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Grammar 5:被动语态和介词 1. 被动语态(the passive voice)‎ 它是用来表示强调动作的承受者或发生的事情的语态,与主动语态对应。‎ 结构:be+V-ed be:am/ is/are; was/ were;have been/ has been;‎ ‎ will be/ would be; had been, etc.‎ 下列情况用被动语态:‎ 1) 说话者要侧重强调的是事情而不是施动者。‎ e.g.My watch is stolen.‎ ‎ Many new blocks have been built in this city.‎ ‎ The trees were struck by lightning in summer.‎ ‎ We will be interviewed by BBC soon.‎ 2) 施动者没必要提及。‎ e.g.Many trees had been planted before the flood.‎ ‎ The city people are well supplied with fruit and vegetables.‎ ‎ The unlawful sheds are being demolished.‎ 3) 说话者出于某种考虑不愿提及施动者(如谦虚或听者对施动者有看法。)‎ e.g.You have been taught so many times how to deal with this kind of situation.‎ ‎ We were told that you had been a nurse for some years.‎ ‎ It is said that more than 5,000 people will take part in the contest.‎ ‎4) 出于行文的需要。‎ e.g.The pop star arrived last evening, and was immediately besieged by her fans.‎ ‎ The chairman spoke at great length, was interrupted now and then, and answered clearly and briefly.‎ ‎ He stood there like a dead tree, and was frightened almost to death.‎ ‎5) 只有及物动词有被动语态,但某些不及物动词通过加个介词也可用于被动语态;‎ e.g.The baby will be looked after by the nurse tomorrow.‎ ‎ Women were regarded as only housewives in the past.‎ ‎ This success had never been dreamt of when I was five years old. ‎ ‎6) 不定式和动名词在被动语态中使用如下:‎ e.g.No one likes to be looked down upon.‎ ‎ I hate being cheated or being made fun of.‎ ‎ Children are never tired of being told stories.‎ ‎2. 介词(prepositions)‎ ‎ 1)表示时间与地点:in,at,on ‎ e.g. It happened at 8 o’clock on June 23 in 2005.‎ ‎ We have to get up at 7 o’clock in the morning on weekdays, but on weekends we can sleep till 12 o’clock.‎ ‎ On rainy days, the ants will cover their caves with dirt.‎ ‎ She lives at 112 in the East Block on the populated area of this city.‎ ‎ Room 112 is on 45th floor in this building.‎ ‎ He looks at the picture, noticing a white cat on the chair and a bird in the apple tree as well as a red apple on it.‎ ‎ 2)表示手段与方式:by,with ‎ e.g.Plan to Kunming? You can go there by air, by train, by car or on foot---it’s up to you.‎ ‎ You write in ink with a pen on paper, don’t you?‎ ‎ The streets were lighted with electric lights.‎ ‎ The streets were lighted by electricity.‎ ‎ She brushed her hair with her hand.‎ ‎ He killed the wolf with bare hands.‎ ‎ The toy is made by hand.‎ ‎3) .介词(prepositions):due to;owing to;thanks to due to:可作表语或状语,“由于,因为”。‎ e.g. His death was due to the accident.‎ ‎ Your failure was due to your carelessness.‎ ‎ Due to repairs, the museum is closed for the moment.‎ owing to:可作表语或状语,“因为,由于”。‎ e.g. I missed my flight owing to the fog.‎ ‎ His blunder was owing to his neglect.‎ ‎ Owing to lake of experience, he failed the project. ‎ thanks to:只可做状语,“亏得,幸亏,由于”。‎ e.g.Thanks to the advancement of technology, we can live a more comfortable life now.‎ ‎ Thanks to your help, we can complete the program ahead of time.‎ ‎ Thanks to her encouragement, I can achieve what I have today.‎ Exercises.‎ 1. Turn the following sentences into the passive voice.‎ 1) Our university holds meetings once a month.‎ 2) The heavy rains are ruining the crops.‎ 3) Someone found the lost child.‎ 4) He will answer your letter soon.‎ 5) Mother will have written out the journey timetable by the end of this week.‎ 6) His friends have recently given a party in his honor.‎ 7) You should plant these flowers in a sunny place.‎ 8) I am writing a book report and she is reading a novel.‎ 9) They gave me much useful advice when the work troubled me.‎ 10) The dog chased the poor cat to the tree.‎ ‎11)They turned my advice down.‎ ‎12)You mustn’t throw away empty bottles in the streets.‎ ‎13)Teachers ought to make classes more interesting and lively.‎ ‎14)He didn’t tell me the truth.‎ ‎15)It’s time someone told him what’s the matter.‎ ‎16)Nobody has ever spoken to me like that before.‎ ‎17)How can we make the road safe?‎ ‎18)We must teach the young how to tell the right and the wrong.‎ ‎19)What you plan sounds a terrific idea, but can you put it into practice?‎ ‎20)Parents mustn’t talk about such kind of things before children.‎ 2. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions and adverbs.‎ 1) I don’t want to argue ___ you ___ this matter ___ this time.(with, for, on, at)‎ 1) If we succeed ___ realizing our dream, how wonderful it will be! (in, on, at, with)‎ 2) I know you are ___ ___ money and labor, why not turn ___ him __ help?(to, for, of, short)‎ 3) ‎___ the table lies a CD; ___ the wall is a window; ___ the drawer there are photos;‎ 4) ‎___ the help of Lily, we get ___ touch ___ the writer-----can you fill in these gaps?(in, with, on, into)‎ 5) He went there ___ plane, but she chose to go ___ a car.(by, on, in, with)‎ 6) It is kind ___ you to tell us how to deal ___ the weather ___ such a wild area.(for, in, with, of)‎ 7) They won the war ___ the price ___ 1,000 lives!(in, at, of, for)‎ 8) The oil price rises ___ 20%---it comes ___ $32.4.(by, to, for, of)‎ 9) She walked ___ mountains, ___ forests and ___ the Pacific ___ the hope of finding a meaningful life.(on, over, through, across)‎ 10) You all must arrive ___ Beijing ___11a.m. ___ May 10 ___ the following month.( in, on, at, with)‎ 11) ‎___ being an editor, she is also a famous columnist. (Besides, But for, Except, Except for)‎ 12) The greenhouses provide the cities ___ fresh vegetables and fruit. (of, to, by, with)‎ 13) The citizens are full of complaints ___ their living conditions. ( to, with, about, for)‎ 14) Nobody seemed to have noticed his absence ___ the lecture. (with, of, from, since)‎ 15) They made a thorough examination ___ the car after the accident. (in, to, of, for)‎ 16) The murderer remained ___ for years. (at length, at random, at most, at large)‎ 17) The officer promised to have my case looked ___. (into, over, after, through)‎ 18) As a grown-up, he feels independent ___ his family. (of, in, from, away)‎ 19) Being a pop star can be a terrible thing, with a lot of pressure ___ fame. (with regard to, as to, owing to, in relation to)‎ 20) In no place ___ Gaby can one experience four seasons in a day. (other than, more than, better than, rather than)‎ ‎22) It is said that many things cannot be bought, ___ a good family life, friendship and ‎ the sense of fulfillment. (in view of, as for, such as, in case of)‎ ‎3. Put prepositions or adverbs in the gaps.‎ ‎1)She preferred to go there ___ air ___ ___ the limited time.‎ ‎2) ___ ___ your careful plan, we were able to escape ___ the danger.‎ ‎3)The traffic accident was ___ ___ the mad driving.‎ ‎4) He applied ___ the job but was turned ___.‎ ‎5) Lily lives ___---on 3rd floor; Peter lives ___---on the first floor.‎ ‎6) His debt amounted ___ (it means in all) to 1,000,000 dollars.‎ ‎7) They shall solve the problem ___ (it means by some means).‎ ‎8) He feels ___ (it means in a way) angry.‎ ‎9) It is ___ pleasant than tasteful.(to make comparison)‎ ‎10) He ___ (it means very often) came back at 8 o’clock.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

