安徽省初中英语七年级上册Unit8Whenisyourbirthday单元语法专项课件 人教新目标版

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安徽省初中英语七年级上册Unit8Whenisyourbirthday单元语法专项课件 人教新目标版

Unit 8 When is your birthday? 单 元 语 法 专 项 ★序数词 Ⅰ.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 1.The ____(one) lesson is very interesting. 2.The ________(twelve) month of a year is December. first twelfth 3.September is the ______(nine) month of a year. 4.Mary is happy, because it's her _____(three) birthday today. 5.Mike and Tom are _________(thirteenth) years old this year. ninth third thirteen Ⅱ.用英语写出下列节日的日期。    1.____________     2.__________March 8th June 1st 3.__________________  4.__________  5._____________ September 10th May 1st January 1st Ⅲ.单项填空。 ( )1.April is the ______ month of a year. A.four B.fourth C.eight D.eighth B ( )2.Boys and girls, please turn(翻) to Page ______ and look at the ______ picture. A.Fifth; five B.Five; five C.Fifth; fifth D.Five; fifth D ( )3.There are ______ weeks in a year. A.seven B.twelve C.thirty D.fifty-two D ( )4.My sister is ______ years old. Her ______ birthday is on Feb. 28th. A.nineteen; nineteen B.nineteen; nineteenth C.nineteenth; nineteen D.nineteenth; nineteenth B ( )5.(2019·山东青岛中考)It's my daughter's ______ birthday today. She's 18 years old. A.eighteen B.eighteenth C.the eighteen D.the eighteenth B ★名词所有格 单项填空。 ( )1.(湖南长沙中考)—Is the schoolbag under the desk yours? —No, it's my ______. He left(留下) it there just now(刚才). A.brother  B.brother's  C.brothers' B “我哥哥的”,用my brother's表示。 ( )2.(湖南郴州中考)—______ is coming. What can I get for my mother? —What about a scarf(围巾)? A.Women's Day B.Woman's Day C.Womens' Day A woman的复数是women,其所有格形式 为women's。 ( )3.(新疆中考)This is ______ bedroom(卧室). It's tidy and nice. A.Lily's and Lucy's B.Lily and Lucy's C.Lily's and Lucy D.Lily and Lucy B 表示共同拥有的只在最后一个名词后加's。 ( )4.The two hats are the twins'(双胞胎的). They're ______. A.Tom's and Sam's B.Tom and Sam's C.Tom's and Sam D.Tom and Sam A 表示各自所有,每个名词后分别加's。

