国家开放大学电大专科《综合英语(2)》2020-2021 期末试题及答案(试卷号:2159)
I . Directional (Vocabulary A Structure)
tknoth each of the following Mnlencct. there ・ rc four choicer marked A ・ C and Choose the onr that best
completes the tcntrnce Murk your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)
Exarnplrt 1 he homelrnii couple _ 一 nt last in finding n flat to rent.
A. managed B. did
C. finished D. Mucccedcd
The M>ntcnce nhould read > "The honiclcB!i couple succeeded at last tn (Hiding n firn io rent. " t herefore
you should choose【)•
】. The French arenf t the only ones who have nindc humorous references to the dincrcnccA thene two
A. for in
C with D> between
2. At the thc/iter« she__________ the (irut act as wbe clirnbfi over your knees townrd lx-r MHL
A. erupts Be dinruptii
C. corruptM D. disrespects
3. Have you hen rd nbout it? The Kim,hou»c wan____________ and the mnak WAB EI 浦 ng.
A. deult with H. recovered
G broken into D. recognised
4. How WUA the __________ party for Joe?
A. Ahock B•: surprise
(X objective D ・ intentional
5. People should travel not only to find out about I hr but to find out dboui the
A. time B. pleAMnt
C prenent D. unknown
6. These |iicturt!i__________ __ in Portugal in 2003.
A. is taken B. ure to be t«ken
C ・ were taken D> took
7. Whit if you _ _______ nil the money in the world and 200 more yearn to live?
A. will you doi hnve nre you going to doi have
C. would you doi had [). would you dot had had
8. — Who do I turn to if lfm lo«t on my wayf
— Anyone can give you directions ____________ Sue in your class.
A but not ik except
G only [X but for
9 ・ The murderer WAS brought in. with hi» hands________________ behind hit boclu
A. being tied C« having tied
IO»_________ the traffic j«m> I wouldn't have
been so Ute lor the dinner party.
A. If not B. But
C. Only if D. Were it noi for
0 . DircctkMM:
Cboosc A. B or C to complete each ctNiversalion< lutnf the scntcncci below. Mark yonr answer on the
ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)
Examplei — Oh. loo 虹 Joni Mitchell is in town.
— What? She'n one of the greatest folk sinfers in the world!
A. Who', that? Ifve never heard of her.
& Sure. Ivm in towru
C Yea. I'm glad shefB coming.
Answer A U correct because the converMtion should re ・ d.
■— Oht look. Joni Mitchell is in town-
—Who • ■ ' vr itewr hca.d o/ her.
—Whitthat? Sher> one of the greatest folk singer* in the world!*
1L —I'd like to make a reservation (or a single room on the 19^ of this month for two nights
A. Yest «ir< 1 see we have ■ room available (or those nights.
& Yftit there is* The hotel provides a free shuttle but to and from the airporU departing every half hour.
C Yea. there is ■ business center* open seven day» ■ week
12. I'm going downtown to run some rrrnnds<
—Not at alL
A. Could you get mr n two liicr bottle o( cola?
H. Would you mind picking up a copy of Time Mngaxinc while youFre downtown?
C. Do you want to watch A film with me?
—Cert/iinly< What nixct please?
—Eight And ■ half* I think.
—Here you arc. Would you like to try them on?
A. I'd like a pair of blnrk shorn• pls” B< I'd like a white ihirt. plcnse.
C ・ I'd like a pair o( RIAM9CS« plcaae
14. — Itso cold here!
A. Whrtt makcA you no happy?
B. Why not turn on the heating?
C ・ Kelly? Thininteresting-
Fk to be tied
Dl tied
15» 一 What would you do if you had all the time in the world?
_ •
At If I could find Rnothrr job* you know I'd trike it in A minute^
H 1 would spend two thirds of my time with those people who are in grent need of help.
(:. I will travrl to other countrirw and do everything 1 like.
16« — «
-Don't worry nbout that, h*s OK. Wr are still waiting (or Solly and Linda.
A. I'm sorry (or being late< The traffic ia so heavy.
Come on> Wouldn ft you like to go somewhere and do aomething?
C. I've bcm wniting since one hour ago!
17a —Whm、the weather like today?
Shall we go nwimniing?
A. h 'A windy.
R. It f!i a Bunny summer day.
(L Itquite cold.
IB. —Anne# please bring your pnA»porf with you and nt leant 2>000 dollnrs*
A. How come?
Il 1 wo!ift forgci<
C. How dare you!
19, — That's 14 pounds flow are you pfiying?
A. By plane > I think.
tk Caak • • Here you are#
C. Thank you. Hcre> your ehnnget 6 pounds,
20. Jill. I'm goniK to the cnfetrriA for lunch. Wnrit to join me?
A. Let me nec< I thought I Kot more stuff thnn I thought.
B< ()• K. I rcoily uhould take up M)rne ripen,
C Oht I'd Hkr to* but Pvc got to go to fhr library to look up some things brlorr my two o'clock CIANR.
(IL Directions i
Kor ciich numbered blnnk in
international busines5 or transaction ( it AJ would be impassible. Long Ago> people exchanged promixe» in
making barKAin^ and binding the conduct of others. Thi« cxchnnKe of promine^ came to be known AS
MflgrccmentM and became more and more important in the fwld* of business* A promise or agrermrnt IA reached
n* A result of the process of offer and ncccptnncc> When nn agreement is reached« a contract ta formed. Once n
contract m ofiiciAlly Mgncd by the concerned pmiien. it creates legal obligationii in I hr sense of hw.
A contract is the only document bet wren the parties to which they may refer for clarification o( mutual
responsibilities. It should not be viewed an merely n document that initiates transaction and then filed and
forgotten by the contracting parties. It must he drafted with nn awarcncM of the background of lhe law in which
the tranwetion takes place. It is proper to obtain legal ndvicc as to fhc bcM srt of contractufll terms appropriate to
the product and type of business.
Though most of the contracts have many provisions! in common • each is different from the others owing to
the nature of the goods. Whether we are dcnling with a long or preprinted form of the contract« there are certain
key provisions thut every contract should contain to avoid ambiguity ond possible future conflict*. Whether to
include other specific provisions depends on the type of goods* shipping and insurance complexitieii! and degree
of trust And mutual confidence exiiting between buyer and Heller.
31. According to the passage the mnin purpose of milking a contract is to __________________ •
A. legalixe a promise between related parties
bind the contracting pnrties
C. initiate a transaction
D. make bargains
32a A contract can not create legal obligationfi in the sense of law unless . _______________ •
A. it in agreed on by concerned panic*
It the contracting parties accept it
C ・ it in enforced by law
Dr the contracting parties signed it officially
33. Which of the following stAtcments about the contract is true?
A. It must be an Rgreemcnt in rhe written form.
Ek It is A way of minimising conflicts in iniemationol business or transaction.
C ・ IIH main function in commerce in to begin R trnnsAction.
D. h should contain as many details AS possible*
34. In drafting A contract of international transaction! one need not take into consideration •
A. the nature of the goods
B. the product nnd type of busineu
C the lawn of a specific country where the bumness is io be done
0. the physical health of contracting paries
35. As to contents of n contract t which of the following is not true?
A. It differs from one another due io the difference existing in the nature of good.
R It ithould be presented in language that is clear and precise.
C ・ Apart from the key provtsiontt that mum be included, whether to include any other special provisions
depends on a lot of factonu
D< When there ta A high degree of mutual trust and coniidencc between the buyer and the sellerf the
inclunton of the key provi»ion« is noi required.
QutUiom 36~4O art baud on following pastagf.
1 found out one time that doing A favor for someone could get you into A lot of trouble. I wan in the eighth
grade at the timet unci we were IIMVIHK a final test. During the tc»t> the girl Hitting next to me whispered
something• but I didn't understand* So I Irnnrei over her way and (ound out that »he wn ・ trying to ank mr if I had
»n extra pen. She showed me that hers WAR out of ink and would not write. I happened to have an extra one> no
I took if out of my pocket and put IT on her desk<
Lateri After the tent papern had been turned in# the tcuchcr asked me to stay in the room when all the other
studentM were dtnmiAscd. AM xoon AB we were alone whe beg An to tfllk to me about whnt it mrnnt to grow upi
she talked about how important it WM to Mtnnd on your own two feet and be responsible (ftff 任)for your own
acta* For a long time, she talked about honesty and cmphg&d the fact thm when people do something di»hone«t>
they arr rrAlly chrating them«clvc!i< She mndr rne promise thnt I would think 5t?riouiily nbout all the ihings ,h
hud Baid* nnd then nhc told rne I could ICAVC< I walked out of the room wondering why ahe had chosen to talk io
me about all those things*
Lwrer on. 1 found out that jihr thought 1 had cheated on the tc When nhe MAW me Icon over to talk to the «irl
next to me* it looked ns if I win copying anftwern from the 制 test pApen I tried to explain nliout the peru but nil
could nay was it seemed very vrry strange to hrr thnt 1 hadn't tnlkrd of anything about the pen the day nhe miked
to mr right after the
Even if I tried to exphin that 1 WMN |unt doinH lhe nirl a (ftvor by letting her imr my pen* I am mirr she
coniinucd to believe thnt I hud chentrd on the test.
36. I hc story took place cxnctly_____________ •
A. in the teacher1 • office 8. tn an cxnm room
C. in the Mchocil D. in the hnftuiige Ub
37. The? -irl wnnled to borrow a pen. because_____________ •
A. iihe had not brought a pen with her
H. she h" loa< her own on her way to uchool
C. there was aomethinK wrong with her own
D. her own had been taken away by someone
38. The tcNcher IUIW nil thin, so ・ hc Aftked the boy _ .
A ・ to go on writtnu hi® paper K to »top whiRpcring
C. to leave the room imnirdtatcly DM。stay brhind nftcr (he exam
39 ・ Th