2021届新高考英语大一轮复习抓分北师大版:必修5Unit14 Careers学案

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2021届新高考英语大一轮复习抓分北师大版:必修5Unit14 Careers学案

一、语基必备知识 ‎(一)重点词汇——分类记忆 Ⅰ.阅读词汇——知其意 ‎1.insurance n.        保险 ‎2.fee n. 服务费,学费 ‎3.wage n. 薪金,工资 ‎4.guidance n. 指导 ‎5.paragraph n. 段落 ‎6.topic n. 题目,话题 ‎7.error n. 错误 ‎8.chart n. 表格,图表 ‎9.collar n. 衣领 ‎10.childhood n. 童年,儿童时代 ‎11.battle n. 战斗,战役 ‎12.steep adj. 陡峭的,险峻的 ‎13.wisdom n. 智慧 ‎14.constantly adv. 不断地 ‎15.beneath adv. 在底下 ‎16.grain n. 谷物,谷粒 Ⅱ.核心词汇——写其形 ‎1.income n. 收入 ‎2.reward n. 奖赏 ‎3.charge vt. 收费,要价 n. 负责 ‎4.summary n. 摘要,总结 ‎5.aid n. 援助,帮助 ‎6.quarrel vi. 争吵,吵架 ‎7.junior adj. 低级的 ‎8.overcome vt. 战胜,克服 ‎9.grasp vt. 理解,领会;抓牢,抓紧 ‎10.decrease v. 减少,降低 ‎11.multiply v. 大量增加;乘 ‎12.flexible adj. 灵活的,柔韧的 ‎13.bother vt. 烦扰;打扰 ‎14.panic v. 恐慌,惊惶 ‎15.boom vi. 激增,猛涨 Ⅲ.拓展词汇——通其变 ‎1.receptionist n.接待员→reception n.接待 ‎2.comprehension n.理解→comprehend v.理解 ‎3.consult vt.请教;查阅→consultant n.顾问 ‎4.casual adj.随意的,非正式的→casually adv. 随意地 ‎5.appointment n.约见,约会→appoint vt.任命;委派;约定,确定 ‎6.instant n.片刻,瞬息→instantly adv.立刻,马上 ‎7.surrounding adj.附近的,周围的→surround v.包围,围绕→surroundings n.环境 ‎8.inspect v.审查→inspection n.检查,视察→inspector n.检查员,视察员 ‎9.commit vt.投入→commitment n.承诺 ‎10.existence n.生活;存在→exist v.存在 ‎11.hesitate v.犹豫,踌躇→hesitation n.犹豫 ‎12.operate vi.运转,运作 vt.操作→operation n.手术 →operator n.操作人员;接线员 ‎13.respond vi.反应;回复,回答→response n.反应;回复,回答 ‎14.qualification n.资格,资历→qualify vt.取得资格 ‎1.“谷物”相关词汇清单 ‎①corn        玉米 ‎②wheat 小麦 ‎③rice 大米 ‎④soybean 大豆 ‎⑤millet 小米 ‎⑥grain 谷物,谷粒 ‎⑦buckwheat 荞麦 ‎2.“数学运算”大团圆 ‎①add vi.       加;加起来 ‎②minus prep. 减,减去 ‎③multiply v. 乘 ‎④divide vt. 除 ‎⑤square n. 平方 ‎⑥cube n. 立方 ‎⑦plus prep. 加,加上 ‎3.“帮助”家族 ‎①aid ‎②help ‎③assist ‎④assistance ‎⑤support ‎⑥sponsor ‎⑦fund ‎(二)重点短语——记牢用活 ‎1.take__charge__of       接管,控制 ‎2.make__up 编造;组成 ‎3.make__out 假称;听出,看出 ‎4.go__into__detail(s) 讨论,细谈 ‎5.speak__up 大声地说,自由而大胆地说出 ‎6.sit__up 坐直;熬夜 ‎7.believe__in 信任,信仰 ‎8.turn__over 反转 ‎9.pay__off 得到好结果;取得成功 ‎10.keep__up__with 跟上,赶上 ‎11.in__case 以防万一;万一 ‎12.due__to 由于 ‎13.in__addition 此外 ‎14.turn__up 出现,到达 ‎15.above__all 首先,最重要的是 ‎16.leave__behind 留下来,将……落在后面 ‎1.“除……以外”家庭 ‎①apart/aside from  除……外(还有/没有)‎ ‎②except for 除了(不好的部分)‎ ‎③except 除……之外(不包括)‎ ‎④besides 除……外(还有)‎ ‎⑤in addition 此外(单独使用)‎ ‎⑥in addition to 此外 ‎2.神“出”鬼“没”家族 ‎①show up    露面,出现 ‎②come up 出现;发生 ‎③turn up 出现;发生 ‎④appear vi. 出现;显得;登场 ‎⑤disappear vi. 消失;失踪 ‎⑥die out 灭绝;消失 ‎3.all相关短语荟萃 ‎①in all    总共;总计 ‎②after all 毕竟 ‎③above all 首先;最重要的是 ‎④first of all 首先 ‎⑤all in all 总的来说 ‎⑥not at all 一点也不 ‎(三)重点句式——背熟巧用 句型公式 教材原句 句型1:the instant“一……就……”为名词短语用作连词,引导时间状语从句 The__instant she stopped asking questions, I got up and went out of the room.‎ 她一停止问问题,我就站起来,走出了房间。‎ 句型2:as long as“只要”,引导条件状语从句 I discovered then that as__long__as I am committed and never give up I will be able to produce high quality reports.‎ 然后我发现只要我投入并且从不放弃,我将能够生成高质量的报告。‎ 句型3:find+it+adj.+to do sth.结构,其中it是形式宾语 Between now and the 21st century,citizens of the world’s richest and most advanced nations will find__it__more__and__more__difficult__to__keep up ‎ with the demand for change. 现在和21世纪期间,世界上最富有和最先进的民族的人们会发现满足改变的需要越来越困难。‎ 句型4:not...but...“不是……而是……”,连接两个并列成分 It’s not about making men more like women, but helping men to communicate as well.‎ 其目的不是令男人更像女人,而是帮助男人同样能沟通。‎ 句型5:whatever引导让步状语从句 Whatever I do, it will be with music.‎ 我无论干什么,都与音乐有关。‎ 二、语境强化训练 Ⅰ.语境填词——根据提示写出该词的适当形式 ‎1.The local people were panicked(恐慌) by the news of an oncoming earthquake.‎ ‎2.Business in China is booming(激增), and that trend is expected to grow.‎ ‎3.In my opinion, people on high incomes(收入) should pay more taxes.‎ ‎4.What bothers(烦扰) me most is how I can get so much money for the project.‎ ‎5.They normally charge(要价) three hundred pounds but we get it for half price.‎ ‎6.The villagers decided to search the surrounding(surround) villages for the camel.‎ ‎7.The contract commits(commit) him to playing for the team for the next three years.‎ ‎8.Hearing the news, the famous scientists donated their money without hesitation(hesitate).‎ ‎9.I have an appointment(appoint) with my doctor this afternoon.‎ ‎10.(2017·天津卷)Of course, I also took some practical steps to lose weight. I consulted(consult) with a physician(内科医生), I hired a fitness coach, and I began to eat small and healthy meals.‎ Ⅱ.派生词练习——用所给词的适当形式填空 ‎1.The village is surrounded by many tall trees and there is no more beautiful place than it in the surrounding area, but the foreigner has spent several weeks getting used to the new surroundings.(surround)‎ ‎2.The building is regularly inspected by the firesafety inspectors. Another inspection will be carried out next month.(inspect)‎ ‎3.The man is so kind, so when you get into trouble, don’t hesitate to turn to him for help. I’m sure he will help you without hesitation. (hesitate)‎ ‎4.Now the new hospital operates well and many operations have been performed here.(operate)‎ ‎5.One of my colleagues was appointed as a manager.We had an appointment to congratulate him at an appointed time.(appoint)‎ Ⅲ.选词成篇 pay off; due to; in case; above all; take charge of; believe in; in addition Several days ago, I was appointed to 1.take__charge__of Class 6 2.due__to my good performance. The headmaster told me that I should turn to old teachers 3.in__case there were some difficulties. But 4.above__all,__I think that I should 5.believe__in myself.6.In__addition,__I should work harder. All my efforts will 7.pay__off.‎ turn up; speak up; go into details; make out; sit up; keep up with After a few minutes, the lights suddenly went out and everybody became upset at that moment.In order to focus all the students’ attention, I quickly 8.turned__up on the stage and then 9.spoke__up,“Please, be quiet and 10.sit__up,__everyone! Though we are in the dark, I still 11.go__into__details about this lecture; please try to concentrate on the lecture and 12.keep__up__with me. Finally, you’ll 13.make__out what I’m talking about.”‎ Ⅳ.完成句子 ‎1.他一进来就会给我们看照片。‎ The__instant__he__comes__in,__he will show us the pictures.‎ ‎2.只要有生命,就有希望。‎ As/So__long__as__there__is__life,__there is hope.‎ ‎3.这位老人发现生活在城市里并不舒服。‎ The old man found__it__uncomfortable__to__live__in__the__city.‎ ‎4.说实话,投票者有时候感到恼怒,不是因为他们厌恶投票,而是因为他们不喜欢被迫去投票。‎ To be honest, voters sometimes feel annoyed, not__because they hate voting, but__because they don’t like being forced to do so.‎ ‎5.(2018·江苏卷)人们普遍认为,孩子要什么就给他(她)什么是不明智的。‎ It is generally considered unwise to give a child whatever__he__or__she__wants.‎ ‎ reward n.酬谢;赏金;奖赏 v.奖赏,报答,酬谢 ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①(2018·天津卷)The gold medal will__be__awarded (award) to whoever wins the first place in the bicycle race.‎ ‎②a.(北京卷)The students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts will be rewarded with success in the end.‎ b.He was rewarded for helping the injured to hospital and he was__awarded(award) a medal at the conference.‎ ‎③(安徽卷)When asked for his views about his teaching job, Philip said he found it very interesting and rewarding(reward).‎ ‎[能力提升]——一句多译 我送给他一本从上海带来的书来答谢他的帮助。 ‎ ‎④I gave him a book bought from Shanghai in__reward__for__his__help.(reward n.)‎ ‎⑤As__a__reward__for__his__help,__I gave him a book which was bought from Shanghai.(reward n.)‎ ‎⑥I__rewarded__him__with__a__book which I bought from Shanghai for his help.(reward v.)‎ ‎(1)reward sb. for (doing) sth.‎ ‎      为(做)某事报答/奖赏某人 reward sb. with... 用……报答/回报某人 ‎(2)as a reward for... 作为对……的回报 in reward for... 为了酬谢或报答……‎ ‎(3)rewarding adj. 值得做的;有益的 ‎[佳句背诵] After being awarded the first prize, he expressed that he would continue to reward the people and the society with his hard work. 在被授予一等奖后,他表示他将继续努力工作以回报人民和社会。‎ ‎[名师点津] reward表示“奖赏,酬谢”,指对有功绩的事的报答或酬谢。award作名词时,指正式或官方颁发或授予的奖章、奖金等;作动词时指正式地或官方地颁发、授予、给予,常用搭配:award sb. sth.=award sth. to sb.。‎ ‎ charge n.费用;价钱;控告;掌管;职责 v.控诉;收费;装载;使……承担责任 ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①a.(2017·江苏卷)We choose this hotel because the price for a night here is down to $20, half of what it used to__charge(charge).‎ b.(2017·江苏卷)Far from charging(charge) consumers high prices, many of these services are free.‎ ‎②a.(安徽卷)—I wonder how much you charge for your services.‎ ‎—The first two are free while the third costs $30.‎ b.The man who had taken charge of the company was charged with taking drugs.‎ ‎[能力提升]——一句多译 下周厂长不在时,汤姆将负责整个工厂。‎ ‎③Tom will take__charge__of the whole factory next week when the director is away. ‎ ‎④Tom will be__in__charge__of the whole factory next week when the director is away. ‎ ‎⑤The whole factory will be__in__the__charge__of Tom next week when the director is away. ‎ ‎(1)charge sb.with sth.(=accuse sb. of sth.)‎ ‎ 因某事控告某人 charge sb.(money) for sth.‎ ‎ 向某人索取某物的费用 ‎(2)free of charge=for free 免费 in charge (of) 主管;负责;照顾 in the charge of(=in one’s charge)‎ ‎ 由……负责,由……管理 take charge of 掌管;负责;看管  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] Your order will be delivered free of charge within a tenmile limit.‎ 在10英里范围之内,您的订货将免费送货上门。‎ ‎[词块助记]‎ the person in charge     负责人 service charge 服务费 an admission charge of $ 5 五美元的入场费 ‎ consult v.咨询;请教;商讨;查阅 ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①He often goes to my office to consult me about the method of learning English.‎ ‎②(天津卷)I’m a 34yearold man, married, live in a nice house, and have a successful career as an educational consultant(consult).‎ ‎[能力提升]——句式升级/完成句子 ‎(普通表达)After I consulted with my teacher, I made up my mind to major in English. ‎ ‎③(高级表达)Having__consulted__with__my__teacher,__I made up my mind to major in English.(现在分词短语作状语) ‎ ‎④当你阅读时很频繁的查词典是不好的。‎ It is not good to__consult__a__dictionary too often while you are doing some reading.‎ ‎(1)consult with sb.   与某人商量,与某人磋商 consult sb. about sth. 就某事请教/咨询某人 ‎(2)consult a dictionary/one’s notes ‎ 查阅字典/笔记 ‎(3)consultant n. 顾问;会诊医生  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] To work out the difficult maths problem, I have consulted Professor Russell several times. 为了解出那道数学难题,我去向Russell教授咨询过好几次。(陕西卷)‎ ‎[名师点津] 关于“查词典”的表达法有consult a dictionary, refer to a dictionary, look up a word in a dictionary等。‎ ‎ hesitate v.犹豫,迟疑 ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①She hesitated about/over the choice between the two cellphones, Mate 30 or Mate 20.‎ ‎②(2019·北京卷)If a student gets hungry on the long drives to and from school, Wilson never hesitates to__buy(buy) them a meal.‎ ‎③Please have no hesitation(hesitate) in writing to me if you want me to do something for you in China.‎ ‎[能力提升]——一句多译 ‎(2018·全国卷Ⅰ)如果你对餐桌礼仪还有一些疑问,请不要犹豫,告诉我。‎ ‎④If you still have some doubts about table manners, please don’t__hesitate__to__tell__me.(hesitate)‎ ‎⑤If you still have some doubts about table manners, please tell__me__without__hesitation.(hesitation)‎ ‎(1)hesitate about/over (doing) sth.‎ ‎          (做)……犹豫不决 hesitate to do sth. 犹豫做某事 ‎(2)hesitation n. 犹豫;迟疑;不情愿 without hesitation 毫不犹豫地 ‎[佳句背诵] Please do not hesitate to ask me if you have any questions or require more information.‎ 如果您有任何问题或需要更多信息,请随时询问我。(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)‎ ‎[词块助记] don’t hesitate to call us ‎        随时给我们打电话 accept the job without hesitation ‎ 毫不犹豫地接受了这份工作 ‎ decrease v.减少,降低 n.减少,减少的量 ‎[基础练习]——单句改错 ‎①It is reported that the traffic accidents in the city decreased to 30% last year. to→by ‎②There has been a decrease to traffic accidents since the new traffic rules came into effect.to→in ‎[能力提升]——句型转换 ‎③The number of students who are addicted to computer games is decreasing in our school.‎ ‎→The number of students who are addicted to computer games is on__the__decrease in our school.‎ ‎(1)decrease in...   在……(方面)降低/减少 decrease to... 减少到……‎ decrease by... 减少了……‎ ‎(2)a decrease in 在……(方面)减少 on the decrease 在减少  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] The number of new students in this school decreased from 2,100 to 1,600 this year.‎ 今年这所学校的新生人数从2 100减少到1 600。‎ ‎ operate vi.工作;运转;动手术 vt.操作;经营 ‎[一词多义]——写出下列句中operate的含义 ‎①People were trapped between floors because the lift didn’t operate properly.运转 ‎②(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)Computers are much easier to operate.操作 ‎③If the doctor had operated on him earlier, he wouldn’t have died.动手术 ‎④My parents used to operate a small restaurant near the train station.经营 ‎⑤This kind of material operates as a very effective protection.起作用 ‎(1)operate on sb.      给某人动手术 ‎(2)operation n. 运转;手术 put sth. into operation 实施/施行……‎ ‎[佳句背诵] We’re all ready to put it into operation; in other words, we’re going to take action as soon as possible. 我们都准备好将它付诸实施了;换句话说,我们将尽快采取行动。‎ ‎[联想发散] “经营,管理”表达如下:‎ ‎①manage;  ②operate;  ③run ‎ respond vi.回复,回答;响应,作出反应 ‎[基础练习]——单句改错 ‎①(2017·全国卷Ⅰ)The homeowner called to say that the parents had responded the ‎ recordings.在responded后加to ‎②The woman decided to give a speech in response for the bad news. for→to ‎[能力提升]——一句多译 他对我的建议未作出回应,这使我非常失望。‎ ‎③He made/gave__no__response__to my suggestion,which made me very disappointed.(response)‎ ‎④He didn’t__respond__to my suggestion,which made me very disappointed.(respond)‎ ‎(1)respond to...   对……回答;对……有反应 respond to sth.with sth./by doing sth.‎ ‎ 用……对……作出反应 ‎(2)response n. 回答;反应 in response to 作为对……的回应;回答 give/make no response to...‎ ‎ 对……不予回答  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] You can quickly respond to customer demands for new and updated product information.‎ 你可以迅速响应用户对新产品和升级产品的信息需求。‎ ‎ bother vi.& vt.打扰;麻烦;花费时间、精力(做某事) n.麻烦,不便利 ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①a.Don’t bother to__get/getting(get) dinner for me today. I’ll eat out.‎ b.We had quite a lot of bother getting(get) here because of the fog.‎ ‎②I don’t want to bother you with/about my problem. I am doing quite well.‎ ‎[能力提升]——句式升级 ‎(普通表达)Although I have been working hard, I can’t keep up with others and this bothers me greatly.‎ ‎③(高级表达)Although I have been working hard, it__bothers__me__greatly__that__I__can’t__keep__up__with__others.(it作形式主语)‎ ‎④(高级表达)Although I have been working hard, what__bothers__me__greatly__is__that__I__can’t__keep__up__with__others.(what引导主语从句)‎ ‎(1)bother to do/doing sth.  费心做某事 ‎(2)bother sb. with/about sth. 为某事打扰或 麻烦某人 ‎(3)It bothers sb. that/to do sth.‎ ‎ 使某人苦恼的是/ 做某事使某人苦恼 ‎(4)have bother (in) doing sth. 做某事费力 ‎[佳句背诵] Around two o’clock every night,Sue will start talking in her dream. It somewhat bothers us. 每天晚上大约2点钟的时候,Sue就开始说梦话。这有点打扰我们。(湖南卷)‎ ‎ make up 编造(说法、解释等),虚构;组成,构成;化妆;和解 ‎[一词多义]——写出下列句中make up的含义 ‎①(天津卷)In some languages, 100 words make up half of all words used in daily conversations.组成,构成 ‎②They have quarreled seriously three times but each time they have made up and become best friends again.和好 ‎③She spent an hour making up before the party to look more attractive.化妆 ‎④We don’t like him because he is always making up excuses whenever he makes mistakes.编造 make up for         弥补;偿还 make out 辨认出;理解 make use of 利用 make sense 有意义,讲得通 make up one’s mind (to do sth.) 下决心(做某事)  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] Westerners should take advantage of the ancient Chinese wisdom to make up for the drawbacks of Western philosophy. 西方人应当利用古代的中国智慧来弥补西方哲学的不足。(辽宁卷)‎ ‎ pay off 得到好结果;取得成功;偿清 ‎[基础练习]——用pay的相关短语填空 ‎①(2017·天津卷)Will you please pay__a__visit__to Tianjin again so that we may meet again?‎ ‎②I’d also like to know how much I have to pay__for__the course and whether accommodation is included.‎ ‎③As for speaking Mandarin, it’s better to pay__attention__to__the pronunciation.‎ ‎[能力提升]——完成句子 ‎④正如谚语所说,“有志者事竟成。”我们的努力早晚会得到回报。‎ As a proverb goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way.”Our__efforts__will__pay__off__sooner__or__later.‎ pay back     偿还(欠款);报复;回报 pay for sth. 付某物的钱;为某事/物付出代价 pay sb.for sth. 因某事/物给某人报酬 pay a visit to 参观;拜访 pay attention to 注意;留心 ‎[佳句背诵] What made him happy was that after all these years he at last paid off all his debts.‎ 使他高兴的是几年之后他终于还清了所有的债务。‎ ‎ in case 万一;以防 ‎[基础练习]——用case的相关短语填空 ‎①You’d better take an umbrella in__case__of the rain.‎ ‎②Mr. Chen is very strict. Anybody should in__no__case be allowed to be late for his class.‎ ‎③It’s said that we’ll have to do extra work on Sunday.In__that__case,__we can’t go to a movie.‎ ‎[能力提升]——句式升级 ‎④You’d better take an umbrella in__case__it__rains.(用in case改写练习①)‎ ‎⑤Mr.Chen is very strict.In__no__case__should__anybody__be__allowed to be late for his class.(用倒装句改写练习②)‎ ‎⑥It’s said that we’ll have to do extra work on Sunday, in__which__case we can’t go to a movie.(用定语从句改写练习③)‎ in case of     万一 in no case 决不(置于句首时用部分倒装)‎ in any case 无论如何 in that case 如果那样的话  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] ①Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not move in case she injured her neck. 劳瑞告诉她,火已经被扑灭了,并让她不要动以防伤着脖子。(全国卷Ⅰ)‎ ‎②Security forces have been put on standby in case of violence.‎ 安全部队已处于待命状态,以防出现暴力事件。‎ ‎ the instant“一……就……”为名词短语用作连词,引导时间状语从句 ‎(教材P24)The instant she stopped asking questions, I got up and went out of the room.‎ 她一停止问问题,我就站起来,走出了房间。‎ ‎[能力提升]——一句多译 刚到达剧院,他就发现把朋友给他的票忘在家里了。 ‎ ‎①On__arriving__at the theatre, he found the ticket a friend gave him was left at home.‎ ‎②The__instant/The__moment__he__arrived__at the theatre, he found the ticket a friend gave him was left at home.‎ ‎③Instantly/Immediately/Directly__he__arrived__at the theatre, he found the ticket a friend gave him was left at home.‎ ‎④Hardly/Scarcely__had__he__arrived__at the theatre when he found the ticket a friend gave him was left at home.‎ the instant一……就……,在句中充当连词,引导时间状语从句。“一……就……”的表达方式还有:‎ ‎(1)the moment/minute/second...‎ ‎(2)instantly/immediately/directly...  ‎ ‎(3) ‎(4)on/upon+v.ing/n. ‎ ‎ not...but...“不是……而是……”,连接两个并列成分 ‎(教材P28)It’s not about making men more like women, but helping men to communicate as well.‎ 其目的不是令男人更像女人,而是帮助男人同样能沟通。‎ ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①Not how much money you will give us but that you are present at the ceremony really matters(matter).‎ ‎②(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)I work not because I have to, but because I want to.‎ ‎③(2018·全国卷Ⅲ)Not only do we take volleyball and basketball courses, but our school also holds (hold) all kinds of sports competitions.‎ ‎ [能力提升]——句式升级 ‎④(普通表达)Alice stood at the window, and from there she could see her classmates playing football.‎ ‎(高级表达)Alice stood at the window, from__where__she__could__see her classmates playing football.(定语从句)‎ ‎(1)not...but...连接两个平行成分,当连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数按“就近一致”原则确定。‎ ‎(2)not only...but(also), either...or...,neither...nor...连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数按“‎ 就近一致”原则确定。‎ ‎[佳句背诵] ①I realize the secret to success is not when or where you were born, but what you are doing and how you do it in your life.‎ 我意识到成功的秘诀不是你出生于何时何地,而是你在生活中的所作所为。‎ ‎②Either the Internet or these books are where you’ll find the information.‎ 在互联网或这些书里你都可以找到这个信息。‎ ‎ whatever引导让步状语从句 ‎(教材P33)Whatever I do,it will be with music.‎ 我无论干什么,都与音乐有关。‎ ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①a.(广东卷)Whatever you do, if you want to become great at it, you need to work day in and day out.‎ b.Whichever road you take, it will lead you to the station.‎ ‎②a.(2017·北京卷)Every year, whoever makes the most beautiful kite will win a prize in the Kite Festival.‎ b.(北京卷)Some people believe whatever has happened before or is happening now will repeat itself in the future. ‎ ‎[能力提升]——一句多译 ‎(湖南卷)不管你怎么努力,如果不减少你的饮食量,减肥是很困难的。‎ ‎③However__hard__you__try,__it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat.‎ ‎④No__matter__how__hard__you__try,__it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat.‎ ‎(1)whatever, whoever, whichever, whomever既可引导名词性从句,也可引导让步状语从句,在引导让步状语从句时,相当于no matter what/who/which/whom。‎ ‎(2)whenever, wherever, however引导让步状语从句时,相当于no matter when/where/how,意为“无论何时/何地/如何”。‎ ‎(3)however相当于no matter how。句式结构:however+形容词/副词+主语+谓语。 ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] Whatever problem he meets with, he never gives up.‎ 无论遇到什么问题,他从不放弃。(天津卷)‎ ‎[名师点津] “no matter+疑问词”只能引导让步状语从句,不能引导名词性从句,可放在主句前或主句后。‎ 维度一 在空白处填入括号内单词的正确形式 ‎1.Many people have given us advice and guidance(guide) on how to take care of the baby.‎ ‎2.The course also features creative writing exercises and listening comprehension(comprehend).‎ ‎3.(2018·江苏卷)The economic impact of the arts is often overlooked and badly judged(judgement).‎ ‎4.The young boy was standing next to the famous expert’s office, consulting(consult) some questions.‎ ‎5.Furthermore,voting on the Internet makes instant(instantly) feedback possible.‎ 维度二 在空白处填入1个适当的单词 ‎1.The athlete’s years of hard working paid off when she finally won the Olympic gold medal.‎ ‎2.(2018·全国卷Ⅱ)Carducci believes that small talk is the basis of good manners.‎ ‎3.When I arrived at the hospital, one nurse told me that my mother was being operated on.‎ ‎4.This is the oldest Hebrew manuscript in existence.‎ ‎5.The other day the famous actor was charged with speeding and was fined.‎ 维度三 易错混用(改正下列句子中的错误)‎ ‎1.Ten years later I succeeded.In other words, all my efforts were paid off.删除were ‎2.He told me that he has finished reading five history novels by the end of last month.has→had ‎3.The instantly she stepped onto the stage, all the audience stood up, applauding.instantly→instant ‎4.You’d better take some newspapers with you in case of you have to wait there.删除of ‎5.I hear that the company is in charge of a middleaged man from America now.在charge前加the 维度四 语境品词(写出加黑词汇在语境中的意义)‎ ‎1.(2019·北京卷)The programme beginning in August will operate in South Africa.实施 ‎2.(2018·全国卷Ⅱ)This switch has decreased pollution in the country’s major lakes and reservoirs and made drinking water safer for people.减少;降低 ‎3.Not knowing how to make a proper choice about that thing, Tom decided to consult Mr.Black. 咨询 ‎4.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)At first the price of single copies was seldom a penny—usually two or ‎ three cents was charged—and some of the older wellknown papers charged five or six cents.要价 提能一 语段填空(短文中黑体部分为本单元核心知识点,请补全短文,并背诵体会黑体部分用法)‎ As a teenager, 1.keeping(keep) up with the increasing changes of science and technology is very important. The 2.existence(exist) of smartphones can aid us 3.to__do(do) more in daily life like paying 4.off our debts. In addition, you can make 5.a response to your friends through WeChat lying in bed 6.comfortably(comfortable). Young people find 7.it hard to adapt to their surroundings without smartphones. Many people turn on their phones 8.instantly(instant) they stop working. Of course, there are more and more accidents 9.caused(cause) because they 10.are__committed(commit) to their phones on the street. So they have a common name—smartphone addicts(低头族).‎ 提能二 话题写作(用本单元词汇、句式和语法知识写满分作文)‎ ‎1.补全要点句(黑体部分请用本单元所学词汇)‎ ‎①毕业后我被安排到一家公司负责资料收集的工作。得到这份工作是因为我的英语专业背景。‎ I was__appointed__to__take__charge__of collecting data in a company after graduation. I got the job due__to my English major background.‎ ‎②这份工作本身具有挑战性,要求我尽量做到灵活。‎ The job itself is challenging and it__requires__me__that__I__should__be__very__flexible.‎ ‎③经理告诉我如果有困难多向同事们请教。‎ The manager told me to consult__my__colleagues__in__case__there__was__any__difficulty.‎ ‎④在他们的帮助下,我克服了许多困难。‎ With__their__aid,__I overcame many difficulties.‎ ‎⑤上个月我因勤奋工作受到奖赏。我所有的努力都有了回报。‎ Last month I was__rewarded__for__my__hard__work. All my efforts paid__off.‎ ‎2.升级平淡句 ‎⑥用in case of升级句③‎ The__manager__told__me__to__consult__my__colleagues__in__case__of__any__difficulty.‎ ‎3.衔接成美文 ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ One possible version:‎ I was appointed to take charge of collecting data in a company after graduation. I got the job due to my English major background. The job itself is challenging and it requires me that I should be very flexible.The manager told me to consult my colleagues in case of any difficulty. With their aid, I overcame many difficulties.Last month I was rewarded for my hard work. All my efforts paid off.‎ 课时练1 2篇阅读+1篇完形 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A ‎(2020·湖南十校联考)I started to work as an editor for a travel magazine. I didn’t really mind the work, but I wanted something more challenging. My sister sent me some details for a position in a startup. The job was a seemingly perfect mix of my skills and interests, so I jumped at it.‎ However, soon after I joined the company, its model changed to focus on K12 education, and everything about my position changed. I was asked to take on the completely different roles of selling contents to teachers and training people. I had no experience in sales, training or education. On top of that, I’m an introvert(内向的人).I felt more a little outside my comfort zone.‎ I knew I wanted to grow as an individual and make a serious impact on the company. I told myself that everything feels overwhelming at first and I should at least try. In a way, I felt like I didn’t have a choice. I knew jumping out of the nest was the right thing for me, even though it felt pretty awful.‎ I was fortunate to be surrounded by very helpful people, both at work and at home. My boss never asked if I thought I could do it; she asked if I was interested in trying.‎ I spent hours researching my company’s products. I asked lots of questions and spoke to so many teachers that there were soon more good experiences than difficult ones. I looked for opportunities to put in extra effort. The more I did, the better I felt.‎ Over time, I discovered that the job was something I could do and liked doing. It was incredibly rewarding to see the company grow. I also learned it’s important to take risks and accept new opportunities, even when you’re not sure if you’ll do well. I don’t think there’s anything worse than failing to try. I’m so glad I tried, and it surely paid off.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。“我”曾经是某旅游杂志的编辑,但“我”‎ 需要更具有挑战性的工作,所以“我”听从了姐姐的建议跳槽到了一家新公司。可是不久,这家公司的模式改变,内向的“我”被安排到了营销岗位。在老板的鼓励下,“我”不断尝试,努力工作,终于取得了良好的业绩。‎ ‎1.Why did the author want to change her job?‎ A.She intended to challenge something new.‎ B.She was paid too little at her old job.‎ C.She followed her sister’s advice.‎ D.She got bored of her old boss.‎ A 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段第一、二句“I started to work as an editor for a travel magazine. I didn’t really mind the work, but I wanted something more challenging.”可知,“我”曾是某旅游杂志的编辑,虽然“我”并不介意这项工作,但“我”想要更有挑战性的工作;据此可知,作者想要挑战新事物。故A项正确。‎ ‎2.How did the author feel after she entered the new company?‎ A.Excited.         B.Curious.‎ C.Stressed. D.Comfortable.‎ C 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段最后三句“I had no experience in sales, training or education. On top of that, I’m an introvert(内向的人).I felt more a little outside my comfort zone.”可知,“我”没有销售、培训或教育方面的经验,除此之外,“我”还是一个内向的人,“我”觉得有点不自在;据此可推知,作者一开始感到有压力,故C项正确。‎ ‎3.The author could finally handle her job mainly because ________.‎ A.people around her helped her solve the challenge B.she was hardworking and made a lot of effort C.she knew she would do well D.her boss trusted her to try B 解析:推理判断题。根据第五段的内容可知,“我”花时间研究公司的产品,向有经验的老师请教,并寻找机会努力工作;据此可推知,作者能驾驭工作的主要原因是她工作勤奋,付出了很多努力,故B项正确。‎ ‎4.What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text?‎ A.To tell readers that failure is the mother of success.‎ B.To warn about the risks and challenges when changing jobs.‎ C.To expose risks and challenges in a small and newly founded company.‎ D.To encourage readers to take on challenges and turn risks into opportunities.‎ D 解析:写作意图题。通读全文可知,“我”曾经是某旅游杂志的编辑,但“我”需要更具有挑战性的工作,所以“我”听从了姐姐的建议跳槽到了一家新公司;可是不久,‎ 这家公司的模式改变,内向的“我”被安排到营销岗位;在老板的鼓励下,“我”不断尝试,努力工作,终于取得了良好的业绩。“我”明白了要勇于尝试、承担风险、接受挑战的道理。据此可推知,本文旨在鼓励读者接受挑战,将风险转变为机会,故D项正确。‎ B ‎(2020·商丘高三模拟)A new study shows that rising levels of planetwarming gases may reduce important nutrients(营养物) in food crops.‎ Researchers studied the effects of carbon dioxide on rice. In the experiment, scientists grew 18 kinds of rice in fields in China and Japan. They set carbon dioxide levels to what scientists are predicting for our planet by the end of the century. Rice grown under high carbon dioxide conditions had, on average, 13 to 30 percent lower levels of four B vitamins and 10 percent less protein(蛋白质). The crops also had 8 percent less iron and 5 percent less zinc than rice grown under normal conditions. However, vitamin E levels increased by about 13 percent on average.‎ The researchers said the effects of planetwarming gases would be most severe for the poorest citizens in some of the least developed countries. These people generally eat the most rice and have the least complex diets. That includes about 600 million people in Indonesia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Laos and other nations, mainly in Southeast Asia.‎ Other studies have shown that higher temperatures from climate change and weather extremes will reduce food production. And scientists are finding that rising levels of carbon dioxide and other planetwarming gases threaten food quality.‎ Earlier studies showed that wheat, rice, field peas and soybeans grown under high carbon dioxide conditions all had lower levels of protein and minerals. Scientists predicted that almost 150 million people might be at risk of having too little protein or zinc in their diet by 2050.‎ The new study suggests a way to lower the nutritional harm of climate change. That is to grow different forms of rice that can adapt to higher carbon dioxide levels.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文介绍了温室气体减少了粮食作物中的营养物质以及降低气候变化对营养物的损害的方法。‎ ‎5.Growing rice under high carbon dioxide conditions may ________.‎ A.increase iron in the rice B.make it less nutritious C.cause losses of vitamin E D.make it more delicious B 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Rice grown under high carbon dioxide conditions had, on average, 13 to 30 percent lower levels...less protein(蛋白质).”可知, B项为正确答案。A、C、D三项的表述均与原文表述不符。‎ ‎6.How can people reduce the nutritional harm of climate change?‎ A.By importing rice from China and Japan.‎ B.By taking other kinds of food instead of rice.‎ C.By avoiding eating rice from Southeast Asia.‎ D.By growing rice suitable for the environment.‎ D 解析:细节理解题。根据文章最后一句“That is to grow different forms of rice that can adapt to higher carbon dioxide levels.”可知,应该种植不同种类的可以适应高含量二氧化碳的水稻,故D项为正确答案。‎ ‎7.What’s the author’s purpose of writing the text?‎ A.To inform readers what nutrients food crops contain.‎ B.To call on people to care for the planet they live on.‎ C.To share the results of some studies on people’s diets.‎ D.To tell readers where food crops are mainly produced.‎ B 解析:写作意图题。通读全文可知,本文通过介绍温室气体增加对粮食作物的影响来唤起人们对人类赖以生存的地球家园的保护。故B项为正确答案。‎ ‎8.In which part of a magazine can you read the text?‎ A.Advertisements. B.Art and culture.‎ C.Science reports. D.Business news.‎ C 解析:推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是根据文中的“study” “Researchers” “studies”等可推知,本文是一篇研究报告,在杂志的科学报道部分能读到本文。‎ Ⅱ.完形填空 ‎(2020·山西八校联考)Heroes come in different shapes and sizes. Some are born to give others a __1__. Then there are the people who __2__ happen to be in the right place at the right time. That was the __3__ for John Underwood.‎ On a cold evening, a storm __4__ near his home. Underwood was heading over to help his sister when the roads were __5__. He saw some other drivers get stuck, so he got out of his truck to help. “My __6__ is that if I have the ability to do good, then I should do it. There should be no __7__,” he said.‎ Underwood wasn’t out of his __8__ long before he heard a cry. “Someone was __9__, ‘My parents, my parents!’” Moments later, a 12yearold boy ran up to Underwood, saying his parents were __10__ and asked for help.‎ The Hammonds went to get things from the basement when the walls __11__ to bear the weight of rain and fell down, and they couldn’t __12__. Worse still, the water was rising fast. __13__ was of extreme significance, so Underwood took action at once. Any inappropriate action could add more dangers. Luckily, Underwood had __14__ as a contractor(承包商). “Digging a hole in the living room floor, I knew it’s a __15__ way,” he said.‎ With physical strength, patience, and a lot of __16__, Underwood saved their lives. He said he did what anyone would do, but that’s not necessarily true. It’s __17__ to put yourself in a dangerous way to rescue another. That’s why the American Red Cross __18__ him. Ann Otto, who was in charge of the 23rd Annual Acts of Courage Awards, said the Awards should __19__ heroes like Underwood who have acted __20__ and selflessly in a time of emergency.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文,文中讲述了暴风雨降临时约翰·安德伍德营救遭遇险境的哈蒙德夫妇的故事。‎ ‎1.A.lesson B.direction C.hope D.hand D 解析:根据下文中多次出现的help及文章第一句“Heroes come in different shapes and sizes.”可知,作者认为有人天生乐于助人,所以用hand。give sb. a hand “帮助某人”为固定搭配。‎ ‎2.A.also B.just C.often D.even B 解析:有人只是(just)恰好在恰当的时间出现在恰当的地点。‎ ‎3.A.role B.concern C.case D.behavior C 解析:结合下文安德伍德帮助被困夫妇的事件可知,此处意为约翰·安德伍德就是这样的例子。case“事例,实例”。‎ ‎4.A.broke B.disappeared C.returned D.changed A 解析:结合上文内容可知,此处指暴风雨在他家附近降临(broke)了。‎ ‎5.A.cleared B.completed C.repaired D.flooded D 解析:安德伍德正在去帮助他的妹妹的路上,这时道路被洪水淹没了。下文中的“the water was rising fast”是提示。clear“清除,疏通”;complete“完成,结束”;repair“修理,修补”;flood“为水所淹,被淹没”。‎ ‎6.A.duty B.fact C.belief D.advice C 解析:“如果我有能力去做好事,我就应该去做”,这是安德伍德的信念(belief)。‎ ‎7.A.arrangement B.wonder C.excuse D.problem C 解析:安德伍德认为做好事不应该有任何借口。excuse“借口,理由,辩解”。‎ ‎8.A.power B.sense C.house D.vehicle D 解析:根据上文中的“He saw some other drivers get stuck, so he got out of his truck to help.”可知,此处vehicle符合语境。‎ ‎9.A.screaming B.working C.helping D.talking A 解析:此处指有人高声喊(screaming):“我的父母!我的父母!”‎ ‎10.A.ignored B.trapped C.injured D.missed B 解析:根据下文的“when the walls...fell down”可知,一个12岁的男孩跑向安德伍德,说他的父母被困住了。trap“困住,使陷于危险中”。‎ ‎11.A.managed B.failed C.tried D.struggled B 解析:哈蒙德夫妇去地下室拿东西,墙壁不能(failed)承受雨水的重量并倒塌了,两人无法脱身(escape)。‎ ‎12.A.speak B.reunite C.escape D.survive C 解析:参见上题解析。‎ ‎13.A.Time B.Relief C.Success D.Action A 解析:根据上文中的“the water was rising fast”和“so Underwood took action at once”可知,时间(Time)至关重要,于是他立即行动起来。‎ ‎14.A.attitude B.potential C.confidence D.experience D 解析:在这种情况下,任何不当的操作都会增加更多的危险。幸运的是,安德伍德有做一名承包商的经验(experience)。‎ ‎15.A.difficult B.safe C.creative D.quick B 解析:安德伍德认为在客厅地板上挖一个洞是一个安全的(safe)方法。此处safe与前面的dangers形成对比。‎ ‎16.A.bravery B.encouragement C.anxiety D.responsibility A 解析:根据下文中的“Underwood saved their lives”和“Ann Otto, who was in charge of the 23rd Annual Acts of Courage Awards...Underwood”可知,安德伍德因勇敢的行为获奖。他凭借体力,耐心和勇气救了哈蒙德夫妇。bravery“勇敢,勇气”;encouragement“鼓舞,‎ 鼓励”;anxiety“焦虑,忧虑”;responsibility“责任,负责”。‎ ‎17.A.impossible B.reasonable C.hard D.special C 解析:根据空前的“He said he did what anyone would do, but that’s not necessarily true.”可知,要把自己置于危险的境地去救别人是很难(hard)做到的。‎ ‎18.A.invited B.honored C.interviewed D.helped B 解析:这是美国红十字会把奖项授予他的原因。honor“给……荣誉,表彰”符合语境。‎ ‎19.A.go to B.come to ‎ C.turn to D.pass to A 解析:这个奖应该颁给(go to)像安德伍德那样在紧急情况下表现得英勇(courageously)无私的英雄们。‎ ‎20.A.fortunately B.immediately C.actively D.courageously D 解析:参见上题解析。‎ 课时练2 2篇阅读+1篇七选五+‎ ‎1篇语法填空 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A ‎(2020·合肥高三联考)‎ ‎2019 Academy Award for ‎ Best Picture Nominations(提名)‎ Black Panther Type: Adventure Running Time: 134 min.‎ Release Date: February 16, 2018(the United States)‎ Current rank: ★★★★‎ Director: Ryan Coogler Actors: Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan With his father having died in Captain America: Civil War, T’Challa is the new ruler of the advanced kingdom of Wakanda. As the king, whenever a challenger for the crown announces his intentions, he must give up his powers and take them on in a physical challenge.‎ The Favourite Type: Drama Running Time: 120 min.‎ Release Date:November 23, 2018 (the United States)‎ Current rank: ★★★‎ Director: Yorgos Lanthimos Actors: Emma Stone, Rachel Weisz In the early 18th century, with Britain and France at war, a fragile Queen Anne occupies the throne as her close friend Lady Sarah Churchill governs the country in her stead, while tending to Anne’s ill health and changeable temper.‎ Green Book Type: Drama Running Time: 130 min.‎ Release Date: November 16, 2018(the United States)‎ Current rank: ★★★★★‎ Director: Peter Farrelly Actors: Viggo Mortensen, Mahershala Ali Tony Lip, an uneducated ItalianAmerican who’s known for using his fists to get his way, is hired to drive worldclass, famous pianist Don Shirley on a concert tour from Midwest to the Deep South. They must rely on The Negro Motorist Green Book to guide them to the few settlements that were then safe for blacks.‎ A Star Is Born Type: Musical Running Time: 135 min.‎ Release Date: October 5, 2018(the United States)‎ Current rank: ★★★★‎ Director: Bradley Cooper Actors: Bradley Cooper, Lady Gaga When country music star Jackson Maine stops at a bar for a drink after a concert, he’s both entertained and attracted by young nightclub singer Ally. He discovers that she writes songs as well as being a talented singer, but hasn’t had a break because of her look.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了四部获得2019年度奥斯卡最佳影片奖提名的电影。‎ ‎1.Which film is the least popular among audience?‎ A.Black Panther. B.The Favourite.‎ C.Green Book. D.A Star Is Born.‎ B 解析:细节理解题。根据各部电影介绍中的“Current rank”可知,The Favourite的星级最少。故选B。‎ ‎2.The film about the rights of black people belongs to ________.‎ A.adventure B.musical C.drama D.comedy C 解析:细节理解题。根据Green Book部分最后一句中的“that were then safe for blacks”以及“Type: Drama”可知,C项正确。‎ ‎3.Who works as a director and actor?‎ A.Ryan Coogler. B.Yorgos Lanthimos.‎ C.Peter Farrelly. D.Bradley Cooper.‎ D 解析:细节理解题。根据A Star Is Born部分的内容可知,既是导演又是演员的是Bradley Cooper。‎ B ‎(2020·昆明诊断测试)Artificial intelligence(AI) technology may soon be a useful tool for doctors. It may help them better understand and treat diseases like liver cancer in ways that were never before possible.‎ Rishi Rawat, who teaches AI at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, is part of a team of scientists researching how AI and machine learning can more easily recognize cancerous growths in the liver. Rawat provides information about cancer cells to a computer. He says, “You can put the data into them and they will learn the patterns and the pattern recognition that’s important for making decisions.”‎ David Agus is another researcher. He believes that machines are not going to take the place of doctors. “Computers will not treat patients, but they will help make certain decisions and look for things that the human brain can’t recognize by itself.”‎ Once a confirmed cancerous growth is removed, doctors still have to treat the patient to reduce the risk of cancer returning. The form of treatment depends on the kind of cancer. Nowadays, researchers take a thin piece of tissue(组织), put it on a small piece of glass and add color to see the cells better. That process could take days or even longer. Scientists say artificial intelligence can do something better than just count cells. Through machine learning, it can recognize complex patterns or structures, and learn how the cells are organized.‎ The hope is that machines will soon be able to make a quick identification of cancer that is free of human mistakes. Agus says the process could be done for almost no cost in the developing world and that having a large amount of information about patients is important for a machine to effectively do its job in medicine.‎ The researchers of the university are now only studying liver cancer. But doctors predict artificial intelligence will one day make a difference in all forms of cancer.‎ ‎【解题导语】 人工智能有望很快作为一种有用的工具帮助医生更好地诊断和治疗癌症。‎ ‎4.What can AI do with the help of the information provided by the researchers?‎ A.Recognize cancer patterns. B.Treat liver cancer.‎ C.Collect useful information. D.Store cancerous cells.‎ A 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“He says, ‘You can put the data into them and they will learn the patterns...making decisions.’”可知,人工智能可以根据对其输入的数据来学习该模式,并进行癌症模式的识别。‎ ‎5.What can we learn about AI?‎ A.It will be able to replace doctors.‎ B.Patients are unlikely to be cancerous again with its help.‎ C.It is making a difference in taking care of patients.‎ D.It can recognize cancer more accurately.‎ D 解析:推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句“Through machine learning...are organized.”可知,人工智能可以识别复杂的模式或结构,同时了解细胞是如何组成的。由此可推知,人工智能可以更精确地识别癌症。‎ ‎6.What’s the author’s attitude towards the future of AI?‎ A.Optimistic. B.Doubtful.‎ C.Curious. D.Cold.‎ A 解析:观点态度题。根据文章最后两段的内容可知,人工智能将能够快速识别癌症,并且应用到治疗各种癌症之中。由此可推知,作者对人工智能的未来持乐观的态度。‎ ‎7.What is the best title for the text?‎ A.AI Is Used to Treat Cancers B.AI May Compete with Doctors C.AI May Make Doctors Better D.AI Is Better at Curing Cancers ‎ C 解析:标题归纳题。根据对文章的整体理解可推知,人工智能有望很快作为一种有用的工具帮助医生更好地诊断和治疗癌症。‎ Ⅱ.七选五 ‎(2020·新疆维吾尔自治区适应性检测)You’re no doubt heard “less is more” over and over again. Less is better because it is good for your bank account and your waistline(腰围). But in some areas of our lives, we can benefit from “more” instead of “less”. 1.________‎ Give more.‎ If you see something beautiful in someone, say it. Why are you holding back a compliment, a kind word of encouragement or support or some welldeserved praise? Giving is a gift to the giver and receiver. 2.________ Once you start doing this, people will only want you around more.‎ Support others more.‎ Speaking of encouragement, who could use your support right now? 3.________ Someone who is struggling? Reach out! You’ll be glad you did.‎ ‎4.________‎ When we push back against things we don’t want(“I can’t believe Catherine copied my clothes again!”), our resistance still holds us close to the thing that hurts us. When we are more accepting of life’s ups and downs, we find peace.‎ Find more role models.‎ Who do you want to be like? Find role models who inspire you. Read about them. Buy their books. Dive into online interviews. 5.________‎ A life of richness can be defined in a million ways. And guess what? It’s waiting for you to live it—as soon as you open yourself up.‎ A.Accept more.‎ B.Get mental peace.‎ C.Do it every single day.‎ D.A friend who is going through a loss or a big change?‎ E.Here is how “more” can be a good thing in your life.‎ F.Let their success be an example of what’s possible for you, too.‎ G.Maybe someone who is always the support of you when you are in trouble?‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。在我们生活中的一些方面,我们能从“更多”而不是“更少”中受益。‎ ‎1.E 解析:空处承上启下,空前一句是说在我们生活中的一些方面,我们能从“更多”而不是“更少”中受益,并结合下文列举的例子可知,E项衔接上下文,符合语境,故选E。‎ ‎2.C 解析:空后一句是说一旦你开始这样做,人们就会想让你更多地陪伴在身边,C项“每天都这样做”符合语境,故选C。‎ ‎3.D 解析:空前一句是说谈到鼓励,谁可能现在需要你的支持?并结合空后一句可知,D项“一个正经历损失或重大改变的朋友?”符合语境,故选D。‎ ‎4.A 解析:根据空处所在位置和文章结构可知,空处为段落小标题,该段主要讲的是在生活中我们要接受更多,故选A。‎ ‎5.F 解析:本段主要讲找到更多的榜样,空前几句是说读有关他们的故事,买关于他们的书,看网上的采访,F项“让他们的成功成为你也可能成功的榜样”符合语境,故选F。‎ Ⅲ.语法填空 ‎(2020·郑州摸底测试) Today I spent time talking to an old friend about some of the ‎ ‎1.____________(choose) that we have made in our lives. We both agree that life has 2.____________(actual) been good to us. And we are very 3.____________(thank) for what we have been blessed with.‎ Today I would like you to think about your journey and where you see yourself in 4.____________ next five years. Do you see that you have become exactly who you set out to be? I work on my goals because I am excited about that opportunity.‎ However, I do realize that sometimes life can get 5.____________ the way of our goals. I remember when my friend 6.____________(decide) to buy her first home, she was ready and had everything 7.____________(prepare). But during that time her father died and she had to move home 8.____________(help) take care of her mother. Her goal was delayed, 9.____________ she didn’t give it up completely. And that’s exactly the key to this all. In order to achieve your goals, you have to keep working on 10.____________.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文主要介绍了如何坚持目标并将之实现。‎ ‎1.choices 解析:考查词性转换。由空前的定冠词the可知,此处应用名词形式,且与some呼应可知,此处应用名词的复数形式,故填choices。‎ ‎2.actually 解析:考查副词。此处在句中作状语,故用副词形式。‎ ‎3.thankful 解析:考查形容词。根据空前的are可知,空处应用形容词作表语,故填thankful。‎ ‎4.the 解析:考查冠词。in the next five years“在未来五年里”,为固定用法,故用定冠词the。‎ ‎5.in 解析:考查介词。get in the way of sth.意为“阻止某事发生”,为固定短语,故用介词in。‎ ‎6.decided 解析:考查动词的时态。与下文的was呼应可知,此处描述的事情发生在过去,故用一般过去时,故填decided。‎ ‎7.prepared 解析:考查非谓语动词。“have+宾语+宾补”为固定用法,且everything与prepare之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词作宾语补足语,表示“完成或解决某事”,故填prepared。‎ ‎8.to help 解析:考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,此处应用不定式表示目的,故填to help。‎ ‎9.but 解析:考查连词。根据语境可知,空处前后句表示逻辑上的转折关系,故用连词but。‎ ‎10.them 解析:考查代词。与上文中的goals呼应可知,此处用代词them作宾语。‎

