安徽省初中英语七年级上册Unit7Howmucharethesesocks单元写作专项课件 人教新目标版

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安徽省初中英语七年级上册Unit7Howmucharethesesocks单元写作专项课件 人教新目标版

单 元 写 作 专 项 Unit 7 How much are these socks? 本单元的话题主要是询问价格, 谈论服装。 要求同学们能运用所学知识来写服装店的促销 广告, 内容包括服装的名称、颜色、大小以及价 格等。 【词汇】 1.多少钱 ____________ 2.来这家服装店 ____________________________ 3.一双 _________ 4.以非常优惠的价格 ______________________ a pair of come to this clothes store  how much at very good prices 5.降价销售 _______________________ 6.一件棕色的夹克衫 _________________ 7.look really nice ______________ 8.I'll take it/them __________________ 9.sports shoes ________ 看上去真漂亮 a brown jacket on sale/at great sale 我要买下它/它们 运动鞋 【开头句】 1.Come and buy…at our great sale. 2.Welcome to… 3.Come and have a look at… 【中间句】 1.Do you like/want/need…? 2.The things in our store are at good prices./We sell…at very good prices. 3.We have green sweaters for only $15. 4.The shorts are only $16. 5.For girls, we have skirts in purple for only… 【结尾句】 1.These clothes look really nice. Come to…now. 2.Please come to our clothes store now! 【名言警句】 1.Clothes make the man.人靠衣装马靠鞍。 2.Time is priceless.时间是无价之宝。 【写作任务】 假如你有一家名为“Yilian Clothes Store”的服装 店, 请你根据下面的表格信息为自己的服装店写一则促销广 告。 要求: 1.必须包含表格中所有信息, 可适当发 挥; 2.60词左右。 _________________________________________________ Yilian Clothes Store Things Colors Prices shorts green $18 sweaters blue $20 yellow $25 sports shoes white $25 socks red $8 for four pairs 【写作点拨】 审题: (1)确定体裁: 应用文; (2)确定时态: 采用一般现在时; (3)确定人称: 介绍商品时用第 三人称。 【写作提纲】 【范文点评】 Hi, friends! ①Come and buy clothes at Yilian Clothes Store! ②Some clothes are on sale now. ③They are at very good prices. ④Do you like shorts? ⑤We have green shorts for only 18 dollars. Do you need sweaters? For boys, we have sweaters in blue for only 20 dollars. The yellow sweaters for girls are only 25 dollars. And we have white sports shoes. They are only 25 dollars. How much are these red socks? ①开篇运用祈使句 交代店名。 ②③④⑤在介绍服 装时, 使用了多种句 型: …be on sale./…be at very good prices./We have…for…/Do you need/like…? /How much are…? 等。 ⑥They are only eight dollars for four pairs. ⑦Come to Yilian Clothes Store now! ⑥用代词they代替上句出现 过的服装名词, 使语言更加 精练。 ⑦再次使用祈使句亲切地呼 吁顾客快来选衣服。 假如你是华新服装店的导购员, 下面是你们 店里的部分服装及其价格。请你运用所学词汇 和句型, 用英语介绍一下店里的部分服装及其价 格。 要求: 语言流畅, 语法正确; 不少于60词, 可适当增 加内容, 开头已给出, 不计入总词数。 Huaxin Clothes Store Things Colors Prices shoes blue, white, black ¥35 trousers for boys black, blue, white, yellow ¥20 T-shirts for girls red, green, yellow, white ¥23 Come and have a look at the clothes at Huaxin Clothes Store. ___________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ We sell all our clothes at very good prices. We have shoes in blue, white and black for only 35 yuan! Do you need trousers? For boys, we have trousers in black, blue, white and yellow for only 20 yuan! For girls, we have T-shirts in red, green, yellow and white for only 23 yuan! How much are the black ________________________________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________ socks? They are only 8 yuan for 10 pairs. These clothes look really nice. Please come to our clothes store now!

