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Unit Two Is this your pencil? 教学重点和难点 1 .重点: 重点词汇 ---- 学生学习用品和日常用品; 语言结构 ---- (1) 指示代词 This/That is… 陈述句、 一般疑问句及其简单回答 Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. (2)What/how 引导的特殊疑问句 What’s this / that? How do you spell it ? 语言功能 ---- 询问物品属性 What’s this/ that? 辨认物品所有者 Is this your/his/her…? 2. 难点:大量单词的教与学,多种语言结构的综合运用。 学生学情分析 1 . 知识基础:缺少丰富的语言基础,对任务的完成有一定的难度; 2 . 思维能力:存在个体差异。初中生有较强的记忆力和模仿能力,有待培养知识的扩展运用的能力。 3 . 认知心理:有较强的求知欲和表现欲,但部分学生存在不自信,羞于表现等思想顾虑。还有部分学生的认知速度存在较大差异。 教学目标 1. 语言技能:掌握与学习、学校生活贴近的物品名称; 辨认物品的所有者及其应答方式。 2. 情感态度:整洁有序的行为习惯 ; 文明礼貌的询问方式; 拾金不昧的为人原则;助人为乐的优良品德。 3 .学习策略:自觉完成课前及课后任务, 主动参与课堂活动, 积极与人合作共处。 1 . 建议在单元学习前教授单词拼读基本方法; 2 . 把学生进行合理分组,每组四人或六人; 3 . 采用“任务型”教学方法; 4 . 整合、分解、筛选、调整教学内容 ; 适当拓展内容。 5 . 采用多种活动方式再现、运用词汇; 6 . 采用游戏、唱歌、竞赛、合作等多种活动方式; 7 . 注重评价方式和鼓励措施,创建学生成果展示包。 教学策略与建议: Unit 2 Is this your pencil ? Topics : 1. “Is this your/her/his …? 2. What’s this in English ? How do you spell it ? 3. Things in the classroom / school . Further topics : 1. What do you have ? --- I have ….. 2. What color is his /her/your /my pen…? 3. Whose pen is red ? 话题的延伸可以进一步鼓励学生,呈现能动性。 New words : pen, pencil, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, pencil sharpener, backpack, dictionary , ID card, baseball, watch, key, computer game, notebook ring, school, lost, found, call, this, that, please, thank, OK, how, do Key words: your / his / her / my Majors: words— School things (pencil/pen/book/eraser/ruler/pencil case/dictionary) language— Is this / that your/her/his pen? Section One Page7-9 学生课前任务: 让学生查找学习用品的单词(可以是实物,也可以是图画、卡片,要标上相应的英文名称) , 教会学生利用字典自学词汇。 教师课前准备: 一只大盒子 及一些学习用品,用于课堂教学。 Warming up Greeting . Sing a song ----- Ten little Indians . ( Review numbers in Unit One ) Presentation Show objects and learn our school things . Point to different students and teach your/ his / her /my …) 句型 : A: What ’ s this/that in English? B: It ’ s a/an … A: Is this/that your … ? B: Yes, it is./No, it isn ’ t. It ’ s his / her … This is my … Guessing game . T: Whose pen is this ? Can you guess ? S1: Is this your / her /his pen ? T: No, it isn’t . S2: Is this ……… S3: ………… 让更多的学生参与语言的练习 Pair work -- Is this your pen ? -- Yes , it is . -- Is that your eraser ? -- No, it isn’t . It’s her / his eraser . Identify ownership: Is this / that ……? According to their own classroom 根据自己周围的物品用句型进行辨认 First match the words with the things in the picture 1a .( 练词汇 ) eg: pencil case dictionary And then ask and answer in pairs . (练句型) Is this your/her/his……? Is that ………..? What about Tim’s classroom ? 1) 介绍自己书包或铅笔盒内的物品 : Look, I have a nice backpack. This is my English book. Look, what’s this? It’s a pen. 2 )向全班同学介绍同桌的书包或铅笔盒内的物品: This is Li Fang’s pencil case. This is her pen. It’s a nice backpack. I like it. … 评出最整洁书包, 最实用盒子, … Backpack show 语言的综合运用 Whose book is this ? Listen! ( 2b) Listen and complete the conversation with the words in the box, and then read and make a similar dialogue . Tim: Excuse me ,Sonia. Is this your _______? Solia : Yes, thank you .And that is my _______. Tim: And Jane, is this your ____________? Jane : No,it isn’t . It’s her ruler . Tim: OK,and this is my ____. And this is your ____,Jane . Is this your bag? Is this your bag? No, it isn’t…. Is that your book? Is that your book? Yes, it is. … Song “Is this your bag?” Homework . Finish 2c. Ask about the things around them. ( oral homework ) ---- Is this your/ her/ his pen ? ---- Yes ,it is . No, it isn’t . It is my /her /his /your pen . 2. Introduce your things in your backpack or pencil case. Write down. Section Two Words ----- School life things (backpack/baseball/watch/key/computer game /notebook / ring) Language --- What’s this in English ? How do you spell it ? Page 10 Sing “ Is this your bag ?” song . Ask students questions quickly .( T– Ss) --- What’s this in English ? ---- How do you spell it ? ----- Whose pen is this ? ----- Is this your /her/his pen ? Warming up and have a review Show and learn some other school life things: ( Play spelling game) 利用学生和教师所备物品进行新物品介绍 , 同时运用句型 : baseball key computer game A: What’s this ? B: It’s a watch . A: How do you spell it ? B: W-A-T-C-H. A: Is this your watch ? B: Yes, it is . …… Finish Section B (1a) . Match the words with the things in the picture . Football Computer Watch Group work 4—6 人一组,选其中一人画图,其他同学猜画的是什么。比一比,看哪组猜的词最多。 It’s a …… (趣味性地巩固对物品的辨认) 情境听力: Watch Videotape1, answer questions : 1.What things does the boy have ? 2.What color is it ? Watch Videotape2, answer questions : Whose pencil-box is it , the girl’s or that boy’s? Is that the boy’s eraser? Whose is it? Make a dialogue and act out. Useful expressions: Excuse me , is this your eraser ? Whose pen is this ? What color is Jim’s pen ? Here you are . Thank you ! (让学生进行语言功能的整合和运用。) Spelling test: 1.n_teb_ _k 9. g_me 2. c_mp_ter 10. w_tch 3. p_n 11. er_s_ _ 4. b_ckp_ck 12. p_nc_l 5. d_ct_ _nary 13. b_ll 6. b_seb_ll 14. c_se 7. r_ng 15. th_s 8. th_t 16. y_ur 拼写大比拼 Homework Copy the new words and try to remember the spelling . Write something about your friends’ school things . (Use he /she /his /her…) Section Three Page 11-12 Majors: Review the words in this unit and the functional languages . Task: Make a “Lost & Found notice” 课前准备 : 1. 在学校或班级遗失物品存放处选几种物品 2. 本班同学的英语作业本 , 几本没有名字的 书本 . 3. 一些 “失物招领” 和 “寻物启示” 的 Notice 的碎片。或事先设计几份“失物招领” 和 “寻物启示” 的 Notice 的碎片。 Warming up: Number Chant: Three,two,one,o, Let ’ s go! Let ’ s go. One,two,three,four, Please go and close the door. Five,six,seven,eight, Hurry up! Don ’ t be late. Nine,ten,nine,ten, Get a ruler and a pen. Review words in this unit . T : Are you ready for my class ? What school things do you have ? Pre-task1: Guessing game (Bs:Gs) 物品上面放遮盖物,同学边猜测边拼读,运用句子结构 “ What’s this?” “How do you spell it, please?” Survey …….. ………. ………. ……. ……….. ……….. ………. ………….. …………… ………… ………… Questions : ( ask and answer in group ) 1. Do you have a pen ? / What do you have ? 2. What color is your pen ? 3. Whose pen is red ? ( my/your/his /her) things persons Lucy pen red bag watch Kate blue Jim Report : I have a pen . My pen is red . Lucy has a bag . Her bag is blue . Jim has a watch . His watch is black. …………. (综合运用本单元的物品词汇,颜色词汇及物主代词词汇。) (老师在课前从学生那里拿来实物) 给学生任务,让他们通过询问的方式 找到 笔 / 本子 / 橡皮 / 包的主人 Language items: ---“Excuse me,… “ Is this your pen ?” ---- What color is Jim’s / his /her pen ? --- Whose pen is this ? Is this his /her/your pen ? Task 让全部学生互动起来,将本单元的语言功能较生活化,自然的运用起来。 Find the owner Whose cap is this ? Found : A cap Is this your cap? Please call Wangwang at 495339 Lost : My cap ( green ) My name is Donald Please call 6856086. Thank you . Notices Where is my cap? Read the bulletin board notices in 3a .first circle the words from activity 1a .and then finish the following task according to the notices in3a.. Can you find the information? Found Lost Name Name Phone Phone notebook Mary 235-0285 Tony ID card 685-6034 Task 根据 3a 完成表格 Task: 拼盘比赛 将预先备好的 Notice 碎片发给每个小组,让他们拼成完整的“ Notice” 展示到墙上,供大家一起朗读。 Lost Found: eraser Make a “notice” 小组成员回忆自己是否曾丢失过或捡到过物品,根据实际情况小组合作完成一则 “ Found Notice ” 或“ Lost Notice ” (也可以利用教师在学校“失物招领处”选来的物品) , 课后展示到墙上,大家一起评比。 Lost : My school ID card. My name is Tony . Please call 5192727. Homework: 1. 书面设计一则 “ Notice” 2. 班级设立 “ Lost & Found” Majors: Use the language comprehensively, Self-check Task: Make and show a short play Section Four Unit revision 抢读单词比赛 看图抢读单词。 训练学生在本单元单词认读能力。 Play Hangman game . (Revise some words or some sentences in this unit .) (复习单词拼写及本单元的句型。 __ __ ___ __ c ? Homework show 在前一天的作业当中评出最漂亮的 Notice 设计或最有特色的 Notice 设计 , 奖励小贴画并将最佳设计展示到班级或学校 “ Lost & Found” 处,使学生更有成就感。 Good job! 情景剧编演 “ Lost and Found” ( 综合的语言展示和检测) 短剧必须包括丢物,捡物,交物,领物或还物等内容 ( 可课前布置任务,再在课堂展示) What’s this? Who lost it ? I found a … I lost a … what color is it? Is this your …? Here you are. Thanks! 课堂小测试 Words : r__ler _ r_ser b_ g c_mp_ter b_seb_ll w_tch g_me n_teb_ _ k y_ ur th_s Sp_ll k_y p_nc_l h_s d_ct_ _ nary Fill in the sentences . 1. ---___ this your pencil ? ---- No, it ____ . It’s her pencil . 2. ---- ___ do you spell it ? ---- W-A-T-C-H. 选择正确的代词。 ( she / her /his /he /you/your) 1. Lucy has a bag . ____bag is red . 2. Mike is an English boy . _____ is twelve . My teacher has a pen . ______ pen is black . This is Lily’s pencil . _____ pencil is in the lost and found case . --- Excuse me , is this ____ basketball ? --- Yes , it is . It is my basketball . 组员互评评价表 评价标准 Name1 Name2 Name 3 Name4 小 组 活 动 能够用英语交流,获取有效信息 √ √ √ 合作意识强,配合小组完成任务 √ √ √ 积极主动参与小组活动,在活动中起主导作用 √ Thank you ! T-----Ss. / S1----S2…… What is your/ her / his favorite school things? --My / her /his favorite school thing is baseball. --My favorite school things are watch , dictionary and football. Practice Name 1 2 3 S1 watch football computer game S2 S3 S4 Group work What is your favorite school thing ? football I have a friend . His /her favorite school thing is football . Who is he/she ? Guessing Game . ( 学生间互动)查看更多