人教新目标英语七下unit Dont eat in classperiod section a ac导学案

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人教新目标英语七下unit Dont eat in classperiod section a ac导学案

Unit 4 Don’t eat in class.Period 1 Section A ‎‎1a‎-1c ‎* ‎ 教师寄语:No rules, no standards. 没有规矩,不成方圆。‎ ‎【学习目标】【学习重点】:‎ ‎1、初步掌握第19页的生词和句型;‎ ‎2、初步了解祈使句;‎ ‎3、谈论校规;‎ ‎4. 复习must的用法。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎【体验学习】:‎ I、预习交流 根据音标拼读单词并牢记;‎ 自学课文,勾画出重点和疑惑。‎ II、翻译官 ‎1. school rules _______________ 2. arrive late for class _______________ ‎ ‎3. (be) on time _______________ 4. in the hallways __________________ ‎ ‎5. 在餐厅 ______________ 6. 听音乐____________________ ‎ ‎【课堂导学】:‎ I、新课呈现 Step1 Revision ‎ How do you get to school? ‎ ‎ How far is it from your home to school?‎ How long does it take to get to school?‎ Can you arrive late for school?‎ Step2 Presentation ‎(1) Learn the new words and phrases using some pictures.‎ ‎(2) Present key sentences with these pictures.‎ ‎ Don’t arrive late for class. We must be on time.‎ Don’t run in the hallways. Don’t eat in the classroom. ‎ Don’t listen to music in class. Don’t fight. ‎ ‎(3) Finish ‎1a, and then check the answers.‎ Step3 Listening Listen and finish 1b. Check the answers.‎ Step4 Pair work Talk about the rules in ‎1a.‎ II、合作交流 初识祈使句 祈使句表示命令、请求、劝告、征求对方意见等,一般省略主语(you)。‎ ‎1.肯定祈使句一般以动词原形开头:‎ ‎ Run in the hallways.‎ ‎2.祈使句的否定形式一般在动词原形前加_________:‎ ‎ ___________ run in the hallways.‎ ‎(别忘了,以let开头的句子也是祈使句的一种结构哦!)‎ ‎【自主检测】:‎ 精挑细选 ‎( )1. If you arrive late _______ class, you must say _______ to your teacher. ‎ ‎ A. for, thanks B. for, sorry C. to, sorry ‎( )2. — Can you sing in the classroom? ‎ ‎           — _________________‎ ‎ A. Yes, you can. B. No, I can. C. Yes, we can.‎ ‎( )3. Don’t arrive late. You must be ________ time.‎ A. to B. on C. at ‎( )4. Please listen _______ the teacher carefully (认真地).‎ ‎ A. to B. on C. at ‎( )5. Don’t _______ TV after class.‎ ‎ A. watch B. watches C. watching ‎【快乐链接】 ‎ 美国亚利桑那州莫哈维稀奇古怪的规定 ‎ 美国亚利桑那州莫哈维法律规定:偷肥皂者,罚其用所偷的肥皂洗澡,直到将肥皂用完。有一个偷走商店一箱肥皂的小偷,结果被关在浴室里整整洗了一个星期。‎ ‎ 【学习体会】 ‎ 成功&收获: 失败&不足: ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

