人教(新目标)版七年级下册英语课件Unit 1 第二课时

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人教(新目标)版七年级下册英语课件Unit 1 第二课时

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(中国)功夫 n. ________________ 核心单词 write show or talk kung fu 常考短语 6. 写故事 ________________ 7. 学校文艺表演 ________________ 8. 与……谈话 ________________ 9. 放学后 ________________ 10. 打(中国)功夫 ________________ write stories school show talk to … after school do kung fu 典型句子 11. ——你和汤姆会下国际象棋吗? ——是的,我们会。 ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 12. 你能做什么? ______________________________________________ —Can you and Tom play chess? —Yes, we can. What can you do? 名师点拨 短语 含义 举例 talk to 与……谈话 She wants to talk to / with her teacher this afternoon. 今天下午 她想和老师谈一谈。talk with talk about 谈论 They are talking about their new classmate. 他们在谈论他们的新 同学。 ( )1. My parents often _______ my grandparents on the phone. A. look for B. ask for C. talk to D. want to ( )2. They look happy and laugh loudly. What are they talking _______? A. to B. with C. about D. at C C —Can you play the violin? 你会拉小提琴吗? —Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. 是的,我会。/不, 我不会。 I can’t help you clean your room. 我不能帮你打 扫你的房间。 3. can还可以表示许可或推测。表示许可时,意为 “可以”,这时可以和may通用,但是比may更正式; 表示推测时,意为“可能”,这时常出现在否定句中。 如: Can I use your pen?我可以用你的钢笔吗? It can’t be true. 这不可能是真的。 ( )1. My grandpa can _______ chess, but he _______ play the guitar. A. play; can B. play; can’t C. plays; can D. plays; can’t ( )2. —Can you play the violin? —_______. But I can play the piano. A. Yes, I can B. No, I can’t C. Yes, I do D. No, I don’t B B ( )3. —Can Jacky do kung fu? —_______. He is really good at it. A. Yes, he can B. No, he can’t C. Yes, Jack can D. No, Jack can’t ( )4. —Can Bill and Grace write stories? —_______. They often tell stories, too. A. Yes, we can B. No, she can’t C. Yes, they can D. No, they can’t A C 5. ——你会踢足球吗? ——不,我不会。但我会打功夫。(翻译句子) ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 6. ——你会唱歌或者跳舞吗? ——是的,我会唱歌。而且我很擅长唱歌。(翻译句子) ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ —Can you play football? —No, I can’t. But I can do kung fu. —Can you sing or dance? —Yes, I can sing. And I am very good at singing. 7. We can join the story telling club. (先改为 否定句,再改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) 否定句:______________________________________ 一般疑问句:__________________________________ 肯定回答:____________________________________ We can’t join the story telling club. Can you join the story telling club? Yes, we can. 课堂小测 一、根据中文提示,用单词的适当形式填空,每空 一词 1. —What can you do?—I can ________(写) stories. I am a writer. 2. I can’t sing ______(也不) dance, but I can play the guitar. 3. Linda won the first place at the talent _______(表演) by singing and dancing. 4. My grandma can play the erhu, and she ______(弹) it very well. 5. My mother _______(能) speak English, but she can speak only a little. write or show plays can 二、根据中文意思完成句子,词数不限 6. ——你会说日语吗? ——是的,我会。但我只能讲一点点。 —________ you ________________? —Yes,I can. But I can only speak ______________. 7. 我们需要三个学生在文化交流会上帮忙。 We want three students ________________ at the culture communicating meeting. 8. 请在放学后和你的老师谈一谈。 Please ____________ your teacher ________________. Can speak Japanese a little to help us talk to after school 9. 我会打中国功夫, 并且我对它非常感兴趣。 I can ___________________ and I am very interested in it. 10. 如果你有才能,欢迎来这里向我们展示一下。 If you have talents, welcome to come and ___________ here. 三、单项填空 ( )11. —May I watch TV, Dad? —When your homework is finished, you ________. A. should B. can C. must D. need do Chinese kung fu show us B ( )12. —It’s too hot. ________ I swim in the lake? —No, you ________. That’s too dangerous! A. Should; can’t B. Need; mustn’t C. Must; needn’t D. Can; can’t ( )13. Look! Little Jim is swimming so fast. I ________ believe my eyes. A. shouldn’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t D B ( )14. —________ I take photos here? —No, you mustn’t. Don’t you see the sign “NO PHOTOS”? A. Would B. May C. Must D. Should ( )15. —Look! Is the young lady wearing a blue dress your mother? —No, it ________ be her. She is picking up my sister at the airport. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. can D. must B A

