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2020 年人教版高中英语词形转换及单句语法填空(必修三) 词形转换练习:U1B3 I. Offer the required forms of the given words. 1.admire_______n. 2.celebrate _______ n. 3.beauty________adj. 4.energetic_______n. 5.festival________syn. 6.independence____adj. 7.obvious_______adv. 8.pardon _________syn. 9.apologize_______n. 10.agriculture_____adj. 11.religion_______adj. 12.believe ________n. 【注】syn.同义词 ant.反义词 pl.复数 II.Fill in the blank with the proper form of the given word at the end of each sentence. 1.Growing up means learning to be ______. (independence) 2.Buddhism is a ______ _____.(religion; believe) 3._______, he doesn’t trust me at all. (obvious) 4.Girls like _______ dresses while boys enjoy interesting games. (beauty) 5.He is admired by millions of fans and their ______ has caused him much trouble in life. (admire) 6.I need to make an _______ for being late. (apologize) 7.People welcome more feasts to _______ their life. (celebration) 8.He is retired but still _________. (energy) 9.The government has been attaching importance to ________ development. (agriculture) Key: I.1.admiration 2.celebration 3.beautiful4.energy 5.feast 6.independent 7.obviously 8.forgive 9.apology 10.agricultural11.religious 12.belief II.1.independent 2.religious belief 3.Obviously4.beautiful 5.admiration 6.apology 7.celebrate 8.energetic 9.agricultural 词形转换练习:U2B3 I. Offer the required forms of the given words. 1.toast______syn. 2.curiosity______adj. 3.combine_______n. 4.limit _________adj. 5.weight_________v. 6.strong________n. 7.lie____________p.p. 8.benefit________adj. 9.strength_______ant. 10.peach _______pl. 11.host _________ant. 12.consumer____syn. 【注】syn.同义词 ant.反义词 pl.复数 II.Fill in the blank with the proper form of the given word at the end of each sentence. 1.Doing exercise is _______ for our health.(benefit) 2.He has _______ to me twice and I won’t trust him any longer. (lie) 3.The host and _____ welcomed us warmly.(host) 4.After you choose the tomatoes, you need to ______ them and know how much to pay. (weight) 5.Everybody has his or her_____ and _____.(strong, weak) 6.Instant coffee is a ________ of coffee,sugar and coffee mate. (combine) 7.I know my English vocabulary is ______,but I am working hard to improve it.(limit) 8.Young children are always _______ about new things. That makes them learn fast. (curiosity) 9.Beijing ______ Duck is a famous dish in Northern China. (toast) Key: I. 1.roast/ bake /grill 2.curious3.combination 4.limited 5.weigh 6.strength 7.lain/ lied 8.beneficial 9.weakness10. peaches 11.hostess 12.customer II.1.beneficial 2.lied 3.hostess 4.weigh 5.strengths,weaknesses 6.combination 7.limited 8.curious 9.Roast 词形转换练习:U3B3 I. Write the required forms of the given words. 1.permit______n. 2.patience______adj. 3.writer_______syn. 4.expression_____syn. 5.polite ________ant. 6.fake ________ant. 7.dessert_______hom. 8.sidewalk ______syn. 9.opposite_______syn. 10.seek________p.p. 11.ahead ______ant. 12.gulf_________syn. 【注】syn.同义词 ant.反义词 hom.同音词 P.P. 过去分词 II.Fill in the blank with the proper form of the given word at the end of each sentence. 1.There are three sheep coming along,a sheep behind a sheep, a sheep ______ of a sheep and a sheep between two sheep.(根据逻辑填一词) 2.No visitor can get into the hall without__________ . (permit) 3. We haven’t _____ him in the crowd.(spot) 4.We couldn’t stand his _______, but we tried to be _______ to him. (rude, polite) 5.Teaching job requires carefulness and _________. (patient) 6.We _______for a chance to repay him but didn’t get one then. (seek) 7.A _______ is a writer who spends most his time creating new stories. (novel) 8.It is _________ that he has survived the air crash. (believe) Key: I. 1.permission/ permit 2.patient 3.author 4.phrase 5.rude 6.genuine / real 7.desert (v.) 8.pavement 9.contrary 10. sought 11.behind 12.bay II.1.ahead 2.permission 3.spotted 4.rudeness; polite5.patience 6.sought 7.novelist 8.unbelievable 词形转换练习:U4B3 I. Write the required forms of the given words. 1.violence _____adj. 2.like ______ant. 3.pull_______ant. 4.now that _____syn. 5.float _______p.p. 6.biological_______n. 7.gentle_______adv. 8.basic________syn. 9.globe_______adj. 10.theory________ant. 11.harmful ____ant. 12.prevent_______syn. 【注】syn.同义词 ant.反义词 P.P. 过去分词 II.Fill in the blank with the proper form of the given word at the end of each sentence. 1.He entered the room ____ in case he mightdisturb all the classmates.(gentle) 2.He has____the new boat on the river.(float) 3.We are concerned about ______ warming. (globe) 4.He failed in his _______ test. (biology) 5.I _____ the movie because thre are some______scenes in it. (like, violence) 6.If you can’t open the door by pulling it,try _______it. (pull) 7.It is obvious that smoking is ______ to people’s health. (harmless) 8.No one can stop the disaster now. We should have ______ it earlier. (prevent) Key: I. 1.violent 2.unlike prep./ dislike v. 3.push 4.since 5.floated 6.biology 7.gently 8.fundamental 9.global 10.practice 11. harmless 12.stop II.1.gently 2.floated 3.global 4.biology 5.dislike;violent 6.pushing 7.harmful 8.prevented 词形转换练习:U5B3 I. Write the required forms of the given words. 1.test _______syn. 2.eastward ____ant. 3.surround_____n. 4.mist ________adj. 5.urban _______ant. 6.mix_______n. 7.custom _______syn. 8. impress ____adj. 9.chat _______p.p. 10.measure_____ n. 11.luggage _____ syn. 12.wealth______adj. 【注】syn.同义词 ant.反义词 P.P. 过去分词 II.Fill in the blank with the proper form of the given word at the end of each sentence. 1.If you put coffee, sugar and hot water together, you will have a ____ of them, which is drinkable hot coffee . (mix) 2.Who are you ______ with now? (chat) 3.My grand parents don’t like living in the urban area. They like to settle in the _____ area.(根据逻辑填一词) 4.The first _____ is usually very important. (impress) 5.We have very good learning _____ at school, which is truly _____ for students. (surround, wealth) 6.You have to take the _____ of youself before you order the new clothes. (measure) 7.I guess he is walking _____ on the street. Call him at once and tell him to turn back. (east) 8.Christmas is a _______ festival for many westerners. (tradition) Key: I.1.quiz 2.westward 3.surrounding(s) 4.misty 5.rural 6.mix/ mixture 7.tradition 8.impressive9.chatted 10.measure/ measurement 11.baggage 12.wealthy II.1.mix/ mixture 2.chatting 3.rural 4.impression 5.surroundings; wealthy 6.measures(尺寸) 7.eastward 8.traditional 单句语法填空 根 据 汉 语 或 英 语 提 示 或 句 义 , 填 上 句 中 所 缺 的 英 语 单 词 。 单 词 数 量 根 据 需 要 而 定 。 1. Nowadays, face masks are very difficult ________ (get) in many cities of Italy. . 2. In her e-mail, she expressed her admiration __________ your courage and assistance. 3. It was a pity that the doctors were not able to cure Mr. Black ________ his illness. 4. We will hold a concert__________ (纪念) the 150th anniversary of our school. 5. Many scientists start their research work out of their ______________ (curious). 6. Young children are busy learning everything. It is actually not their choice. Their parents have them _________ (learn) various skills for future. 7. Nearly all people know it is better to have a __________ (均衡的) diet 8. I didn’t realize that she had _________ (撒谎) to me until I came across a classmate of hers. 9. I am totally sure that we will (受益于) this workout program. 10. If you don’t know how to pronounce the word, you had better ___________ a dictionary. 11. No one is allowed to get into the schoolyard without ___________ (permit). 12. I had almost given myself up for any hope ________ I suddenly saw a car coming this way. 13. __________(抚养大) in the countryside, the boy had never tasted dessert, like ice cream. 14. The novel coronavirus ___________ (爆发) in Wuhan and other places of Hubei Province at the end of January. 15. Even scientists can’t tell how our world __________ (产生) long, long ago. 16. Each lecturer attempts to make himself _____________ (understand) while he is talking. 17. If the local governments ___________ (采 取 措 施 ) in advance, there wouldn’t be such a serious situation now. 18. The accident impressed me _________ the point of using safety belt. 19. The girl came running this way ________ (一看见) her mother. 20.To learn to sing songs well enough, you are expected to have a __________ (天赋) for music. KEY: 1 . to get 2. for 3. of 4. in memory of / to celebrate 5. curiosity 6. learning /learn 7. balanced 8. lied 9. benefit from 10. consult/refer to 11.permission/being permitted 12.when 13.Brought up/Raised 14. broke out 15.came into existence /being 16.understood 17. had taken measures 18. with 19. at the sight of /when catching sight of 20. gift /talent

