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Unit 7 Topic 1 When is your birthday? Section C Review 复习 Warm up: Act out School is fun. Aims and demands 教学目标 Learn some words: sh ape, c ir cle, s qu are, tr i angle , rect angle , o val,present, centimet er , f oo tb al l.hill 01 02 Sentence patterns: 2 . 1) What ’ s the shape of it? =What shape is it? 2) Was it like a flower before? 3)How long/ wide is it? 4)What do we use it for ? A:What shape is it? B:It’s a/ an … square triangle circle rectangle o val 形状 triangle o val square circle rectangle circle square o val rectangle triangle 抢答赛 Fast reaction A:Excuse me, what shape is it? B:It’s a rectangle. A: How long is it? B:It’s 20 centimeters long . A: How wide is it? B:It’s 10 centimeters wide . 20 cm 10 cm × ... 多长 … 多宽 10 cm 10 cm × A:Excuse me, what shape is it? B:It’s a square. A: How long is it? B:It’s 10 centimeters long . A: How wide is it? B:It’s 10 centimeters wide. A:What do we use it for ? use sth. to do sth. = use sth. for doing sth. B:We use it to call sb. 用某物来做某事 --What do we use it for ? 用某物来做某事 --We use it to write. study English. 40cm 20cm 9cm 5cm 1 、 What shape is it? 2 、 How long /wide is it? 3 、 What do we use it for? --We use it to do sth. × × Pair work Emotional Education 情感教育 Li Ming What should Li Ming do? Don’t always play on the computer . We should use it to help us study. 36 李明 What is it like? It is like a bird . What is it like? It is like a rabbit . Was it like a rabbit before ? No, it was n't. It was like a bird . 之前 像 What is it like? It is like a star . What is it like? It is like a flower . Was it like a flower before ? No, it was n't. It was like a star . 之前 像 Pair work hill dog square circle Here are so many present s for Kangkang’s birthday. 礼物 present s Here is Maria’s present for Kangkang’s birthday. Guess! What is it? What’s the shape of Maria’s present? What color is it ? Is it a soccer ball? It’s round. It’s black and white. Yes, it is. Listen to 1 and then try to answer these questions. Group work Read 1a in roles. Which present is from Michael/Maria…? Guess! Sx : What color/shape is it? Ss : … Sx : How long/wide is it? Ss : … ( Sorry,we don’t know .) Sx:I s it a/an ...? Ss:Yes./No. 注: Sx 通过问问题猜答案,其他同学回答 。 四 次 提问机会过了还没猜准,则视为失败。 … 猜迷游戏 Guessing Game 18cm 10cm 500cm Which present is from Rose? 9cm × 5cm 40cm × 20cm 5cm × 3cm Which present is from Maria? Which present is from Jane? Which present is from Kangkang? 20cm × 10cm 6cm × 3.5cm Which present is from Kangkang’s grandfather? 9 cm × 5cm 1.shape, circle, square, oval , tri angle rect angle , present, centimeter, football 2 . 1) What ’ s the shape of it? =What shape is it? 2) Was it like a flower before ?-- No, it was n’t. 3)How long/ wide is it? --It is … 4)What do we use it for ? --We use it to keep pencils, rulers, erasers and so on. Summary Ⅰ.Choose the correct answers . 1. --- What ’ s the shape____ the basketball ? --- It ’ s a circle. A. to B. of C. for 2. --- What ______ is it ? --- It ’ s a rectangle. A . color B. shape C. time I can do it! Ⅰ.Choose the correct answers . 3. --- _____ is the ruler? --- It ’ s 20 centimeters long. A. How long B. How wide C. How far I can do it! Ⅰ.Choose the correct answers . 4.---_____ is the river ? ---It ’ s nine meters wide. A. How long B. How wide C. How far I can do it! 5.---___ it ____ a flower before. ---No,it wasn’t . A. Is like B.Were like C.Was like I can do it! Ⅰ.Choose the correct answers . Ⅰ.Choose the correct answers . 6.---What do we use the computer for? ----We use it ______ to music. A. to listening B. to listen C. for listen B. for listening c. for listen I can do it! Ⅱ.Translation. Here’s a beautiful _______ ( 礼物 ) for you. The box is a _________( 正方形 ). 3. It is 20 centimeters_______( 宽的 ). 4. What _______ ( 形状) is it ? 5. I’m _______( 恐怕) you can’t. present square wide shape afraid Homework 1 、熟读 1 。 2 、完成 workbook 。 3 、学会描述物体的形状、颜色、尺寸和用途。 12cm long 这是你爷爷送你的生日礼物。向我们大家介绍一下吧。 描述物体的形状、颜色、尺寸和用途 等,和你问什么喜欢它。

