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课时跟踪练(一) Warming Up & Reading — Pre-reading Ⅰ.阅读理解 A That most Americans are falling short of the recommended eight hours of sleep per night is nothing new. Over time, staying awake in the night can come with a high cost. You should stop your night owl (夜猫子) habit.‎ Compared with people who turn in early, those who go to bed very late are more likely to suffer from repeated negative thoughts. The findings suggest that sleep disruption (扰乱) could actually be linked to the development of negative thoughts. Psychologists suggest that focusing on good sleep habits can help.‎ Have you been getting into a lot of arguments lately? There's one easy way to fix that. Too little sleep tends to leave people feeling badtempered and stressed. It means that little things that might not normally be a big deal can cause you to fly_off_the_handle. The result is more misunderstandings with those around you. Being well rested, on the other hand, will help you control your temper and you'll get along better with others.‎ According to AAA Foundation reports, people who sleep six to seven hours are twice as likely to have a car accident as those who sleep for eight hours or more when driving. People who sleep for five hours or less increase their risk up to fivefold. Go for 24 hours without sleeping, and your skills behind the wheel are the same as someone who is drunk.‎ Research suggests that the less sleep you get, the more likely you are to be overweight. How so? When you lack sleep, you have less energy to exercise or make healthy food choices. Plus, studies show that the later you stay up, the more you eat. Night owls who stay up until ‎4 a.m. eat about 550 more calories than early birds who go to sleep at 10 p.m.‎ 语篇解读:本文为说明文。晚睡有害健康,因此我们一定要尽量早一点睡,这样才能保持身体健康。‎ ‎1.According to Paragraph 2, not getting enough sleep can ________.‎ A.affect your living habits B.make you become pessimistic C.make you suffer from diseases D.make you lose interest in everything 解析:选B 推理判断题。由第二段“The findings suggest that sleep disruption ... negative thoughts.”可知,睡眠不足可能会让你变得悲观。‎ ‎2.What does the underlined part “fly off the handle” in Paragraph 3 mean?‎ A.Fly away.        B.Get very angry.‎ C.Become very busy. D.Become disappointed.‎ 解析:选B 词义猜测题。由第三段画线部分前后的“Too little sleep tends to leave people feeling badtempered and stressed.”以及“The result is more misunderstandings with those around you.”可推断,画线部分是指“发怒”。‎ ‎3.According to the last two paragraphs, people who lack sleep ________.‎ A.care less about their safety B.are more likely to get drunk C.cook at home much more frequently D.may find it hard to keep a healthy weight 解析:选D 细节理解题。由最后一段“Research suggests that the less sleep you get, the more likely you are to be overweight.”可知,你睡得越少,越容易超重。故选D。‎ B ‎“Old wives' tales” are beliefs passed down from one generation to another. For example, most of us remember our parents' telling us to eat more of certain foods or not to do certain things. Is there any truth in these teachings? Some of them agree with present medical thinking, but others have not passed the test of time.‎ Did your mother ever tell you to eat carrots because they are good for your eyes? Scientists now report that eating carrots can help prevent a serious eye disease called macular degeneration. Eating just one carrot a day can reduce the possibility of getting this disease by 40%. Garlic (蒜) is good for you, too. It can kill the type of virus that causes colds.‎ Unfortunately, not all of Mom's advice passed the test of medical studies. For example, generations of children have been told not to go swimming within an hour after eating. But research suggests that there is no danger in doing so. Do sweets cause tooth problems? Well, yes and no. Sticky sweets made with grains tend to cause more problems than sweets made with simple sugars.‎ Even though science can tell us that some of our traditional beliefs don't hold_water,_there is still a lot of truth in the old wives' tales. After all, much of this knowledge has been accumulated (积累) from thousands of years of experience in family health care. We should respect this body of knowledge even as we search for clear scientific support to prove it true or false.‎ 语篇解读:我们大多数人都记得父母告诉过我们要多吃某些食物或者不要去做某些事情。这些告诫是对的吗?实际上,其中一些是与现在的医学思想相符的,而另外一些却是经不起考验的……‎ ‎4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?‎ A.Eating garlic is good for our eyes.‎ B.Sticky sweets are damaging to our teeth.‎ C.Swimming after a meal is dangerous.‎ D.Carrots prevent people from catching colds.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。由第三段最后一句“Sticky sweets ... tend to cause more problems than sweets made with simple sugars.”可以看出,sticky sweets的确对牙齿有害。‎ ‎5.The author develops the third paragraph mainly ________.‎ A.by cause and effect B.by order in space C.by order in time D.by examples 解析:选D 推理判断题。第三段第一句是主题句。接着本段举了“饭后一小时内游泳”和“吃糖”这两个例子来支持主题句。因此,这一段主要是通过举例来论述的。‎ ‎6.The phrase “hold water” in the last paragraph most probably means “________”.‎ A.to be believable B.to be valuable C.to be admirable D.to be suitable 解析:选A 词义猜测题。“don't hold water”与“there is still a lot of truth”意义相对立,那么“hold water”与“there is still a lot of truth”意义相似,因此A项正确。‎ ‎7.What is the author's attitude towards “old wives' tales” in the text?‎ A.Subjective. B.Objective.‎ C.Dissatisfied. D.Curious.‎ 解析:选B 观点态度题。综合全文,作者既指出了一些传统说法是正确的,又说明了一些传统观念是没有科学依据的。最后一段作者表明了对这些观念的尊重,因此可以看出作者的态度是客观的。‎ C If you're bored with oldfashioned running, or if you feel that it's not a complete workout, you might want to try crunning. It does not mean crying while running. It's actually a cross between crawling (爬行) and running that involves getting down on all fours and moving.‎ The strange workout, best described as your thighs' (大腿) worst nightmare, was invented by Australian fitness enthusiast Shaun McCarthy. The video of his crunning has been getting much attention online and it has inspired others to take up running on all fours as well. Now crunning is a steadilygrowing sport in Australia.‎ McCarthy says that crunning is a more complete workout because it involves the upper body as well. “It really works your thighs and shoulders at the same time,” he said, adding that he believes it burns more calories as well. Some fitness experts believe that McCarthy might just be onto something there. According to Kim Baylor, a certified personal trainer, any exercise that involves full body motions leaves the chance to develop a lot of strength.‎ However, many think crunning is likely to be out of date soon and it might even be harmful if done incorrectly. Fitness coach Kevin Dean said, “We humans are upright; our wrists have ‎ different structures than ankles. But a quadruped (四足的) animal would have four of roughly the same joint. As a result, I often see broken noses, bad wrists, and shoulder problems arising from crunning.” ‎ Health experts suggest wearing special gloves to prevent damage to hands while crunning. It's necessary to increase the intensity (强度) of exercise step by step. Crunning may be too much for a beginner and it could be bad for your neck. If it hurts severely, stop immediately and just stick to traditional running.‎ 语篇解读:本文为说明文。如果你对跑步这一老式的健身方法感到厌烦,或者你觉得这不是一个全面的健身方式,你可以尝试一下澳大利亚的健身爱好者肖恩·麦卡锡发明的“酷跑”这个新花样。‎ ‎8.What do we know about crunning?‎ A.It is running on all fours.‎ B.It's not a complete workout.‎ C.It is gaining worldwide popularity.‎ D.It is created to strengthen the thighs.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。由第一、二段可知,麦卡锡的“酷跑”是种四肢着地的运动,目前在澳大利亚用“酷跑”健身的人数正在逐渐增加。‎ ‎9.What will Kevin Dean agree with?‎ A.McCarthy's idea is practical.‎ B.Crunning is a better fitness activity.‎ C.Crunning is not suitable for human beings.‎ D.It's dangerous to take wholebody exercise.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。由第四段可知,Kevin Dean说人类是直立行走,手腕的构造不同于脚踝,而四足动物在脚上有四个几乎一样的关节。因此他会认为“酷跑”不适合人类。‎ ‎10.What's the advice on crunning from health experts?‎ A.Try to avoid using your neck.‎ B.Once you begin, never give up.‎ C.Take measures to protect your hands.‎ D.Go as fast as possible at the beginning.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。由最后一段可知,健康专家建议在“酷跑”时戴好保护性手套以避免受伤,而且锻炼的强度应一步步逐渐增大。一旦脖子疼得厉害,应立即停止“酷跑”。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 Holidays are busy time, and if you don't make a plan for healthy meals, you will gain weight ‎ quickly and have other health problems.__1__ Here are some reasonable tips for you.‎ Remember that some is better than none.‎ You go to the grocery store and buy a few things rich in protein, a few fruits and vegetables, and maybe some snacks, thinking, “This is enough for the whole week.” Then, about midweek, you're sick of making the same thing over and over, or you run out of something you thought you had enough of. You end up ordering takeout food or eating out. If this is the case for you, just remember that some is better than none. __2__ Having to worry only about 5 meals instead of 15 can take away a lot of stress.‎ Optimize (优化) your food combinations (组合).‎ To make you healthy, eat enough fruits which contain high amounts of vitamins can improve your metabolism (新陈代谢). You should also learn how to combine the correct types of food for your meals. __3__‎ ‎__4__‎ If you cook a large dinner, the leftovers (剩饭) can make a great healthy lunch. Put the leftovers into readytogo containers for lunches for the rest of the week. You can also use leftovers to create completely different dishes in no time.‎ Ask a child to do grocery shopping for you.‎ If you don't have time to do grocery shopping, try asking the neighbor kid to do it. Do you have children that are ready to start learning about responsibility? __5__ It's important to remember that you don't have to do it all. Because of this you can benefit from it.‎ A.Cook once and eat twice or more.‎ B.Remember what you are grateful for.‎ C.Send them to the grocery store with your list.‎ D.Try only planning 5 dinners Monday through Friday.‎ E.If this sounds like you, it's time to come up with a strategy (策略).‎ F.There are also services available that can plan your meals for you.‎ G.Correct combinations can not only help you lose weight, but increase your energy levels.‎ 答案:1~5 EDGAC

