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‎2018年10月12日 ‎ 省略 ‎ 高考频度:★★★☆☆ 难易程度:★★☆☆☆‎ ‎1.(2017•江苏) _______ not for the support of the teachers, the student could not overcome her difficulty.‎ ‎ A. It were B. Were it ‎ ‎ C. It was D. Was it ‎ 【参考答案】B ‎2. (2016·浙江) Had the governments and scientists not worked together, AIDS-related deaths _______ since their ‎ ‎ highest in 2005.‎ ‎ A. had not fallen B. would not fall ‎ ‎ C. did not fall D. would not have fallen ‎ 【参考答案】D ‎ ‎ 【试题解析】句意:如果政府和科学家不共同努力,艾滋病相关的死亡就不会从2005年的最高点下降。 使用虚拟语气, if条件句用的had done,而且省略if,将had提前,主句用would have done表示对过 去情况的虚拟。故选D。‎ ‎3. (2016·浙江)—The movie starts at 8:30,and we can have a quick bite before we go. ‎ ‎ —_________.See you at 8:10‎ A. So long B. Sounds great ‎ C. Good luck D. Have a good time ‎ ‎ 【参考答案】B ‎ ‎ 【试题解析】句意:"电影在八点半开始,我们走之前可以迅速吃点东西。""听起来很棒。8点10分见。"sound great实际上是省略句,完整的句子是The idea sounds great.和上文提出的建议吻合。故选B。‎ ‎【归纳拓展】‎ 英语中"省略"的用法总结:‎ 种类 例句 说明 主语的省略 Pity we live so far from the sea. (It is a pity we live so far from the sea.)‎ 有时也可省略整个句子的主语和谓语,只保留次要成分。‎ 谓语的省略 ‎—what do you think made Mary so upset?‎ ‎—Losing her new bicycle (made Mary so upset).‎ 状语从句的省略 Seen from the plane (when it is seen from the plane), the house looks like tiny toys.‎ 注意状语从句中的主语同主句主语的一致性。‎ 不定式的省略 The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him not to. (not to ride his bicycle in the street.)‎ ‎—Are you an engineer?‎ ‎—No, but I want to be.‎ 若不定式后面是完成时,省略时应保留have;不定式后含有动词be的结构时,也要保留be动词。‎ ‎1. The flowers he bought will die unless every day.‎ ‎ A. watered B. watering ‎ ‎ C. being watered D. to water ‎2. What will you do if ______ outside with no key?‎ ‎ A. being locked B. having locked ‎ ‎ C. locking D. locked ‎3. Tom wanted to play football with his friends in the street,but his father told him ________.‎ ‎ A. not to B. not to do ‎ C. not do it D. do not to ‎4.—What’s the matter with Della?‎ ‎ —Well,her parents wouldn’t allow her to go to the party,but she still ________.‎ ‎ A.hopes to    B.hopes so ‎ ‎ C.hopes not D.hopes for ‎5.Some of you may have finished Unit one.________,you can go on to Unit two.‎ ‎ A.If you may B.If you do ‎ ‎ C.If not D.If so ‎6. —Will the Smiths leave for Australia this spring?‎ ‎ —No,they finally decided ________.‎ ‎ A.not to leave B.not leaving ‎ ‎ C.not to D.not to be leaving ‎7. He decided not to say anything at the meeting unless ________.‎ ‎ A.asking to B.to ask to ‎ ‎ C.asked to D.ask to ‎8. —Have you watered the flowers?‎ ‎ —No,but ________.‎ ‎ A.I am B.I’m going ‎ ‎ C.I’m just going to D.I will go ‎9. ________ he come tomorrow,I would let you know.‎ ‎ A.Would B.Should C.Shall D.If ‎10. 用省略句完成句子 ‎① ______________ (必要时),you can send me an e-mail.‎ ‎② _____________________ (不管是真是假), the story is interesting.‎ ‎③He gave _____________________________ (和从前一样的回答).‎ ‎④ ___________________(为什么不) go and help him at once?‎ ‎⑤—Aren’t you the manager?‎ ‎ —No, and I _____________________ (不想当).‎ ‎⑥ —The patient feels better than yesterday.‎ ‎ —I know __________________(他好多了).‎ ‎⑦He opened his mouth _________________________(好像要说话).‎ ‎⑧He may not stay at home. ____________________(如果那样的话), leave him a message.‎ ‎⑨ I’ll try my best to read more books ____________________ (如果可能的话).‎ ‎⑩ —Will you join us in the discussion? ‎ ‎ —____________________(非常高兴).‎ ‎1. A【解析】考查省略形式。句意:他买的花除非每天浇水,否则就会死去。unless后面应该加的完整部分 是they are watered,前后主语一致都是flowers,这时可以省掉主语和be动词,这样只剩下watered。 所以选A。‎ ‎3. A【解析】考查动词不定式的省略。句意:汤姆想和他的朋友在街上踢足球,但是他的父亲告诉他不要。 完整的形式应该是,but his father told him not to play football with his friends in the street.为避免重复, 常省去不定式动词,保留不定式符号to。 ‎ ‎4. A 【解析】根据语境知道,Della很希望去参加这次聚会。所以hope后应接to go to the party。但为了避 免重复,常省去不定式动词,仅留下符号to来代替不定式。‎ ‎5. D 【解析】句意为:你们当中可能有些人已经结束了第一单元。如果这样的话,可以开始第二单元。so 代替前句意思的肯定情况,而not代替前面意思的否定情况。‎ ‎6. C【解析】 考查动词不定式的省略。为了避免重复,动词不定式短语省略到to。故选C。‎ ‎7. C【解析】 考查动词不定式的省略。句意为:他决定在会上什么也不说,除非被请求。unless asked to相 当于unless he was asked to say something。‎ ‎8. C 【解析】句意为:——你浇花了吗?——没有,不过我正打算浇。I’m just going to.相当于I’m ‎ just going to water the flowers。‎ ‎9. B【解析】此处是对将来情况的假设。虚拟条件句的谓语部分有should,had或were时,可把if省去,而 把should,had或were放在从句的主语之前,构成主谓部分倒装。‎ ‎10. ①When necessary ②Whether true or false ③ the same answer as before ‎ ‎ ④ Why not ⑤don’t want to be ⑥ he does ‎ ‎ ⑦as if to say something ⑧ If so ⑨if possible ⑩ I’ll be glad to 进步从总结开始! ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

