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英语教学课件系列 Go for it! 七年级 ( 上 ) Unit 8 When is your birthday? Section A 1 1a-2e Let’s enjoy a month song! Seasons ( 季节 ) Spring ( 春天 ) Summer ( 夏天 ) Autumn ( 秋天 ) Winter ( 冬天 ) Spring April /'e I pr ə l / May /m e I / Summer Autumn Winter There are 12 month s in a year. Ja nua ry Fe brua ry M ar ch A pril M ay June July Au gust Sep tem ber Oc to ber No vem ber De cem ber January, March, May, July, August, October, December 31 days April, June, September, November 30 days February 28 or 29 days Do you know? One is the first month of the year Two three four five six seven January second February third four th fif th six th seven th March April May June July 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 基数词 序数词 short terms 1 、 2 、 3 特殊记 词尾字母 t, d, d th 从四上起 eight nine ten eleven twelve eigh th nin th ten th eleven th twelf th August September October November December 八加 h, 九减 e f 要把 ve 替 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th first second third four th fi f th seven th eigh th nin th Say the numbers one two three four five seven nine eight eleven twelve twel f th eleven th 1st 2nd 3rd 5th 12th 8th 9th 4th 7th 11th Dates( 日期 ) January 1st February 2nd March 3rd April 4th May 5th June 6th July 7th August 8th September 9th October 10th November 11th December 12th Chinese Festivals (节日) New Year’s Day ( 新年 ) Women’s Day ( 妇女节 ) Tree Planting Day ( 植树节 ) May Day ( 劳动节 ) Children’s Day ( 儿童节 ) Teachers’ Day ( 教师节 ) National Day ( 国庆节 ) Army Day ( 建军节 ) It (New Year’s Day) is in ___________. January When is New Year’s Day? It (New Year’s Day) is on January 1st (first). Women’s Day and Tree Planting Day _______ both( 两者都 ) in March. When is Women’s Day? It’s on March 8th (eighth). are When is Tree Planting Day? It’s on March 12th (twelfth). When is May Day? It’s in ______. May When is Children’s Day? It’s in ________. June It’s on May 1st (first) . It’s on June 1st. It’s in ___________. September When is Teachers’ Day ? It’s on September 10th (tenth). When is Army Day? It’s in ________. It’s on August 1st. August When is National Day ? It’s in __________. It’s on October 1st. October A: When is your birthday? B: My birthday is on ______. / It’s on _______. What’s the date ( 日期 ) today ( 今天 )? It’s December 9th (ninth). What’s the date of your birth( 出生 ) ? It’s on January 6th. 1a Listen and repeat. MONTHS 1.January 2.February 3.March 4.April 5.May 6.June 7.July 8.August 9.September 10.October 11.November 12.Decmber 1b Listen and number the conversations . A: When is your birthday, Linda? B: My birthday is on October 2nd. A: When is your birthday, Mary ? B: It’s on January 5th . A: When is your birthday, Mike ? B: My birthday is on June 3rd. 1 2 3 When is your birthday? My birthday is on October 10th. When is your birthday? It is on September 6th . Otc.10th How old are You? I’m 5. 1c Practice the conversation above with your partner. Then make your own conversations. Sep.6th 请将基数词转换成序数词。 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten first second third four th fif th six th seven th eigh th nin th ten th 2e Role-play the conversation Bill: Hi, Alan. Happy birthday! Alan: Thank you, Bill. Bill: So, how old are you, Alan? Alan: I’m twelve. How old are you? Bill: I’m thirteen. Alan: When is your birthday? Bill: My birthday is in August. Alan: Well, do you want to come to my birthday party. Bill: Oh, yes. When is it? Alan: At three this afternoon. Bill: OK, great. See you! eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen th th th th twel f th twent ie th thirt ie th twenty-first twenty thirty twenty-one 二 三变字体 , th 从四上起 . 怎么加 ? 真好记 ! 八加 h, 九减 e 用 f 代 ve, ty 变为 tie 基数词变序数词顺口溜 November 22 写作: November 22nd 读作: November the twenty-second How to spell? first 1st second 2nd third 3rd fourth 4th fifth 5th sixth 6th seventh 7th eighth 8th ninth 9th tenth 10th eleventh 11th twelfth 12th thirteenth 13th fourteenth 14th fifteenth 15th sixteenth 16th How to spell? seventeenth 17th twentieth 20th twenty-first 21st twenty-third 23rd twenty-fourth 24th twenty-eighth 28th thirtieth 30th thirty-first 31st Read the dates: Writing( 写法 ) Reading ( 读法 ) January 1st March 8th August 2nd September10th July 3rd February 12th January the first March the eighth August the second September the tenth July the third February the twelfth ________ is the 1st month of the year. ________ is the 2nd month of the year. _____ is the 5th month of the year. August is the _____ month of the year. October is the_____ month of the year. January February May eighth tenth 2a Listen and repeat. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 2b Listen and circle the number you hear in 2a. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 2c Listen again. Match the names and months and dates. Name Month Date Alice July 4th Frank August 22nd Eric January 5th Jane September 17th 2d Pair work Talk about the children’ birthday in 2c. Then ask your partner about the birthdays in his or her family. A: When is your birthday? B: My birthday is on July 9th. A: When is your mother’s birthday? B: Her birthday is on December 11th. A: When is your father’s birthday? B: His birthday is on April 24th. 2e Role-play the conversation. Bill: Hi, Alan. Happy birthday! Alan: Thank you, Bill. Bill: So, how old are you, Alan? Alan: I’m twelve. How old are you? Bill: I’m thirteen. Alan: When is your birthday? Bill: My birthday is on August. Alan: Well, do you want to come to my birthday party? Bill: Oh, yes. When is it? Alan: At three this afternoon. Bill: OK, great. See you! 1. — ____ do you usually play sports? — In the morning. A. Where B. How C. When D. Where 【 点拨 】 when 是疑问副词,意为“什么时候,何时”,常引导特殊疑问句询问时间,既可询问某个时段或时刻,也可询问具体的日期。 如: When do you buy this T-shirt? When is Tom’s birthday? C Language points 2. 我妈妈的生日是 5 月 8 号。 _________________________________                      【 点拨 】 表示具体日期通常为“月份 + 日期”,月份为专有名词,首字母必须大写。 如: August 23rd (8 月 23 日 ) , October 1 (10 月 1 日 ) 。 My mother’s birthday is on May 8th. 3. — _______________? — I’m thirteen. 【 点拨 】 how old 意为“多大年纪,几岁”,引导特殊疑问句询问年龄,答语通常为“ 主格代词 ( 如 he, she, they 等 ) + is / are + 表示年龄的基数词 ” ,如: — How old is Jim? — He is nine. How old are you 名词所有格 名词所有格形式,表示 有生命的名词与后 面名词的所有关系 。名词+’ s 所有格的规 则如下: 1) 单数名词后直接加 ’ s Jim ’s coat 吉姆的外套 Jeff ’s mother 杰夫的妈妈 2) 以 s 结尾的复数名词 , 只加 ’ Teachers ’ Day 教师节 the twins ’ books 双胞胎的书 Notes 3) 不以 s 结尾的不规则的名词复数 , 加 ’ s Children ’s Day 儿童节 men ’s shoes 男式鞋 4) 表示两者 共同拥有 时 , 只在 最后一个名词 后加 ’ s ; 表示两者 各自拥有 时 , 要在 每个 名词后加 ’ s 。 Lucy and Lily ’s mother 露茜和莉莉的妈妈 Lucy ’s and Kate ’s rooms 露茜和凯特的房间 Ⅰ. 用英语写出下图中的日期。 February 3rd April 14th July 23rd September 30th November 19th Quiz Ⅱ. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词,完成句子。 1. D________ is the twelfth month of the year. 2. Please come to my birthday p____. 3. — How o____ is Mary? — She’s 14. 4. — W_____ is your birthday, Jane? — My birthday is on April 10th. Jane’s mother buys her an MP5 player. She is very h_____. ecember arty ld hen appy Ⅲ. 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。 1. 我们在下午四点见面吧。 _____ _____ at 4 this afternoon. 2. 你想去她的生日聚会吗? Do you want to go to her _______ _____? 3. 你多大年龄了? _____ ____ are you? 4. 你弟弟的生日是什么时候? ______ is your __________ birthday? 5. 她的生日在六月。 Her birthday is ____ _____. Let’s meet birthday party How old When brother’s in June Thank You!

