2018届北师大版一轮复习选修6Unit18 Beauty学案

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2018届北师大版一轮复习选修6Unit18 Beauty学案

Unit 18 Beauty Ⅰ.写作单词——会拼写 ‎1.superior adj. 高级的,上等的 ‎2.adore vt. 敬爱,非常喜欢 ‎3.breathless adj. 令人屏息的 ‎4.accompany vt. 伴随,陪同 ‎5.range n. (数、量、年龄等的)变化范围 ‎6.subjective adj. 主观的 ‎7.thrill n. 兴奋;恐惧 ‎ v. 使兴奋 ‎8.deliver vt. 递送,传送 ‎9.delicate adj. 精美的,雅致的 ‎10.dignity n. 尊贵;庄严 ‎11.vain adj. 自负的,炫耀的 ‎12.steady adj. 平稳的;稳定的 ‎13.convey v. 传达,表达 ‎14.commit vt. 犯(错误、罪行等)‎ ‎→commitment n. 责任,义务,承诺 ‎15.consistent adj. 一致的,始终如一的 ‎→consistency n. 连贯性,一致性 ‎16.command n. 命令,指挥 ‎→commander n. 指挥官 ‎17.access n. 接近,进入,通道,利用……的权利/机会 ‎→accessible adj. 容易理解的 ‎18.refresh vt. 消除……的疲劳,使振作精神 ‎→refreshing adj. 使人精神振作的 ‎→refreshment n. 恢复精神,心旷神怡 ‎19.disturb v. 打扰,使不安 ‎→disturbing adj. 使人烦恼的 ‎→disturbance n. 扰乱,骚乱,不安 ‎20.tend v. 有……的趋势,倾向于……‎ ‎→tendency n. 倾向,趋势 ‎21.freeze v. 将……冷冻,冻僵 ‎→freezing adj. 严寒的,冰冻的 ‎22.bend v. 弯曲 ‎ ‎ n. 弯曲,转弯处 ‎→bent adj. 弯曲的 ‎23.treat vt. 对待 ‎→treatment n. 对待,处理 ‎24.strike vt. 打;打动 ‎ ‎ n. 罢工,打击 ‎→striking adj. 引人注目的,突出的 ‎25.evident adj. 明显的,明白的 ‎→evidence n. 证据;征兆 ‎26.recommend vt. 推荐,介绍 ‎→recommendation n. 推荐,介绍 Ⅱ.阅读单词——要识记 ‎27.masterpiece n. 杰作,名作 ‎28.scenic adj. 自然景色的,风景优美的 ‎29.vertical adj. 垂直的,竖的 ‎30.conscience n. 良心 ‎31.dimension n. 方面;度量 ‎32.symphony n. 交响乐,交响曲 ‎33.polished adj. 优雅的,精致的 ‎34.shabby adj. 低劣的;肮脏破烂的 ‎35.abrupt adj. 突然的,出其不意的 高频短语——会默写 ‎1.die out 完全消失,灭绝 ‎2.compare to/with 与……比较起来 ‎3.hang on a second 等一下 ‎4.a set of 一套 ‎5.fall in love with... 爱上……‎ ‎6.be keen on... 热衷于……,非常喜欢……‎ ‎7.lose sight of 看不见,消失 ‎8.deal with 对付;处理 ‎9.in charge of 负责;管理 ‎10.in an instant 立即,马上;突然 ‎11.be trapped in... 被困在……中 ‎12.to be honest 说实话 ‎13.bits and pieces 各种各样的零碎东西 ‎14.in preparation for 为……作准备 ‎15.rely on 依靠,依赖 教材原句——会背诵 句式仿写——能应用 ‎1.Oh,I don't think that's fair!(否定转移结构)‎ ‎1.我想他无法回答这个问题,是吗?‎ I don't think he can answer the question,can he?‎ ‎2.So do I...(so引导的部分倒装句)‎ ‎2.我比我们班的大多数学生都安静一些,她也是。‎ I am quieter than most students in our class,and so is she.‎ ‎3.Eyes raised,I see the moon so ‎ ‎3.问题解决了,质量已经提高了。‎ bright;Head bent,in homesickness I am drowned.(独立主格结构)‎ The problem solved,the quality has been improved.‎ 精讲7个考纲单词 ‎ accompany vt.伴随,陪同 ‎[教材原句] Physical beauty must also be accompanied by an attraction to something deeper within a person.外在美一定伴有一个人的内在魅力。‎ ‎(1)accompany sb. to a place 陪同某人到某地 be accompanied by sb. 在某人的陪同下/被某人伴随 accompany sb. at/on sth. 用某物给某人伴奏 accompany...with/by 与……同时存在或发生 ‎(2)company n. [C]公司;[U]陪伴;伙伴 keep sb. company 和某人一道;陪伴某人 ‎(3)companion n. [C]同伴,伙伴;伴侣;陪客 ‎①She asked me to accompany her to the airport last night.昨晚她要我陪她去机场。‎ ‎②Liu Qian's performance was accompanied at/on the piano by Li Yundi.‎ 刘谦的表演由李云迪的钢琴作伴奏。‎ ‎③Last night,my company/companions kept me company to see a film and then they accompanied me to my home.昨天晚上,我的伙伴们陪我看了一场电影后陪我回了家。 【导学号:34802134】‎ ‎ command n.[C]命令;指令;[U]掌握 vt.命令;指挥;支配;博得;赢得 ‎[高考佳句] Besides,I have such a good command of English that I am elected as assistant to my English teacher.(2015年陕西高考·写作)除此之外,我英语掌握得好,因此我当选为英语老师的助手。‎ ‎(1)at one's command 听某人支配 have a(good)command of 掌握;精通(尤指语言)‎ ‎(be)in command of 掌握;控制 take command of 控制;担任……的指挥 ‎(2)command sb.to do sth. 命令某人做某事 command that...(should)do... 命令……做…… ‎ ‎①As the boy rose at his command and came slowly towards him,he leaned back and laughed.‎ 当孩子听从他的命令,站起身来,慢慢地走向他的时候,他却把身子往后一仰,大笑起来。‎ ‎②The police commanded the witness to describe what had happened the day before.‎ ‎=The police commanded that the witness (should) describe what had happened the day before.(describe)‎ 警察要求目击者描述一下前一天所发生的事情。‎ ‎ deliver vt.递送,传送;发表(演讲等);履行诺言;交出;移交 ‎[高考佳句] By means of controlled release,I can deliver my books to some specific person,which means I can know where my books go and who likes reading the same books as me.(2015年重庆高考·写作)通过定向分享的方式,我可以将自己的书交给某个特定的人,这意味着我可以知道自己的书在哪里和谁喜欢和我读同样的书。‎ ‎(1)delivery n. 递送,发送;分娩 ‎(2)deliver sb./sth. to sb. 把某人/某物递送/传递给某人 deliver a speech 做演讲 deliver sb./sth.(up/over)to sb. 将某人/某物移交给某人 ‎①The president will deliver a speech about schools.‎ 总统将就学校问题发表讲话。‎ ‎②Would you deliver my message to your mother?‎ 你可以帮我传口信给你母亲吗?‎ ‎③She was delivered of a healthy boy.‎ 她生了一个健康的男孩儿。‎ ‎ convey vt.传达,表达;运送,搬运 ‎[教材原句] It conveys the poet's affection for a peaceful night.‎ 它表达了诗人对宁静的夜晚的喜爱。‎ ‎(1)convey one's feelings/meanings ‎ 表达感情/意思 convey sth. to sb. 向某人表达/传达某物 ‎(2)convey sb./sth. from A to B 把某人或某物从A地运送到B地 ‎①I want to convey to children that reading is one of life's greatest treats.‎ 我想告诉孩子们,阅读是人生中最大的乐事之一。‎ ‎②The workers are conveyed by bus from the factory to their homes.工人们由公共汽车从工厂送到家。‎ ‎ treat vt.对待,处理;治疗;款待,请客 n.[C]乐事;乐趣;款待 ‎[教材原句] Her sisters,Felicie and Adelaide,are nasty and treat Beauty as a servant.‎ 她的姐妹,费雷西娅和阿德莱德很不友好,把美女当作她们的仆人。‎ ‎(1)treat sb. well/badly 善待/虐待某人 treat sb. for sth. with sth. 用某物为某人治疗某疾病 treat...as... 把……看作……‎ treat sb./oneself to 用……款待某人/自己 ‎(2)be one's treat 某人请客 ‎(3)treatment n. 治疗 ‎①The origin of value is a problem that should not be neglected but treated seriously.‎ 价值来源是一个需要严肃对待和不容忽视的问题。‎ ‎②We are treating Mom to dinner for her birthday.‎ 因为妈妈过生日,我们打算请她吃晚餐。‎ ‎③Now,electric shock training and medical treatment (treat) are helping to ‎ rescue these big birds.(2016年北京高考·阅读理解C)‎ 现在,电击训练和医疗护理有助于营救这些大鸟。‎ ‎ strike vt.打;打动;撞击;(时钟)报时;攻击;侵袭;爆发;突然想到 n.袭击;罢工 ‎[教材原句] Although it is in black and white,the striking use of light makes it seem at times like a moving painting.‎ 尽管电影是黑白的,但是引人注目的灯光效果使电影不时地看起来像一幅移动的油画。‎ ‎(1)striking adj. 引人注目的;异乎寻常的;显著的 ‎(2)be struck with/by... 为……所袭击/感动 It strikes sb. that... 某人觉得……;某人的印象是……‎ sth. strike sb.=sb. strike on sth. 某人突然想起/猛然意识到 ‎(3)be on strike 在罢工 go on strike 举行罢工 ‎①Staff at the hospital went on strike in protest at the incidents.医院员工举行罢工,抗议这几起事件。‎ ‎②What is most striking is how resourceful the children are.最令人注目的是孩子们的机智聪明。‎ ‎③It strikes me that you are not serious about it.‎ 我觉得你并未把这事当真。 【导学号:34802135】‎ ‎ recommend vt.推荐,介绍;劝告,建议 ‎[经典例句] She was recommended for the post by a colleague.(牛津词典)‎ 她由一个同事推荐到这个岗位。‎ ‎(1)recommendation n. 推荐;建议 ‎(2)recommend sb. as 推荐某人为……‎ recommend sb. sth.=recommend sth. to sb.‎ ‎ 向某人推荐某物 ‎(3)recommend sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事 recommend doing sth. 建议做某事 ‎①The doctor recommended his patient to go out for a walk.医生建议他的病人出去散散步。‎ ‎②He recommended reading (read) the book before seeing the movie.‎ 他建议先看这本书,再去看那部电影。‎ ‎[链接写作] 一句多译 他建议我接受她的邀请。‎ ‎①He recommended me to accept her invitation.(recommend sb. to do sth.)‎ ‎②He recommended that I (should) accept her invitation.(recommend+从句)‎ 诠释2个核心短语 ‎ die out完全消失,灭绝 ‎[教材原句] The human race would soon die out if we could only see beauty within a set of limited criteria.如果我们只能够用一套有限的标准来衡量美,人类不久将灭绝。‎ die away (声音或感情等)慢慢变弱;渐渐消失 die down (火、风暴、疼痛等)减弱;平息 die off 先后死去;一一灭亡 die of/from 死于 die for 为……而死 ‎①Although the wind now died down completely,the air was still as cold as before.‎ 虽然风停了,但空气还是跟先前一样的冷。‎ ‎②The sheep the old man raised died off one by one.‎ 老人饲养的绵羊一只只相继死去。‎ ‎③The man died from the snake's biting.‎ 那人死于蛇的咬伤。 【导学号:34802136】‎ ‎ deal with处理,对付;涉及;论述;与……交易,跟……做生意 ‎[高考佳句] Learning to deal with the social world is equally important.(2016年北京高考·阅读理解D)学习去应对这个社会同样重要。‎ ‎[一词多义] 写出下列句中deal with的含义 ‎①Deal with a man as he deals with you.对付 ‎②In his early books,he dealt with the disease in detail.论述 ‎③We like to deal with that company,for their products are of high quality.跟……做生意 ‎④Don't worry about him.He knows how to deal with the problem.处理 ‎[名师点津] do with与deal with的意思相同,但用法不同。do with与what连用,而deal with与how连用。‎ ‎⑤I don't know how they will deal with the account.‎ ‎=I don't know what they will do with the account.‎ 我不知道他们将如何处理那个账户。‎ 突破2个高考句型 ‎ (教材P37)So do I... 我也一样……‎ 本句为倒装句,为“so+be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”结构,表示前面所讲的肯定的情况也适合于后者,前后两个主语不一致,即“……的情况也是如此”。‎ ‎(1)上述这一句型的否定形式为“neither/nor+be动词/情态动词/助动词+主语”。表示主语与上文所述的人或物有相同的否定概念。‎ ‎(2)“so+主语+助动词/be动词/情态动词”表示对前面提到的事情予以肯定,意为“某人/某事的确是这样”,前后主语一致。‎ ‎(3)若前句既有实义动词又有情态动词,或既有肯定又有否定或两个以上的主语时,则用It is the same with...或So it is with...句型。‎ ‎①I'm so excited at the news,so are my friends Mary and Tom.‎ 我对这个消息感到兴奋,我的朋友玛丽和汤姆也是。‎ ‎②I don't know where he has gone,nor do I care about.我不知道他去哪里了,我也不关心。‎ ‎③—I reminded you not to forget the appointment.‎ ‎—So you did.But I did forget.‎ ‎——我提醒过你别忘了约定。‎ ‎——你确实提醒了。但我真的忘了。‎ ‎④He came late,but he was not punished.So it was with me/It was the same with me.‎ 他来晚了,但没有受到惩罚。我也是。‎ ‎[链接写作] 句式升级 ‎①I enjoy watching the film.My friend Tom enjoys watching it as well.‎ ‎→I enjoy watching the film and so does my friend Tom.(so+助动词+主语)‎ ‎②His parents were not satisfied with the result of the exam.The teacher was not satisfied either.‎ ‎→His parents were not satisfied with the result of the exam,neither/nor was the teacher.(neither/nor+be动词+主语)‎ ‎ (教材P38)Eyes raised,I see the moon so bright;Head bent,in homesickness I am drowned.举头望明月,低头思故乡。‎ Eyes raised与Head bent为两个独立主格结构作状语,名词与其后的动词为被动关系。‎ 独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子主语不同,独立存在;在句中作状语,表示时间、原因、条件或伴随情况。其构成是:‎ 名词/代词+(逻辑主语) ‎①When the test was finished,we began our holiday.‎ ‎=The test finished (finish),we began our holiday.‎ 考试结束了,我们的假期开始了。‎ ‎②If weather permits,we are going to visit you tomorrow.=Weather permitting,we are going to visit you tomorrow.(permit)‎ 如果天气允许,我们明天去看你。‎ ‎③Nobody to come (come) tomorrow,we will have to put off the meeting till next week.如果明天没有人来,我们将不得不把会议推迟到下周。‎ ‎[多角快练]——练单词 练短语 练句型—————————————‎ 基础考点全面练 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1. struck me that I had left my purse at home.‎ ‎2.I have a tendency (talk) too much when I'm nervous. ‎ ‎【导学号:34802137】‎ ‎3.If you buy our products in great quantity,we'll have them (deliver) to your company directly.‎ ‎4. (compare) with before,his health is worse off. ‎ ‎【导学号:34802138】‎ ‎5.The superstar showed up at the court, (accompany) by his manager.‎ ‎6.In many people's opinion,that company,though relatively small,is pleasant ‎ ‎ (deal) with.‎ ‎7.The cost of renting a house in central Xi'an is higher than that in any ‎ ‎ area of the city.‎ ‎8.Police say they're treating it a case of attempted murder.‎ ‎【答案】 1.It 2.to talk 3.delivered 4.Compared 5.accompanied 6.to deal 7.other 8.as Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.He was listening attentively in class,his eyes fixing on the blackboard.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2.She treated each of the children with an apple.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎3.Helen was chosen for the job because she was far superior than any other candidate.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎4.He commanded that the soldiers started out right away.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎5.We don't suppose he cares,doesn't he?‎ ‎ ‎ ‎6.We cautiously began a conversation and spoke about wide range of things.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎【答案】 1.fixing→fixed 2.with→to 3.than→to 4.started→start 5.doesn't→does 6.wide前加a 重难考点多维练 ‎1.command万花筒 ‎(1)介词填空 ‎①The police arrived and took command the situation.‎ ‎②It is of great benefit to you if you have a good command English.‎ ‎③I am your command.What would you like me to do?‎ ‎④ his command,the Union Army was defeated.‎ ‎【答案】 ①of ②of ③at ④Under ‎(2)句型转换(每空一词)‎ ‎⑤My parents commanded me to finish the work before 5 o'clock.‎ ‎→My parents commanded the work before 5 o'clock.‎ ‎【答案】 ⑤that I (should) finish ‎2.recommend点点练 ‎(1)用所给词的适当形式填空 【导学号:34802139】‎ ‎①I have been recommended (try) these pills for seasickness.‎ ‎②I recommend (buy) the dictionary for your brother as his birthday present.‎ ‎③Teachers recommend that students (do)some exercise besides learning their lessons while parents recommend teachers (give) students less homework.‎ ‎【答案】 ①to try ②buying ③(should) do;to give ‎(2)句型转换(每空一词)‎ ‎④Can you recommend me a good dentist?‎ ‎→Can you a good dentist me?‎ ‎⑤Our teacher recommended us to have a trip during the summer holiday.‎ ‎→Our teacher recommended a trip during the summer holiday.‎ ‎【答案】 ④recommend;to ⑤that we have ‎3.die相关短语全方位 ‎(1)介、副词填空 ‎①In Africa,many people die hunger every year.‎ ‎②The sound of their laughter died as they went further. ‎ ‎【导学号:34802140】‎ ‎③The storm died at last and all was quiet.‎ ‎【答案】 ①of ②away ③down ‎(2)根据汉语提示完成片段 Some fish ④ due to environmental pollution;some birds are in danger of ⑤ on account of lack of habitat.I ⑥ a volunteer to save these friends of ours.‎ 由于环境污染,一些鱼类相继死去;由于缺乏栖息地,一些鸟类处在灭绝的危险中。我非常想做一名志愿者去拯救我们的这些朋友。‎ ‎【答案】 ④die off ⑤dying out ⑥am dying to be Ⅰ.课文语法填空 请根据Lesson 1的课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ As Margaret once 1. (say) in the 19th century,there was no consistent view on beauty.Standards and ideas of beauty change 2. time.‎ Nowadays,some costumes and actions once 3. (regard) as beauty in the 19thcentury Europe is not considered healthy or attractive,4. something now regarded as fashion had different functions in the past.‎ ‎5. contemporary society,culture still determines our ideas of beauty.In some countries,people like 6. (be) thinner,while in other cultures,‎ people like being a little overweight.There are no precise criteria to judge 7. beauty is.If beauty were limited by some criteria,the human race would soon die out.‎ There is 8. (physics) beauty as well as inner beauty.The latter is found in a wide range of personal qualities.It is inner beauty that requires us to 9. (true) see.Beauty is 10. (certain) in the eye of the beholder.‎ ‎【答案】 1.said 2.across 3.regarded 4.while 5.In 6.being 7.what 8.physical 9.truly 10.certainly Ⅱ.课文短文改错 请根据Culture Corner的课文内容,对下面的材料进行修改。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ William Wordsworth was a famous Romantic poet in England.In fact,his name was synonymous with the England Romantic movement.‎ Wordsworth grew up in one of a most beautiful areas of England.This area is called the Lake District.The countryside here is wild,natural and beauty.Wordsworth's childhood was greatly influenced his later poetry.‎ As an adult,Wordsworth worked together with the fellow poet,Samuel Taylor Coleridge.In 1798,they published a book of poetry calling “Lyrical Ballads”.This book announced the beginning for the English Romantic movement.Its poems used languages and situations from real life,but celebrated nature in a new way.‎ ‎【答案】 William Wordsworth was a famous Romantic poet in England.In fact,his name synonymous with the Romantic movement.‎ Wordsworth grew up in one of most beautiful areas of England.This area is called the Lake District.The countryside is wild,natural and .Wordsworth's childhood greatly influenced his later poetry.‎ As an adult,Wordsworth worked together with the fellow poet,Samuel Taylor Coleridge.In 1798,they published a book of poetry “Lyrical Ballads”.This book announced the beginning the English Romantic movement.Its poems used ‎ and situations from real life, celebrated nature in a new way.‎ Ⅲ.高考话题微写作 请根据提示,运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文,并背诵成文。‎ ‎1.作为一个小男孩,我认为我不是一个勇敢的孩子。(think的否定转移)‎ ‎2.我父母都是医生,他们经常受命晚上工作。(be commanded to do)‎ ‎3.有时候风雨交加我感到很害怕。(accompany)‎ ‎4.这样的恐惧真是难以言表。(convey in words)‎ ‎5.现在我可以勇敢地处理这种情况了。(do with)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎【参考范文】‎ As a little boy,I didn't think I was a brave child.Because my parents were both doctors,they were often commanded to work at night.Sometimes,heavy rain accompanying fierce wind made me horrified.Such horror was really hard to convey in words.But now I can do with this situation bravely.‎

