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重点名校2020届高考模拟英语试卷含答案及详细解析 重点名校2020届高考模拟英语试卷 第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节  (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What is the man going to buy? A. $5.5 for a red. B. $13.6 for two green ones. C. $11 for two red ones. 2. What is the feeling of the man? A. He felt sleepy. B. He is tired of listening. C. The work is important. 3. What is the man going to do for his holiday? A. Stay at home. B. Collect coins. C. Volunteer in the west. 4. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a plane. B. In a train.   C. In a restaurant. 5. Why didn’t Mary sleep well? A. She had a headache. B. She had a stomachache. C. She was troubled by noise. ‎ 第二节  (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6. When willthe man go to see the doctor? A. On Tuesday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Thursday. 7. What’s wrong with the man? A. He was hit by a ladder. B. He broke his leg. C. He hurt his foot. 8. Which statement of the following is TRUE? A. The appointment time is quite fit for the man. B. The appointment time isn’t quite fit for the man. C. The man can’t go to the hospital. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。 9. What does the woman believe? A. Mahjong is a beneficial hobby. B. Mahjong can become an addiction. C. Mahjong is too boring to play. 10. What are they going to do now? A. Teach their partners. B. Learn old card games. C. Play ‎ mahjong games. 11. What is foreigners’ hobby? A. Playing Mahjong only. B. Playing card games and Mahjong. C. Playing their old card games. 听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。 12. What does the man probably do? A. A manager. B. A salesman. C. A cleaner. 13. What isn’t needed for his job? A. Copying machine. B. Wax(蜡). C. Floor-polishing machine. 14. What’s the possible relationship between them? A. Manager and secretary. B. Friends. C. Teacher and student. 听第9段材料,回答15至17题。 15. Why is the woman worried? A. The mechanic might try to overcharge her. B. There’s something wrong with her car. C. Good mechanics are not available. 16. What does the woman think of her mechanic? A. He takes advantage of her. B. He is reliable. C. He overcharges. 17. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a school. B. In a shop. C. In a park. ‎ 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。 18. How many different schedules are mentioned?   A. Five. B. Four. C. Three. 19. What can you use your daily schedule to do?   A. To achieve the long-tm goals.   B. To plan the time well.   C. To achieve the short-time goals. 20. What does “a master schedule” mean?   A. A schedule with all the important things and time used to finish it.   B. A schedule you make to yourself.   C. A schedule you make for your boss. 第二部分:英语语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节:多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)  从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21. Our society consists of men and women, but in real life, the __________ of the women is often neglected.   A. characteristic B. capability C. architecture D. compliment 22. For all the help the computer may provide, it should not be seen as a __________ for fundamental thinking and ‎ reasoning skills.   A. satisfaction B. substitute C. qualification D. distribution 23. Currently, the residents' exercise is still __________ with voluntaries, and is somewhat blindness without enough guidance.     A. established B. stretched C. transformed D. featured       24. Although he was not a vegetarian, he ate relatively little meat and __________ vegetarianism as a means of self-improvement.  A. proceeded   B. explored C. advocated D. reflected   25. Every country and international organization need to work together to __________ major global challenges like resource shortages and the financial crisis.   A. cope with B. bring down C. hand over D. hold up   26. While it is always nice to dine at a restaurant that is beautifully decorated and comfortable, it is when the chefs put their hearts into the food that the dining experience __________.   A. figures out   B. tries out C. carries out D. stands out ‎ ‎27. Without __________ cooling, certain parts of the engine which are exposed to very high temperature as result of burning fuel, would soon fail.   A. accurate B. absent C. accessible D. adequate 28. When students are surrounded by so many electric screens, doing eye exercises cannot __________ stop students’ eyesight from decreasing.   A. sincerely B. punctually C. effectively D. narrowly 29. With people seeing more and more violence in movies, they may become __________ to people who have been victims of violence, regarding it as a common situation. A. inevitable B. insensitive C. unavailable D. uncooperative  30. It is quite obvious, compared to traditional printed book, that e-book has got more advantages __________ size, portability and prize.   A. in exchange for B. in return of C. in honour of D. in terms of    第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Hard as you try to break with family tradition, your heart ‎ remains at home on the holidays. --- Tayari Jones Everybody in my family always get excited about the Christmas. As the middle, artist child, I was going to do my own thing, make some new   31  . From a book, I drew    32    — I would spend the holiday at an artist colony! No one took the news very well. From the way my mother got angry with me, you would think that I was   33   the family.   34  , I held my ground and made plans for my winter adventure in New Hampshire. About 30 artists were there, and it was as well artsy as I had    35  . It felt like my life had become a strange independent film. By Christmas Eve, I had been at the colony more than a week. The novelty(新奇感) was   36   , but I would never admit it. Everyone around me was having too much fun. What was wrong with me? This was the holiday I’d always dreamed of. Not a Christmas sweater anywhere   37  . People here didn’t even say “Christmas,” they said “holiday.” Entire relaxation. Then why was I so   38  ? Finally, I   39   home. My dad answered, but I could   40   hear him for there was too much good-time ‎ noise in the background. He   41   the volume on the Stevie Wonder holiday album and told me that my mother was out shopping with my brothers. Now it was my turn to   42  . They were having a fine Christmas without me. Despite a heavy snowstorm, a large package    43   near my door at the artist colony on Christmas morning. Tayari Jones was written in my mother’s beautiful handwriting. I    44    at that parcel like I was five years old. Inside was a beautiful delicious cake, my    45  . Merry Christmas,    46   the simple card inside. We love you very much. As I sliced the cake, everyone    47   around. Mother had sent a   48   homemade gift. It was a minor Christmas   49   that one cake managed to feed so many. We ate it from paper towels with our bare hands, satisfying a   50   we didn’t know we had. 31. A. comments B. adjustments C. traditions  D. possibilities 32. A. significance B. inspiration C. enthusiasm D. discovery 33. A. persuading B. celebrating C. serving D. divorcing ‎ ‎34. A. But B. therefore C. Still D. moreover 35. A. imagined B. designed C. inspired D. interviewed 36. A. wearing off B. dying off C. putting off D. giving off 37. A. in error B. in danger C. in return D. in sight   38. happy B. excited C. sad D. fortunate 39. A. returned B. called C. escaped D. walked 40. A. clearly B. sincerely C. barely D. extremely  41. A. turned down B. turned up C. turned in D. turned over 42. A. anger B. laugh C. puzzle D. upset 43. A. added up B. built up C. dug up D. showed up 44. A. grasped B. glared C. laughed D. knocked 45. A. impact B. favorite C. ingredient D. option 46. A. wrote B. told C. announced D. read   47. A. ran B. gathered C. scared D. flew   48. A. simple B. rough C. genuine D. terrible 49. A. miracle B. status C. inspiration D. threat 50. A. liberty B. hunger C. interest D. dilemma  ‎ 第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A There’s a shocking moment early on when you realize what is ahead. For me, it came in late pregnancy when our earnest National Childbirth Trust tutor explained that breast-fed babies need to be fed every three hours. And take an hour to feed. Silence fell as we all calculated – just two interrupted hours of sleep! Really? I consulted my mother, who has borne and fed four babies. How did she do it? “Well,” she replied, “That’s part of love too.” Not until we are parents ourselves do we realize what our parents did for us, what their lives were like. As my daughter turns 14, I find myself remembering my own teenage years. I was horrible, I now realize. Angrily determined to be different from my mother, I would shout at her: “I never want to get married or have children. Look how you’ve wasted your life.” She didn’t reply. That’s part of love too. I’m tough on my teenage daughter sometimes. I’m anxious about how she’s going to negotiate children, work, and marriage. I want her to do it better: be more successful, beautiful, have more children. Poor girl. We’re so involved, the mothers of my generation. It’s no wonder our daughters need to fight for space, need to clear us out of the way. I can live with that – as long as we can come back together in the end. ‎ These days I’m amazed to find my life so similar to my mother’s. I think about this as I clean the kitchen floor with Woman’s Hour in the background. With a BBC Radio 4 commission for a feature about mothers and daughters, I went on Woman’s Hour to ask women to send me their stories. Before I arrived home, the emails had started pouring in. Loving, angry, puzzled, guilty, these were intimate accounts, as dramatic and moving as any novel, about mothers and daughters losing and finding each other. 51. How many times does a mother breast-feed her baby in one day? A. Five times. B. Six times. C. Seven times. D. Eight times. 52. Why did the mother keep quiet about her daughter’s words? A. Because the mother didn’t know how to reply to them. B. Because the mother couldn’t understand her daughter’s words. C. Because the mother loved her daughter dearly. D. Because the mother want to calm her daughter down. 53. What leads daughters to looking for more private space? A. Mothers care too much on their daughters. B. Mothers pay little attention to their daughters. C. Mothers are too tough on their daughters. D. Mothers live separately with their daughters. ‎ ‎54. It can be inferred that the author’s request ________. A. was not recognized by anyone B. totally annoyed a lot of mothers C. received no reply until the next week   D. was replied by many other women quickly B Climate change could lead to crops from the banana family becoming a critical food source for millions of people, a new report says. Researchers from the CGIAR agricultural partnership say the fruit might replace potatoes in some developing countries. Cassava(木薯)and the little-known cowpea plant could be much more important food crops as temperatures rise. People will have to adapt to new and varied menus as traditional crops struggle, say the authors. Responding to a request from the United Nations’ committee on world food security, a group of experts in the field looked at the projected effects of climate change on 22 of the world’s most important agricultural crops. They predict that the world’s three biggest crops in terms of calories provided --- maize, rice and wheat --- will decrease in many developing countries. They suggest that ‎ the potato, which grows best in cooler climates, could also suffer as temperatures increase and weather becomes more volatile(忍受). The authors argue that these changes “could provide an opening for cultivating certain varieties of bananas” at higher altitudes, even in those places that currently grow potatoes. Dr Philip Thornton is one of those behind the report. He told BBC News that while bananas and plantains also have limiting factors, they may be a good substitute for potatoes in certain locations. “It’s not necessarily a silver bullet, but there may be places where as temperatures increase, bananas might be one option that small-holders could start to look at.”  The report describes wheat as the world’s most important plant-derived protein and calorie source. But according to this research, wheat will face a difficult future in the developing world, where higher prices for cotton, maize and soybeans have pushed wheat to marginal land, making it more vulnerable(脆弱)to stresses induced by climate change. One substitute, especially in South Asia, could be cassava --- which is known to be tolerant to a range of climate stresses. But how easy will it be to get people to adjust ‎ to new crops and new diets? Bruce Campbell told BBC News that the types of changes that will happen in the future have already happened in the past. “Two decades ago there was almost no rice consumption in certain areas of Africa, now there is. People have changed because of the pricing: it’s easier to get, it’s easier to cook. I think those sort of shifts do occur and I think they will in future.”  55. As the result of global warming, which of the following food crops will become less important?   A. Banana. B. Cassava. C. Cowpea.  D. Wheat. 56. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?   A. It’s easy to get people to adapt to the new diets.   B. The price of wheat is lower than that of the cotton in developing countries.   C. People in African countries do not eat rice because its price is too low.   D. People will have to adjust to new food as the temperature rises. 57. What does the underlined phrase “a silver bullet” in paragraph 4 mean? ‎ ‎  A. a bullet with silver-white color B. a white lie   C. a good solution D. the only promise 58. It can be inferred from the passage that _________.   A. bananas could replace potatoes in warming world   B. Not only cassava but also wheat could bear the pressure of changing climates.   C. the most common sources of food are not sensitive to temperature changes   D. it’s stupid of farmers to change their traditional crops because of the global warming  ‎ C At last. Good news to report about the “greenest government ever”. A package of railway spending across England and Wales worth £9.4bn - of which £4.2bn will be spent on previously unannounced projects. The projects include a high capacity “electric spine” running between Yorkshire and the East Midlands down to south coast ports, and the electrification of the line between Sheffield and Bedford. Further electrification is also planned in Wales meaning two-thirds of the Welsh population will have access to electric trains. Speaking on Radio 4’s Today programme this morning, she said:‎ ‎ We all know that diesel(柴油机) is massively expensive so if we can move over to electric trains, not only are they greener, they’re also cheaper and also they are lighter too, so what that means is that when they are on the track they don’t damage it so much, so maintenance costs go down too. Rail electrification is an important part of the Department’s carbon strategy. Typically an electric train emits between 20% and 35% less carbon per passenger mile than a diesel train. This benefit will only improve as the electricity generation industry reduces its carbon levels. Electric trains also have zero emissions at the point of use, of particular benefit for air quality in pollution hot spots like city centres and mainline stations such as London Paddington.  A lot depends on the decarbonisation(低碳排放) of our electricity generation, but by the time these new electrified lines are fully operational in the 2020s we should be advancing with the decarbonisation of the grid. However you calculate it, though, electric trains are greener than diesel trains.  Interestingly, he added that a high-speed electric train ‎ travelling at 300km per hour – as might be seen on HS2 – would still emit less CO2 per passenger kilometre than a diesel train travelling at its top speed of 220km per hour. Combine all this with the fact that railway electrification, particularly on city commuter routes, helps to reduce local air pollution - a topical subject in London this week - and it seems clear that electric trains are the way to go. 59. Which parts will benefits most from electric trains? A. England and Ireland. B. England and Scotland. C. Wales and Scotland. D. Wales and England. 60. What does the underlined word “emit” mean? A. Give away. B. Give over. C. Give out. D. Give up. 61. What’s the author’s attitude on the decarburizations? A. Doubtful.    B. Confident. C. Negative. D. Unclear. 62. Which of the following is NOT the advantage of electric trains compared with the diesel train? A. Dear to buy. B. Greener to use. C. Easy to maintain. D. Lighter to run.‎ D Cheating has gone from a nasty habit to a nationwide epidemic. In March, nine seniors from Leland High School,‎ ‎ a well-known public school in San Jose, California, organized a cheating ring after one student broke into classrooms to steal test information; in May, a junior from Panther Creek High School in Cary, North Carolina, was caught handing out test answers to classmates; and last fall, 20 or so students from Great Neck, Roslyn, and other Long Island towns were arrested for cheating on the SAT—at least four of them admitted to being paid to take the test for their friends. We’ve all been witness to a test answer passed in a note during class, but large-scale cheating schemes driven by America’s best and brightest? The editors at New York Magazine decided to get to the bottom of it. In a recent study, the magazine reports, Carol Dweck, a Stanford psychology professor, found that people determine their intelligence based on scores rather than on overall self-improvement. According to the article: “Students come to see school not as a place to grow and learn, but as a place to demonstrate their intelligence by means of a number.” A tough economy and an over-saturated job market don’t help much, as students feel more pressure to make the grade. But why do the smartest students sometimes cheat? Because ‎ ambitious young people enrolled in high-profile schools are aware of their institution’s reputations and that Harvard only admits so many students from these schools, explains the magazine. Further down the road, Goldman Sachs will hire only so many Harvard kids. The result: Competition to the nth degree. “Kids here know that the difference between a 96 and a 97 on one test isn’t going to make any difference in the future,” Edith Villavicencio, a senior at Stuyvesant, New York City’s top public high school, which had its own scandal this year, tells New York Magazine. “But they feel as if they need the extra one point over a friend, just because it’s possible and provides a little thrill.” 63. According to the passage, cheating at school ___________ at present.   A. has contributed to the students’ intelligence development   B. is no longer considered as a bad thing and has become popular   C. results from the tough economy and family burden   D. doesn’t make any difference to the scores of the top students ‎ ‎64. What does the underlined part “Competition to the nth degree” mean in paragraph 3?   A. there is no competition without a degree.   B. where there is a degree, there is a competition.   C. east or west, competition makes progress   D. as long as there is a competition, there is no end of it. 65. Which of the following match the result of the study?   A. Students come to place not as a place to grow and learn but as a place to cheat.     B. People’s intelligence are usually determined by scores rather than on overall self-improvement   C. The school is to blame for the cheating of the top students.   D. The difference of one point in the examination drives the teachers to encourage cheating. 66. What would be the best title for the passage?   A. Not all the best and brightest like to cheat B. Cheating becomes popular in school C. Why Do Top Students Cheat?   D. Focus on the examination pressure of the school students E Young children from poor families are more likely to consume junk food and fizzy drinks(汽水) than their richer companions. A study of 1,800 four and five year olds found more than half of those from poor backgrounds drank at least one a week, compared to just four in ten wealthy kids. They also drank less milk and consumed more fruit juice which is also linked to child obesity caused by high sugar intake.  The phenomenon also related to children who spend more than two hours a day in front of a TV or playing computer games - whatever their social circumstances. A companion study also found children from poor families were more likely to eat chips, sweets and chocolate. Professor Kate Storey said: ‘When you are looking at that age group, and such a large percentage of very young kids in the study are consuming a large amount of soda, it is quite concerning.’ The researchers carried out the study by surveying the parents of their participants to find out their dietary habits. Professor Storey said: “If you are drinking a lot of soda and fruit juice, that can displace consumption of water and milk, which are important not just for ‎ ending thirst, but for developing healthy bones and teeth, and health and wellness in general.”  Co-researcher Dr John Spence said: ‘Dietary behaviour and intake patterns are influenced heavily by what happens in the first few years with children, and they maintain those patterns throughout childhood and into adolescence. ‘In addition to basic health education, this study identifies a need in how we are dealing with poverty and recognising there is more to poverty than simply the number of dollars people have.  Professor Storey said that shows how education can make a difference and lead to healthier eating habits, regardless of what is happening at home. “Many families live in places that might not be very healthy for them and, as a result, they make unhealthy food choices. You can start making a difference in different places. It calls for action in multiple settings, schools and communities, for example. That light-bulb moment can happen in a variety of places,” Professor Storey added. 67. What’s Kate Storey’s attitude on children’s present situation? A. Anxious.       B. Excited.    C.‎ ‎ Acceptable.    D. Reasonable. 68. According to the passage, Professor Storey thinks it helpful for children ________. A. to drink only milk      B. to drink more milk and water C. to drink more soda      D. to drink more fruit juice 69. According to Dr John Spence, children’s early stage of life habits can even affect ________. A. their living patterns of childhood B. their living patterns of youthhood  C. their living patterns of middle age D. their living patterns of old age 70. Professor Storey considers that healthier eating habits can be________. A. finally determined by parents’ habits     B. gently changed by parents’ life habits  C. suddenly changed by family situation     D. gradually changed by education    第四部分:书面表达 第一节:完成句子(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) ‎ 阅读下列各小题,根据所给的汉语句子,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子,并将答案写在答题卡上的相应题号后。 71. China is a peace-loving country and never ____________________________ any power politics.  (submit) 中国是个热爱和平的国家,她不会屈服于任何强权政治。 72. ________________________, “Education is not a filling of a pail, but a lighting of a fire.”  (say)   正如叶慈(Yeats)曾说过,“教育不是把一桶水装满,而是将一把火点燃。” 73. ________________________________ will be under control is what worried people most.    (rise) 不断上涨的房价是否将得到控制是最使人们担忧的事情。 74. As far as I am concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn, __________________________________ life you are.   (equip)   就我所知,教育是关于学习的,而且你学的越多,你为生活准备得就越充分。 75. I wonder __________________________  it takes to be a good teacher beyond patience and a great knowledge of students. (it) 我想知道成为一名好老师除了耐心和充分了解学生究竟需要什么。 76. We shouldn’t have come south for National Holidays. If we ‎ hadn’t, we _______________________ the traffic jam now.    (catch) 我们不应该到南方过国庆节。如果我们没有,我们现在就不会被困于交通堵塞。 77. There is little doubt in your mind that he is innocent, _______________________? (be) 在你心中,毫无疑问,他是无辜的,对吗? 78. If I were one of those who have “Gaokao nannies”, I would not be used to _______________________ by an unfamiliar person who cannot possibly understand me as well as my parents.  (take) 如果我是那些有“高考保姆”的学生之一,我将不习惯于被一个陌生人照顾,他不可能像我的父母一样了解我。 79. The dance performed by the disabled actors is really a hit, but years ago no one ____________________________ they were to achieve such great success.    (imagine)    由残障演员表演的舞蹈是个巨大的成功,但多年前没人会想到他们将取得如此大的成功。 80. So ________________________ the woman’s being her mother that I wanted no evidence to establish the fact in my mind.  (convince) 我深信不疑这位妇女是她母亲,以致我不想找任何证据来证明这一点。 ‎ 第二节 短文写作 (满分30分) 请根据以下提示,并结合事例,用英语写一篇短文。 If you want to live happily, take time to enjoy simple things in life. 注意: ① 无须写标题; ② 除诗歌外,文体不限; ③ 内容必须结合你生活中的一个事例; ④ 文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称; ⑤ 词数不少于120;如引用提示语则不计入总词数。  ‎ ‎ 参考答案与解析听力 ‎1-5 CBAAC   6-10 ACBBC   11-15 BCABB   16-20 BACBA 第一节:多项选择 21. B。考查名词。capability意为“能力,才能”,句意“我们的社会是由男性和女性共同构成的,但是在现实生活中,女性的能力往往遭到忽视。”。characteristic意为“特征;特性;特色”,architecture意为“建筑;建筑式样”,compliment意为“恭维;称赞”。 22. B。考查名词。substitute意为“代替者,代用品” 。句意:尽管计算机可以提供那么多的帮助,它却不应该被看作是基本的思维和推理技巧的替代物。 satisfaction “满意”, qualification ‎ “资格,条件”, distribution “分配,分发”。 23. D。考查动词。feature意为“以……为重点,以……为特色”,句意“目前居民的体育锻炼特点还是以自愿为主,缺乏引导,存在一定的盲目性。” stretch意为“延伸;伸展”,transform意为“改变;转化”,establish意为“建立”。 24. C。考查动词。advocate意为“提倡;主张”,句意“虽然他不是一名素食者,但他吃肉相对较少,而且提倡把素食主义作为自我提高的一种方法。” explore意为“探索;探险”,proceed意为“开始,进行”,reflect意为“反射,反映”。 25. A。考查动词短语。cope with意为“处理,应付”,句意“每个国家和国际组织都需要共同工作来应付主要的全球挑战如资源短缺和金融危机”。bring down意为“降低;打倒”,hand over意为“传递”,hold up意为“举起;阻挡”。 26. D。考查动词短语。stand out意为“醒目”,句意“尽管在装饰漂亮、舒适的餐馆用餐总是美好的,但当厨师全身心烹饪食物时用餐经历才真正令人难忘”。Try out意为“试;试验”,carry out意为“实施”,figure out意为“算出;解答出”。 27. D。考查形容词。adequate意为“足够的,充分的” 。句意:若没有足够的冷却,发动机的某些部件处于燃油产生的高温中,不久就会损坏。accurate “精确的”, absent “缺席的,不在的”, accessible “易接近的,可到达的”。 28.‎ ‎ C。考查副词。effectively意为“有效地”,句意“当学生们被众多的电子屏幕所包围,做眼保健操不能有效地防止学生视力下降”。sincerely意为“真诚地”,punctually意为“准时地”,narrowly意为“勉强地”。 29. B。考查形容词。insensitive意为“感觉迟钝的,对……没有感觉的”,句意“随着人们在电影中观看到越来越多的暴力,他们或许变得对暴力受害者漠不关心,仅将其看成是个普通情况”。inevitable意为“必然的,不可避免”, unavailable意为“难以获得的;不能利用的”, uncooperative意为“不愿意合作的”。 30. D。考查介词短语。in terms of意为“就……而言”,句意“与传统的印刷书籍相比,就大小、便携性和价格而言,很明显电子书有更多的优势。” in exchange for意为“为了……交换”,in return of意为“回报”,in honour of意为“向……表示敬意”。 第二节:完形填空  短文大意:我是家中一个学艺术的孩子,想打破传统,不在家里跟家人一起过圣诞节。但当我如愿以偿,来到离家很远的艺术家居住中心,却在圣诞节时高兴不起了,莫名地思念起家人。 31. C。作者作为一个学艺术的孩子,想打破传统,与众不同,不在家里跟家人一起过圣诞节。tradition意为“传统”,comment“评论”,adjustment“调整”,possibility“可能性”。 32. B。“我”从一本书中得到灵感,去一个艺术家聚集的地方度假。 33. D。没人能接受这件事,从妈妈对我生气的方式来看,你会认为我在与家庭决裂。注意句中take的理解“接受,领受;接纳”。 ‎ ‎34. C。still意为“仍然;即使这样”,But表转折,意为“但是”,therefore表结果,意为“因此”,moreover表递进关系,意为“而且;此外”。 35. A。这里有大约30个艺术家,而且跟我想象的一样富于艺术氛围。 36. A。一周之后我的新奇感正在逐渐消退。wear off意为“逐渐消失”,die off“相继死去”,put off“推迟,延期”,give off“散发(光,气味等)”。 37. D。in sight“看见”,in error“错误地”,in danger“在危险中”,in return“作为回报”。 38. C。在这里人们连圣诞节都不说,只说假日,完全地放松,但为什么我会如此不高兴呢? 39. B。最后我忍不住给家里打电话。 40. C。给父亲打电话师,父亲那边在放Stevie 的Wonder holiday唱片,背景声音太大,令“我”几乎听不到那边讲话的声音。barely“几乎不”,clearly“清晰地”,sincerely“真诚地”,extremely“尤其,特别”。 41. A。父亲将音量调小了。turn down“调小”,turn up“调大;出现”,turn in“上交”,turn over“反转,移交”。 42. D。家里人都在享受圣诞,现在轮到我感到难过了。 43. D。尽管下着大雪,一个包裹还是被送到了我的住所。show up意为“出席,露面”,add up“加起来”,build up“积聚,积累”,dig up“挖掘,挖出”。 ‎ ‎44. A。我像个五岁大的孩子一样抓起包裹。grasp at意为“急切(或贪婪)地抓住,抓取”,glare at “怒目而视”,laugh at“嘲笑”,knock at“敲(门)”。 45. B。favorite意为“最喜欢的人或物”,impact“影响;冲击”,ingredient“配方”,option“供选择的东西”。 46. D。卡片上写着“圣诞快乐,我们都爱你。”read意为“标明;写明”,为固定用法。 47. B。当我切开蛋糕,每个人都聚集过来。 48. C。妈妈给我寄来了一个真正的自家做的礼物。genuine意为“真正的,真实的,名副其实的”,simple“简单的”,rough“粗糙的”,terrible“可怕的”。 49. A。这是一个小小的圣诞奇迹,一块蛋糕居然可供这么多的人在暴风雪之夜享受快乐。Miracle“奇迹”,threat“威胁”,status“地位,身份”,inspiration“灵感;鼓舞”。 50. B。我们光着手从纸巾上拿蛋糕吃,让一种我们从未意识到的饥饿感得到了满足。此处填hunger不仅指物质上感到饥饿,更指心理上的对亲情的渴望。   第三部分:阅读理解 A篇 短文大意:‎ 本文记叙了自己对母爱的理解,从含辛茹苦地哺育婴儿到容忍孩子青春期的叛逆以及反思上一代母亲的做法,都在表现母爱的伟大,母爱就是这样传递下来的。 51. B。综合推断题,根据文章第一段第二三句:…breast-fed babies need to be fed every three hours. And take an hour to feed.可知母乳喂养的婴儿每三个小时要喂一次奶。喂一次奶要一个小时,故可以推断每次为4个小时,答案为B。 52. C。细节理解题,根据第二段结尾She didn’t reply. That’s part of love too.可知她没有回答。这也是母爱的一部分。故正确答案为C。 53. A。语境理解题,根据第三段第5句We’re so involved, the mothers of my generation.可知我这一代做母亲管的太多了,从而导致女儿们寻找私人空间。 54. D。细节推断题,根据第四段第4句Before I arrived home, the emails had started pouring in.可知我还没到家,就有很多邮件发过来了,故可以推断作者的请求得到了很多其他妇女的迅速响应,正确答案为D。 B篇 短文大意:气候变化可能导致来自香蕉家族的农作物成为数百万人的主要食物来源。 55.‎ ‎ D。细节理解题。根据第一段中的“来自国际农业研究磋商组织的研究人员说在一些发展中国家香蕉或许可能取代土豆。随着气温上升,木薯和鲜为人知的豇豆植物将会成为更重要的食品作物。”以及第三段中的“他们预测就所提供的热量而言,世界排名前三的农作物——玉米、大米和小麦——将会在许多发展中国家有所减少。”可知。 56. C。细节理解题。根据最后一段中“20年前,在非洲某些地方根本没有人吃大米,但现在有了。因为价格关系,人们的饮食习惯已发生了改变:大米更容易买到,也更容易烹饪。”可知。 57. C。词义推断题。由上下文可知,虽然香蕉和大蕉的种植也有受限因素,但在某些地区它们是土豆最好的代替品。”这不一定是个良方,但对于那些气温上升的地区,香蕉或许是低收入者能够开始考虑的一个选择。”a silver bullet “解决问题的方法”。 58. A。推理判断题。本文主要介绍一项新的研究,气候变化可能导致来自香蕉家族的农作物成为数百万人的主要食物来源。 C篇 短文大意:本文是一篇说明文,介绍了电力机车是如何环保的。 59. D。细节理解题。文章第一段第二句谈到:大约是42亿至94亿英镑的铁路建设支出,已经被批准。将会用于英格兰与威尔士地区的一系列的铁路项目。   60. C。猜测词意题,该句意思是:通用的电力机车平均每公里比柴油机车少排放20%到35%的二氧化碳。   61. B。细节推断题,第四段谈到:虽然降低碳排放依赖于电器设备的碳排放,但无疑的事随着2020年新电气化铁路的全面运营,我们一定会在减排上取得重大进步。无论你如何计算,电力机车都会比柴油机更加环保。由此断定作者对降低碳排充满信心,故正确答案为B。 ‎ ‎62. A。推理判断题,由文章第二段可知。柴油机车的价格是非常昂贵的,如果我们用电力机车替代柴油机车,它的意义就不仅仅是环保而已,同时也更加经济,电动机车也更加轻便,在运行时损耗也更低,这就意味着保养费也更低。 D篇 短文大意:作弊已从一种坏习惯变成了全国范围的流行病。因为竞争,优秀的学生也开始在考试中作弊。 63. B。细节理解题。由文章第一段中的首句“Cheating has gone from a nasty habit to a nationwide epidemic.”作弊已从一种坏习惯变成了全国范围的流行病可知。 64. D。词义推测题。由文章第三段的叙述可知,从小学到中学,从中学到大学,因录取名额有限,这个过程竞争不止。Competition to the nth degree的字面意思就是“无极限的竞争”。 65. B。推理判断题。由文章第二段可知。 66. C。主旨大意题。本篇文章讲述的是为什么优秀的学生也在考试中作弊。 E篇 短文大意:本文是一篇说明文,介绍了贫穷人家的孩子食用垃圾食品机率更大。 67. A 推理判断题,第二段结尾谈到:加拿大阿尔伯塔大学的一位教授Kate Storey说道:”当你看着那个年龄分组,研究中那么多的小孩子正在消费着大量的碳酸饮料,这是一个非常令人担忧的问题。”‎ ‎ 由此断定该教授对目前儿童的状况感到担忧。 68. B  细节理解题,第三段Storey教授说:”如果你喝了很多碳酸饮料和果汁,那些就取代了水和牛奶,而后者不仅可以解渴,还有助于健康骨骼及牙齿的生长,有助于整体的健康和保健。”  69. B  推理判断题,第四段开头谈到:John Spence博士说:“儿童早年的生活会严重影响其饮食习惯和营养摄入类型,他们会将这些习惯和类型保持整个童年时期,甚至延续到青少年时期。” 70. D  推理判断题,最后一段谈到。Storey教授的话指明了教育的重要性,以及教育可以培养健康饮食习惯,不管家里是怎么影响的。 第一节:完成句子 71. will she submit to    考查否定倒装和搭配submit to。 72. As Yeats once said/ As was once said by Yeats   考查as引导的非限制性定语从句。 73. Whether the rising house prices  考查whether引导的主语从句和动词-ing形式作定语。 74. the more equipped for 考查the more, the more结构和搭配be equipped for。 75. what it is that   考查强调句型。   76. wouldn’t be caught in  考查虚拟语气和搭配be caught in。   77. is there   考查反问疑问句。 78. being taken care of ‎  考查动词短语的-ing形式被动结构作宾语和搭配take care of。   79. could have imagined  考查could have done结构。   80. convinced was I of   考查so…that结果状语从句中的倒装。 短文写作 One possible version: When I entered high school, there was a time when I felt very unhappy, and I even developed the habit of staying alone. One day when I was walking alone on campus, I noticed some beautiful flowers and I felt they were smiling at me. When I looked up into the sky, it seemed that I was enclosed in it. Then I remembered how my classmates had helped me, how my teachers had inspired me, and how my parents had loved me. What an amazing life! There were so many things I should have been grateful for. When we are in low spirits, get out of our busy life and turn to some simple things that we can touch, and we’ll find so many reasons to be happy.         ‎ ‎  听力录音材料 Text 1 M: How much are these bags? W: The red ones sell for $5.5 each and the green ones for $6.8 each. M: I’ll take two of the cheaper ones then. Text 2 M: Mr. Cheng’s briefing seems to go on forever. I was hardly able to stay awake. W: How could sleep through that? I think it was very important for the work we are going to carry out. M: Sorry! I promise I’ll listen carefully. Text 3 W: What do you plan to do on your vocation? M: I’m just going to be lazy at home. I will probably do some gardening, watch TV and work on my stamp collection. However, I once volunteered to protect our plant in the west. Text 4 M: You can sit in my place if you like a window seat. W: Oh, it’s very kind of you, but mine is right over a ‎ wing. I would be able to see anything. Thanks anyway. Text 5 M: What’s the matter with you, Mary? You looked tired. W: I didn’t sleep well last night. M: Maybe a stomachache or headache? W: Neither. The noise almost drove me mad. Text 6 M: I’d like to make an appointment with the doctor, please. W: OK. How about the day after tomorrow on Wednesday at 4:00 pm? M: Do you happen to have an opening in the morning? W: Um…How about tomorrow at 8:00 am or Thursday at 8:15 am? M: Uh, do you have anything earlier? W: No, I’m sorry. M: Well, in that case, tomorrow would be fine. W: What’s the purpose of your visit? M: Well, to tell you the truth, I fell from a ladder two days ago while painting my house, and my foot landed in a can and it was badly hurt. Text 7 W: Do you have anything particular on this evening? M: No, I’ve got a lot of time to kill. ‎ W: Well, then. Won’t you come over to dinner and have a game of Mahjong afterwards? M: With pleasure. W: You were not so eager about Mahjong before. M: That’s because I didn’t know the fun of playing it then. Why is Mahjong such a popular game, do you know?  W: I’ve got no idea. I only know that foreigners are beginning to take an interest in it, besides their old card games. M: That’s right. Some of them are already experts. W: Indeed they are. But the trouble about Mahjong is once you’re interested in it, you can’t shed it off.  M: Yes. Once I went crazy over other hobbies such as stamp collecting and reading, but I find them very boring now. W: I’m sure your former hobbies are more beneficial. M: I can’t deny that, and I can’t help it, either. W: The bell’s ringing. That must be our partners. Text 8 W: How’s your first day on the job going? M: Fine. W: I’m glad to hear that. Tell me, have you ever used a floor-polishing machine before? M: No, I haven’t. Could you show me how? ‎ W: Certainly. First, spray the wax on the floor. M: I see. W: Then, press here to turn the machine on … Okay so far. M: I follow you. W: Then, polish the floor with a back-and-forth mot ion like this. Do you think you’ve got that? M: Yes, I’m sure I won’t have any trouble. W: Make sure and let me know if you have any questions. M: OK. Thanks. Text 9 M: Is this table on the corner Okay? W: Sure. We can sit here. M: Gee. You’ve hardly got anything on your plate. W: Yeah. I guess I’m just not that hungry. M: What’s the matter? Aren’t you feeling well? W: Well, I’ve been really worried. It’s my car. It’s in the shop again. M: Really? What’s wrong this time? W: I don’t know exactly. Something’s wrong with the brakes, I think. M: Well, at least that shouldn’t cost you much to fix. Parts are cheaper for all the American cars like yours. Did the ‎ mechanic say how much it would cost? W: He said he would call me later today about the cost. M: Watch out he doesn’t try to take advantage of you. W: What do you mean? M: Well, some car mechanics, if they think that someone doesn’t know much about cars, they might try to overcharge that person. W: Maybe so. But I trust this man. He has done some work for me in the past and his prices seemed to be fair. M: Oh, that’s good to know. Maybe I’ll try using him in the future. By the way, do you need a ride home after class today? Text 10 W: Mary, I usually miss very important dates and feel confused. Have you ever forgotten an appointment at the doctor’s or been late in getting to your part-time job? W: Occasionally, but I’d like to show you my tips. Sure that these difficulties happen to everybody. However, you can avoid such problems if you write out schedules. They will help you to find out how much time you have to do the things that are important as well as those that are fun. A master schedule can be used to find out how much time you ‎ really have for activities. This schedule lists all of the activities that must complete. A weekly schedule can also be used to help you plan time for the things that you really like to do. Your weekly schedule should include time for activities. It also should include activities that will help you to achieve lifetime, long-term and short-term goals. Finally, it should include your study time and free time. Free time is necessary so that you can make needed changes in your schedule. A daily schedule is a final suggestion to help you plan your time.‎

