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仁爱版七年级英语上下册语法归纳及练习 一、1.英语26个字母中共有5个原音字母.Aa,Ee,Ii,Oo,Uu五个字母是原音字母,其余为辅音字母。‎ ‎2.下列情况英语的第一个单词的首字母要大写。如:How are you? I’m fine.Thank you.3.姓名中指性的词或指名的词首字母要大写。如:Tom 汤姆 Zhou Jun 4.单词I(我)永远都要大写 5.称呼的首字母要大写。如:Ms.Liu刘老师(刘女士)Miss Wang王小姐 Mr.Chen陈先生/陈老师6.地点名词首字母要大写。如:China中国England英国 二、a一个,一an一个, 冠词a用于辅音音素前,一般读作[e] a book一本书。‎ 而an则用于元音音素前,一般读做[en]。如an apple一个苹果, an orange一个橘子, an elephant 一头大象an eraser一个橡皮 an eye一个眼睛, an ear一个耳朵, an egg一个鸡蛋,an ice-cream一条冰激凌,,an hour一小时an honest man一个诚实的男人an ant一只蚂蚁an old dog一条老狗an alphabet一个字母表an animal一个动物an actor一个男演员an e-card一张电子贺卡an email一封电子邮件an office一间办公室an owl一只猫头鹰an English一个英国人an ear一个耳朵 an elephant一条大象 练习一、a,an填空。a用在发辅音的字母的单词前,an用在发元音的字母的单词前。a,e,i,o,u是元音字母一般发元音,剩下的都发辅音。“an hour一小时” “an honest boy一个诚实的男孩”这两个是特殊的 ‎1.( )apple,( )orange ,( )window,( )elephant ,( )book,( ) eraser ( ) eye ,( )bag,( )ear, ( )cap,( )hat, ( )egg, ( )pen,( )ice-cream, ( )pupil, ( )email,( )pig( )office( )teacher, ( )school, ( )classroom, ( )e-card,( ) English( )teacher,( )actor,( ) owl,( )door, ( )banana( )hour,( )bird,( )old dog,( )cat, ( )alphabet ,( )monkey( )animal ,( )boy,( )girl,( )bike, ( )ant( )child ( )honest boy ( )ear ‎ ‎2.This is old dog 3.That is cat 4.It is animal 5.There is hour ‎ ‎6. I’m boy 7. I have egg. 8.There is English in the room 9.It’s panda. 10.I have got monkey. 11. I’m pupil 12.I’m honest pupil.‎ 三、Be系动词(am, is , are)用法be有三种形式am, is 和are,要注意它们的搭配是固定的。‎ 连系动词be是am, is, are三者的原形,一般不直接出现在句子中,而是以am, is, are的形式出现。它们各有分工,而且随着主语的人称和数的变化而变化。am最专一,始终跟着I(我)转;are(是) 跟you(你,你们), we(我们) ,they(它、他、她们),these(这些),those(那些)及表复数名词或复数意义的词连用;is的交际最广泛,is与“他、he,她、she它it”形影不离,至于名词单数,指示代词(this这/that那)都与is结下不解之缘。 刚开始学习英语的同学,往往对连系动词be与主语人称保持一致的问题把握不好。为此,建议你在歌谣中熟悉连系动词be的“身影”: 我(I)用am,你(you)用are,is连着他(he),她(she),它(it);遇到复数全用are ‎  单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。  变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。变否定,更容易, be后not莫忘记。疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。‎ I am = I’m . you are = you’re . they are = they’re . we are = we’re It is = It’s. He is = He’s. She is = she’s . There are =There’re Those are = Those’re Let’s = Let us . what is = what’s . who is = who’s . where are = where’re 练习二、am, is, are填空。am只能和I(我)连用,is和第三人称单数it(它),he,(他)she(她)连用。This(这)That( 那 )这两个都是第三人称单数。are和you(你)、these(这些)those(那些)复数连用。懂什么是复数吗?两个或两个以上的人或东西、事物叫复数。有does出现动词要变原形。 ‎ ‎1.I (我)___ __a boy. ___ __you(你)a boy? No, I(我)___ _ not. 2.The girl(这个女孩)___ ___ Jack's sister. 3. The dog (这条狗)_______ tall and fat. ‎ ‎4. The man with big eyes(长着大眼睛的男人) ____ ___ a teacher. ‎ ‎5. __ __ your brother(你的弟弟) in the classroom? 6.Where __ _ your mother(你的母亲)?‎ ‎7. She (她)____ __ at home.8.How ____ ___ your father(你的父亲)?9. Mike and Liu Tao (麦克和刘涛)___ _ at school.10.Whose dress __ ___ this(这)? 11. That(那)___ my red skirt. 12.They(他们) dogs. 13. This(这)___ not Wang Fang's pencil.‎ ‎14.She(她) a teacher. ‎ ‎15.Whose socks __ they(它们)? ‎ ‎16.He(他) an old man. ‎ ‎17.Who __ ____ I(我)? 18.You(你) a boy. ‎ ‎19.My sister's (我姐姐的)name ___ ___Nancy.‎ ‎20.We(我们) pupils.21.It(它) an apple. ‎ ‎22.This(这) a book. 23.That(那) orange. 24.These(这些) cats. ‎ ‎25.Daming and I (我和大明) good friend. ‎ ‎26.Those(那些) window.27.They( 他们) good friends. 28.My parents(我的父母亲) teachers.‎ 四、 名词的复数形式 ‎1)一般情况下在后面加s。如:father-fathers, book- books,apple-apples,banana- bananas ‎2)以x, sh, ch, s, 后加es。如:box-es, glass-es, dress-es, watch-es, wish-es,fax-es ,brush-es,class-es,match-es,dish-es.bus-es ‎3)以辅音字母加y结尾的变y为i再加es如baby-babies,family-families, duty-duties,country-countries ,story-stories ‎4)以元音字母加y结尾的直接加s。如day-days, boy-boys, toy-toys, key-keys, way-ways, ‎ ‎5)以o结尾加es:只有: tomato-tomatoes西红柿, potato-potatoes马铃薯,hero-heroes英雄,mango-mangoes芒果。其它的加s ‎6)以f或fe结尾的变f变为v再加es。如:knife-knives, wife-wives, half-halves, shelf-shelves, leaf-leaves,thief-thieves, life-lives ‎7)单复数相同(不变的:sheep--sheep绵羊deer--deer鹿Chinese--Chinese中国人Japanese--Japanese日本People--people人,人们 ‎8)特殊形式的有:child-children小孩, man-men男人, woman-women女人, foot-feet脚 ,tooth-teeth牙,mouse-mice老鼠,policeman-police警察,Englishman-Englishmen英国人,goose-geese鹅,‎ ‎9)不可数名词没有复数形式,不可数名词有:fish鱼肉soup汤water 水 ice 冰 tea 茶 meat 肉 milk 牛奶coffee(咖啡) rice(米饭)bread(面包) juice (果汁) food食物icecream冰激淋chicken鸡肉paper纸chocolate巧克力fruit水果cake蛋糕cheese奶酪. porridge粥,稀饭.如:some tea一些茶 much bread许多面包 ‎10)人称的复数形式:‎ 主格:he他 I我 it它 she她 they(他、她、它)们 we我们 you你(你们) 如:(it,he,she)的复数是 they(它他她)门 I(我) 的复数是we(我们)‎ 宾格:them(他、她、它)们me我 us我们you你(你们) him 他her她it它. 如:me(我)的复数是 us(我们)(it ,her,him)的复数是them他们 形容词性物主代词:my,我的our,我们的your,你(们)的his,他的her她的its,它的their他们的. ‎ 如:my(我的)复数是ou ‎ 名词性物主代词:mine,我的ours,我们的yours,你(们)的his,他的hers,她的its,它的theirs他们的. ‎ ‎ 如:yours(你的)复数是 yours(你们的) this这个—these那些 that那个—those那些 练习三、写出下列各词的复数 ‎ I我 ________him 他________this这 _________her她 __ _ _me我 watch手表 ___ ____child 小孩__ _ photo 像片____ ____diary日记 ____ __day天_____ ___ foot脚____ ____ book书____ ___‎ ‎ dress连衣裙 _____ tooth牙__ ___ sheep绵羊 ___ ___box盒子__ ____ family家庭 __ ___thief小偷 _______ peach桃子__ _ sandwich三明治 ___ ___man男人___ ___ woman女人___ __ paper纸__ _____ juice果汁_____ _water水__ ___ milk牛奶_____ ___ rice米饭_____ _ tea茶_____ _____my我的 people人,人们 tomato 西红柿 ‎ ‎( ) 1.I have five .A.apples B.apple C.orange ( ) 2.He has some A.meats B.bread C.apple( )4.There are four in my family A.people B.peoples C.dog ‎( )5.How many do you have?A.bread B.books C.sheep ‎( )6.How much do you want?A.milk B.apples C.breads 五、可数名词与不可数名词怎么区分呢? ‎ 一般来说,可数名词有单、复数之分。像表示人或事物的名词和集体名词等一般都是可数的。有时候,我们也可以在该词之前试着加一加基数词来进行判断。一般能用基数词数的名词,通常是可数名词,如:a boy 一个男孩儿 three boys 三个男孩儿 some boys 一些男孩子 a song 一支歌 some songs 几首歌曲 an apple 一个苹果 9 apples 9个苹果 some apples 一些苹果 不可数名词没有单数和复数的区别,不可数名词有:fish鱼肉soup汤water 水 ice 冰 tea 茶 meat 肉 milk 牛奶coffee(咖啡) rice(米饭)bread(面包) juice (果汁) food食物icecream冰激淋chicken鸡肉paper纸chocolate巧克力fruit水果cake蛋糕cheese奶酪porridge粥,稀饭. 以下是要注意的 1. 不可数名词前不能直接加数词或a (an)。切忌犯以下错误:a meat, two tea, 应加名词glass(杯) piece(片) cup(杯)如:a piece of meat一片面包, two cups of tea两杯茶 three glasses of juice三杯果汁 ‎2. 不可数名词无单复数变化,谓语动词一般用单数形式。如: There is(单数) some milk 一些牛奶(当作单数看)in the glass. 杯里有一些牛奶。‎ ‎3. 能修饰不可数名词的词有: much许多, a little一点, little很少, , some一些, any一些, a lot of许多,lots of许多等,以此来表示不确定的数量。如:much bread 许多面包a little milk 一点牛奶a lot of work 许多工作 ‎4. 表示具体的数量时应用单位词加of结构。如:  He ate three pieces of bread. 他吃了三片面包。Would you like a cup of coffee? 你想喝杯咖啡吗?‎ 可数名词 不可数名词 ‎1. 有单数和复数两种形式。如:a book,two books,a bus,three buses ‎1. 只有单数形式。如:bread,tea,water,juice,milk ‎2. 可以直接用不定冠词a/an或数词来修饰。如:a cake,an apple,four boys ‎2. 不能用不定冠词或数词直接修饰。如:a rice(×),a juice(×),three water(×)‎ ‎3. 可以用some,any,few,a few,many,a lot of来修饰复数可数名词。如:some girls,a few friends,many pears ‎3. 可以用some,any,little,a little,much,a lot of来修饰不可数名词。如:some milk,a little tea,a lot of food ‎4. 用how many来询问数量的多少。如:How many people are there in your family?‎ ‎4. 用how much来询问数量的多少。如:How much milk is there in the bottle?‎ ‎5. 单个的单数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数;多个单数名词或复数名词作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。如:Jim comes from England. /Lily and Lucy are twins. /The students are reading English books. ‎ ‎5. 不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数,但是,当不可数名词前面有复数名词短语修饰时,谓语动词就要用复数。如:There is some water in the glass. /There are three bottles of water on the table. ‎ 可数名词与不可数名词用法对比 六、‎ 人 称 ‎(代词用法)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 主格 宾格 形容词性 物主代词 名词性 物主代词 反身代词 第 一 人 称 单数 I (我)‎ me我 my (我的)‎ mine我的 myself (我自己)‎ 复数 we (我们)‎ us我们 our (我们的)‎ ours我们的 ourselves (我们自己)‎ 第 二 人 称 单数 you (你)‎ you你 your (你的)‎ yours你的 yourself (你自己)‎ 复数 you (你们)‎ you你们 your (你们的)‎ yours你们的 yourselves (你们自己)‎ 第 三 人 称 单数 he (他)‎ him他 his (他的)‎ his他的 himself (他自己)‎ she (她)‎ her她 her (她的)‎ hers她的 herself (她自己)‎ it (它)‎ it它 its (它的)‎ its它的 itself (它自己)‎ 复数 they (他们/她们/它们)‎ them 他/她/它/们 their (他们的/她们的/它们的)‎ theirs他/她/它/们的 themselves (他们/她们/它们自己)‎ 主格的用法:一般在句子前面或动词的前面I like her.我喜欢她I是主格,her是宾格 Do you like apples?你喜欢苹果吗?you 是主格 宾格的用法:一般在句子后面或动词的后面。‎ 如:I miss you.我想念你。I是主格,you 是宾格,miss是动词. 物 主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。‎ 形容词性物主代词:my,our,your,his,her,its,their(后接名词)一般在句子中间 如:This is my book.这是我的书.my 是形容词性物主代词,book是名词 名词性物主代词:mine,ours,yours,his,hers,its,theirs(后面无名词)一般在句子后面 如:This book is mine.这本书是 我的.mine名词性物主代词 形容词性物主代词在句中起形容词的作用,在句中一般后面要紧接名词。‎ 名词物主代词在句中起名词的作用,实际上名词性物主代词相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”,因此名性物主代词后面不再接名词。my book= mine ‎ 记住 for和to后面的词一般是宾语或宾格.give 和put动词后面一般是宾格 ‎(三).选择题 ‎( )1.Who’s that boy? is my brother. A.His B.He C.Him ‎ ‎( )2.Whose toothbrush is this? A.Daming’s B.I C.Daming ‎( )3.Is it Betty’s bag?Yes,it’s . A.he B.she C.hers ‎ ‎( )4.Who is the woman? is my Chinese teacher. A.He B.She C.Your ‎( )5.This long pen is .The short one is .A.his;her B.his;hers C.him;her ‎( )6.We can listen to in the evening.A.they B.them C.their ‎( )7.I miss grandmother. A.my B.I C.me ‎( )8.This is ________ pen . A.my B.mine C.I ‎ ‎( )9.This pen is ________. A.my B.mine C.I ‎ ‎( )10.This is my book . That book is . A.yours B.mine C.your ‎ ‎( )11.This bag is ________. A.she B.her C.hers ‎( )12.There are too many books on the table.Who put on ? A.they,it B.them;it C.their,it ‎( )13.Is it map? Yes,it is A.Jane B.Jane’s C.Peter ‎ ‎( )14.There are a lots of children in the park on Day.A.Children B.Child C.Children’s ‎( )15.Is that your bike? No’it’s A.your B.her C.hers ‎( )16.Please give a cup of water. cup isn’t here. A.I;My B.mine;I C.me;My ‎( )17.Who’s this boy? is my brother. A.His B.He C.Him ‎ ‎( )18.Whose dress is this?It’s dress. A.Lingling’s B.I C.Lingling ‎( )19.Is it Betty’s bag? Yes,it’s . A.he B.she C.hers ‎ ‎( )20.That’s Xiaomei. Hair was long then. A.My B.Her C.Your ‎( )21.Who’s that little girl? It’s A.my B.me C.she ‎ ‎( )22.This is father. A.me B.I C.my ‎( )23.I like voice. A.she B.he C.her ‎( )24.Can wash clothes? Yes, we can. A.we B. they C.you ‎( )25.Excuse . Where’s my dog? A.me B.I C.my ‎ ‎( )26.Look,this is swimsuit. A.Xiaoyong. B.Xiaoyong’s C.he ‎( )27.This is my friend, name is Daming. A.his B.her C.he ‎ ‎( )28.What’s name?I’m Amy. A.your B.you C.it ‎( )29.This T-shirt is yours. is yellow. A.Her B.My C.Mine ‎ ‎( )30.Is it Amy’s sweather? Yes,it’s . A.her B.hers C.she ‎( )31.There are too many books on the desk. Who put on it? A.they B.them C.their ‎32.This is (I)book 33. That book is (I) 34.That book for (he)‎ ‎35. are teacher(we) 36. pens are red(him) 37. I like (she)‎ ‎2.指示代词:this这this is这是,that那, that is那是(单数)these这些,these are这些是 those那些those are那些是(复数)This is a book这是一本书That is a pen那是一支钢笔These are dogs这些是狗Those are cats那些是猫 七、名词所有的格 ‎ 当我们要表示某人的什么东西或人时,我们就要使用所有格形式。构成如下:表示有生命东西的名词,所有格一般在名词后加“'s”‎ 一)单数在后面加’s。如:brother’s,哥哥的 Mike’s,麦克的 teacher’s老师的单数表示:Daming’s books大明的书Amy’s pens艾米的钢笔 二)复数以s结尾的直接在s后加’,如: Teachers’ Day教师节,classmates’同学们的复数表示:①teachers’books老师们的书.students’classroom学生们的教师 ‎ 三)如果不是以s结尾的复数与单数一样处理。如:Children’s Day六一节,Women’s Day三八节 men’s男人们的②men’s coats男人们的大衣.women’s skirts 女人们的裙.children’s dolls孩子们的玩具.‎ ‎1.大明的狗 2.老师的书 3.孩子们的钢笔 ‎ ‎4.男人们的球 5.学生们的书包 6.司机们的车 ‎ 八、英语时间表达法 英语时间通常用以下两种方法表达: 1. 直接表达法: A. 用基数词 + o'clock来表示整点,注意o'clock须用单数,可以省略。如:eight o'clock 八点钟,ten (o'clock) 十点钟 B. 用基数词按钟点 + 分钟的顺序直接写出时间如:eleven-o-five 十一点过五分six forty六点四十 2. 间接表达法 A. 如果分钟数少于30分钟,可用分钟 + past + 钟点表示,其中past是介词,意思是“过”。如:twenty past four 四点二十 eight past one 一点八分 B. 如果分钟数多于30分钟,可用(60分钟-原分钟数)+ to +(原钟点数+ 1)表示,其中to是介词,意思是“差”。 8:35 可表示为twenty-five to nine 差二十五分钟九点,即八点三十五(其中的分钟数twenty-five 是由60分钟减去35分钟得 到的;钟点数nine是由8加上1得到的)。 注:A. 当分钟数是15分钟时,可用名词quarter (一刻钟)表示。如:7:15可表示为 a quarter past seven, 12:15可表示为 a quarter past twelveB. 当分钟数是30分钟时,可用名词half (一半)表示。如:9:30 可表示为 half past nine,3:30可表示为 half past three。C. 若想表明是上午,可在时间后加上am或a.m.。如:thirteen past six a.m. (上午六点十三分)等。若想表明是下午,可在时间后加上pm或p.m.。如:four o'clock p.m. (下午四点)等。D. 若表示的时间不够准确,可在时间前加上介词about。如:about eight (大约八点)等。E. 在时间前面应用介词at 来表示在的意思。如:at nine 在九点钟,‎ 练习:9:00 8:30 7:15 ‎ ‎6:25 10:46 5:45 ‎ 九、have /has 用法 have是英语中一个非常重要的动词,被戏称为“灵魂动词”或“魔鬼动词”。因其在不同的词组中,具有不同的含义,语法上称这类词为兼类词。现将have的用法简要归纳如下:have和has在用于英语表达动词“有”的含义时,have使用于第一人称、第二人称和各人称复数,‎ Have 和I you we you they...复数...等连用。 has 用于第三人称单数 和it he she ‎ 第三人称单数连用。‎ 一、表示“有” “拥有”的意思时,强调“所属关系”。其主语常为“人或物”。如: My father has many new books.我爸爸有许多新书。‎ 疑问句有两种:1)Has your father many new books? 肯定回答:Yes he has 否定回答: No he has not。‎ has got/have got是英国的用法有的意思,更为普遍使用。‎ ‎2)Does your father have many new books?肯:yes he does 否:No he doesn’t I have a new computer.我有一台新电脑。 1) Have you got a new computer ? 肯 yes I have 否 No I have not ‎2) Do you have a new computer? 肯 Yes I do 否 No I don’t ‎【注】there be句型表示“有”时强调“某处有某人或某物”,其用法此处不再详述。‎ 二、“have+表示一日三餐的名词”,意为“用餐”。如:have breakfast/lunch/supper吃早饭/午饭/晚饭。‎ 三、“have+表示食品、饮料等名词”,意为“吃;喝”。如:have (some) bread吃面包,have eggs (for breakfast) (早餐)吃鸡蛋,have (a cup of) tea 喝(一杯)茶。‎ 四、“have+表示动作的名词”,没有固定的意思,常与表示动作的名词同义。‎ 如:have a rest 休息一下 have a swim 游泳have a drink (of...)喝一点(……)‎ have a look (at ..)(朝……)看一眼 五、“have+表示某种活动的名词”,意为“进行,举行”。如:have a class (学生) 上课 ‎ ‎ have a birthday party 举行生日聚会 have /has 有 表示“有” “拥有”的意思时,强调“所属关系”。其主语常为“人或物have 和I 我 you 你 we 我们 you 你们 they他们...复数...等连用。has 用于第三人称单数 和it它 he 他 she她 第三人称单数连用。练习五.用“ have ①, has ② ”填空 有does出现动词要变原形 has的原形是have ‎1. I我______ a nice puppet. 2. He他_____a good friend.3.They他们_____some caps. 4.We我们_______some flowers.5. She她______ a duck. 6. My father我的父亲______a new bike.7. Her mother她的母亲_______a vase.8. Our teacher我们的老师______ an English book.9.Our teachers我们的老师们_______a basketball.10. Their parents 他们的父母亲_______some pens.Amy艾米______ many skirts. 12. Daming大明_______some jackets.13. My friends我的朋友们_____ a football. 14.What do you你_______?15. What does Mike麦克_______?16. What do your friends你的朋友_______?17. What does Tom汤姆 ______?18. His brother他的弟弟________ a basketball.19. Her sister她的姐姐________ a nice doll.20. Miss Li李老师_________an English book.‎ 十、There be 结构 在英语中,表示“存在有”,即“某地或某时间存在某事物”,要用there be 结构。这里,there引导词,无具体词义;be是谓语动词,它后面的名词是句子的主语;句子最后为地点或时间状语。如:There is a picture on the wall. 墙上有一副画。 there be 结构的肯定式为:There be + 主语+地点(时间)状语 There is a tree in front of the house.房子前有一棵树。There are some books on the desk. 桌上有一些书。‎ 今天我们学习了There be句型,先来记一下“口诀”: There be句型不一般,主语跟在be后边。  be可变为is / are, there永远不变化,单数主语用is, 复数主语须用are 。 变疑问,很简单,be须大写来提前; 变否定,也轻松,be后not记心中; 肯定句中用some, 否定、疑问any用。 时间/地点是状语,句首句末任由你。     There be句型是重点,若要掌握须多练。    【温馨提示】     1.不管作主语的名词有多少个,be动词的数只与第一个名词保持一致。如:There is a pen, two pencils and some books on the desk.书桌上有一枝钢笔、两枝铅笔和一些书。  2. there be和have(has)都是“有”,但它们的含义却是不同的。there be表示“客观存在”,而have(has)表示“拥有、占有”。请比较:  There is a watch on the desk. 书桌上有一块手表。(表示存在) I have a watch. 我有一块手表。(表示拥有) ‎ there is①/there are② 有 表示:在某地有某物(或人)在英语中,表示“存在有”,即“某地或某时间存在某事物”要用there be 结构,there is 和单数、不可数名词连用There is some milk on the desk。There are和复数连用 练习六1._____a TV(一台电视机) on the desk.2._____a basketball(一个篮球) in the playground. 3. _____some books(一些书) in the bag.4.______a story-book(一本故事书) on the table5. ____ a map of the world(一幅世界地图) on the wall.6. _____many children(很多小孩子) on the hill.7. _____a lot of sweets (许多糖果)in the box.8. four cups of coffee(四杯咖啡) on the table 9. a picture and a map(一张图画和一张地图 )on the wall.10. a pen (一支钢笔)near the books.11. much milk(很多牛奶) in the glass.12. much water(很多水) in the classroom.13. men(许多男人) in the room.14. women (许多女人)in the room.15 much food(很多食物) in the desk.‎ 用“have,has”或“there is , there are” 填空 ‎1. I我________a good father and a good mother. 2. ____________a telephone on the desk桌子上. ‎ ‎3. He他_________a book. 4. _____________a basketball in the playground操场上. ‎ ‎5. She她__________some pens. 6. They___________a good students. ‎ ‎7. What do you___________? 8. ______________a dog 一条狗in the room房间里? ‎ ‎9. What does Mike迈克___________? 10. ______________any books in the bag书包里? ‎ ‎11. My father我的父亲_________a story-book故事书. 12. _______________a story-book on the desk. ‎ ‎13. _______________any flowers in the vase花瓶里? 14. How many students多少学生____________in the classroom教室里? 15. My parents我的父母亲___________some nice pictures. 16. _____________some maps on the wall墙上. ‎ ‎17. _____________a map of the world一幅世界地图 on the wall. 18. David大卫_________a telephone电话. ‎ ‎19. David’s friends大卫的朋友们__________some pens. 20. ________many children许多孩子 on the hil山上 十一、一般现在时基本用法介绍 ‎ 般现在时的功能1.表示事物或人物的特征、状态。如:The sky is blue.天空是蓝色的。2.表示经常性或习惯性的动作。如:I get up at six every day.我每天六点起床。3.表示客观现实。如:The earth goes around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。4表示经常发生的动作或事情,通常用 every Sunday每个星期天once a week一周一次 every year.每年always总是 usually通常often经常 sometimes有时 never决不every day每天 every week每周every每个, at….在几点钟 .‎ 主语是第三人称单数时谓语动词也要变成第三人称单数谓语动词+s+es的变化规则(以下单词是碰到主语是第三人称单数它、他、她才加s或es)‎ ‎1.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:cook-cooks,like-likes, talk-talks ,swim-swims. want—wants, work—works, know—knows, help—helps,get—gets ‎ ‎2.以s. x. sh. ch. 结尾,加-es,如:guess-guesses猜, wash-washes洗, watch-watches看, catch-catches接住,miss-misses 思念,pass-passes通过,finish-finishes完成,cross-crosses 穿过fish-fishes钓鱼,teach-teaches教brush-brushes刷.‎ ‎3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:study-studies学习worry-worryies 担心try-tryies尝试,copy-copies模仿. fly—flies放(飞),y前是元音字母的直接加-s :buy-buys买,enjoy-enjoys 享用,play-plays 打(球)玩stay-stays 停留 ‎4.不规则变化have的第三人称单数是-has有do的第三人称单数是-does做go的第三人称单数goes去。‎ 一般现在时的构成:‎ ‎1. be(am,is,are)动词:主语+be(am,is,are)+(名词)其它(不能是其它动词)。‎ ‎①I我+am+(名词)其它(不能是其它动词)如:I am a boy.我是一个男孩。I am a teacher我是老师 ‎②第三人称单数+is+(名词)其它. He is a teacher.他是一位老师. Amy is a girl.艾米是一个女孩.‎ ‎③复数(you你)+are+(名词)其它You are a girl你是一个女孩. They are students他们是学生 ‎2.行为动词:主语+行为动词(+其它)。‎ ‎①主语是(第一人称(I我)、第二人称(you你)和复数)+行为动词原形(不加s或es)+其它We study English.我们学习英语。I like dogs我喜欢狗。You like cats你喜欢猫.‎ ‎②主语是第三人称单数(he,他 she她,it它)+行为动词+(s或es或不规则变化的has有does做goes去)‎ 如:Mary likes Chinese.玛丽喜欢汉语。It likes fish.它喜欢鱼He drives bus.他开公共汽车She goes to school.她去学校.She has a book。她有一本书.Mike does his homework。迈克做作业.‎ ‎3.情态动词can能,会:主语+can+动词原形 如:I can swim.我会游泳.He can play ball.他会打球.‎ 一般现在时的变化1. be动词的变化。‎ 肯定句:主语(人称)+be(am is are)+ 名词)其它如:He is a worker.他是工人 ‎ 否定句:主语(人称)+ be(am is are) + not(n’t)+(名词)其它We aren’t students.我们不是学生.‎ 一般疑问句:Be( Is, Are) +主语(人称)+(名词)其它。如:Are you a student? 你是学生吗?Yes. I am. 是的,我是 No, I'm not.不,我不是。Is she a girl?她是一个女孩吗?Yes,she is是的,她 ‎/No,she isn’t不,她不是 特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句结构。如:Where is my bike?我的自行车在哪里?Who are you?你是谁?What am I?我是干什么的?‎ ‎2.行为动词的变化。否定句:主语+ don't( doesn't ) +动词原形(+其它)。如:I don't like bread.我不喜欢面包.They don’t go to school.他们不去学校.‎ 当主语为第三人称单数时,要用doesn't构成否定句动词要原形。如:He often plays. 他经常玩. He doesn't often play.他不经常玩. She doesn’t do her homework她不做作业.‎ 一般疑问句:Do( Does ) +主语+动词原形+其它。如:有do和does出现所有动词要原形Do you often play football?你经常踢球吗?Yes, I do.是的我经常踢/ No, I don't.不,我不经常踢。当主语为第三人称单数时,要用does构成一般疑问句。如:she goes to work by bike她骑自行车去上班.Does she go to work by bike? 她骑自行车去上班吗?Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.‎ 特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句结构。如:How does your father go to work?你的父亲怎样去上班?‎ ‎3. 情态动词can动词的变化否定句:主语+(can’t)+can not+其它.如:I can’t swim.我不会游He can not sing他不会唱歌。‎ 一般疑问句: Can +主语+其它 如:Can you swim?Yes,I canNo,I can’t ‎ 特殊疑问句: 疑问词+一般疑问句.如: What can you see ? What can you hear ? What can you do?‎ 一、练习.写出下列动词的第三人称单数 ‎ drink __ ______ go __ _____ stay ____ ____ make ________look _________ have_______ pass_ _____ carry __ __come_______ watch______ plant_______ fly ________study___ ___brush_______do____ ____teach__ ____make fly come play swim call found spell take bring like run eat buy speak sing draw get ask 1、I am a teacher.我是一个老师。疑问句:Are you a teacher 否定句:I am not a teacher.‎ 肯定回答:yes,I am否定回答:No,I am not. I(我)变为疑问句时要改为you(你)‎ 划线提问:(改为特殊疑问句)What are you?你是干什么的?特殊疑问句结构:疑问词(What)+一般疑问 ‎2、We are girls.我们是女孩 疑问句:Are you girls?否定句: We are not girls.‎ 肯定回答:yes,we are否定回答:N0,we are not. We(我们)变为疑问句时要改为you(你们)‎ 划线提问:(改为特殊疑问句)Who are girls? 特殊疑问句结构:疑问词(Who)+一般疑问句 ‎3、It is a cat.它是一只猫. 疑问句:Is it a cat?否定句: It isn’t a cat.肯定回答:yes,it is否定回答:No,it isn’t.‎ 划线提问:(改为特殊疑问句)What is it? 特殊疑问句结构:疑问词(What)+一般疑问句 ‎4、They are teachers. 他们是老师.疑问句:Are they teachers?否定句:They aren’t teachers.‎ 肯定回答:yes,they are否定回答:No,they aren’t 划线提问:(改为特殊疑问句)What are they? 特殊疑问句结构:疑问词(What)+一般疑问句 ‎5、This is a cat.这是一只猫. 疑问句:Is this a cat?否定句: This isn’t a cat.肯定回答:yes,it is 否定回答:No,it isn’t.‎ 划线提问:(改为特殊疑问句)What is this? 特殊疑问句结构:疑问词(What)+一般疑问句 ‎6、That is a cat.那是一只猫. 疑问句:Is that a cat?否定句: That isn’t a cat.肯定回答:yes,it is 否定回答:No,it isn’t.‎ 划线提问:(改为特殊疑问句)What is that? 特殊疑问句结构:疑问词(What)+一般疑问句 ‎7、The dog is under the tree.这条狗在树下。‎ 疑问句:Is the dog under the tree? 否定句: The dog isn’t under the tree.肯定回答:yes,it is否定回答:No,it isn’t.‎ 划线提问:(改为特殊疑问句)Where is the dog? 特殊疑问句结构:疑问词(Where)+一般疑问句 ‎8、Amy is a girl .艾米是一个女孩。疑问句:Is Amy a girl? 否定句:Amy isn’t a girl 肯定回答:Yes,she is. 否定回答:No,she isn’t.‎ ‎9、Sam is boy.萨姆是男孩。疑问句: Is Sam a boy? 否定句:Sam isn’t a boy.肯定回答:Yes,he is. ‎ 否定回答:No,he isn’t ‎10、These are dogs.这些是狗. 疑问句:Are these dogs?否定句: These aren’t dogs.‎ 肯定回答:yes,they are否定回答:No,they aren’t 划线提问:(改为特殊疑问句)What are these? 特殊疑问句结构:疑问词(What)+一般疑问句 ‎11、Those are pens.那些是钢笔. 疑问句:Are those pens?否定句:Those aren’t pens.‎ 肯定回答:yes,they are否定回答:No,they aren’t 划线提问:(改为特殊疑问句)What are those? 特殊疑问句结构:疑问词(What)+一般疑问句 ‎12、Daming and Amy are good friends.大明和埃米是好朋友。‎ 疑问句:Are Daming and Amy good friend?否定句:Daming and Amy aren’t good friend 肯定回答:yes,they are否定回答:No,they aren’t ‎13、He is my teacher.他是我的老师。 疑问句:Is he your teacher? 否定句:He isn’t my teacher.肯定回答:Yes,he is. 否定回答:No,he isn’t. my(我的)变为疑问句时要改为your(你的)‎ 划线提问:(改为特殊疑问句)Who is your teacher?谁是你的老师?结构:疑问词(Who)+一般疑问句 ‎14、He is our father.他是我们的父亲。疑问句:Is he your father. 否定句:He isn’t our father肯定回答:Yes,he is. 否定回答:No,he isn’t. our(我们的) 变为疑问句时要改为your(你们的)‎ 划线提问:(改为特殊疑问句)Whose father is he?他是谁的父亲?结构疑问词(Whose+名词)+一般疑问句 ‎15、He can sing.他会唱歌. 疑问句:Can he sing?否定句:He can’t sing肯定回答:yes,he can 否定回答:No,he can’t 划线提问:(改为特殊疑问句)Who can sing? 结构:疑问词(Who)+一般疑问句 ‎16、I can play football.我会踢球. 疑问句:Can you play football? 否定句:I can’t play football.‎ 肯定回答:Yes,I can否定回答:No,I can’t 划线提问:(改为特殊疑问句)What can you do?你会什么?疑问词(What)+一般疑问句 ‎17、There is a dog in the room.房间里有一条狗. ‎ 疑问句:Is there a dog in the room?否定句:There isn’t a dog in the room.‎ 肯定回答:yes.there is否定回答:No,there isn’t 划线提问:(改为特殊疑问句)What is there in the room? 疑问词(What)+一般疑问句 ‎18、There are some pens in the bag.袋子里有一些钢笔. ‎ 疑问句:Are there any pens in the bag? 否定句:There aren’t any pen in the bag.‎ 肯定回答:yes.there are否定回答:No,there aren’t 划线提问:(改为特殊疑问句)What are there in the room? 疑问词(What)+一般疑问句 ‎19、I have a book.我有一本书. 疑问句: Do you have a book?否定句:I don’t have a book 肯定回答:Yes,I do否定回答:No,I don’t ‎ 划线提问:(改为特殊疑问句)What do you have ?你有什么?疑问词(What)+一般疑问句 ‎20、He has a book.他有一本书. 疑问句: Doe she have a book?否定句: He doesn’t have a book.‎ 肯定回答:Yes,he does否定回答: No,he doesn’t 划线提问:(改为特殊疑问句)What does he have ? 他有什么?‎ ‎21、I like apples.我喜欢吃苹果。疑问句:Do you like apples? 否定句:I don’t like apples肯定回答:Yes,I do 否定回答:No,I don’t 划线提问:(改为特殊疑问句)What do you like? 疑问词(What)+一般疑问句 ‎22、He goes to school by bike.他骑自行车去学校。疑问句:Does he go to school by bike? 否定句:He doesn’t go to school by bike.肯定回答:Yes,he does否定回答:No,he doesn’t 划线提问:(改为特殊疑问句)How does he go to school? 你怎样去学校?疑问词(How)+一般疑问句 ‎23、He likes bananas.他喜欢吃香蕉?疑问句:Does he like bananas? 否定句:He doesn’t like bananas 肯定回答:Yes,he does否定回答:No,he doesn’t 划线提问:(改为特殊疑问句)What does he like? 疑问词(What)+一般疑问句 一般现在时专项练习: 一、 单选 ( )1.Amy埃米 ____ in an office. Her parents他的父母亲 ____in a hospital. A. work ,works B. works ,work C. work ,are working D. is working, work ( )2.The boys男孩们_____ a black hat. A .have B. there is C. there are D. has ( )3.Wang Mei王伟 ____ music and often ____ to music. A .like; listen B. likes; listens C. like; are listening D. liking ; listen ( )4.Daming大明____ English every evening. A .has study B. studies C. study D.studied ‎( )5.The picture 这幅图画_______ nice. A. looks B. is looked C. look D. is looking ‎( )6.John 约翰always ______ Amy. A. help B. helping C. helps D. to help ‎( )7.Tom is a worker. He他 _____ in a factory. His sisters _____ in a hospital.‎ A. work/ work   B. works/ work   C. work/ works ‎( )8.MrLi李老师 _____ the windows every day.   A. is cleaning   B. clean   C. cleans ‎( )9.We我们___music and often___to music. A.like/listen  B.likes/listens C.like/arelistening ‎( )10.She她 _____ up at six in the morning.   A. get   B. gets   C. getting ‎( )11.The boys男孩们 usually____milk and bread for breakfast, but Amy埃米____some coffee for it. ‎ A. have/ have   B. have/ has   C. has/ have ‎( )12.My daughter我的女儿___ TV every day. A.watch B.watching C.watches ‎( )13.Jack 捷克often _______ to the radio. A.listening B.listen C.listens ‎( )14.The women妇女们___a nice car and Amy's brother埃米的弟弟 __ a nice bus.‎ A.have /have B. has/has C. have/has D. has/have ‎( )15.She她 ________to school at seven o’clock. A.goes B.go C.went ‎( )16.Do they have a new car? Yes,___. A.they are B.they have C. they don't D. they do ‎( )17.We 我们_____________ any Chinese classes on Friday. A.are having  B.aren’t having  C.don’t have  D.are have ‎( )18.Lin Tao 李涛______ his new sweater. A.like B.liking C.likes ‎( )19.We 我们often_______ in the playground.A.plays B.play C.playing ‎( )20.Daming大明 English,Chinese,Maths,Science and Art an school. A.study B.studying C.studies.‎ ‎( )21.I我 my homework everyday. A.does B.do C.did ‎( )22.He他 his homework on Sunday. A.does B.do C.did ‎( )23.I我 to school every day. A.go B.goes C.went ‎( )24.Amy埃米 to school on Monday.A.go B.goes C.went ‎( )25.I我 got a book.A.have B.has C.had ‎( )26.We我们 got pens. A.have B.has C.had ‎( )27.They他们 some pencils. A.have B.has C.had ‎( )28.He他 a car. A.have B.has C.had ‎( )29.Daming大明 a bike. A.have B.has C.had ‎( )30.He his homework.A.do B.does C.did 二、用be(am,is,are)动词的适当形式填空。‎ ‎1. I我 ______ a student. You你 ______ a teacher.2. She她 ______ my friend.‎ ‎3. ______ you你 Li Fen ? No, I我 ______ not. 4. ______ Mr. green 格林老师very busy? Yes, he ______.‎ ‎5. Mike麦克 ______ very interesting .6. You and I我和你 ______ good friends.‎ ‎7. His friends 他的朋友们______ very funny.8. The twins双胞胎 ______ very happy ‎ ‎9. Our school 我们的学校______ big, but their school 他们的学校______ small.‎ ‎10. Amy’s room 埃米的房间______ not very big.11. It 它_______ nice to meet you. ‎ ‎12. Your name 你的名字_______ nice. 13. What class  ______ you你 in?‎ 三、一般现在时:用括号内动词的适当形式填空。如果是疑问句,一般第一个空填do(第一、二人称和复数) 或does(第三人称单数),第二个空填动词原形,如果是否定句第一个空填don’t(第一、二人称和复数) 或doesn’t(第三人称单数)第二个空填动词原形 ‎1. He他 often _____ ___(have) dinner at home. 2. Daniel and Tommy丹尼尔和汤米 __ _____(be) in Class One.‎ ‎3. We 我们____ ___(not watch) TV on Monday. 4. Nick尼克 ___ ____(not go) to the zoo on Sunday.‎ ‎5. ___ __ they他们 ____ ___(like) the World Cup? 6. What _______they他们 often _______(do) on Saturdays?7. _______ your parents你的父母亲 _______(read) newspapers every day? 8. The girl这个女孩 _______(teach) us English on Sundays.9. She and I我和她 _____ ___(take) a walk together every evening. 10. There ________(be) some water一些水 in the bottle.11. Mike迈克 ____ ___(like) cooking. 12.She她 ___ ____(go) to school from Monday to Friday.‎ 四、把下列句子改为疑问句、否定句、并作肯定和否定回答并对话线部分提问。‎ ‎1.I我 am a student 3. .We我们 are farmers ‎3.He他 is my student 4.She 她is our mother ‎5.They他们 are good friends.‎ ‎6.Amy and Sam艾米和山姆 are good students. 7.Mike迈克 is in the room.‎ ‎8.I 我can play football 9.Amy艾米 can speak Chinese.‎ ‎10.I 我like sing. 11.I我 have some dogs.‎ He他 has some pens 12.Sam 山姆goes to school by bike .‎ ‎13.He他 does his homework everyday. 14..He likes bananas.‎ ‎15.There is a dog in the bag. 16.There are five pens on the desk.‎ 十二、现在进行时:(1)表示正在发生的动作,通常用“now现在,look看,listen听 ‎(2)基本形式:主语+ be(am,is, are) + 动词+ing. 有am is are和动词一起出现动词要加ing ‎1.现在进行时表示现在正在进行或发生的动作,也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。2.现在进行时的肯定句基本结构为主语+be(am,is,are)+动词ing.3.现在进行时的否定句在be后加not。4.现在进行时的一般疑问句把be动词调到句首。5.现在进行时的特殊疑问的基本结构为:疑问词+ be + 主语 + 动词ing?‎ ‎ 但疑问词当主语时其结构为: ‎ ‎ 疑问词 + be+主语 + 动词ing? What are you doing?你正在干什么?回答)I’m watching TV.我正在看电视 ‎ 例如: I am(not) doing my homework. You/We/They are(not) reading. He/She/It is(not) eating. What are you doing? Is he reading?(3)动词的现在分词形式(do+ing)‎ 动词加ing的变化规则 ‎1.一般情况下,直接加ing,如:cook-cooking ‎2.以不发音的e结尾,去e加ing,如:make-making,制作 have-having,有take—taking拿write—writing写dance-dancing跳舞love-loving爱close—closing关change-changing改变give-giving,给hate-hating恨ride-riding骑drive-driving开车use-using用leave-leaving离开type-typing打字move-moving移动.‎ ‎3.如果末尾是一个元音字母和一个辅音字母,双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing如:run-running跑, stop-stopping停止 get—getting 获得put—putting放 drop-dropping落下swim-swimming游泳sit-sitting坐.begin-beginning开始.forget-forgetting忘记, ‎ 练习八.写出下列动词的现在分词:‎ play________run__________swim_________make________go_________like________write________read_____‎ have_________begin_________sit________shop__________sing________dance_________put_________see________buy_________live_______take________come_______get_________stop________have ‎ I’m listening to music. He is playing ball. They are eating dinner. She is swimming.What are you doing?你正在干什么I am .我正在写A.writing B.write C.writes ‎ listen, She is to her friend now.听她正在和她的朋友谈话A.talk B.talking C.talks I’m listening to music.我正在听音乐。‎ 现在进行时:用所给的动词的正确形式填空:如果是疑问句一般第一个空填am,is,are根据人称来选,第二个空填动词+ing,如果是否定句第一个空填am,is,are加not或n’t,第二个空填动词+ing)现在进行时的句型结构:肯定句:(主语+ be(am,is, are)+ 动词+ing+其它 ‎1.The boy这个男孩 ________________ ( draw)a picture now.2. Listen .Some girls一些女孩 ________ ( sing)in the classroom .3. My mother我的母亲 ____________ ( cook )some nice food now.4. What __ __ you ___ ___ ( do ) now?5. Look . They他们 _______________( have) an English lesson .6.They 他们____________(not ,water) the flowers now.7.Look! the girls 这些女孩____(dance )in the classroom .8.What is our granddaughter doing? She她 ________(listen ) to music.9. It’s 5 o’clock now. We 我们__________(have)supper now.10.______Amy埃米___________(wash )clothes? Yes ,she is .‎ 十三、一般将来时 一般将来时表示将来打算做的事或将要发生的事情。常常与tomorrow,明天 next Sunday((week, month, year…)下个星期天、下个月、明年soon不久、很快the day after tomorrow(后天)等时间状语连用。‎ 二、基本结构:‎ ‎①主语+be going to + 动词原形;②主语+will+ 动词原形 同义句:be going to = willI am going to go swimming tomorrow(明天). = I will go swimming tomorrow.‎ 三、否定句:在be动词(am, is, are)加not或情态动词will加not成won’t 例如:I’m going to Haikou next week.‎ 四、疑问句:把be动词(am, is, are)或情态动词will提前we’ll=we will Are you going to go swimming tomorrow?你明天要去游泳吗?yes,I am No,I am notWill you go swimming tomorrow.? 你明天要去游泳吗?yes,I will No, I won’t What are you going to do for Sports Day?运动日你将要参加什么?I’m going to run 100 metres.我要参加‎100米跑.will you take a ball?你要带球去吗?(回答)Yes, I will是的我要带去./ No, I won’t.不我不带去 练习九.一般将来时填空.‎ ‎( )1.My brother __________to Shanghai next week.A.is B.is going C.are ‎( )2.We ___a picnic this afternoon. 今天下午我们要去野餐A.are going to have B. have C.has ‎( )3.We take a ball tomorrow. 我们明天要带球去 A.will B.are C.is ‎ ‎( )4.We go to school. A.will B.are C.do ‎( )5. She to swim next week. A.is going B.will C.was ‎ 十四、一般过去时态 ‎1.表示过去已经发生的事情,通常用 “last week,上星期 just now,刚刚 yesterday昨天” in 1982,an hour ago一小时前last year去年 ‎ ‎2.Be动词在一般过去时中的变化:‎ ‎⑴am 和is在一般过去时中变为was.(was not=wasn’t)⑵are在一般过去时中变为were.(were not=weren’t)‎ ‎⑶带有was或were的句子,其否定、疑问的变化和is, am, are一样,即否定句在was或were后加not,一般疑问句把was或were调到句首。Was there a TV?有一台电视机吗?Were they students?他们是学生吗?‎ ‎3.句中没有be动词的一般过去时的句子 ‎ 否定句:didn’t +动词原形,如:Jim didn’t go home yesterday.一般疑问句:在句首加did,句子中的动词过去式变回原形。here were any buses many years ago.许多年前有一些车.Were there any buses many years ago.许多年前有一些车吗?回答:yes,there were是的有 No,there weren’t不没有 There was a TV many years ago许多年前有一台电视机Was there a TV many years ago? 许多年前有一台电视机吗?回答:yes,there was是的有 No,there wasn’t不没有 如:Tom went home yesterday. 汤姆昨天回家Did Tom go home yesterday?汤姆昨天回家吗?‎ ‎ 回答:yes,he did 是的她回 No,he didn’t不他没回 I watched TV yesterday.我昨天看电视Did you watch TV yesterday?你昨天看电视了吗?‎ 回答:Yes, I did 是的我看了No, I didn’t不我没看 特殊疑问句:⑴疑问词+did+主语+动词原形?如:What did Jim do yesterday?⑵疑问词当主语时:疑问词+动词过去式?如:Who went to home yesterday?‎ 动词过去式变化规则:有did- 和 did n’t有这两个词出现所有的动词都要原形。‎ ‎1.一般在动词末尾加-ed,如:pull-pulled, cook-cooked2.结尾是e加d,如:live--lived3.末尾只有一个元音字母和一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ed,如:stop-stopped 4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变y为i, 再加-ed,如:study-studied cry- cried ‎5.不规则动词的变化:‎ 原形 过去式 原形 原形 过去式 原形 原形 过去式 过去式 过去式 win 赢 won sweep扫 swept teach教 taught have有 ‎ had go走 went wear 穿 wore keep保持 kept think想 ‎ thought do做 ‎ did find发现 found Sell卖 sold slee睡觉 slept buy买 ‎ bought eat吃 ‎ ate Say说 said send发送 sent feel感觉 felt drink喝 ‎ drank is/am是 ‎ was take拿 took lose失去 lost read读 read give给 ‎ gave are是 ‎ were mean意思 meant become 成为 became put放 put sing唱 ‎ sang drive驾驶 drove meet遇见 met fall落下 fell cut砍 cut begin开始 ‎ began speak说 spoke make制作 made forget 忘记 forgot Let让 let ring响 rang write写 ‎ wrote see看见 saw Leave离开 ‎ left fly飞 flew run跑 ‎ ran ride骑 ‎ rode come来 came Spend 度过 ‎ spent draw画 drew sit坐 ‎ Sat hear听 heard tell告诉 told grow生长 grew learn学 learned/ learnt get得到 got know知道 knew 练习十.写出下列动词的过去式 isam_________ fly_______ plant________ are ________drink_________ play_______ go________ make _______does_________ dance________ worry________ ask _____taste_________ eat__________ draw________ put _____pass_______ do ________‎ 用be动词的适当形式填空(过去时填空)‎ ‎1. I ____ ___ at school just now.2. He ____ ____ at the camp last week.3. We ___ _____ students two years ago.4. They ____ ____ on the farm a moment ago.‎ ‎5. Yang Ling ___ _____ eleven years old last year.6. There ________ an apple on the plate yesterday.7. There ___ _____ some milk in the fridge on Sunday.8. The book _______ on the sofa yesterday evening 选择填空 ‎1.Peter in a small house four years ago.Now he in a houseA.live,lives B. lives, lived C.lived,lives ‎2.Amy TV Yesterday.昨天 3. Amy is TV Now正在 4. Amy TV every day 每天A.watched B.watching C.watches ‎5.Yesterday,we some books. A.buy B.bought C.buys ‎ ‎6.He a pupil . He a pupil last year A.was B. were C. is D.are ‎7.There a big house many years ago 许多年前有一间大房子A.was B. were C. is D.are 行为动词的过去时练习用行为动词的适当形式填空 ‎1. He _________ (live) in Wuxi two years ago.2. The cat ________ (eat) a bird last night.‎ ‎3. We _______ (have) a party last Halloween.4. Nancy ________ (pick) up oranges on the farm last week.‎ ‎5. I ______ (make) a model ship with Mike yesterday.6. They ____(play) chess in the classroom last PE lesson.‎ ‎7. My mother ____(cook) a nice food last Spring Festival.8. The girls ____ (sing) and _____ (dance) at the party.‎ 十五、介词用法 ‎1..in在…里 2.on在…上 3.at在…4. to向… 5. for为,给6.about大约,关于 7. by乘坐,以…方式(指交通等)乘;用 8. with和…一起9. of…的10. from从…11.past过12.next to临近13.near靠近,接近14.behind在…后面15.before在…前面16. after 在…之后17. under在…下 ‎1.表示方位:1.on, "在……上面"(与物体表面接触)2.in "在……里(中) 在某地,在大地点前面加", 3.next to,相邻,靠近 4.near, 附近,旁边It’s near the houes 5.at, 在某地,在小地点前面加 ‎6. behind.在…后面,7.before 在……前8.under在…下面.under the tree 在树下面 ‎ ‎2.表示时间:at : 如at six o’clock,在六点 at Christmas,在圣诞节 at weekends在周末 on: 如:on Monday在星期一 on 15th July在‎7月15日 on National Day在国庆节 在哪天用on .‎ I n: 如:in the evening 在晚上 in December 在12月 in winter在冬天 在哪月那年用in ‎ after在…以后 如:At half after ten it began to rain. 在十点半后下起雨来 一、in的用法 ‎1.in①在…里面(中)②用…… ③穿着… ④在…时间内/之后 It’s in the green bag.它在绿色袋子里 ‎2.What do you do in the morning/afternoon。在早上/下午你干什么?‎ ‎3.We fly kites in spring.我们在春天放风筝4.We go swimming in summer 我们在夏天游泳。‎ ‎4.We play football in autumn.我们在秋天踢球We watch TV and play table tennis in winter我们在冬天看电视和她乒乓球。‎ ‎5.It’s warm in spring. 在春天暖和We fly kites in spring.我们在春天放风筝It’s hot in summer.在夏天热 ‎ ‎6.We go swimming in summer.我们在夏天游泳He worked in the fields 他在田里干活 ‎7.It’s cool in autumn.秋天凉爽 We play football in autumn.我们在秋天踢足球 ‎8.It’s cold in winte冬天冷.We watch TV and play table tennis in winter.我们在冬天看电视打乒乓球。‎ ‎9.What do you do in spring?你在春天做什么I fly kites in spring.我在春天放风筝。‎ ‎10.What do you do in summer? 你在夏天做什么?I go swimming in summer.我在夏天游泳 ‎11.What do you do in autumn?你在秋天做什么? I play football in autum我在秋天踢足球 ‎12.What do you do in winter? 你在冬天做什么?in the sky在天上 ‎13.I watch TV and play table tennis in winter.我在冬天看电视打乒乓球 ‎ ‎14.in the east在东部 in the south在南部 in the west在西部 in the north在北部 ‎15.I live in China/Hainan 我住在中国/海南16.We lived in small house. 我住在一个小房子 ‎17.Try this one in white.试一下白色这一件18.What’s “熊猫”/this in English?熊猫/这个用英语怎么说?‎ ‎19.I have got two letters in English我有两封用英语的信。‎ ‎20.We are going to see you in three weeks.我们将在三个星期后见面。‎ ‎21.Please stand in line.请排队 22.Can I come in?我能进来吗?‎ ‎23.Have you got fast food in English?在英国你们有快餐吗? ‎ ‎24.There are five birthdays in July.在七月有五个生日。In the sky在天上 ‎25.in the evening 在晚上 in December 在12月 in winter在冬天 在哪月那年用in ‎ ‎26.Please bring back the book in two weeks’ time请在两个星期的时间内还回来。‎ 二、on的用法Now click on write现在点击写.‎ ‎1.There are many boats on the river在河上有许多船.I’m on the train.我在火车上 ‎2.They are on Shelf C.它们在C架上They are on the line.它们在绳子上。‎ ‎3.She cooked on a fire.她起火煮饭get on 上车Look at the people on the lake 看在湖上的人 ‎4.He played on the computer他在电脑上玩.I go to school on Monday星期一我去学校 ‎5.on Monday在星期一 on 15th July在‎7月15日 on National Day在国庆节 在哪天用on 三、at用法:‎ ‎1.(表示地点)at home在家 at school 家学校at station在火车站at the airport在飞机场at the office.在办公室at the zoo在动物园在某地,at the theatre在剧院at the door在门口at the library在图书馆.在小地点前面加It’s at the station 他在火车站He ate six hamburgers at school他在学校吃了六个汉堡。Who met Daming at the airport谁在飞机场遇见大明 ‎2.在…(表示时间)在…时(刻)at six o’clock,在六点 at Christmas,在圣诞节 at weekends在周末 I go to school at eight.我在八点钟去学校 I have dinner at half past six.我在六点半吃晚饭 What do you have at school.你有什么课?What do you do at the weekend ?在周末你干什么?‎ ‎3.at在…方面.I’m not good at it. 我一点都擅长be good at擅长于….. He is very good at French他的法文很好。He is good at football他擅长足球I can’t do 2 at all 我一点都不会做第二个 ‎4.at向…;look at 看talk to 和…谈话listen to 听Her mother looked at her她的母亲看着她。‎ at指活动情况,状态,方式They are now at work他们现在正在工作。I am working very hard at the office.What are you looking at? 你在看什么?‎ 四、to用法 to后也可以是宾格 ‎1.到;向;往从…到 :的用法We walk to school。我们走路去学校。Point to the blackboard指着黑板count from 10 to 20. 从10数到20 ‎ ‎2. 给…表示方位概念. (表示方向)经,向He points to the door他指着门 ‎3.(表示接受者)给,给予(表示目标)到…去: Please give the book to me请把书给我I gave the bread to Mary我把面包给了玛丽。I want a present to give to my wife. 我要送我妻子一件礼物Give the book to him. 把这本书给他。Who gave it to you?谁给你的。Happy birthday to you 祝你生日快乐 ‎4.(表示几点差几分)到;缺差:five to four差五分四点,4:56. It's ten to six. 六点差十分 ‎5.(表示地点)在;到They went by bus to Badaling他们坐车到八达岭How do you go to school?你怎样去上学?I go to school by bus.我坐公共汽车去上学walk to school走路去学校go to work去上班 walk to ‎ work走路去上班 lisent to听 point to指着 want to想要 next to临近的,在……旁边 turn to 转向, come to 来到 : ‎ go to… 去It ’s time to do是…..的时间了 take to和……交谈 五、for的用法 for后是人称时选择宾格 ‎1. 为, 给,与,适于,为了 a present for Mary 给玛丽的礼物 It’ll be easy for you对你来说是容易的 ‎2.Thank you for your last letter. 谢谢你上次的来信Thank you for coming谢谢你能来 ‎3.Thank you for talking to us 谢谢你能告诉我们 Here’s a card for you这张卡给你 ‎4.A present for you给你礼物He is going to cook Chines food for Lingling他煮中国食物给玲玲吃 ‎5.I want to make an e-card for Tom我想做一张卡给汤姆 ‎ ‎6.Thank you for you Email谢谢你的电子邮件A cola for me可乐给你 表示所属关系或用途,意为“为、适于……的”.如: He is ready for the trip. 他已准备好去旅行 ‎7.It’s time for school. 到上学的时间了.Here is a letter for you. 这儿有你的一封信。‎ ‎8. I went for a bike ride yesterday我昨天去骑自行车They walked for one hour他们走了一个小时 ‎9.表示“当作、作为”。如:.It’s to big for you.对你来说太大了 ‎10.I like some bread and milk for breakfast. 我喜欢把面包和牛奶作为早餐 ‎11.What did she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? 她早/中/晚餐吃什么?‎ ‎12.What are you going to do for Sports Day?运动日你将要参加什么?‎ ‎13.We need food for our picnic.我们需要为野餐做准备 ‎14.He cooked noodles for lunch .他煮面条作为午餐 Pandas eat for twelve hours a day.熊猫一天十二小时都在吃 ‎15.We stayed with father for a week in July我和我的父亲在七月住了一个星期 ‎16.Are you ready for your trip to America?你准备好去美国旅行了吗?‎ ‎17.He is on the phone for you 有电话找你 It’s for playing baseball它是打棒球用的 六、为about 大约,关于;有关 We left there about ten o’clock. 我们大约在十点钟离开了那里。‎ tell me something about your country. 请告诉我有关你们国家的一些情况 This is a book about London. 这是一本关于伦敦的书 It’s about animals It’s about sports what about you? What’s it about?‎ 七、by 乘坐,以……方式(指交通等)乘;用 by bus 坐公共汽车by ship坐轮船 by train坐火车by bike骑自行车by car坐小汽车 by plane坐飞机 八、with和…一起,用,表示伴随,“与…一道 、和、同、跟” 用;使用(工具、手段等)。如:Come with us. 跟我们一起来。It’s easy with a computer用电脑太容易了 Did you go with your mather你和你的母亲一起去吗? talk with a friend 与朋友谈话 wait for us等等我们 Do you often play with dolls?你经常玩玩具吗?I stayed with my friend. 我跟我的朋友住在一起 Now I am in China with my parents.现在我和我的父母亲在中国。‎ Would you like to go boating with me? 你愿意和我一起去划船吗?‎ I like Lingling skipping with me。我喜欢玲玲和我一起跳绳 Would you like to come to school with us?你喜欢和我们一起来学校吗?‎ I’ll play with my friends我要和我的朋友一起玩 with一般用在动词之后,Can you go and get any fruit with me 你能和我去拿一些水果吗?‎ I went to the park whit Sam and Amy我和山姆、艾米去公园 表示 "用……" 如You play it with your feet.用你的脚来踢。‎ The Chinese eat with chopsticks. 中国人用筷子吃饭。‎ 九、of(表示所有,要占有)…的包含有;有 1. west of China中国的西部 表示"(关于)......的.2.a map of China中国地图a friend of mine 我的一个朋友 ‎ ‎3.London is the capital of England.伦敦是英国的首都 ‎4.Washington D.C is the capital of the USA/America.华盛顿是美国的首都 ‎5.Beijing is the capital of China.北京是中国的首都。‎ ‎6.What is the capital of China 中国的首都是什么?‎ ‎7.What kind of kite?什么类型的风筝I visited lots of place我参观了许多地方 ‎8.They took photos of the mountains他们照了山的相片。‎ 十、from来自:where do you come from?=where are you from? 你来自哪里?‎ from后接国名、地名、或人称from China来自中国 from Daming来自大明 十一、past过 :past表示过了多少时间,half past six六点半ten past two 2:10(即2点过了10分)It's half past ten现在十点半。‎ 十二、next to临近:The house next to the hospital. 房子在医院旁边。Our shool is next to the shop! 我们的学校在商店旁边。There is a house next to our school.我们的学校旁边有一个房子。Our house is next to the Post Offic我们的家在邮局旁边。‎ 十三、near靠近,接近near是附近地方:He is near forty.他年近四十 My house is near the station我家靠近车站 十四、behind在…后面:The kite is behind the door. 风筝在门后 十五、before在…前面:before class上课前I shall be at home before noon. 中午前我将在家 十六、after在…之后after breakfast 早餐后I go to school afterI have breakfast我吃完早餐后去学校。‎ 十七、under在…下在…之下,在…的下面They stand under a big tree.他们站在一棵大树下 一、介词用法用适当的介词填空 练习.in在…里 on在上at在 to向…by方式 of…的 for为,给 from从…with和…一起 under在…下 ‎1.Daming is listening music. 2.Let’s get the bus .3.We can see lots intersetings.‎ ‎4.We are going to get up 5 o’clock.5.What are you going to do Sports day?‎ ‎6.Hello! Can I come .7.I’m xiaoyong. I’m China.8.Girls like playing dolls.‎ ‎9.The men are playing chess the tree. 10.She goes to school bus.‎ by at to with in on ‎ ‎1.I often get up 6:30. I have breakfast 7:00,then I go school.I go there ‎ Bike.I get to school at 7:30 . 2.It’s a fine day today.There are some clouds the sky.But the sun is shining. Mr Wang is his family.They are walking.There are some boats the river.Mr Wang and his wife looking them. Amy is looking at a big ship. The ship is going the bridge.3.What’s the picture?It’s a child.‎ in, at, under, on, behind, for, from ‎ ‎1.There is a chair the door. 2.Please put the books the bag.‎ ‎3.Sam and Amy are England. 4.What time do we leave Mum? five o’clock.‎ ‎5.There is a bike the tree. 6.The present is you.7.Who’s duty today?‎ in, at, on, for, about ‎1.We can find a book computer.2.Please bring back the book two days ‎3.Here is a card you. 4.The fruite are Shelf A.‎ ‎5.Tom and Lili are the library. 6.Last year we were Beijing.‎ by , from, up, for, on, of ‎ ‎1. I’m going to get at 5 o’clock.2. Can I have some bread? course.‎ ‎3. We’re going to go plane! 4. Turn the light, please! ‎ ‎5. I’m sam. I’m England. 6. What are you going to do Sports Day?‎ 二、选择题 ‎1.We have a book _________ sports A.about B.to ‎2.I have lunch ___________ one o’clock.. A.in B.at ‎3.We have Christmas __________ England. A.on B.in ‎4.Where are the men?They ‘re the tree. A.to B.under C.at ‎5.Have you got fast food England? A.in B.on C.of ‎6.Hello Sam point the door,please A.to. B.in.C.on ‎7.I can see sixty parrots a tree. A.of B.in C./‎ ‎8.Where are the students? the park. A.On B.Of C.In ‎9.I live Renmin Road. A.on B.at C.in ‎10.My house is next my school. A.to B.on C.at ‎11.It’s the station. A.in B.at C.on ‎12.Look the people the lake. A.to, in B.to, on C.at, on ‎13.Sam is playing a toy train. A.whit B./ C.on ‎14.Amy is talking her friend . A./ B.to C.in ‎15.I’m listening music. A.whit B.to C.in ‎16.Ann is playing a doll. A.with B.to C.and ‎17.Grandma is listening music. A.to B.at C.for ‎18.Look the people the park. A.to, in B.to, on C.at, in ‎19.Thay are going to go to Hainan plane. A.in B.by C.at ‎20.I am Sam.I am England. A.at B.from C.of ‎21.We are going to get up 6 o’clock. A.in B.on C.at ‎22.There are six birthdays December. A.on B.at C.in ‎23.New York is ______ the east. A. in B. on C. at ‎24.London is the capital ____England. A of B in C under ‎25.We play football Monday. A.on B.in C.off ‎26.Sam and Daming went a bike ride. A.at B.for C.of ‎27.We’re going to have a picnic Saturday. A.in B.on C.at ‎28.I live Zhongshan Road. A.in B.of C.on ‎29.Where is New York? It’s the east. A.in B.at C.of ‎30.It’s a book ____ London. A.about B.on C.in ‎40._____ Monday I’ll go swimming. A.in B. On C. at ‎41.It’s a book ____ New York. A.about B.on C.in ‎42.On Tuesday,I Will play my friend. A.with B.to C.and ‎43.He played the computer. A.on B.in C.is ‎44.Did you listen music? A.at B.in C.to ‎45.They all play ______the playground. A.to B.in C.of ‎46.Look______ this photo.This is me. A.at B.or C.in ‎47.What do you do _____breakfast? I have a cup of tea. A.on B.in C.at ‎48.I get ready _____school. A.for B. at C. to ‎49.What are you thinking_____? I’m thinking an English word.. A.about B.of C.to ‎50.Yesterday I went to the supermarket ________ my sister. A.and B.with C.for ‎51.There are two big bags ________ you. A.for B.about C.with ‎52.Lingling visited the London Eye ________ London. A.at B.on C.in ‎53.I went to the zoo bus? A.by. B.on.‎ ‎54.We go to school bus.A. by B. on C. in ‎55.We usually stay home Saturday afternoon. A.at;in B.at;on C.in;at ‎56.I go to school bus. A.on B.in C.by ‎57.We begin our lessons 7:30. A.in B.at C.on ‎58.Please put the pencils the pencil-box. A.of B.in C.to ‎59.There isn’t much to do the evenings A.on B.in C.at ‎60.What’s matter you? A.for B.of C.on D.with ‎61.I can’t talk now. I’m a hurry.A.at B.in C.on ‎61.You should say hello your classmate. A.to B.in C.at ‎63.You souldn’t put your books the floor. A.on B.at C.in ‎64.Please look the blackboard. A.on B.at C.in ‎65.What do you do weekend? A.by B.at C.in ‎66.What are you thinking . A.with B.at C.about ‎67.It’s _______ London. A.of B.at C.about ‎68.Thank your help. A.from B.four C.for ‎69.Look _____ this book. A.over B.at C.on ‎70.I’m _______ London. A.from B.on C.at ‎71.The T-shirt has got a panda ___ it. A.on B.in C.at ‎72.Try this one ____ white. A on B in C at ‎73.It’s ____ the west of China. A.on B.in C.to ‎74.We stayed ____ my friend. A.for B.to C.with ‎75.He made ___ e-card ___ me. A.a, to B.an, for C.a, to ‎ ‎76.The timetable ______ the wall. A are, on B is, in C is, on ‎77.It’s easy ___ a computer. A.on B.in C.with ‎78.Here’s a card ___ you. A.on B.to C.for ‎79.He gave a present __ his Mum. A.in B.for C.to ‎80.We go to school _____ Monday _____ Friday. A.to,from B.from,to C.from,at ‎81.Are you ready____your picnic,Lingling? A.for B.with C.at ‎82.Lingling wrote this letter___English. A.on B. in C.with ‎83.Now click _____ write. A.at B.on C./‎ ‎84.What did she have_____ breakfast? A.for B.in C.at ‎85.Look ____ this red coat. A.at B.in C.to ‎86.Daming played football ___ his friends last Sunday. A. on B.with C. to ‎87.You are good ____ English. A.in B. on C. at ‎88.Who met Daming the airport. A.in B.at C.on ‎89.There are lots buildings in NewYork. A.of B.off C.to ‎90.Are you ready your trip tomorrow? A.for B.of C.off ‎91.The twins new students our class. A.are;in B.is;in C.are;at ‎92.Excuse me.Where is the books? It’s Shelf A.in B.at C.on ‎93.Here is card you.Thank you. A.at B.for C.to ‎94.It’s too big you. A.for B.to C.with ‎95.Welcome Beijing! A.to B.for C.from ‎96.There are lots new house in China now. A.of B.for C.with D.to ‎97.How do you go to school every day?Igo to school school bus. A.in B.on C.by D.with ‎98.What did he have lunch? He ate hamburger and French fries. A.to B.for C.with ‎99.Where are the books China,please? It’s Shelf. A.in;on B.about;in C.about;on ‎100.Please bring back these books seven day’s time. A.in B.on C.with ‎101.I will go out to play with my friends Sunday. A.on B.at C.for ‎102.My red T-shirts are the line. A.on B.of C.to ‎103.London is the capital England. A.of B.in C.on ‎104. Monday,I’ll go swimming. A.On B.In C.The ‎105.Come us! John! A.of B.with C.at ‎106.What did she have dinner? A.for B.to C.on ‎107.It’s a wonderful programme China. A.with B.about C.at D.for ‎108.There are lots new house in China now. A.of B.for C.with D.to ‎109.We phone Grandma Monday. A.in B.at C.on ‎110.Have you got fast food English? Yes,we have. A.in B.of C.to ‎111.London is the capital England. A.on B.in C.of ‎112.People speak Chinese China. A.of B.in C.on ‎113.I live No.2 West Lake Road. A./ B.of C.in ‎114.He is playing a toy train. A.with B./ C.on ‎115.Where’s my football? Oh, look! It’s ______ your bed. A.to B.under C.about ‎116.Where is my cat? It’s your bed. A.under B.to C.about ‎117.Where’s my football? Oh,Look! It’s your bed. A.to B.under C.about ‎118.Tom was late class yesterday. A.in B.for C.of 十六、特殊疑问句由疑问词开头,其构成是“疑问词 + 一般疑问句结构”。如: ‎ 疑问词归纳:1.what class什么班2.what day星期几3.what grade什么年级4.which哪一个5.which one哪一个6.what time几点7.how怎么8.what什么9.where哪里10.why为什么11.how much 多少12.how many多少13.whose谁的后接名词14.who谁15.what colour什么颜色16.how old几岁17.how long 多长18.how big多大19. when什么时候 What class are you in?你在什么班?I’m in class one.我在一班.‎ What day is it today?今天是星期几?Today is Monday.今天是星期一.‎ What grade are you in?你在什么年级? I’m in grade six我在六年级.‎ Which girl do you like best? 你喜欢哪个姑娘?The red one红色衣服那个.‎ which one do you like best?你最喜欢哪一个?The yellow one黄色那个.‎ What time is it?几点了?It’s nine o’clock九点钟.‎ How are you?你好吗?I’m fine.我很好.‎ What’s your name? 你叫什么名字My name is Daming.我叫大明.‎ Where are you from?你来自哪里?I am from Hainan我来自海南.‎ Why don’t you go to school?你为什么没来学校?Because I ill.因为我病了.‎ How much is it?它多少钱?It’s five yuan五元.‎ How many months are there in a year?一年有多少个月?Twelve12个月 Whose book is this?这是谁的书?It’s Amy’s它是艾米的.‎ Who are you?你是谁?I am Sam我是山姆.‎ What colour is it?它是什么颜色的?  It’s blue.它是蓝色的.‎ How old is Amy?艾米几岁? She is twelve.她十二岁 How long is it?它有多长It’s about six thousand seven hundred kilometres大约六千七百公里 How big is it?它有多大?It’s got eight million people有八百万人口 When did Daming come back?大明什么时候回来?He came back last night他昨晚上回来 When do you go to school?你什么时候去学校?Igo to school at 7:00.我七点钟去学校 which哪一个(问哪一个)how怎么(问身体状况) (问方式)what什么(问东西) (问姓名)where哪里(问地方)why为什么(问原因)how much 多少(问价格)(问数量)how many多少(问数量)whose谁的(问谁的)(后接名词)(whose book) 谁的书who谁(问人物)how old几岁(问年龄)when什么时候(问时间)what time几点(问时间几点)what colour什么颜色(问颜色)what day星期几(问星期几) how long多久(对一段时间提问)(对长度提问)how big 多大(问多大 )what class 什么班(问班级)what Grade什么年级(问年级)‎ ‎1. is your best friend? Lingling.2. are you doing now? I’m cleaning room ‎3. is mother’s birthday? In September.4. bag is this? It’s hers ‎5. is he from? He’s from Canada.6. is it?It’s red.‎ ‎7. is it? It’s nine o’clock. 8. is he?He is ten.‎ ‎9. do you feel? I am sad.10. do you go to school? By bike ‎11. do you like? I like blue one.12. is it today.It’s Monday.‎ ‎13. apples do you want? Five,please.14. milk do you want?Five bottles, please ‎15. are you? I’m fine, thank.16. are you? I’m student?‎ ‎17. do you get up? At six. 18. is it? It’s five yuan.‎ ‎19. children are there? twenty .20. people are there in your family? five ‎21. Women are there? Ten. 22. men are there? twelve ‎ 23. can I keep the book? Two week. 24. is the room? Ten meters(米)‎ ‎25. is it? It’s got eight million people. ‎ ‎26. is it? It’s about six thousand seven hundred kilometers.‎ ‎27. are you in? I’m in class one.28 are you in? I’m in Grade two 二、选择题 ‎1. are they doing? They’re playing chess. A.Where B.What C.How ‎2. are you from? A.What B.Where C.How ‎3. children in our class? A.How much B.How old C.How many ‎4. milk do you need?One bottle,please . A.How many B.How much C.How ‎5. did they go to the park?Last Sunday. A.Where B.How C.When ‎6. books do you have?Ten books. A.How much B.How many C.How old ‎7.Excu se me. is your school? It’s next to a station.A.What B.Where C.How ‎8.___ ____ book is this? It’s Li Ming’s. A.Who B.Whose C.What ‎9. pencil is this? He’s my brother’s. A.What B.Who C.Whose ‎10. book is this?It’s Li Ming’s A.Who B.Whose C.What ‎11. do you go to school? A.How B.What ‎12. is the apple? A.What B.Where ‎13. your favourite animal? A.What’s B.What ‎14. do you like? I like apple A.How B.What C.Where ‎15. the zoo,please? A.What’s B.Where C.Where’s ‎16. are you? I’m in West Lake Road. A.What B.Where C.When ‎17. are they drinking? They’re dringing milk. A.What B.Where C.Who ‎18._________are you doing? A.Who B.Where C.What ‎19. is Train 1?It’s up the hill. A.How B.What C.Where ‎20. are you going to go to Yantai? By train A.What B.How C.Where ‎21.Excuse me. is your school? Go straight on ,and then turn right. A.Where B.What C.How ‎22. are they? They are my parents. A.What B.How C.Who ‎23.___ ____ go there with you? My mother go there with me. A.Where B.Who C.What ‎ ‎24. time is it now ? It’s 3 o,clock. A.What B.When C.How ‎25. dress is this ? It , s Amy , s dress. A.How B.Whose C.Should ‎26. bananas do you want ? 5 kilos, please A.How many B.Where C.How much ‎27.___ __did you go? I went to the park. A.What B.Who C.Where ‎28._________did you go to school? By bike. A.What B.Where C.How ‎29. bread do you want? A. How many B. How much C.What ‎30. did you see in China ? Lingling. A.Who B.Where C.What ‎31.__ __is it going to cost? A.How many B.How much C.How often ‎32.______did they walk? They walked for one hour. A.How long B.How C.When ‎33. oranges do you want? A.How much. B.How many.‎ ‎34. did you do at the weekend? A.What B.Where C How ‎25. bag is this? A.Who B.Whose C.Which ‎36. that man?He’s my English teacher. A.Whose B.Who’s C.Do you ‎37. books do you have?I have two books. A.How B.How much C.How many ‎38. books are there on the desk? A.What B.How much C.How many ‎39. are you going to go to Beijing? A.Where B.What C.When ‎40. do you like winter?Because I can skate. A.Why B.Who C.What ‎41._____ are they? They are my grandprents. A.Whose B.What C.Who Who, Where, When, What ‎ ‎1. did you go for your holiday?I went to Dalian.2. did you go with on your holiday?My parents3. isGuilin?It’s in the south of China. 4. did Lingling go to Xingjiang? In July 5. did you buy?I bought a pair of chopsticks. 6. did you see? I saw a lot of life. ‎ 十七、定冠词the与指示代词this,that同源,有"那(这)个"的意思,但较弱,可以和一个名词连用,来表示某个或某些特定的人或东西。‎ ‎1.世上独一物二的事物:或用于自然界现象或方位名词之前the sun, the sky, the moon, the earth.‎ ‎2.文提到过的人或事: He bought a house. I've been to the house. 他买了幢房子。我去过那幢房子.‎ 指双方都明白的人或物:Take the medicine. 把药吃了 ‎3.在某些由普通名词构成的国家名称、机关团体、阶级、等专有名词前:the People's Republic of China  中华人民共和国  the United States  美国 4.在表示乐器的名词之前:和文艺活动,运动场所的名称前  She plays the piano. 她会弹钢琴 ‎5.在惯用语中:in the day, in the morning (afternoon,evening), ‎ ‎6.用于方位名词前.如:the east东方 the west西方 the left 左边the right右边 ‎7. .用于序数词前:如:Let’slearn the second unit让我们来学习第二单元(序数词:second第二)‎ ‎8.用于形容词最高级:Damingis the tallest boy in his class.大明是班上最高的男生(tallest是tall的最高级形 十八、数词 表示数目的多少或顺序的词叫数词.数词可分为基数词.基数词表示数目的多少,常用来表示门牌、电话号、车牌号等.如:Room 204 204号房间 Class One一班. 注意:一般情况,后接数字的名词都要大写.‎ 序数词强调顺序 如:the first lesson第一课 基数词:one1two2 three3 four4 five5 six6 seven7 eight8 nine9 ten10 eleven11 twelve12 thirteen13 fourteen14 fifteen15 sixteen16 seventeen17 eighteen18 nineteen19 twenty20 thirty30 forty40 fifty50 sixty 60 seventy 70 eighty 80 ninety 90 ‎ 序数词:first第一 second第二 third第三 fourth第四 fifth第五 sixth第sevent第七eighth第八ninth第九tenth第十eleventh第十一twelfth第十二 二十、情态动词 一、can的用法1.表示能力,有"能"、"会"、"能够"的意思。例如: Can you drive a car?  2.表示可能,常用于否定句或疑问句。例如:Can it be true?  Today is Sunday. He can't be at school today.  3.表示允许,口语中代替may,有"可以"的意思。例如:You can use my car.  4.can和be able to 的区别: can表示能力时,可以用be able to代替;can只有can和could两种时态,而be able to可用于其他时态;be able to强调"通过努力有能力做到",如果表示"某事已经成功"应用 be able to,而不用could。例如: He was able to leave Europe before the war began. 二、may的用法 1.表示许可(否定回答用can't或mustn't)。例如:-May I take the magazine out of the reading room? -No, you can't (mustn't).2.表示可能,通常只用于陈述句中。例如:‎ It may rain this afternoon.  3.表示祝愿,用于祈使句中。例如:May you have good luck! 三、must的用法 1.表示必须、应该(否定形式用needn't或don't have to )。例如:-Must I finish the work before dark? -No, you needn't / don't have to. You may leave it for tomorrow. 2.must not (mustn't)表示强烈禁止。例如:You mustn't get to school late. 3.表示推测,只用在肯定句中,"一定"、"想必"之意。其否定意义"不可能",用can't be形式。例如: -The light in her room is still on; she must be at home now. -She can't be at home. I saw her out just ten minutes ago. She forgot to turn off her lig 4.must和have to的区别: must表示说话人的主观看法;而have to强调客观情况迫使人不得不……;must只能表示现在"必须",表示过去的事情要用had to;have to有时态、人称和数的变化。must和have to的否定意思不同。比较:  You mustn't do that.(你千万不能做那件事。) You don't have to do that.(你不必做那件事情。) 四、 need的用法 need作情态动词时表示"需要",主要用于否定句和疑问句。例如: -Need we finish the work today?-Yes, you must. / No, you needn't. ‎ Need的回答: 肯定yes,you must 否定:no,you needn’t Must 的回答: 肯定 yes,you must 否定:no,you needn’t/don’t have to may的回答: 肯定yes,you may/can 否定:no,you can’t/mustn’t could的回答:委婉语气时用can 肯定yes,you can/could 否定:no,you can’t/couldn’t have to的回答:肯定yes,you do/does/did 否定:no,you don’t/doesn’t/didn’t must和have to的区别: must表示说话人的主观看法;而have to强调客观情况迫使人不得不……;must只能表示现在"必须",表示过去的事情要用had to;have to有时态、人称和数的变化。must和have to的否定意思不同。比较:  You mustn't do that.(你千万不能做那件事。)  You don't have to do that.(你不必做那件事情。‎

