高一英语教案:第20讲 综合复习与检测(2)

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高一英语教案:第20讲 综合复习与检测(2)

辅导教案 学员姓名: 学科教师:‎ 年 级: 高一 辅导科目:英语 ‎ 授课日期 ‎××年××月××日 时 间 A / B / C / D / E / F段 主 题 教学内容 ‎(本次课的重点、难点以及达到怎样的情感目标)‎ ‎1.掌握U4-U6重点词汇 ‎2. 综合测试进行查漏补缺。‎ 教学建议:‎ 左边的是一些定语从句励志的句子,右边是比力克的故事,老师通过上网搜集关于比力克的生平,给学生讲一讲比力克的故事,通过实例鼓励学生更加积极的生活和学习!在右边这边本书讲诉了力克的一生,《人生不设限》告诉我们:就算环境不能改变,我们可以改变自己的心,改变我们自己看待人生的态度! ‎ 教学建议:‎ 1. 此部分是课本同步中重点词汇短语复习,旨在帮助学生牢固掌握核心词汇用法并能在具体语境中灵活运用;‎ 2. 对于词汇拼写可以采取先提问、默写的形式进行检测;对于词汇短语的用法课采取造句等形式,了解学生的掌握情况再进行讲解;‎ 3. 老师在讲解的过程中注意词汇及词组辨析。‎ U4-U6重点词汇复习 词汇及短语 用法 翻译 Unit 4‎ view ‎ n.观点、看法 ‎ n.景色、自然美景 v. 认为、看待;观看 1. ‎ in one’s view 依…看 2. ‎ point of view 观点;看法 3. ‎ view sb. / sth. as …‎ ‎1. First-generation Americans view the United States as a land of golden opportunity... ‎ 第一代美国人认为美国是一个充满了机遇的国度。‎ ‎2. Lennox has taken the point of view that money is not everything. ‎ 伦诺克斯形成了金钱不是一切的观点。‎ ‎3. The view from our window was one of beautiful green countryside... ‎ 从我们的窗口能看见一片美丽的绿色田园风光。‎ 句子翻译: 我们一致认为,每个人不管有没有天赋,只要对社会作出一定贡献,都是成功人士。(view)‎ Key: We hold the same view/ We all agree to the view that everyone, whether (he or she is) gifted or not, is a successful person as long as he or she makes certain contributions to the society.‎ survive ‎ v.幸存;挺过 句子翻译:令人欣慰的是,许多人在地震中幸存下来。(survive)‎ Key: To our relief, many people have survived the (earth)quake. ‎ It is a (great) relief that many people (have) survived the (earth) quake. ‎ emerge v.(从暗处或隐蔽处)出现;浮现;露出 v.(从暗处或隐蔽处)出现;浮现;露出 The postman emerged from his van soaked to the skin. ‎ 邮递员从他的厢式货车中出来,浑身湿透了。眼泪。‎ bored ‎ v. 使厌倦 be / become / get bored with 对…感到无聊 人们很快对这次讲座产生了厌倦。‎ People become quickly bored with the lecture.‎ property n.(可数,常有复数)特征、性质 Richard could easily destroy her personal property to punish her for walking out on him... ‎ 理查德能轻易毁掉她的私人财产来惩罚她对他的背叛。‎ ‎(不可数)财产;所有物 artificial adj.人工的、人造的;人为的,不自然的 Even in the artificial environment of an office, our body rhythms continue to affect us... ‎ 即使是在办公室这样的非自然环境中,我们的人体生物钟依然影响着我们。‎ treat ‎ v. 治疗;对待 treat sb. / sth. as … 把…看作…‎ n. 请客、款待 ‎1. An experienced nurse treats all minor injuries. 一位有经验的护士处理所有的轻伤。‎ 句子翻译: 警方称他们正把它当作一起谋杀未遂案件来处理。‎ Key: Police say they're treating it as a case of attempted murder.‎ disorder n. 不适、紊乱 He appeared to be suffering from a severe mental disorder and had served a term in prison. 他看上去患有严重的精神疾病,而且坐过牢。‎ occur ‎ v.发生;被想到、出现在头脑中 ‎1. It never occurred to sb. that … 某人从来没有想到 ‎2. It suddenly occurred to sb. that … 某人突然想到 1. 我没想到新来的人就是我们的英语老师。 (occur)‎ It didn’t occur to me that the new comer was our English teacher.‎ 句子翻译: 你可曾想到汤姆会被选为我们足球队队长?(occur)‎ Key: Did it ever occur to you that Tom would be made captain of our football team?‎ ‎3.每年在世界各地举行多次国际足球比赛。( occur )‎ Many international soccer competitions occur around the world every year.‎ 句子翻译: 他和他夫人散步时突然想到一个绝妙的主意。(occur)‎ Key:A wonderful idea occurred to him when he was taking a walk with his wife.‎ ‎5.机遇迟早会出现,但只有少数人能抓住它。(occur)‎ Opportunities will occur sooner or later, but only a few people can grasp them.‎ ‎6.很多人都没有想到麦克.杰克逊(Michael Jackson)会在伦敦公开露面。(occur)‎ It never occurred to most people that Michael Jackson would make a public appearance in London.‎ 句子翻译: 他从来没有意识到,题目越容易就应该越仔细。(occur)‎ Key: It has never occurred to him that the easier the problems/exercises are, the more careful he should be.‎ disturb ‎ v.打扰、妨碍;使心神不宁 ‎1. Find a quiet, warm, comfortable room where you won't be disturbed. ‎ 找一个安静、温暖、舒适且不会被打扰到的房间。‎ ‎2. I dream about him, dreams so vivid that they disturb me for days.‎ 我几次梦见了他,梦境如此逼真,我好几天都心神不宁。‎ Unit 5‎ accidentally ‎ adv. 意外地;偶然地 accidentally = by accident His hand brushed against hers; it could have been either accidental or deliberate. ‎ 就在有意无意间,他的手轻轻拂过她的手。‎ smash ‎ v. 打破,打碎 Two or three glasses fell off and smashed into pieces. 两三只杯子掉了下来,摔得粉碎。‎ miss ‎ v. 未击中、错过;想念 ‎1. She hurled the ashtray across the room, narrowly missing my head... ‎ 她用力把烟灰缸从房间那头扔过来,差点砸到我的脑袋。‎ ‎2. He was a gentle, sensitive, lovable man who will be missed by a host of friends. ‎ 他是一个温和、体贴而且可爱的人,许多朋友都会想念他的。‎ guilty ‎ adj. 有内疚感的,有负罪感的 be guilty of 有…罪 feel guilty about 对……感到内疚 In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. ‎ 在争取我们的合法地位的过程中,我们不应该因为错误的行为而自咎。‎ tough ‎ adj. 强悍的;难对付的;坚强的;严格的 ‎1. He has a reputation for being tough and uncompromising. ‎ 他的严厉和强硬态度是出了名的。‎ ‎2. He was having a really tough time at work. ‎ 他当时工作上困难重重。‎ ‎3. Whoever wins the election is going to have a tough job getting the economy back on its feet… ‎ 不管是谁赢得选举都将面对复苏经济的棘手任务。‎ behavior ‎ n. 行为 A person’s behavior is often regulated by his circumstances. ‎ 人的行为常受其所处环境的约束。‎ regret ‎ v. 对…感到后悔;因…遗憾 悔恨;失望;后悔;惋惜 regret doing sth. 遗憾做了某事 regret to say / tell / inform sb. that …‎ 1. Her lack of co-operation is nothing new, I regret to say... 很遗憾,我不得不说她缺少合作精神不是什么新鲜事。‎ 句子翻译: 年后她对当初放弃自己的家感到后悔。‎ Key: Five years later she regrets having given up her home. ‎ ‎ 很遗憾的说/告诉/通知某人…‎ violent ‎ adj. 暴力的,猛烈的,剧烈的 A violent explosion seemed to jolt the whole ground. ‎ 剧烈的爆炸好像要把整个地面都掀起来。‎ purchase ‎ n.购买的东西;购买、购置;‎ v. 购买 He purchased a ticket and went up on the top deck... ‎ 他买了一张票,然后上到顶层甲板。‎ hesitate ‎ v. 犹豫;迟疑不决 hesitate to do do sth. without hesitation 毫不犹豫做某事 Some parents hesitate to take these steps because they suspect that their child is exaggerating... ‎ 一些家长不愿意采取这些措施,因为他们怀疑自己的孩子在夸大其词。‎ case ‎ n. 具体情况;事例 in any case 不管怎样 in that case 既然那样 in no case 无论如何都不 ‎1. It may rain tomorrow, but we are going home in any case. ‎ 明天可能下雨, 但不管怎样, 我们打算回家去。‎ ‎2. He is said to be not at home. In that case, we shall not go there. 听说他不在家,那么我们不去了。‎ ‎3. Anybody should in no case be allowed to stay here. ‎ 绝不许任何人在这里停留。‎ persuade ‎ v.说服;劝说 persuade sb. to do sth.‎ We're trying to persuade manufacturers to sell them here... ‎ 我们正在努力劝说制造商在这里销售。‎ contact ‎ v. / n. 联系;接触 ‎1. keep / be in contact with 与…保持/有联系 ‎2. make contact with 与….取得联系 ‎3. lose / be out of contact with 与…失去联系 He was in direct contact with the kidnappers... 他与绑架者有直接联系。‎ Unit 6‎ commercial ‎ n.电视或电台播放的广告 adj.商业的;营利性的 Conservationists in Chile are concerned over the effect of commercial exploitation of forests... ‎ 对森林的商业开发所带来的影响让智利的自然资源保护者们感到忧心忡忡。‎ estimate n. / v. 估计 ‎1. I estimate that the total cost for treatment will be $12,500... ‎ 我估计治疗费用总共会有12,500美元。‎ ‎2. A recent estimate was that factories were undermanned by about 30 per cent. ‎ 最新估算表明工厂的人员不足达30%左右。‎ typical adj. 典型的;有代表性的 She gave an equivocal answer, typical of a politician. ‎ 她的回答模棱两可,是典型的政客做法。‎ identify ‎ v.认出;识别;鉴定 ‎1. identify with 与某人产生共鸣2. identify sth. with sth. 认为…与…是一致的;认为…等同于…‎ We cannot identify happiness with wealth. ‎ 我们不能把幸福与财富混为一谈。‎ survey n. 民意调查;‎ v. 调查、检查 ‎1. conduct / carry out a survey 进行调查 The results of the survey made fascinating reading. ‎ 调查结果令人读起来饶有兴味。‎ ban n./v. 禁止;取缔 ban sb. from doing sth.‎ He was banned from driving for three years. ‎ 他被吊扣驾照3年。‎ inferior adj. 较差的,次的 ‎1. be inferior to … 不如…;比…差 ‎2. feel inferior (to) 感到自卑 He preferred the company of those who were intellectually inferior to himself. ‎ 他喜欢与那些智力水平不如他的人共处。‎ sponsor ‎ v. 赞助(活动、节目等);‎ n. 赞助商 Please could you sponsor me for my school's campaign for Help the Aged? ‎ 我在参加我们学校举办的“助老”募捐活动,您能赞助我吗?‎ handle v. 处理;控制 n. 把手;拉手 ‎1. I turned the handle and found the door was open. ‎ 我转了一下门把手,发现门开着。‎ ‎2. She admitted to herself she didn't know how to handle the problem. ‎ 她心里承认自己不知道该如何处理这个问题。‎ budget n. / v. 预算 I need to live on a tight budget from now on. ‎ 现在起只得勒紧裤带过活了。‎ expenses n. (复数)开支;花销 at the expense of sb./sth.‎ Any expenses you may incur will be chargeable to the company. ‎ 你的所有开销均由本公司支付。‎ invest v. 投资 It would be imprudent to invest all your money in one company. ‎ 把所有的钱都投资在一家公司是不明智的。‎ 翻译练习1(真题)‎ ‎1. 似乎年轻父母更注重孩子的语言学习。(seem) (2013年一模闸北区)‎ It seems that young parents pay more attention to a kid's language learning.‎ ‎2.据说这起交通事故中有多名乘客受伤。(It…) (2013年一模静安区)‎ It is said that several passengers got wounded in the traffic accident.‎ ‎3.  这款新药对感染了这种病毒的病人是否有效尚不知晓。(remain)(2013年一模虹口区)‎ Whether the / this new medicine will have any effect on the patients (who are) infected by this (kind of) virus remains unknown.‎ ‎4. 你不用等很长时间意味着过不了多久下一班车就要来了。(2010年一模)‎ That you won’t wait for a long time means that it won’t be long before the next bus comes.‎ ‎5.对于我来说,重要的不是输赢而是参与.(matter) (2010年一模)‎ What matters much to us is not to win but to take part.‎ 翻译练习2‎ ‎1. 据说在那个湖底发现了一个古城的遗址。(discover) (2001年秋考)‎ ‎2. 许多外国游客都想去长城一游,他们知道“不到长城非好汉”。(visit)(2002年春考)‎ ‎3. 我没有想到汤姆会被选为学生会主席。(occur)(2002年秋考)‎ ‎4. 一本书是否畅销取决于诸多因素。(Whether. . .) (2001年秋考)‎ 5. 据报道这种野生植物含有丰富的维生素。(It...) (2007年春考)‎ ‎6. 我们对他的不辞而别感到惊讶. (without) (2009年春考)‎ ‎7. 令人惊讶,我居然在别人认为很难的一次测验中获得全班最高分。(It…)(2010年春考)‎ ‎8. “水往低处流”是个不可改变的自然法则。(flow)(2011年春考)‎ 9. ‎ 你是否可以给他输血要看你的血型与他的血型是否相配。(depend)(2012年春考)‎ Keys:‎ ‎1. It is reported that wild plants contain rich Vitamins.‎ ‎2. It is said that the site of an ancient city has been discovered at the bottom of the lake.‎ ‎3. Many foreign tourists want to visit the Great Wall. They know that “He who doesn’t reach the Great Wall is not a true man.”‎ ‎4. It never occurred/ didn’t occur to me that Tom would/ should be elected/ made chairman of the Students’ Union.‎ ‎5. Whether a book sells well depends on many/various factors.‎ ‎6. We were greatly surprised that he has left without saying goodbye.‎ ‎7. It is surprising that I should have got the highest mark in a test which the others think very difficult. ‎ ‎8. It is an unchangeable law of nature that water flows to the lower places. ‎ ‎9. Whether you can transfuse blood to him/ give him a blood transfusion depends on whether your blood type matches his or not.‎ 练习3. 新题型综合练习 ‎(A)‎ As Christopher Walsh saved his brother and then his sister from the water of a river, his mother shouted to him: “I’m proud of you.” ​‎ Christopher was in the car with his parents, sister Rosie, and brother Mac, __________ his father drove into a metal barrier. The family’s car fell down a hill __________ the river, and landed with its wheels up. ​‎ Christopher, then 12, swam through a broken window and got out into the fresh air. But __________ (see) the rest of his family were still in the car—in the water, he took a big breath and swam back to save first Mac, and then Rosie. Christopher said: “I was frightened, but it was all happening so fast and I really had no time __________ (think) about the danger.” ​Christopher freed Mac and then swam back to get Rosie, __________ was under the cold, cloudy water, in the car. Christopher had to feel for her seatbelt because he could not see anything. He took the seatbelt off her, and then went up for air. Finally he went back to pull her out of __________ car. ​‎ Beryl, the mother, said: “When I got to the side and looked back, I thought Christopher and Rosie had gone. I thought __________ were dead. Then I saw him come up out of the water like a dolphin, and I could see he had Rosie. I shouted across the canal, ‘I’m so proud of you.’”  ‎ ‎(B)‎ ‎ ​ I’m reading this brilliant book,  __________ (call) The Great Kapok Tree. It’s by Lynne Cherry. My parents gave it to me as my birthday present and me just __________ hardly put it down. ​‎ The story __________ (set) in the tropical Amazon rainforest. The author visited the rainforest __________ __________ she could find out about what was happening for herself. As I’m sure you know, man is cutting down so many of the forests and trees there. A lot of animals and plants are in danger __________ __________ this. ​‎ So, here’s what happens in the story. The main character is the woodcutter. He comes into the wood with an axe in his hand. All the animals are chatting happily in the forest. As soon as they see the man, they stop__________ (talk) and become quiet. They know what the woodcutter’s job is—to cut down the great kapok (木棉) tree. But it’s the __________ (large) tree in the forest and the rainforest is very hot. The woodcutter soon gets tired and falls asleep under the tree. As he sleeps, all the animals come up to him and whisper in his ear. One of them says to the woodcutter, “What happens tomorrow depends on what you do today. If you destroy our home, we __________ (have) nowhere to live. Please think twice.” ‎ ‎​The woodcutter wakes up but I’m not going to tell you what happens in the end. You’ll have to read the book to see __________ he cuts the great kapok tree down or not.   ‎ ‎ ‎ Keys:‎ ‎(A) When , into, seeing, to think, who, the, they / both ‎ ‎(B) called, can, is set / was set, so that, because of / owing to / due to, talking, largest, will have, if / whether 教学建议:‎ 1. 规定学生必须在20分钟内完成;‎ 2. 相互交换批改,表扬正确率最高的学生;‎ 3. 做对的学生给做错的学生讲题;‎ 4. 让每个学生简单总结一下错误原因及应该注意的问题。‎ I. Grammar NOWADAYS, the Internet is the global public sphere (圈子), so it’s important to regularly participate 1____ it. But it’s also important to use your online voice in mature ways. Below 2_____ ( be) some things to remember when posting (发帖). 1. We’re all judging you Nobody likes to be judged, but the truth is, we’re all judging everyone. Part of 3______ (grow) up is accepting that not only is everyone judging books by their covers, it’s actually what covers are designed for. 2. Your security is your problem You know how there are signs in every parking garage saying they’re not responsible (有责任的) 4_____ lost or stolen items in your vehicle? The Internet works 5 ____ same way. Social media sites, e-mail providers, online retail (零售) – they all do what they can 6 ______ (protect) themselves and you from security breaches (缺口), but it’s ultimately up to you.u You can build the 7_____ (big) fortress (堡垒) in the world, but if you keep giving out the key, the gold inside isn’t all that safe. 3. You’re speaking in a public forum Everything you post online is equivalent 8_____ posting it on the front page of the newspaper and delivering it to everyone around you. Some people may agree, and some may disagree. You may even strike a chord with enough people to spark (发动) a movement. You can’t control 9 ______ people do with your message, but you can control your message. Only say online what you’d be willing 10 _____ (say) in front of your grandma. 4. 11_____ you agree or not, majority rules Late last year, PR executive (公关执行官) Justine Sacco tweeted a joke 12 _____ her way to Africa, and by the time she landed, she 13 __________ (fire). I don’t agree with her termination (结局), and I’m sure she doesn’t either, but our opinions don’t matter, because the majority spoke. 5. Toughen (使坚韧) your skin There are some really mean people out there saying and doing some really mean things. It’s good to fight for justice (正义). You should speak out when you see 14 _______ wrong, but it’s not realistic to think the world will instantly ‎ change. Life’s not fair for anyone, so it’s fair in that sense. Thicken your skin and learn to take criticism, 15 _______ people would much rather learn and debate knowledge 16 ______ argue and fight about morality (道德).‎ II. Vocabulary A. worry B. necessarily C. helpful D. simply AB. add AC. difference ‎ AD. expense BC. social BD. decline CD. possibly ABC. difficulty DO you have 17_____ saying “no”? Are you always trying to be nice to others at the 18_____ of yourself? Well, you’re not alone. As a recent Wall Street Journal article pointed out, “Many people will say ‘yes’ 19____ because saying ‘no’ would make them uncomfortable.” “One of our most fundamental (基本的) needs is for 20____ connection and a feeling that we belong,” Vanessa Bohns, an assistant professor at the University of Waterloo in Canada told The Wall Street Journal. “Saying ‘no’ feels threatening to our relationships.” We also 21____ that saying “no” will change the way others view us. “If you have a reputation for being a 22_____ person, it is even harder to say ‘no’ because you don’t want to hurt that good reputation,” Adam Grant, a professor at the Wharton School of the University‎ of ‎Pennsylvania, wrote in The Huffington Post. But there’s a big 23______ between pleasing people and helping them. “Being a giver is not about saying yes to all of the people all of the time to all of the requests. It’s about saying yes to some of the people some of the time to some of the requests,” Grant said. Always saying “yes” makes us overcommitted (过分受约束的) and puts us under too much pressure, US psychologist Judith Sills told The Wall Street Journal. “Saying ‘no’ helps us protect our own priorities (优先事务).” So, what are the best ways to 24_____ a request? Below are some useful tips. 1. Rehearse (演练) saying “no” ahead of time if you know that a request is coming your way. 2. Say “I’ll think about it” if a request takes you by surprise. 3. Time is your friend. Delaying your answer raises the possibility of a “no”. 4. Be brief and direct: you don’t need to apologize or over explain. 5. Repeat your refusal , 25____ using the same words, as often as you have to so that the other person gets the ‎ message. 6. Don’t 26_____ “maybe next time” unless you really mean it.‎ III. Cloze WHEN US astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first man to ever 27___ foot on the moon, he was treated as a hero. However, when he got back to Earth, he wasn’t 28___ to return home to his family immediately. He and his crewmates were quarantined (隔离) for 21 days out of 29___ that they might have brought harmful germs (细菌) back with them from the moon, according to NBC News. This may 30____ a bit strange today because going to space now is more 31___ than it was in 1969. However, no matter how 32___ we get with space, we still can’t deny that it is a completely alien environment 33____ to Earth. In fact, previous studies have shown that trips to space can mess with many aspects of astronauts’ health, 34___ bone mineral loss, muscle pain and eyesight damage. And now, new research from Johns Hopkins University‎, ‎US, has found that space missions can also affect astronauts’ brain functions, reported The Atlantic. Unlike people who live on the ground, where they are protected by the Earth’s magnetic field (磁场), astronauts in space are 35___ to both solar and cosmic (宇宙的) radiation. To study how radiation influences astronauts’ brains, researchers put lab mice into a similar radiation environment and measured their cognitive (认知的) abilities through a 36____ of tests. They found that radiation can change the proteins in mice’s brains and cause cognitive problems like shorter attention spans (时长) and slower reactions. However, this is not an easy problem to solve. According to Forbes, space radiation is so 37___ that even the walls of ‎ a spaceship can’t keep it away completely. “To effectively shield (防护) against [the radiation],” said Michael O’Banion at the University of Rochester Medical Center, US, “one would have to essentially wrap a spacecraft in a six-foot (1.8-meter) block of lead or concrete.” But the good news is that the radiation doesn’t 38___ everyone the same way. In the study, researchers found that about half of the mice tested in the experiment 39___ unaffected. This means that scientists could soon be able to identify those who are more at 40___ from radiation exposure and help them to better protect themselves in space. For example, they could wear additional radiation shields or 41____ the lengths of their space walks.‎ ‎27. A. put B. lay C. set D. place ‎28.A.allowed B. requested C. demanded D. hoped 29. A. matter B. concern C. curiosity D. mind ‎30. A. hear B. overhear C. listen D. sound ‎31. A. common B. ordinary C. normal D. usual ‎32. A. similar B. equal C. familiar D. aware ‎33. A. competed B. completed C. compared D. composed ‎34. A. causing B. leading C. resulting D. contributing ‎35. A. exploded B. exposed C. explained D. explored ‎36. A. series B. kind C. sort D. species ‎37. A. helpful B. hopeful C. powerful D. careful ‎38. A. effect B. affect C. infect D. defect ‎39. A. maintained B. reminded C. remained D. demanded ‎40. A. risk B. cost C. danger D. sight ‎41. A. ban B. stop C. increase D. limit IV. Question and answer STARTING in June, many students in the US will say goodbye to chips, crackers (饼干) and hot dogs during their time on campus. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has banned public elementary and high schools from offering students the chance to buy junk food at all, the Washington Times reported. Even vending (贩卖) machines on campuses will only be allowed to sell fruits, dairy (奶制品) products or whole grain foods that are less than 200 calories for snacks and 350 calories for entrees (主食). And they should contain no more than 35 percent sugar or fat. Cakes and cookies may also not be allowed on campuses as they often have trans fats (反式脂肪酸), which are included in the ban. Moreover, schools cannot sell anything besides water, low-fat and non-fat milk and 100 percent fruit or vegetable juices. The move is meant to “make the healthy choice the easy choice for America’s young people”, said the USDA. It is one of measures taken by the US government to give students healthier diets. In 2011, the US government released MyPlate to indicate what a healthy diet looks like. It is a colorful plate divided into four main parts: grains, fruits, vegetables and proteins, with a small circle by the plate standing for dairy products. Since 2012, the USDA has taken steps to offer cheaper, more nutritious school lunches to public school students, asking schools to give students more whole grains, fruits and vegetables for lunch. However, the lunches, which are supposed to be healthier, have been met with lukewarm (不冷不热的) responses in some schools. Many students find the food hard to swallow. Parrish Jackson, a 16-year-old in Los Angeles, threw her school meal ‎ into a trash can. The apricots (杏) are “sour” and the meat is “nasty (恶心的)”, she told the Los Angeles Times. Laura Chen, 16, who studies at Mission San Jose High School in California, also complained about the food her school offers. “The cafeteria menu can be diverse, but the quality of its items is not very high. More often than not, Chinese food consists of mushy (糊状的) rice and chicken in some overly sweet teriyaki (红烧肉) sauce,” she said. Health experts suggested that while improving the taste of meals is important, schools should hang on to their healthy diet project. If children are always given fruits and vegetables, they will start to eat more of them. That, in turn, will help prevent obesity. According to a study published in JAMA Pediatrics this year, 17.3 percent of children in the US aged 2 to 19 are overweight. The study also found an upward (上升的) trend in more severe forms of obesity, which are associated with heart disease and diabetes (糖尿病) in children, and can be difficult to treat.‎ ‎(Note: Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN FIFTEE WORDS)‎ ‎42. What has the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) banned public elementary and high schools from doing?‎ ‎43. Why may cakes and cookies also not be allowed on campuses?‎ ‎44. What does MyPlate released by the US government in 2011 consist of ?‎ ‎45. What diseases in children may be caused by obesity?‎ V. Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.‎ ‎1. 早起床就意味着准时到学校。(mean, 动名词作主语)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2. 著名科学家们的共同天赋是好奇心(gift)‎ ‎ ‎ 3. 他死亡的原因是因为这个地区缺医少药。(lack)‎ 4. 观众被他的表演所震撼,最后歌剧院里爆发出热烈的掌声。(burst)‎ 5. Katherine Hepburn扮演过许多性格迥异的角色,因此获得了四次奥斯卡最佳女主角奖(Leading Actress Oscar, 定语从句)。(role)‎ keys:‎ ‎1 in‎ 2 are 3 growing 4 for 5 the 6 to protect 7 biggest 8 to 9 what 10 to say 11 whether 12 on ‎ ‎13 had been fired 14 something 15 because 16 than ‎17 ABC 18 AD 19 D 20 BC ‎21 A ‎22 C ‎23 AC 24 BD 25 CD 26 AB ‎ ‎27 C‎ ‎28 A 29 B 30 D ‎31 A ‎32 C ‎33 C ‎34 A 35 B ‎36 A ‎37 C 38 B C ‎40 A 41 D ‎42 From offering students the chance to buy junk food ‎ ‎43 Because they often have trans fats ‎44 It consists of grains, fruits, vegetables, proteints and dairy products ‎45 heart disease and diabets Translation ‎ ‎1. Getting up early means arriving at/ reaching/ getting to school on schedule/time. (‎2’‎)‎ ‎2. The common gift for/of most scientists is curiosity. (3’)‎ ‎3. The reason why he died was that there is little medical care in this area. (‎3’‎)‎ ‎4.The audience was shocked / astonished at his performance and in the end they burst into applause in the opera house.(4’)‎ ‎5. Katherine Hepburn played a variety of roles, which made her win four Leading Actress Oscars. (5’)‎ view sb. / sth. as …‎ survive ‎ treat sb. / sth. as …‎ It never occurred to sb. that …‎ It suddenly occurred to sb. that … 某人突然想到 regret to say / tell / inform sb. that … 很遗憾的说/告诉/通知某人…‎ regret doing sth. 遗憾做了某事 教学建议: ‎ ‎1. 规定学生在30分钟内完成;‎ ‎2. 要求学生对不确定有疑问的题目做标记;‎ ‎3.下节新课前让学生相互批改表扬正确率最高的学生;‎ ‎4.让作对的学生给做错的学生讲题,老师进行补充;‎ ‎5.老师对错误率较高的题目相关的知识点进行复习。‎ ‎【巩固练习】‎ A.语法填空.‎ Have you ever been curious about 25 life would be like if you couldn’t smell anything? Maybe you think, “ that wouldn’t be so bad.” After all, you wouldn’t miss some odors (气味),like the smell 26 (come) from the person sitting next to you who 27 (not take) a bath for several weeks. But think about it again. All day, every day, our noses pass along information to us. we walk by the kitchen, pick up the smell of apple pie in the oven, and know that we will enjoy a tasty slice later on. Or we go outside 28 a warm spring day and pick up the clean smell of freshly cut grass. Other smells that are not so nice, like those of ‎ 29 (spill) gasoline and burning wood, may protect us by warning of danger. ‎ ‎ It’s a fact that smells make us remember the past. For instance, the smell of the outdoors after a rainstorm may remind us of 30 early-morning hike in the woods we took two years ago. Scientists are not sure 31 smells remind us of the past, but they know it is so. Indeed, scientists that smell may be 32 (powerful) of all senses.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ When I was in high school, I had an 33 (upset) dream. It was about science teacher that I really liked. Her name was Mrs. Kahn. She was kind and friendly and inspired me ‎ 34 (work) hard. Mrs. Kahn had a ring that I liked a lot. It 35 (make) of gold bands that were brained (编织) together. One day after school, she told me that her husband had given the ring to her on their first anniversary and that meant a great deal to her.‎ ‎ In my dream. I was inside Mrs. Kahn’s house. She had gone into the kitchen to get us cols drinks. While she was gone, I saw she 36 (leave) her ring on the table. Before I thought about it, I did something strange and unusual. I picked up the ring and started putting it in my pocket. Just at the moment, I looked up and saw Mrs. Kahn standing at the door watching me.‎ ‎ 37 we both knew I was lying, I still claimed that I was only looking at the ring closely 38 I liked it so much. Mrs. Kahn didn’t say anything, but at the conclusion of the dream, her face showed that she knew what had really happened. Then I woke up. Even though it was just a dream, I felt 39 (embarrass) about stealing the ring. I didn’t get over the feeling 40 I saw Mrs. Kahn the next day and made sure that the ring was safe on her finger.‎ B.Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.‎ ‎ A. appears B. homing C. brought D. allow E. breeding ‎ F develop G turns H changing I pass J infected We have met the enemy, and he is ours. We bought him at a pet shop. When monkey-pox,a disease usually found in the African rain forest, suddenly 41 up in children in the American Midwest, it's hard not to wonder if the disease that comes from foreign animals is homing 42 on human beings. "Most of the infections(感染) we think of as human infections started in other animals, "says Stephen Morse, director of the Center for Public Health Preparedness at Columbia University.          It's not just that we're going to where the animals are; we're also bringing them closer to us. Popular ‎ ‎ foreign pets have 43 a whole new disease to this country. A strange illness killed Isaksen's pets, and she now thinks that 44 foreign pets is a bad idea. "I don't think it's fair to have them as pets when we have such a limited knowledge of them, "says Isaksen.          "Laws that 45 these animals to be brought in from deep forest areas without stricter control need 46 ," says Peter Schantz. Monkey-pox may be the wake-up call. Researchers believe 47 animals may infect their owners. We know very little about these new diseases. A new bug(病毒) may be kind at first. But it may 48 into something harmful(有害的).                  Monkey-pox doesn't look a major infectious disease. But it is not impossible to 49 the disease from person to person.‎ C.完形填空。‎ While my friends went away to their universities in great delight, I restarted my senior high school life. My spirits 50 at the prospect of starting all over again.‎ Surrounded by strange classmates, I felt as though I was in a maze(迷宫)and felt sorry for myself. There were some 51 feelings in my mind. I was frightened, nervous and lonely.‎ To make matters worse, I recalled my failure again and again, which put more pressure on me than I could bear. 52 , I was always feeling down during class.‎ One of my teachers found me 53 and one day he asked me to come to his office, where he told me about his attitude towards 54 .He said we might suffer from making mistakes, but it’s important to 55 ourselves into people we will become. All the growing pains and the embarrassing things we may 56 are parts of the process. We never stop growing up , so learn from it and 57 spirits up! If you are optimistic, things you want may happen to you! ‎ Warm feelings rushed through me. I 58 the sun shining again when I stepped out of his office.‎ With the teacher’s help, I finally 59 my depression. From then on, I no longer bowed my head but began smiling at my classmates. I put up my hand 60 in class and tried to answer the teacher’s questions correctly.‎ Now faced with fierce competition, we all study diligently, and every second 61 . However, there is an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect between us. I love my class and I love my classmates!‎ To be frank, I still have a 62 for my dream university, but I’m not afraid of failure because it can 63 me.‎ With parents and teachers’ great expectation, I am quite 64 of my future and I’m sure I can fly high.‎ ‎50.A.rose B. dropped C. sank D. awoke ‎51. A. bad B. complicated C. strange D. special ‎52. A.As a rule B.As usual C.As well D.As a result ‎53. A. spiritless B. hopeless C. helpless D. useless ‎54. A. study B. work C. future D. life ‎55. A. help B. make C. model D. devote ‎56. A. see B. hear C. touch D. experience ‎57. A. keep up B. turn up C. show up D. take up ‎58. A. realized B. found C. observed D. noticed ‎59.A.nervously B. naturally C. differently D. confidently ‎60. A. courts B. depends C. sounds D. relies ‎61. A. need B. thirst C. going up D. rising up ‎62. A. refer B. turn C. hunger D. chance ‎63. A. save B. serve C. benefit D. brighten ‎64. A. honor B. proud C. aware D. certain D. 翻译.‎ ‎1.听众缺乏经验,找不到缓解精神压力的方法。(Lack; remedy)‎ ‎2.那个秃顶的导演安排了摄影师拍下了那里的陈列室和雕塑以及我们的所见所闻。(arrange; addition)‎ ‎3.这些战士在舰上开始搜寻活着的人已经两个小时了,该弃舰了。(It is …since; It is time+从句)‎ 1. 虽然那个化妆师承认偷了那个印章,但他善于伪装没有提起那只手表。(while; expert)‎ Keys:25-32 : what ; coming; hasn’t taken; on; spilt; an ; why; the most powerful ‎33-40 : upsetting , to work, was made, had left, Although, because, embarrassed, until ‎41-49: GBCEDHJFI ‎50-64: CBDAD CDABC DABCD ‎1.Viewers can not find remedies for relieving the mental stress for lack of experience.‎ ‎2.That bald director arranged for a cameraman to film the galleries and sculptures there in addition to thing we saw and heard.‎ ‎3.It is time that they should abandon the ship, for it is two hours since these soldiers started searching for people alive on the ship.‎ ‎4.While that make-up-artist admitted stealing that seal, he didn't mention that watch because he was expert in pretending.‎

