山东省济宁市2019-2020学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题 Word版含解析

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山东省济宁市2019-2020学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题 Word版含解析

‎2019—2020学年度第二学期质量检测 高一英语试题 注意事项:‎ ‎1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。‎ ‎2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。‎ ‎3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。‎ 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1. What does the man want to know?‎ A. Susan's plan. B. The Duce's address. C. A reservation phone number.‎ ‎2. What will the man do today?‎ A. See a doctor. B. Stay in bed. C. Go to work.‎ ‎3. Where is Lisa going this afternoon?‎ A. The bookstore. B. The cafe. C. Her cousin's home.‎ ‎4. How long does it usually take John to finish a book?‎ A. A week. B. Two weeks. C. A month.‎ ‎5. What are the speakers talking about?‎ A. A difficult question. B. A wrong answer. C. An exam.‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。‎ - 23 -‎ ‎6. Why did the Browns come just now?‎ A. To ask about a piano class.‎ B. To make an invitation.‎ C. To attend a party.‎ ‎7. Who is Mrs. Johnson probably?‎ A. A neighbor. B. A teacher. C. A doctor.‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。‎ ‎8. What will the weather be like tomorrow?‎ A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy.‎ ‎9. Where will the speakers take the kids?‎ A. Rock Wall. B. Cliffhanger Climbing. C. Edge Climbing Center.‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。‎ ‎10. When did Christopher get back?‎ A. At around 3:30 pm. B. At around 4:00 pm. C. At around 4:30 pm.‎ ‎11. How did Christopher help the car owner?‎ A. By fetching his car key.‎ B. By making a call for him.‎ C. By lending him his bike.‎ ‎12. What will Christopher do next?‎ A. Have a rest. B. Take a shower. C. Ride a bike.‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16四个小题。‎ ‎13. What was Henry doing when the accident happened?‎ A. Playing toys. B. Calling his friend. C. Playing the guitar.‎ ‎14. When did Henry notice Mike's situation?‎ A. When Mike was crying.‎ B. When Mike was turning purple.‎ C. When Mike was fighting for breath.‎ ‎15. What did Henry do to save Mike?‎ A. He performed first-aid skills.‎ B. He went to find his father.‎ - 23 -‎ C. He took him to hospital.‎ ‎16. What's the most probable relationship between the speakers?‎ A. Classmates. B. Doctor and patient. C. Teacher and student.‎ 听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20四个小题。‎ ‎17. What is the dog's name in the movie?‎ A. Bella. B. Michelle. C. Melissa.‎ ‎18. Why does the dog run away?‎ A. She cannot live in Denver.‎ B. She wants to return to Lucas.‎ C. She is badly treated by Lucas' girlfriend.‎ ‎19. When did the speaker watch the movie?‎ A. On January 18th. B. On January 12th. C. On January 10th.‎ ‎20. What does the speaker think of the movie?‎ A. Dull. B. Great. C. Scary.‎ 第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分42.5分)‎ 第一节(共12小题;每小题2.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。‎ A Every day, we work to open doors for our future leaders, innovators, and adventurers to explore, create and learn on their own terms. And our museum is even more fun with friends!‎ When School-year field trips are 2 hours in length and can be scheduled between 9:30 am—2:30 pm, Tuesday—Friday.‎ Summer field trips can be scheduled at either 10 am—12:30 pm or 12:30 pm—3 pm, Tuesday—Friday.‎ The museum is closed on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year's - 23 -‎ ‎ Day.‎ Cost ‎$8 per child, at least 10 children to qualify(合格)for group rates.‎ Group visit rates do not apply during schools' fall break, winter break or spring break, when the price is $14 per child.‎ Chaperons(监护人)‎ One chaperon for every five children is required, and all chaperons are free! Parents, teachers or adult caregivers over 18 years old qualify as chaperons.‎ Lunch We do not have inside equipment for lunch, even in case of unpleasant weather. Outside benches and grassy areas are available on a first-come, first-served basis.‎ Parking Free parking for guests and members when visiting the Children's Museum Event Day parking prices may be different. Parking for nearby attractions for a small charge.‎ Guidelines Children and adults must stay together, No adults are allowed in the museum without a child, and no children without an adult.‎ Adults are responsible for the safety of children at all times.‎ No food or drinks inside the museum.‎ Shoes are required in the museum(except for the Center for the Young Child).‎ ‎1. How long does a school year field trip last?‎ A. 2 hours. B. 2.5 hours. C. 3.5 hours. D. 5 hours.‎ ‎2. How much should a group with 10 kids and 2 adults pay in the fall break?‎ A. $80. B. $96. C. $ 140. D. $168.‎ ‎3. Where can visitors have lunch while visiting the museum?‎ A. On the floor inside the museum.‎ B. On the grass outside the museum.‎ C. On the stairs outside the museum.‎ D. In the restaurant inside the museum.‎ ‎4. What do we know about the museum?‎ - 23 -‎ A. The museum is open to visitors all year round.‎ B. Parking for nearby attractions is free of charge.‎ C. An adult alone is not allowed in the museum,‎ D. Shoes are required in any area of the museum.‎ ‎【答案】1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇应用文。从以下各个方面来说明博物馆可以给我们的朋友带来更多的快乐:开关的时间,所需的价钱,所需的监护人,午餐安排,停车安排,参观指南等。‎ ‎【1题详解】‎ 细节理解题。通过审题定位于School-year field trips are 2 hours in length学年度野外旅游时间长度为2小时。故选A。‎ ‎【2题详解】‎ 细节理解题。通过审题得知这是一道计算题。Group visit rates do not apply during schools' fall break, winter break or spring break, when the price is $14 per child.组团参观率不适用于学校学年秋假,冬假和春假,此期间每个小孩14美元。据此14X10=140元。故选C。‎ ‎【3题详解】‎ 细节理解题。审题得知关键信息为have lunch。故定位于Outside benches and grassy areas are available on a first-come, first-served basis.博物馆外面长椅和草地都可以先来先得到服务。故选B。‎ ‎【4题详解】‎ 细节理解题。通过审题浏览信息得知:Children and adults must stay together, No adults are allowed in the museum without a child, and no children without an adult.孩子和大人必须待在一起,不允许大人不带孩子进入博物馆,也不允许没有大人带领孩子单独进入博物馆。这点说明大人不被允许单独进入博物馆。故选C。‎ B When I was quite young, my family had a telephone. I would sit quietly and listen when my mother talked to it. I was surprised to discover that somewhere inside it lived a lady named "Information Please".‎ One day my mother went out to visit a neighbor, I hit my head against the door while playing. It was painful, but I held back my tears because there was no one home to give sympathy(同情). Then, I noticed the telephone.‎ - 23 -‎ Quickly, I unhooked the receiver and held it to my ear. "Information Please," I said into the mouthpiece. Then a clear voice spoke into my ear." Information". "I hurt my head." I spoke into the phone. "Isn't your mother home?" came the question. "Nobody's at home but me." I cried. "Can you open your icebox?" she asked. I said I could. "Then took out a piece of ice and hold it to your head." said the voice.‎ After that, I called "information Please" each time I met with a problem. When my pet canary(金丝雀)died, I called "Information Please" and told her the sad story. She comforted me, saying softly, "Paul, always remember there are other worlds to sing in."‎ Later, we moved, but the memories of those conversations never really left. One day when I was alone, I dialed again and said. "Information, Please." A different voice answered, "Information". I asked for Sally. "Are you a friend?" he asked. "Yes, a very old friend. My name is Paul." I answered. "Well, Sally left a message for you. Let me read it to you. It said. 'Paul always remember there are other worlds to sing in.’ I'm sorry to tell you that Sally has..." I stopped him and hung up, tears rolling down silently. I knew what Sally meant.‎ ‎5. What amazed the author when he was quite young?‎ A. There was a telephone in his family.‎ B. His mother was always on the phone.‎ C. There was a lady living in the phone.‎ D. A woman he knew had a strange name.‎ ‎6. Why did the author call "Information Please" when he hurt his head?‎ A. To ask his mother to come back home.‎ B. To seek sympathy from someone else.‎ C. To satisfy his curiosity about the phone.‎ D. To find out how to treat his aching head.‎ ‎7. Which of the following best describes Sally?‎ A. Caring. B. Curious. C. Creative. D. Humorous.‎ ‎8. What can be inferred about Sally from the last paragraph?‎ A. She may have moved. B. She may have retired.‎ C. She may have quit her job. D. She may have passed away.‎ - 23 -‎ ‎【答案】5. C 6. B 7. A 8. D ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇记叙文。作者讲述了儿时的自己与家里的第一部电话之间的美好回忆。‎ ‎【5题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第一段I was surprised to discover that somewhere inside it lived a lady named "Information Please".可知,作者惊奇地发现,在电话的某个地方住着一位名叫“请提供信息”的女士。由此可知,作者很小的时候,他惊讶的发现电话里住着一位女士。故选C。‎ ‎【6题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据第二段…I hit my head against the door while playing. It was painful, but I held back my tears because there was no one home to give sympathy(同情). Then, I noticed the telephone.可知,作者玩耍时头撞到门了,这很痛苦,但作者忍住了眼泪,因为家里没有人来同情他。然后,作者注意到了电话。由此可知,作者呼叫"Information Please"是为了从别人那里获得同情。故选B。‎ ‎【7题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段She comforted me, saying softly, "Paul, always remember there are other worlds to sing in."可知,她安慰我,轻声说:“保罗,永远记住,你可以在别的世界里歌唱。”由可推知,因为Sally总是会安慰作者保罗,所以Sally是有爱心的人。故选A。‎ ‎8题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据最后一段Well, Sally left a message for you. 和 I'm sorry to tell you that Sally has..." I stopped him and hung up, tears rolling down silently.(我打断了他的话,挂了电话,泪水无声地流了下来。)由此可推知,Sally可能已经去世了。故选D。‎ C Learning a second language is tough at any age. Now, in a new study, scientist have found out the exact age after which your chances of reaching fluency(流利)in a second language seem to plummet:10.‎ The study published in the journal Cognition, found that it's "nearly impossible" for language learners to reach native-level(母语水平)fluency if they start learning a second language after age 10. "It turns out you're still learning fast," says study co-author Joshua Hartshorne. "It's just that you run out of time, because your ability to learn starts dropping at around 17 or 18 years old," People who start a few years after age 10 may still become quite good at a language, the authors say, but they are - 23 -‎ ‎ unlikely to become fluent.‎ Kids may be better than adults at learning new languages for many reasons. Children's brains are more plastic than those of adults, meaning they're better able to adapt and respond to new information. Kids may also be more willing to try new things than adults are. Their comparatively new understanding of their native language may also be advantageous.‎ These findings may seem discouraging, but it was inspiring for scientists to learn that the key period for fluent language learning might be longer than previously thought. Some scientists believed that the window begins to close shortly after birth, while others made it longer to very early childhood. Compared with those judgments-age 17 or 18 —when language learning ability start to drop off—seems relatively old.‎ For this study, the researchers created an online test promising to guess people's native language and home country based on their responses to English grammar questions. Almost 670,000 people took it, giving the researchers huge amounts of data from English speakers of many ages and backgrounds. Examining the responses and grammar mistakes allowed them to made unusually exact judgments about language learning.‎ ‎9. What does the underlined word "plummet" in paragraph 1 mean?‎ A. Drop sharply. B. Increase greatly.‎ C. Appear gradually. D. Double suddenly.‎ ‎10. What can we learn from the study?‎ A. Adults tend to perform badly in learning a second language.‎ B. Children are at an advantage in acquiring a new language.‎ C. All these new findings are quite discouraging for scientists.‎ D. People have different key periods for mastering a language.‎ ‎11. What does the last paragraph mainly focus on?‎ A. The purpose of the study. B. The findings of the study.‎ C. The subject of the study. D. The process of the study.‎ ‎12. What's the best title of the text?‎ A. Kids Are Better at Learning New Languages B. Adults Can't Learn a Second Language Well C. Never Say Die When Learning a New Language - 23 -‎ D. Better to Learn a New Language Before Age 10‎ ‎【答案】9. A 10. B 11. D 12. D ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍孩子比成年人更容易学习语言的原因。最好在10岁之前学习一门新语言。‎ ‎【9题详解】‎ 词句猜测题。根据文章第二段The study published in the journal Cognition, found that it's "nearly impossible" for language learners to reach native-level(母语水平)fluency if they start learning a second language after age 10.(这项发表在《认知》杂志上的研究发现,对于语言学习者来说,如果他们在10岁以后开始学习第二语言,达到母语水平的流利程度“几乎不可能”。)所以现在,在一项新的研究中,科学家发现了你流利掌握第二语言的确切年龄似乎会急剧下降:10岁。可知,划线词的意思是“急剧下降”,A项符合题意。故选A 。‎ ‎【10题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据第三段Kids may be better than adults at learning new languages for many reasons可知,由于许多原因,孩子在学习新语言方面可能比成年人更好。由此判断出孩子在学习一门新语言方面具有优势。故选B。‎ ‎【11题详解】‎ 主旨大意题。根据文章最后一段的内容For this study, the researchers created an online test promising to guess people's native language and home country based on their responses to English grammar questions. Almost 670,000 people took it, giving the researchers huge amounts of data from English speakers of many ages and backgrounds.(在这项研究中,研究人员创建了一个在线测试,承诺根据人们对英语语法问题的回答来猜测他们的母语和祖国。大约有67万人参加了测试,这给研究人员提供了来自不同年龄和背景的英语使用者的大量数据。)可知,最后一段主要是介绍研究的过程。故选D。‎ ‎【12题详解】‎ 主旨大意题。根据文章第一段Now, in a new study, scientist have found out the exact age after which your chances of reaching fluency(流利)in a second language seem to plummet:10.‎ - 23 -‎ ‎(现在,在一项新的研究中,科学家发现了你流利掌握第二语言的确切年龄似乎会急剧下降:10岁。)可知,本文主要讲述了孩子比成年人更容易学习语言,“最好在10岁之前学习一门新语言”是合适的标题。故选D。‎ ‎【点睛】推理判断试题属于高层次阅读理解题。这种题型包括判断题和推理题。这两类题常常相互依存,推理是为了得出正确的判断,正确的判断又依赖于合乎逻辑的推理。做好该题型要从整体上把握语篇内容,在语篇的表面意义与隐含意义、已知信息与未知信息间架起桥梁,透过字里行间,去体会作者的“弦外之音”。推理判断题常常可以分为如下几类:(1)细节推断。如时间、地点、人物关系等;(2)逻辑推断。根据已知的结果推断导致结果产生的可能原因;(3)目的、意图、态度推断。根据文章的论述,推断作者的写作目的以及作者情感态度;(4)预测想象推断。文章没有明确说明,要求根据语篇对文章可能涉及的内容进行预测判断。(5)预测文章出处。根据文章主旨判断出文章可能出自什么地方。例如,本文中的第2小题属于预测想象推断。根据文章第二段The study published in the journal Cognition, found that it's "nearly impossible" for language learners to reach native-level(母语水平)fluency if they start learning a second language after age 10.(这项发表在《认知》杂志上的研究发现,对于语言学习者来说,如果他们在10岁以后开始学习第二语言,达到母语水平的流利程度“几乎不可能”。)可知,儿童在学习一门新语言方面具有优势。故选B。‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ When kids tend to learn new skills, supervision(监督)is necessary to ensure kids stay safe.____13____Give kids chances to try something new, make mistakes and learn from them.‎ If your son wants to learn how to make a butter sandwich, show it, set up the materials and let him try. Will he make a mess? Almost certainly. But be patient if he messes up.____14____If you step in, your boy will think," well. I guess I can't make sandwiches," ‎ But if you have patience for the mess and the time, the payoff will be real. Someday he'll say," I'm hungry, so I'm going to make my own sandwich." Certainly, sometimes kids can give up. Help by encouraging them to do it one more time.____15____‎ Once kids reach a goal, you can not only praise the result but also encourage them to try another. For example, after your son has mastered making the butter sandwich you might show your confidence by saying."____16____" That's not a huge achievement, but is a further step in the right direction toward your child's independence.‎ - 23 -‎ Throughout childhood, parents have chances to prepare kids to take care of themselves. It's great to feel needed, but as kids gain confidence and independence, their relationship with you can be even richer.____17____‎ A. Will you make a butter sandwich for me?‎ B. Next time, why not learn how to fry an egg?‎ C. It is a clear sign of your faith in his abilities.‎ D. In fact, it's also important not to stay around.‎ E. Avoid any behavior that could discourage him.‎ F. Your kids will share pride in all they've achieved with you.‎ G. By trying again, kids learn that difficulties can be overcome.‎ ‎【答案】13. D 14. E 15. G 16. B 17. F ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇说明文。通过大量的实例来说明如何培养孩子的动手制作能力。其中包括制作三明治等事例的描述。这样做,可以带给孩子获得自信心和独立性,还有和你的关系会变得更好。‎ ‎【13题详解】‎ 空格前面说当孩子学习新的技巧时,确保孩子的安全,监督是必要的。后面说给孩子机会尝试新的东西,犯错误,从而从中学习。这里既然给孩子机会尝试新的东西,说明不是维持原样不变。而D选项In fact, it's also important not to stay around.事实上,不维持现状也是很重要的。切合文意。故选D。‎ ‎【14题详解】‎ 空格前面说但是当他弄得一团糟时。空格后面说如果你干涉,你的孩子会认为好吧,我不会做三明治。说明你的干涉可能会让你的孩子感觉挫败感。这里if后面的部分隐含的逻辑是相反的,也就是不应该干涉以避免打消还积极性。而E选项Avoid any behavior that could discourage him.避免任何可能打消他们积极性的行为。切合文意。故选E。‎ ‎【15题详解】‎ 空格前面文字内容表达的是如果你对孩子制造一团糟的结果有耐心而且给予时间,回报就是实实在在的看得见的东西。选项承接上文,说明反复尝试的益处。G选项By trying again, kids learn that difficulties can be overcome.通过再一次尝试,孩子学会了困难能够得到克服。切合文意。故选G。‎ ‎【16题详解】‎ - 23 -‎ 第四空前面一句:you can not only praise the result but also encourage them to try another.你可以不仅赞扬这个结果,而且你也可以鼓励他尝试制作新的东西。选项承接上文,说明具体应该鼓励孩子做什么。因此B选项Next time, why not learn how to fry an egg?下一次,为什么不学习如何煎蛋呢?切合文意。故选B。‎ ‎【17题详解】‎ 空格前面的这句It's great to feel needed, but as kids gain confidence and independence, their relationship with you can be even richer.被需要的感觉很好,但是当孩子获得自信心和独立性后,他们和你的关系会变得更丰富多彩。既然他们和你的关系变得更好。选项承接上文,说明他们会和你分享一切他们做的事情。而F选项Your kids will share pride in all they've achieved with you.你的孩子会和你分享他们所做的一切事情所带来的自豪。切合文意。故选F。‎ 第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分37.5分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ On February 11, 2019, I decided to invite complete strangers for dinner on Valentine's day. On February 13, I went to Washington Square park and began my____18____. I was definitely nervous.‎ Of 50 people that I____19____, over 20 said yes and gave me their ____20____. Later that day, I texted them. Two____21____and one of them would bring his roommate. I was a little upset,____22____I expected more people to reply,____23____. I wanted to try again.‎ The next morning, I logged on to my Facebook and started to____24____my followers. I found some people who were in their mid-20s and lived in New York. I immediately____25____them and hoped for the best. Three confirmed. Perhaps this wasn't going to be a(n)____26____mission—six people were coming after all!‎ I spent the rest of the day preparing and cleaning. My friend Alice____27____to help me. Within the next hour and a half, I had six complete ____28____laughing, eating and drinking at my apartment. We talked like we'd always been friends. It was____29____.‎ My____30____to approach them, which was made in seconds, and their choice to say yes,____31____something new and magical. Do something kind for another. Whether it is a cup of coffee or____32____a smile to a stranger, random acts of kindness can make the world better.‎ ‎18. A. research B. search C. visit D. dream - 23 -‎ ‎19. A. protected B. believed C. asked D. called ‎20. A. ID cards B. home addresses C. contact numbers D. family names ‎21. A. confirmed B. rejected C. changed D. regretted ‎22. A. while B. though C. unless D. as ‎23. A. Besides B. However C. Therefore D. Otherwise ‎24. A. figure out B. call on C. respond to D. look through ‎25. A. signaled B. wrote C. messaged D. recognized ‎26. A. failed B. intended C. Ordinary D. unique ‎27. A. hesitated B. happened. C. Refused D. volunteered ‎28. A. teammates B. relatives C. strangers D. friends ‎29. A. embarrassing B. unbelievable C. Horrible D. normal ‎30. A. bet B. proposal C. promise D. decision ‎31. A. resulted in B. benefited from C. focused on D. belonged to ‎32. A. exactly B. simply C. extremely D. hardly ‎【答案】18. B 19. C 20. C 21. A 22. D 23. B 24. D 25. C 26. A 27. D 28. C 29. B 30. D 31. A 32. B ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇记叙文。记叙了作者邀请陌生人在自己的公寓里参加情人节聚餐的事情的经过及感悟。‎ ‎【18题详解】‎ 考查动词的辨析。句意:2月13日,我去华盛顿广场公园开始寻找邀请对象。A. research研究;B. search搜寻;C. visit参观;D. dream梦想。根据上文I decided to invite complete strangers for dinner on Valentine's day.我决定邀请完全陌生的人在情人节这天来聚餐,这里关键信息词是invite邀请,既然邀请陌生人,那么必须去寻找陌生人。故选B。‎ ‎【19题详解】‎ 考查动词的辨析。句意:我所询问的50人中,超过20‎ - 23 -‎ 人同意了我的邀请,而且给了我他们的联系号码。A. protected保护;B. believed相信;C. asked询问;D. called呼唤。这里之所以是询问,是因为上文刚刚说寻找,寻找的过程是需要询问对方是否同意的。故选C。‎ ‎20题详解】‎ 考查名词词组的辨析。句意:我所询问的50人中,超过20人同意了我的邀请,而且给了我他们的联系号码。A. ID cards身份证;B. home addresses家庭住址;C. contact numbers联系号码;D. family names家庭姓名。根据I texted them. 可知,20人同意了作者的邀请,而且给了作者他们的联系号码。故选C。‎ ‎【21题详解】‎ 考查动词的辨析。句意:有两个人确认会来,其中一个还会带他的室友来。A. confirmed确认;B. rejected拒绝;C. changed改变;D. regretted后悔。根据8空后面three confirmed,有两个人确认会来。故选A。‎ ‎【22题详解】‎ 考查连词的辨析。句意:然而我有一点沮丧,因为我期待有更多的人回应。A. while当……;B. though尽管;C. unless除非;D. as因为。这里的逻辑关系是和上文承接的。因为自己期待有更多的人回应,而真正回应的人只有两人,所以里面的逻辑是因果关系。D选项切合文意。故选D。‎ ‎【23题详解】‎ 考查副词的辨析。句意:然而我有一点沮丧,因为我期待有更多的人回应。A. Besides除了;B. However然而;C. Therefore因此;D. Otherwise要不然。这里的逻辑关系是和上文承接的。因为自己期待有更多的人回应,而真正回应的人只有两人,所以里面的逻辑是转折关系用however。故选B。‎ ‎【24题详解】‎ 考查动词词组的辨析。句意:第二天早上,我登录我的脸书账号开始浏览我的跟帖者。A. figure out勾勒出;B. call on号召;C. respond to回应;D. look through浏览。这里关键词为logged on。登录,登陆以后那就是浏览信息。故选D。‎ ‎【25题详解】‎ 考查动词的辨析。句意:我立刻给他们留下信息,期待有最好的结果发生。A. signaled发出信号;B. wrote书写;C. messaged留下信息;D. recognized识别。根据常识可知,在电脑上面留下的是信息,故选C。‎ ‎【26题详解】‎ - 23 -‎ 考查形容词的辨析。句意:也许这并不是一次失败的任务,毕竟有六个人会来参加聚餐。A. failed失败,挫败的;B. intended 故意的;C. Ordinary普通的;D. unique独特的。根据six people were coming after all!可知,毕竟还有六个人来参加。所以并不是一次失败的任务。故选A。‎ ‎【27题详解】‎ 考查动词的辨析。句意:我的朋友爱丽丝自愿来帮助我。A. hesitated犹豫;B. happened.发生;C. Refused拒绝;D. volunteered志愿。爱丽丝自己愿意来帮忙的。故选D。‎ ‎【28题详解】‎ 考查名词的辨析。句意:接下来的一个半小时里,我和六个完全陌生的人在我的公寓里一起欢笑,吃喝。A. teammates团队成员;B. relatives亲戚;C. strangers陌生人;D. friends朋友。因为文章开头就说了邀请完全陌生的人来参加情人节聚餐。所以作者六个完全陌生的人在我的公寓里一起欢笑,吃喝。故选C。‎ ‎【29题详解】‎ 考查形容词的辨析。句意:这是令人难以置信的。A. embarrassing尴尬的;B. unbelievable难以置信的;C. Horrible恐怖的;D. normal正常的。上文告诉我们我们就像好朋友一样聊天。完全陌生的人在一起聊天,这让人难以置信。故选B。‎ ‎【30题详解】‎ 考查名词的辨析。句意:我在几秒钟内就做出了接近他们的决定,而他们的选择说是,导致了一些新的和神奇的东西。A. bet打赌;B. proposal建议;C. promise承诺;D. decision决定。根据上文I decided 可知,作者在几秒钟内就做出了接近他们的决定。故选D。‎ ‎【31题详解】‎ 考查动词词组的辨析。句意:我在几秒钟内就做出了接近他们的决定,而他们的选择说是,导致了一些新的和神奇的东西。A. resulted in导致;B. benefited from受益;C. focused on集中;D. belonged to属于。根据something new and magical可知,他们的选择说是,导致了一些新的和神奇的东西。故选A。‎ ‎【32题详解】‎ 考查副词的辨析。句意:无论是否是一杯咖啡或者只是简单地朝陌生人的一个微笑,不经意的善举能够让这个世界变得更美好。 A. exactly准确地;B. simply简单地;C. extremely极其;D. hardly几乎不。根据a smile to a stranger, random acts of kindness 可知,简单地朝陌生人的一个微笑,不经意的善举能够让这个世界变得更美好。故选B。‎ - 23 -‎ 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ ‎33. First of all, let's look at seven tips for____________(道歉)sincerely and successfully!(根据汉语意思填空)‎ ‎【答案】apologizing ‎【解析】‎ ‎【详解】考查动名词。句意:首先,让我们来看看真诚成功地道歉的七个技巧!介词for后需用动名词作宾语;结合汉语提示可知,apologize“道歉”的动名词apologizing,符合题意。故填apologizing。‎ ‎34. As the saying goes,____________(熟悉的)paths and old friends are the best. (根据汉语意思填空)‎ ‎【答案】familiar ‎【解析】‎ ‎【详解】考查形容词。句意:俗话说,熟路好遵循,老友最可珍。设空处修饰名词paths,需用形容词“熟悉的”作定语,familiar意为“熟悉的”。故填familiar。‎ ‎35. The girl gets a sense of ____________(满足)out of staying in good shape. (根据汉语意思填空)‎ ‎【答案】satisfaction ‎【解析】‎ ‎【详解】考查名词。句意:女孩因为保持良好的身材而有一种满足感。分析可知,设空处位于介词之后,为所有格的表达方式,译为“一种满足感”,应用名词形式。故填satisfaction。‎ ‎36. From my point of view physical stores will never be____________(取代) by online ones. (根据汉语意思填空)‎ ‎【答案】replaced ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 本题考查单词拼写能力和词汇语境应用能力。‎ ‎【详解】考查动词和被动。句意:在我看来,实体店永远不会被网上商店所取代。根据所给出的句子,结合汉语提示可推知,应是replace,replace,动词,意为“取代”,句中担当句子的谓语,与主语之间为被动关系,根据空前的will be提示,应是一般将来时被动,即:will be done。故填replaced。‎ - 23 -‎ ‎37. I was____________(绝对)glad to be admitted into the key university after years of hard work. (根据汉语意思填空)‎ ‎【答案】absolutely ‎【解析】‎ ‎【详解】考查副词。句意:经过多年的努力,我被这所重点大学录取了,我非常高兴。分析句子结构可知,空处需用副词作状语修饰形容词glad;结合汉语提示可知,absolutely“绝对地,极其”,副词,符合题意。故填absolutely。‎ ‎38. I you pay by credit card, you can get a 10% d____________.(根据首字母填空)‎ ‎【答案】discount ‎【解析】‎ ‎【详解】考查名词。句意:如果你用信用卡付款,可以打九折。不定冠词a后需接可数名词单数;结合a 10%和首字母d提示可知,discount折扣,名词,符合题意。故填discount。‎ ‎39. Honesty is one of Chinese traditional v____________which we should carry forward. (根据首字母填空)‎ ‎【答案】virtues ‎【解析】‎ ‎【详解】考查名词。句意:诚信是中华民族的传统美德之一,我们应该发扬光大。分析句子结构,traditional是形容词,作定语修饰名词,设空处需填名词“美德”,virtue意为“美德”,是可数名词,one of后面需加名词复数形式,故填virtues。‎ ‎40. Orange juice c____________much vitamin C and is beneficial to people's health. (根据首字母填空)‎ ‎【答案】contains ‎【解析】‎ ‎【详解】考查时态和主谓一致。句意:橙汁含有丰富的维生素C,对人体健康有益。根据much vitamin C 和首字母c提示可知,contain包含,动词,符合题意;根据后文 is beneficial to 可知,空处谓语需用一般现在时态,主语是不可数名词juice,所以空处谓语动词需用单数contains。故填contains。‎ ‎41. The gold medal will be a____________ to Mary for her outstanding performance in the bicycle race. (根据首字母填空)‎ ‎【答案】awarded - 23 -‎ ‎【解析】‎ ‎【详解】考查被动语态。句意:由于玛丽在自行车比赛中的出色表现,她将被授予金牌。分析句子结构可知,空处谓语动词使用了一般将来时态的被动语态:will be done,由此可知,空处需用动词的过去分词;结合 her outstanding performance in the bicycle race和首字母a提示可知,award“授予,奖励”的过去分词awarded,符合题意。故填awarded。‎ ‎42. It is important and necessary to u____________your mobile phone's Apps. (根据首字母填空)‎ ‎【答案】update ‎【解析】‎ ‎【详解】考查动词。句意:升级你手机的app很重要且很有必要。分析可知,该句考查句型:It + be+adj+to do sth,to不定式为真正的主语。故填update。‎ 第三节(共5个小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ ‎43. Over the past several years, I____________(inspire)to get close to nature and learn from experience.(所给词的适当形式填空)‎ ‎【答案】have been inspired ‎【解析】‎ ‎【详解】考查被动语态和主谓一致。句意:在过去的几年里,我受到启发去亲近自然,从经验中学习。根据时间状语Over the past several years可知,空处谓语动词需用现在完成时态,因为是被受到启发,所以空处谓语动词需用现在完成时态的被动语态:has/have been done,主语是第一人称,所以助动词需用have。故填have been inspired。‎ ‎44. The writer made efforts to have his newly written novel____________(publish)sooner. (所给词的适当形式填空)‎ ‎【答案】published ‎【解析】‎ ‎【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:作者努力他新写的小说属于提前出版。publish意为“出版,发行”。分析句子结构,句子已有谓语动词made,设空处需填非谓语动词形式,have sth. done为固定用法,设空处需填过去分词作宾语补足语。故填published。‎ ‎45. Nowadays most people have access____________higher education thanks to our government.(填入1个适当单词)‎ ‎【答案】to ‎【解析】‎ - 23 -‎ ‎【分析】‎ 本题考查语法运用能力 ‎【详解】考查介词和固定短语。句意:多亏了政府,现在大多数人都有接受高等教育的机会。分析可知,have access to…,固定结构,意为“可以使用;可以利用;有……的机会”。故填to。‎ ‎46. The judge smiled and nodded,____________(indicate)it was my turn to deliver a speech. (所给词的适当形式填空)‎ ‎【答案】indicating ‎【解析】‎ ‎【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:裁判微笑点头,示意该轮到我发表演讲。分析可知,此处indicate为非谓语动词,其逻辑主语为the judge,二者构成主谓关系,应用现在分词形式。故填indicating。‎ ‎47. Despite his advanced age, Zhong Nanshan was appointed____________(look)into the new coronavirus. (所给词的适当形式填空)‎ ‎【答案】to look ‎【解析】‎ ‎【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:尽管年事已高,钟南山还是被任命调查新冠病毒。appoint sb. to do sth.为固定短语,意为“任命某人做某事”;句子中使用了被动语态sb. be appointed to do sth.,设空处需填动词不定式作宾语补足语。故填to look。‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(满分25分)‎ ‎48. 假定你是李华,上周六恰逢你校科技节之际,清华大学物理学王教授来你校作讲座。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:‎ ‎1时间地点;‎ ‎2.参加人员;‎ ‎3.讲座内容:(1)宇宙探索新发现;(2)2019年诺贝尔物理学奖得主的励志故事。‎ ‎4.讲座反响。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.写作词数应为100左右;‎ - 23 -‎ ‎2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。‎ 参考词汇:2019年诺贝尔物理学奖the 2019 Nobel Physics Prize A Scientific Lecture ‎_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎【答案】A Scientific Lecture Last Saturday a Scientific Lecture, part of the Science Festival of our school, was given by Professor Wang of physics from Tsinghua University.‎ The lecture, which took place in the school hall, lasted three hours from 7:00p.m. to 10:00p.m. All the students of Grade One attended it. Professor Wang enabled us to have a deep understanding of the new discoveries of universe exploration in a popular and simple way. Additionally, he told us some inspiring stories publicly unknown about the winners of the 2019 Nobel Physics Prize.‎ The lecture which received high praise and warm response turned out to be a great success. We benefited a lot, for it not only enriched our school life but aroused our keen interest in science.‎ ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 这是一篇应用文。文章主要写一篇关于清华大学物理学王教授来学校作讲座的英文报道。‎ ‎【详解】第一步:审题 体裁:应用文 时态:根据提示,时态应为一般现在时。‎ 要求: ‎ ‎1.说明时间地点;‎ ‎2.介绍参加人员;‎ ‎3.描述讲座内容;‎ ‎4.评价讲座反响。‎ 第二步:列提纲(重点词组)‎ a Scientific Lecture;take place;in the school hall;from…to…;attended; enable sb. to do sth.;have a deep understanding of;in a popular and simple way;additionally;the winners of the 2019 Nobel Physics Prize;high praise and warm response;turn out to be;not only…but(also)…;enrich - 23 -‎ ‎ one’s school life;arouse one’s keen interest in science 第三步:连词成句 ‎1. Last Saturday a Scientific Lecture, part of the Science Festival of our school, was given by Professor Wang of physics from Tsinghua University.‎ ‎2. The lecture, which took place in the school hall, lasted three hours from 7:00p.m. to 10:00p.m. 3. All the students of Grade One attended it. ‎ ‎4. My mother has been ill for several days ‎5. Professor Wang enabled us to have a deep understanding of the new discoveries of universe exploration in a popular and simple way.‎ ‎6. He told us some inspiring stories publicly unknown about the winners of the 2019 Nobel Physics Prize.‎ ‎7. The lecture which received high praise and warm response turned out to be a great success.‎ ‎8. We benefited a lot, for it not only enriched our school life but aroused our keen interest in science.‎ 根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态的问题。‎ 第四步:连句成篇(衔接词)‎ ‎1.表文章结构顺序:First of all, Firstly/First, Secondly/Second… And then, Finally, In the end, At last ‎2.表并列补充关系:What is more, Besides, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition As well as, not only…but (also), including,‎ ‎3.表转折对比关系:However, On the contrary, but, Although+clause(从句), In spite of+n/doing,On the one hand…,On the other hand… Some…,while others…,as for, so…that… ‎ ‎4.表因果关系:Because, As, So, Thus, Therefore, As a result ‎ 连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,‎ 第五步:润色修改 ‎【点睛】范文内容完整,要点全面,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。作者在范文中使用了主从复合句,如:The lecture, which took place in the school hall, lasted three hours from 7:00p.m. to 10:00p.m.中which引导非限制性定语从句。We benefited a lot, for it not only enriched our school life but aroused our keen interest in science.for引导的原因状语从句。全文中没有中国式英语的句式,显示了很高的驾驭英语的能力。另外,文章思路清晰、层次分明,上下句转换自然,为文章增色添彩。‎ - 23 -‎ 第二节(满分15分)‎ ‎49. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成篇完整的短文。‎ As Good as Cinderella ‎"How did tryouts go, Shayna?" Mom asked after school, "Terrible," I said. "Kristie got the part of Cinderella(灰姑娘)while I got none." I whispered. I ran to my room and started drawing, which always made me feel better.‎ The next day, Kristie was cheerful. But when the last bell rang, she became nervous and begged me to go with her to rehearsal(排练). In the great hall, Ms. Carson, director of the play, pulled an old cardboard(卡纸)castle onto the middle of the stage. It was brown with small windows and doors. Ms. Carson turned on the music, and Kristie and the Prince started dancing. Finally as the curtain came down, the rehearsal ended.‎ ‎"When will we get the real sets(舞台背景)?" Kristie pointed to the cardboard castle. "These are the real sets," Ms. Carson said. "We don't have an art teacher this year. So that's the best we could do."‎ Kristie and I walked outside. "You were great," I said. "Everyone will love the play." "Thanks," Kristie said. "But did you see the sets? They were really terrible." I thought for a moment. Maybe there's something we can do. I spent that evening drawing and on the next morning I showed my ideas to Ms. Carson and she liked them. Over the next two weeks, a corner of the lunchroom was filled with cardboard and paints. And lots of kids painting.‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.续写词数应为80左右;‎ ‎2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。‎ Finally, the night of performance arrived.‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ After the play, Ms. Carson called me up to the stage.‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ - 23 -‎ ‎【答案】Finally, the night of performance arrived. I was seated in the great hall, quiet but excited. When the curtain rose, everyone saw a magical land with rolling hills, a fancy carriage, and a shining castle. The castle was colorful with well decorated windows and doors. Kristie was a wonderful Cinderella, and everyone cheered when the play was over.‎ After the play, Ms. Carson called me up to the stage. She said fondly, "I'd like to thank the many students who painted the sets. And a special thanks to Shayna, who designed them. Her great effort and amazing talent made tonight extra special. Everyone clapped. For me! I did get a part in the play after all. And it was just as good as being Cinderella.‎ ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 本篇书面表达是读后续写。‎ ‎【详解】通过阅读所给文章可知,本文讲述的是作者在陪同她的同学Kristie排练《灰姑娘》的时候发现舞台背景很单调,因为没有美术老师,所以这已经做到最好了。为了能让其更完美,作者用了一晚上的时间设计舞台背景,提交后受到了导演Ms. Carson的肯定,最后完成了舞台背景的制作。续写部分分两段,第一段开头是:演出之夜到了。承接上文可知作者帮忙设计舞台背景,所以接下来描写作者观看演出非常激动,当序幕升起的时候,每个人都看到了一片神奇的土地,起伏的山峦,华丽的马车,和闪亮的城堡。这个城堡被五颜六色的门窗装饰。Kristie是一个非常棒的灰姑娘,演出结束后每个人都为她鼓掌。第二段的开头是演出结束后,Ms. Carson把作者请到了舞台上。她对所有设计舞台背景的学生表示感谢,尤其是作者Shayna,因为舞台背景是作者设计的,这个背景让今晚的演出格外的特别。对于作者来说,设计舞台背景也为演出出了一份力。而这项工作和出演灰姑娘一样好。‎ ‎【点睛】本文描写详略得当,使用了高级词汇和高级句子。如:quiet but excited,rolling hills,a fancy carriage,be colorful with等高级词汇;And a special thanks to Shayna, who designed them.该句使用了非限制性定语从句;And it was just as good as being Cinderella.该句使用了as…as引导的同级比较等高级句式。‎ ‎ ‎ - 23 -‎

