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疫情高中英语作文抗击疫情心得体会高中英语作文案例中英翻译 疫情的高中英语作文抗击疫情心得体会高中英语作文案例中英翻译 哪里有疫情,哪里就是主战场。各地区各部门必须坚定贯彻习近平总书记记的重要指示和党中央的决策要求,把疫情防控作为当前最重要的工作来抓,迅速形成联防联控体系,迅速动员一切防控力量,迅速执行严肃防控措施,坚定打赢这场没有硝烟但有生死的硬仗。 Where there is an epidemic, there is the main battlefield. All localities and departments must resolutely implement the important instructions of general secretary *i Jinping and the decision making requirements of the Central Committee of the party, take the epidemic prevention and control as the most important work at present, form a joint prevention and control systbilize all the prevention and control forces quickly, implement strict measures to prevent and control quickly, and resolutely win this hard battle without smoke but life and death. 人民是党执政的底气,也是战胜疫情最为磅礴的力量。 The people are the foundation of the partys governance and the most powerful force to defeat the epidemic. 紧紧依靠人民群众,就有打赢疫情防控阻击战的必胜信心。连日来,在疫情防控战斗中,我们看到有不计酬劳、不计生死的凛然大义;看到医护人员徒步七十里返回医院的最美逆行;看到小伙到当地派出所放下***个口罩就跑、连民警也没有追上的爱心之举;看到各种爱心物资在医院就近的快递站汇聚,上面没有收件人的名字,惟独一句给白衣天使请交给任何医护人员中国人众志成城、万众一心的意志坚不可摧,无数个守望相助、共克时艰的行动,点燃战胜疫情的信心。 Relying on the people closely, we have the confidence to win the prevention and control of epidemic. In recent days, in the fight of epidemic prevention and control, we have seen the awe inspiring righteousness of regardless of pay, regardless of life and death; we have seen the most beautiful retrograde way for medical staff to return to the hospital after 70 miles on foot; we have seen the love move of young people who put down 500 masks at the local police station and run without even catching up with the police; See all kinds of love materials gathered in the e*press station near the hospital, there is no name of the recipient, only a sentence to the angel in white and please give it to any medical staff The will of the Chinese people is indestructible. Countless actions have been taken to help each other and overcome the difficulties, which ignite the confidence to overcome the epidemic. 紧紧依靠人民群众,就有打赢疫情防控阻击战的充足底气。抗击疫情是一场全民行动,人民群众是这场斗争中的主体力量。不论是奋战在斗争一线的专家和医护人员,还是在交通运输、防疫物资加工、快递等多条战线上坚守岗位的干部职工,还是许多放弃春节假期的基层工作者,每一个人挺身而出、尽锐出战,为打赢奠定了坚实基础。 Relying on the people closely, we will have a sufficient foundation to win the battle of prevention and control. Fighting the epidemic is a national action, and the people are the main force in this struggle. Whether its e*perts and medical staff fighting on the front line of the struggle, cadres and workers who stick to their posts on many fronts, such as transportation, anti epidemic materials processing, e*press delivery, or many grassroots workers who give up the Spring Festival holiday, everyone stands up to fight as hard as possible, laying a solid foundation for winning. 当前,确诊和疑似病例总数还在攀升,远没有到松口气的时候。打赢这场硬仗,紧紧依靠人民,意味着要以更大力度织密联防联控的大网,筑牢群防群治的防线。一方面要实行网格化、地毯式管理,确保防控举措得到切实落实、不留死角;另一方面要进一步动员社会各界、人民群众参与到这场硬仗中来,激发干劲、凝结力量。这样的努力再多一点,我们就能距离打赢的目标更近一些。 At present, the total number of confirmed and suspected cases is still rising, far from the time of relief. To win this hard battle and rely on the people closely means to weave a large network of joint defense and control with greater strength, and to build a strong defense line of group defense and governance. On the one hand, grid and carpet management should be carried out to ensure that the prevention and control measures are effectively implemented and no dead space is left; on the other hand, we should further mobilize all sectors of society and the people to participate in this hard battle to stimulate energy and gather strength. With a little more effort like this, we can be closer to the goal of winning.查看更多