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Unit 4 Travel and Tourism Lesson 1 Finding a place to stay single room 单人房 single bed 单人床 double room (twin room) 双人房 double bed 成对床 standard room 标准房 Triple room 三人房 suit 套房 ( 有客厅的 ) luxurious room (deluxe room) 豪华房 president room (presidential suit ) 总统套房 New words rate [reit] n. 费用 , 价格 1.The room rates at this motel range from $30 to $50 per day. 这个汽车旅馆的 房价 每天从三十美元到五十美元不等 2.What is the advertising rate in your newspaper? 你们报纸的 广告价格 是多少? 3. The car was going at the rate of 60 miles an hour. 汽车以每小时六十英里的 速度 行驶。 reserve [ri'zə:v] v. 预约 , 预订 1.I reserved a table at the restaurant. 我在饭店预订了一桌菜 . 2.These seats are reserved for teachers. 这些座位是 留给 老师的。 reservation n. 我在北京已预订房间。 I made a reservation in Beijing. Lesson2 Food in Shandong What did people say about… food One should eat to live,not live to eat. Molière (1622 - 1673) French playwright Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are. Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755 - 1826) French politician, and writer . We are what we eat. 吃什么东西,就长什么样子。 Well fed, well bred. 衣食足,而后知礼节 。 He that eats least eat most . 食量少,能长寿 。 To win a man’s heart, she must first learn how to cook a good pot of soup Food idioms and vocabulary Your eyes are bigger than your stomach . -- You want to eat a lot, but you just can not. I am so hungry I could eat a horse . -- I can eat a lot. It’s as easy as pie . --it’s a piece of cake. Greasy spoon --small restaurant that serves good but cheap food Ma and Pop restaurant --family restaurant Take out -- take the food away to eat elsewhere Organic -- naturally-grown food, without any pesticide,etc . Vegetarian --people who don’t eat any kind of meat Vegan  --people who don’t use anything from animals, e.g. they won’t eat milk, eggs, meat, and won’t wear fur coats and leather shoes Brainstorming Directions: work with your partner to think of as many words /phrases/expressions as possible regarding the following topics. 1 .verbs for ways of cooking: steam, boil, fry, roast, stew, bake, braise,… 蒸,煮,炸 , 煎,烹, 烤,焖 2. expressions for types of food: hot pot, jiaozi/dumplings, rice noodles, Chinese sandwich, staining tofu, rice with fried vegetables 火锅,饺子,米线,肉夹馍,臭豆腐,米饭菜, … what are the English versions for these food you eat everyday? Do you know how many kinds of famous cuisine in China? Which do you prefer? Why? Question: Characteristics of Chinese Cuisine Eight (major) schools of cuisine:Anhui, Cantonese, Fujian, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shandong, Sichuan, and Zhejiang. 八大菜系(鲁、川、粤、闽、苏、浙、湘、徽): the sweet eastern cuisine and the spicy western cuisine,the light southern cuisine and the salty northern cuisine. 东甜西辣,南淡北咸 perfect combination of color, aroma, taste, and appearance 色香味形俱全 Translation—Names of Chines Food glutinous rice spring rolls sweet soup balls sweet and sour pork steamed open dumplings clay oven rolls fried bread stick sliced noodles hemp flowers stinky tofu spicy hot bean curd 糯米 春卷 汤圆 糖醋排骨 烧卖 烧饼 油条 刀削面 麻花 臭豆腐 麻辣豆腐 Some English names for dishes Sliced Beef and Ox Tongue in Chilli Sauce Stewed Pork Ball in Brown Sauce Braised Pig Feet in Brown Sauce Four-Joy Meatballs (Meat Balls Braised with Brown Sauce) Kung Pao Chicken Beggars Chicken (baked Chicken) Boiled Fish with Pickled Cabbage and Chili Noodles, Sichuan Style Braised Pork Hock with Brown Sauce 夫妻肺片 红烧狮子头 酱猪手 四喜丸子 宫保鸡丁 叫化鸡 酸菜鱼 担担面 东坡肘子 New lesson learning Learning-aim: 1.Grasp some language points and find out the main expression in each paragraph. 2.Improve the reading skills . Important and difficult point: 1.Some expressions and sentences in the passage. 2.The understanding of the passage. Teaching-methods: Reading, Speaking and Practising Class type: New Class Teaching-period: 1 Period Teaching-process: 1.Greeting and checking the homework. 2.Task 2 3.Task 3 4.Do the exercise 5.Homework 1.Shandong cuisine consists of Ji’nan cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine . consist of 组成 e.g. : 我们班有 45 名同学。 Our class consists of 45 students. 2. Shandong is surrounded by the sea, with the Yellow River through the centre… be surrounded by 被包围 e.g.: 这个岛被海包围着。 The island is surrounded by the sea . 3 A truly Sweet and Sour Carp must be made of carps from the Yellow River . be made of 由 … 组成(看出原材料) 这张桌子是用木头制成的 The desk is made of wood. be made from 由 … 组成(看不出原材料) 这张纸是用木头制成的 This kind of paper is made from wood. 4.Jiaodong dishes are famous for seafood with fresh and light taste, perfect with Tsingtao beer. be famous for 因 … 而著名(原因) Helen Keller is famous for her book “The Story of My Life”. be famous as 因 … 而著名(身份) Helen Keller is famous as a writer. Lesson3 Places to go in Shandong How many cities are there in Shandong? Guess: What city is it? 天下第一泉 趵突泉 ( Baotu Spring ) 传乾隆皇帝下江南,出京时带的是北京玉泉水,到济南品尝了趵突泉水后 ,便立即改带趵突泉水,并封趵突泉为 “ 天下第一泉 ” 。 泉水一年四季恒定在摄氏 18 度左右,严冬,水面上水气袅袅,像一层薄薄的烟雾,趵突泉水清澈透明,味道甘美,是十分理想的饮用水 千佛山 ( Mount Qianfo )   千佛山古称 历山 ,亦名 舜耕山 。相传上古虞舜帝为民时,曾躬耕于历山之下,因称舜耕山。据史载:隋朝年间, 山东 佛教盛行,虔诚的教徒依山沿壁镌刻了为数较多的石佛,建 千佛寺 而得名千佛山。 大明湖 ( Daming Lake ) 大明湖是 济南 三大名胜之一,是繁华都市中一处难得的天然湖泊,也是 泉城 重要风景名胜和开放窗口。它位于市中心偏东北处、旧城区北部。大明湖是一个由城内众泉汇流而成的天然湖泊,面积甚大,几乎占了旧城的四分之一。市区诸泉在此汇聚后,经北水门流入 小清河 。现今湖面 46 公顷( 690 亩), 公园面积 86 公顷( 1290 亩),湖面约占百分之五十三,平均水深 2 米左右,最深处约 4 米。 泉城广场 ( Quancheng Square ) 泉城广场是省会 济南 的中心广场,地处山、泉、河、城怀抱之中。环顾四周,北览旧城区古风新貌,西观趵突泉喷涌潺湲,南眺 千佛山 青翠绵亘,东望 解放阁 清雅如画,是市民休憩盘桓之胜地。广场东西长约 780 米,南北宽约 230 米,占地约 250 亩。自西向东主要组成有:趵突泉广场、济南名士林、泉标广场、下沉广场、颐天园及童乐园、滨河广场、荷花音乐喷泉、 四季花园 、文化长廊、科技文化中心及银座购物广场等十余部分。 岱庙 (Dai Temple) 岱庙坐落于山东省 泰安 市区北,泰山的南麓,俗称“ 东岳庙 ”。它是泰山最大、最完整的古建筑群,为 道教 神府,是历代帝王举行封禅大典和祭祀泰山神的地方。 泰山 五岳独尊 泰山十八盘 泰山 ( Mount Tai ) 风筝之都 —— 潍坊 五四广场北依 青岛 市政府办公大楼,南临 浮山 湾,总占地面积 10 公顷。 五四广场因青岛为中国近代史上伟大的 五四运动 导火索而得名,意在弘扬五四爱国精神激励人们奋发图强,迎接新世纪的到来。 五四广场分南北两部分,分布于 中轴线 上的市政府办公大楼、隐式喷泉、 点阵 喷泉、 《 五月的风 》 雕塑、海上百米喷泉等富有节奏地展现出庄重、坚实、蓬勃向上的壮丽景色,在大面积风景林的衬托下更加生机勃勃,充满现代气息。 五四广场 ( May4th Squre ) 栈桥 始建于清光绪十八年( 1892 年),为总兵衙门章高元所施, 1893 年竣工。全长 200   米,宽 10 米,石基灰面,桥面两侧装有铁护栏,是青岛最早的军事专用人工码头建筑。德国侵占青岛后,栈桥成为货运码头。 栈桥( Qingdao Pier ) 孔子(前 551- 前 479 ),名丘,字仲尼,鲁国人。中国春秋末期伟大的思想家和教育家,儒家学派的创始人。 圣人故里 曲阜 (Qufu) 孔府 (Counfusious Mansion) 孔府也称圣府,是孔子的后代子孙们居住的地方,历史上,孔子的后代继承人都被称之为 " 衍圣公 " 。孔府是 孔庙 的西邻,规模相当宏大,是我国仅次于明、清 皇帝 宫室的最大府第。 大成殿是孔庙的正殿,也是孔庙的核心。唐代时称文宣王殿,共有五间。宋天禧五年(公元 102 年)大修时,移今址并扩为七间。宋崇宁三年(公元 1104 年)徽宗赵佶取 《 孟子 》 : “ 孔子之谓集大成 ” 语义,下诏更名为 “ 大成殿 ” ,清雍正二年(公元 1724 年)重建,九脊重檐,黄瓦覆顶,雕梁画栋,八斗藻井饰以金龙和玺彩图,双重飞檐正中竖匾上刻清雍正皇帝御书 “ 大成殿 ” 三个贴金大字。殿高 24.8 米,长 45.69 米,宽 24.85 米,坐落在 2.1 米高的殿基上,为全庙最高建筑,也是中国三大古殿之一。 大成殿 ( Dacheng Palace ) 公元前 479 年孔子葬于此地后, 2400 多年来其后裔接冢而葬,至今林内坟冢已约 10 万余座 孔林 ( Confucius Forest ) 崂山 ( Mount Laoshan ) 崂山 崂山,古代又曾称牢山、劳山、鳌山等,史书各有解释,说法不一。它是 山东半岛 的主要山脉,崂山的主峰名为 “ 巨峰 ” ,又称 “ 崂顶 ” ,海拔 1132.7 米,是我国海岸线第一高峰,有着海上 “ 第一名山 ” 之称。它耸立在 黄海 之滨,高大雄伟。当地有一句古语说: “ 泰山 虽云高,不如东海崂。 ” 泰山 养马岛,地处黄海之中,总面积约 10 平方公里,距烟台市区 30 公里。 岛上丘陵起伏,草木葱茏,山光海色,秀丽如画,海岛呈东北西南走向,地势南缓北峭,岛前海面宽阔,风平浪静,岛后群礁嶙峋,惊涛拍岸;东端碧水金沙,优良浴场。西端水深浪小,天然良港。岛上气候宜人,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,年平均气温 11.8℃ ,素有 “ 东方夏威夷 ” 之美称。岛四周盛产海参、扇贝、鲍鱼、对虾、牡蛎、天鹅蛋等海产品,久负盛名。 养马岛 (Yangma Island) 蓬莱阁 ( Penglai Pavilion ) 蓬莱阁是古代登州府署所在地,管辖着九个县一个州,是当时 中国 东方的门户。久负盛名的登州古港,是中国古代北方重要的对外贸易口岸和军港,与我国东南沿海的泉州、 明州 (宁波)和 扬州 ,并称为中国四大 通商口岸 ,并且是我国目前保存得最完好的古代 海军基地 。蓬莱依山傍海,所以又以“山海名邦”著称于世,山光水色堪称一绝。 Penglai Pavilion Penglai Pavilion---- it is famous for the story of Eight Immortals( 八仙) Mysterious : 海,各显神通。) When the Eight Immortals flew across the sea ,each tried to compete with each other ,using his or her own skills 。 Eight Immortals 八 仙 过 海 各 显 其 能 Shandong Province is situated in the eastern part of North Chinese Plain. is situated 位于,坐落于 birthplace 发源地 It’s considered as one of the birthplace s of Chinese civilization. 山东 Civilization 文明 济 南 泰 山 青 岛 · 曲 阜 蓬莱阁 Lies on the east coast with MountTai to its south and the yellow river to the north . In the center of ShanDong province On the south of Mount Tai In the southeast of Shandong province In the northeast of Shandong province 东营 Read and find out the key phrases about the following 1 2 3 4 5 Jinan Qufu Mount Tai Qingdao Penglai Political, economic and cultural center; city of spring; Daming Lake and Mount Qianfo Old cultural city; birthplace of Chinese traditional culture The leader of the “Five Sacred Mountains”; 30 old temples and 66 scenic spots Seaside city; Tsingtao Beer; good weather; fine beaches Penglai pavilion The story of Eight Immortals place Scenic spots Famous for information Ji’nan Mount Tai Qufu Qing dao Penglai pavilion Baotu spring, Mount Qianfo, Daming lake Springs capital city, political,ecnomic and cultural center Dai temples, sun rise, sea of clouds temples The leader of the “Five Sacred Mountains Confucius temple, Confucius Confucius A cultural city with long history Fine beaches, Zhanqiao pire Wusi Square Beer, good weather A beautiful seaside city, Penglai pavilion Eight Immortals mysterious place Scenic spots Famous for Information What do you think of ….? How do you like….? What/ How about…? I think… is a good place to visit. I like visiting… … is a place worth visiting. … attract me very much. I love… Why? Because… A: B: A: B: Discussion Summarize How to describe a place? Place Scenic spots Famous for Important information Position

