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2020 年 6 月 26 日星期五 1. New China was set up in 1949. We celebrated her _______birthday on October 1st, 2019. A. seventy B. seventieth C. the seventieth D. the seventy 2. I _____this morning, so I missed the NBA game on TV. It’s a pity. It’s really___. A. Got up early; interested B. had breakfast; boring C Slept late; exciting D. stayed at home; terrible 3. It is ___ unusual day for the Sawyers.(冠词) 4. I didn’t have dinner ____the evening of Sunday.(介词) 5. There is a wide river _____the two cities.(介词) 6. Those girls aren’t Chinese. They come from Germany. They’re ______. 7. When the alarm clock rings every morning, I get up at _____.(短语) 8. I__ someone calls, tell him I’m not at home.(根据首字母填空) 9. She’s wearing the s_____dress every time I see her.(根据首字母填空) 10. Jane would like to eat mapo tofu with rice.(改为同义句) Jane _____ _____ eating mapo tofu with rice. 11. Different_____ different_____. A. countries have; weather B. country have; weathers C countries have; weathers D. country has; weather 12. Can you sing this English song or Chinese song? ____. It’s difficult for me to speak English. A. Yes, I can B. No, I can’t C. Chinese one D. English one 13. Ms. Brown wants to help the English______(speak)students. 14. Please come to the old_______(people) home____(help ) the old. 15. David can play the violin, too.(改为同义句) David _____ _______play the violin. 16. Who is your b____ friend at school.(根据首字母填空) 17. Miss Yang plays tennis____swim s on the weekend. A. Or B. but C. so D. after 18. Amy, ______the noodles taste _____? A. do; well B. do; good C are; well D. are; good 19. What’s the English for 9:50? It’s _____. A. nine fifty B. fifty nine C. ten to nine D. ten past nine 20. 劳驾, 电视台在哪里? Excuse me. Where is the ______ _________? 21. I don’t know______he will come tomorrow. A. If B. that D. what 22. I want to know_____. A. Who is she looking after B. who she is looking C who is she looking D. who she is looking after 23. The small children don’t know ______. A. What is their stockings in B. what is in their stockings C where is their stockings in D. what in their stockings 24. I go to school ___my bike every day. A. ride B. riding C. by D. on 25. The shoes are too big. I want another______. A. One B. ones C. pairs D. pair 26. Ma Yan is good at _____.(write) 27. Let’s go to the sports c______ to play sports.(根据首字母填空) 28. 你需要和你的老师交朋友。 You need ____ ____ friends with your teachers. 29. 我也加入了俱乐部。 I’m ____ _______ the art _____. 30. What about______(go) fishing this afternoon? 31. 琳达喜欢早上锻炼。 Linda likes _________(exercise) in the morning. 32. Wang Chunyu _____(run) fast. She won the championship in the 18th Asian Games. 33. 放学后有太多作业,因此我没有时间看电视。 There is too much homework after school, so I ___ ____ _____ to watch TV. 34. 我爸爸通常在晚饭后散步。 My father usually _____ _____ _____ after dinner. 35. _____does she go to work?________. A. How; by a car B. What; by car C. What; drives a car D. How; in a car 36. 你认为学习国际象棋俱乐部怎么样? ____do you ____ ____ the school chess club? 37. 我通常花一刻钟步行到学校。 It usually ______ me a _____ to _____ to school. 38. We do our homework after school.(改为祈使句)、 _____ _______ our homework after school. 39. 你们不准在大街上踢足球。 You ______ ______ _____in the street. 40. 她不得不把她的音乐播放器带到学校来。 She has to _____her music player to school. 41. How long did it_____you to arrive in Beijing by plane? One and a half hours. It’s so fast! A. take B. spend c. pay 42. _____ the bridge in winter is very fun. Please follow me! A. crossing B. To crossing C. Cross 43. Don’t cut down too many trees, _____? A. will you B. do you C. don’t you 44. Is there going to be ____ in the late afternoon? A. raining B. rainy C. rain 45. 他只是一个十岁的孩子。 He is only ________________ child. 46. I can’t understand ______the boy alone. A. why she left B. why did she leave C. why does she left D. why she leave 47. The boss came up to see ____with you. A. what was the matter B. what the matter was C what the matter is D. what’s the matter 48. We want two musicians ______the coming art festival. A. At B. for C. in 49. Either you or your sister _____do the dishes after dinner tonight. A. Has to B. have to C. had to 50. _________? It’s nearly 11:30. It’s time for lunch. A. What time is it B. When do you have lunch C. What time do you eat lunch 51. The post office is about 200 meters______ the bank. A. away from B. far from C. far away 52. Don’t be ____about him. He is old enough to be able to look after himself. A. writing B. to write C. write 53. A Christmas Carol is one of my favorite ____(story) 54. Sun Yang is a good swimmer. He makes his dream _____(come) true. 55. Do you have time this weekend?(改为同义句) _____you _____this weekend. 56. It’s about 15 minutes’ walk from here.(对划线部分提问) ______ ________ is it from here? 57. My nine-year-old brother want6s to learn______a bike. A. riding B. ride C. rides D. to ride 58. The little boy makes his mum_____stories to him every night. A tells B. tell C. to tell D. telling 59. ______(listen) to your teacher carefully in class is very important. 60. I must finish the work today.(改为一般疑问句) _____ _______finish the work today? 61. Dan has to get up at 6:30 a.m.(改为一般疑问句) ______does Dan have to ______? 62. Does he _____a bus ____? A. take;home B. taking; home C. take; to home D. taking; to home 63. _____do you think____your school life? A. How; like B. What; of C. How;of D. How; about 64. Tom‘s home is ten kilometers____school. A. Away B. to C. away from D. far from 65. Students have to ____a boat to get____home. A. take; to B. take; / C. takes;/ D. takes; to 66. He usually goes to school____his bike, but sometimes he goes to school____foot. A. with; on B. on; by C. on; on D by;on 67. How far is your teacher’s home from here? It’s about two ____drive. A. hour’s B. hours C. hours’ D. hour 68. There are ____people in the hall and there is ____noise in it. A. too many; too much B. too many; much too B. too much; too many D. too much; much too 69. We have lots of fun_____games. A play B. to play C.playing D. plays 70. Please remember ____ the door when you leave. A. to close B. close C. closing D. closed 71. He feels very tire4d; he wants to stop _______(have) a rest. 72. Are you afraid ______(cross) the river on a rope way. 73. Parents and schools are sometimes strict, and they make us_____(follow) the rules. 74. You’re new here and it’s _____of you to bring a map. A. smart B. strict C. beautiful D. true 75. I have two math books. One is for you and ____is for your sister. A. Another B. other C. the other D. one 76. People often eat ___the day and sleep ___night. A. in; in B. at; in C. at; at D. in; at 77. Going to the zoo makes me _______(relax). 78. It is a little hot in the room. Please keep the door____(open). 79. This is my _____(one) visit to Shanghai. It’s a beautiful city. 80. The koala looks very small.(改为一般疑问句) ____the koala_____ _____ _____? 81. My parents like dogs.(对划线部分提问) ____ _____ do your parents like? 82. Zhuhui is talking___ the phone to his cousin. A. In B. on C. to D. / 83. His skirt is dirty. He needs _____it. A. wash B. to wash C. washing D. to washing 84. Look! Jack with his monkey ____flying disk together in the garden. A. Is playing B. was playing C. are playing D. were playing 85. 我和我奶奶住在一起。 I’m _____ _______my grandmother. 86. 你想和我们一起喝茶吗?Do you want to ____us_____ a cup of tea? 87. Hi, Wang Ning! How’s the weather in Qiqihar now? It is terrible. It______all the morning. A. Rains B. is raining C. rained 88. 我们将永远记住我们一起度过的时光。 I will always ____ _____ ______we spent together. 89. 请代我问候你父母。 Please _____me ____ your parents. 90. The pupil kept on _____(ask) me the same question. 91. 我已经学习英语五年了。 I _____ ________for five years. 92. 他忘记邮这封信了。He ______ _____ _______the letter. 93. I ____that he will win the game.(hope, wish) 94. I ____I had bought it yesterday.(hope, wish) 95. You’ve broken my pen, but don’t worry, I have _____one.(另一个) 96. The accident happened ____7:00 p.m. ____9:00 p.m. A. from; to B. between; to C. between; and 97. Laura opened the door and rushed into the rain___I could stop her. A. until B. after C. before 98. ____your sisters doing? A. What are B. What is C. How is 99. He works____and feels _____every day. A. hard; happy B. hardly; happily C. hardly; happy butcher(肉店)__________ 美味的_________ 一个鸡蛋_______ 四分之一镑_______________ 村民______ 在广播电视台工作______ 害怕做_______ 过健康的生活_________ 做完某事之后 _________________ 去某地的旅行_______ 过......生活_______ many 反义词_______ America 的形容词和名词_______

