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2019 届二轮复习单句改错训练系列训练 之六 26. It’s not her umbrella. It must be somebody’s. 27. One of your shoes is dirty but another is clean. 28. Ten of them went shopping and the rest was in the library. 29. Her hair is longer than you. 30. In each room is ten students. 31. The house built of brick lasts longer than those built of wood. 32. The family couldn’t agree on where to spend its vacation. 33. Whom do you think is the best doctor in town? 34. Mother gave more money to David than gave to Lena. 35. Not I but he have been invited. 36. To know what is good and doing what is right are two different things. 37. Miss Green saw the robbery and she reported it to the police. 38. Painting in oil is harder than in water colours. 39. These girls didn’t like to visit Chicago, and they had to go. 40. When a person needs to take this medicine, you must read the directions first. 41.Thirty-three people were already dead in a traffic accident and twelve of them being old men. 42. He would rather stay at home than to go out with you. 43. The teacher told the pupils to stand in a row and not call out loudly. 44. Be careful and you’ll fall into the river. 45. Try the experiment yourself or you will know the reason. 46. Although I know that I have to study quite a number of subjects to become a learned person, but there are two subjects to which I pay special attention. 47. Every boy and every girl knows that each day and each hour brings their duty. 48. Nothing but stamps and envelopes are left for sale. 49. There stands two factories on the river. 50. Under his arm was two books which he had bought from the book store a few days previously.

