.‎ ‎ 77. The athlete(运动员) must practice _________ (run) for 10 hours every day.‎ ‎ 78. A q________ of the students in our class go to school by bike.‎ ‎ 79. Koalas come from _________ [ɒ'streɪlɪə]. ‎ ‎ 80. We shouldn't run in the _________ [ˈhɔ:lweɪz].‎ 六、翻译下列句子。(本题有5小题,每题1分,每空0.5分,共5分。)‎ 根据中文句子将下列句子补充完整。‎ ‎ 81. 我的祖父母过着健康的生活。‎ ‎ My grandparents live a __________ __________.‎ ‎ 82. 小女孩正努力着自己穿衣服。‎ ‎ The little girl is trying to _________ herself __________. ‎ ‎ 83. 格林先生和他的小孩周末经常离开北京去青岛度假。‎ ‎ Mr Green with his children often _________ Beijing ________ Qingdao for a vacation on the weekend. ‎ ‎ 84. 骆驼能走很长时间的路,并且不会迷路。‎ ‎ Camels can walk for a long time and never __________ __________.‎ ‎ 85. 我想要成为一名飞行员。我相信我的梦想有一天会实现的。‎ ‎ I want to be a pilot. I believe my dream will __________ _________ one day.‎ 七、短文填空 (本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) ‎ ‎ 每空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。‎ ‎ Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional(传统的) 86 festival. It is in memory of Qu Yuan, one of the greatest Chinese poets. He killed himself by jumping into the Miluo River on 87 5th of the lunar calendar(阴历), 278 BC. People there rowed the boats to 88 him, but it was too late. They were very sad and then threw rice into the 89 to feed the fishes so that they would stay away from his body. ‎ ‎ From then on, every year on this day, people enjoy making and eating Zongzi. It is 90 kind of Chinese food made of rice 91 meat or eggs in it. They are very 92 . Besides, people also like 93 the dragon boat races on TV. It is another part of this festival. We call it a dragon boat because it looks 94 a dragon. And dragon in China is a 95 of good luck. ‎ 八、读写综合 (本大题分为A、B两部分,共20分)‎ A. 信息归纳 (共5小题,每小题1分, 共5分) ‎ 阅读下文,完成下面的信息采集表。‎ There is a saying that all work and no play make one dull. Work is important, but everyone needs free time, too. Free time is a time for anything that interests you. Some people like to play sports, such as basketball, football or tennis. Others like to go to interesting places, such as zoos, museums or parks. Many people have hobbies. They make things or collect things in their free time. They make themselves relax in this way.‎ If you want to make things, you could make model ships or planes, sweaters or clothes, cakes or milk shake. If you like to collect things, you could collect stamps, coins, books or leaves.‎ ‎ Of course, you can also choose to do something that relax yourself, such as listening to music, seeing movies or playing sports.‎ People with hobbies are not dull. They are interesting because they can talk about their free time. Some work and some play will make your life interesting, too.‎ ‎ Information Card ‎ Sports people like to do ‎96. _______________________________‎ Interesting places people like to go to ‎97._______________________________ ‎ Three things you can collect ‎98._______________________________‎ Why are people with hobbies not dull?‎ ‎99. _______________________________.‎ What can make your life interesting?‎ ‎100._______________________________.‎ ‎ B.书面表达 :(15分)请将答案填写在答卷相应题目的答题位置上。‎ 假如你叫Sally, 是金园实验中学(Jinyuan Experimental Middle School)七年级一名学生。请结合上文谈谈自己是如何安排学习和业余时间的。内容包括:‎ ‎1. 简要介绍你的学校生活;‎ ‎2. 业余时间喜欢做什么?为什么喜欢? (至少两点原因)‎ 词数:70-80词。开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。‎ My name is Sally. I’m a student of Grade ‎7 in Jinyuan‎ Experimental ‎Middle School. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ But as a student, I should learn to keep the balance of (保持平衡) study and hobbies. Then I can make my life interesting and colorful.‎ 七年级下英语期中试卷[Units 1-6]参考答案

