高中英语Unit4 Body language-period2 学案(人教版必修4)

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高中英语Unit4 Body language-period2 学案(人教版必修4)

人教课标高一第4册Unit4‎ 学案 Word party ‎ 自由自在 ease ‎【例句展示】观察下面的例句,注意ease一词在句中的词性、意义和用法。‎ ‎1. This computer is popular for its good design and ease of use.‎ ‎2. They are expected to win the election with ease.‎ ‎3. Gloria is a rich woman now, and lives a life of ease.‎ ‎4. Tom didn’t feel completely at (his) ease in the strange surroundings.‎ ‎5. The medicine will ease your pain on your stomach.‎ ‎6. It would ease my mind to know you had arrived safely.‎ ‎7. You’d better wait until the traffic eases off a little.‎ ‎8. The doctor told me to ease up a bit and stop working so hard.‎ ‎【帮你归纳】ease 既可以用作名词又可以用作动词。‎ ⑴ n.‎ ‎① 容易;轻松;不费劲。 如:例1。‎ ‎② 舒适;安逸;自由自在。 如:例3。‎ ‎⑵ v.(使)宽慰;减轻;缓解。如:例5。‎ ease还常常构成下列短语:‎ ‎● with ease 容易地。如:例2。‎ ‎● at (one’s) ease轻松的(地);惬意的(地);安心的(地)。如:例4。‎ ‎● ease one’s mind 使放心。如:例6。‎ ‎● ease off/up放松;松弛;缓和。如:例7、8。‎ ‎【小试身手】根据汉语提示,用ease的适当结构将下列句子补充完整。‎ ‎1.雨开始小了。‎ The rain is beginning to _____ _____ .‎ ‎2. 把这药吃下去,就不痛了。‎ Take this medicine; it will _____ _____ _____.‎ ‎3. 给他一杯酒喝,好让他松弛下来。‎ Give him a drink to put him _____ _____ _____.‎ ‎4. 我听到儿子通过考试的消息便安心了。‎ The news that my son passed the exam _____ _____ _____.‎ ‎5. 她学习语言之轻松令人惊讶。‎ ‎_____ _____ _____ _____she learns languages is surprising.‎ Key: 1.ease off/up 2. ease the pain 3. at his ease 4. eased my mind 5. The ease with which ‎“接近”approach ‎【想一想】观察下面的例句,推测approach在句中的词性及含义。‎ ‎1. As I approached the house, a dog suddenly ran out of it.‎ ‎2. Our vacation is approaching and we still can’t decide where to go.‎ ‎3. The company made profits approaching 30 million dollars.‎ ‎4. Each of the students suggested a different approach to the problem.‎ ‎5. Wendy didn’t hear our approach and jumped as the door opened.‎ ‎6. All the approaches to the palace were guarded by soldiers. ‎ ‎【连一连】把以上例句中approach 的含义与下面的英文解释连起来。‎ a. (n.) a path, a road, etc. that leads to a place b. (v.) to come close to sth. in amount, level, quality c. (n.) movement nearer to sb./sth. in distance or time d. (v.)to move towards or nearer to someone or something e. (n.) a method of doing something or dealing with a problem ‎ f. (v.) a particular time is coming nearer or an event will happen soon Key: 1-d 接近,走近(距离);‎ ‎2-f接近,靠近(时间);‎ ‎3-b(在质量或数量上)靠近;‎ ‎4-e 方法,方式 ‎ ‎5-c(距离或时间上的)靠近;‎ ‎6-a 道路;通路 ‎【记一记】‎ ‎ approach 常和介词to 连用。‎ ‎【试一试】用approach一词将下列句子翻译成英语。‎ ‎1. 一个游客走近我们并问我们去剧院的路。‎ ‎2. 随着冬天的到来,很多动物正在储备粮食。‎ ‎3. 很少作家能比得上他语言的丰富,。‎ ‎4. 学校决定采用新的英语教学方式。‎ ‎5. 所有进城的路都被封锁了。 ‎ ‎6. 冬天的临近带来了寒冷的天气。‎ Key: ‎ ‎1. A tourist approached us and asked us the way to the theatre.‎ ‎2. With winter approaching, many animals are storing food.‎ ‎3. Few writers approach his richness of language. ‎ ‎4. The school decided to adopt a new approach to teaching English.‎ ‎5. All approaches to the town are blocked. ‎ ‎6. The approach of winter brings cold weather.‎

