2021届高考英语人教版一轮总复习练习:写作规范练Book 2 Word版含解析

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2021届高考英语人教版一轮总复习练习:写作规范练Book 2 Word版含解析

www.ks5u.com 写作规范练2‎ Ⅰ.应用文写作 假定你是李华。请给你的美国笔友Paul写一封电子邮件,介绍中国春节习俗的变化。内容包括:‎ ‎1.春节送礼习俗的变化;‎ ‎2.今昔拜年形式的对比;‎ ‎3.庆祝活动的变化。‎ 注意:1.词数80左右;‎ ‎2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎______________________________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________‎ ‎[参考范文]‎ Dear Paul,‎ I'd like to tell you about some differences in the Spring Festival customs between the past and the present.‎ While people used to send some festival necessities like wine and meat to their relatives, they choose electrical products instead nowadays.People now make phone calls or send WeChat messages to express their New Year wishes.It proves to be more convenient than paying doortodoor visits.As for festivities, people used to celebrate the holiday by having drinks, wearing new clothes and setting off fireworks and firecrackers.Today, people go for travells and have parties in order to avoid making noise or causing air pollution.‎ Hoping that my introductions will be helpful to you.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua Ⅱ.读后续写 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。‎ Mark and his brother Jamie rang their neighbour Mrs Grady's doorbell.“You know her better than I do, Mark.You do the talking.”‎ ‎“Hi, Mrs Grady,”said Mark when she opened the door.“Would you like us to shovel(铲除)the sidewalk and driveway?”‎ Shoveling the snow was Jamie's idea, a way to make enough money for a new video game that came out the next day.Mrs Grady touched her hand to her heart.“That would be wonderful, boys.The work is too much for me.”‎ ‎“It will cost 10 dollars,”Jamie said.‎ ‎“If that's OK,”Mark said.‎ ‎“Oh dear,”Mrs Grady sounded a little disappointed.“I haven't been able to get to the bank.I can offer homemade cookies, but I guess that's not what you had in mind.”‎ Mark was going to say that Mrs Grady could pay them another time, but Jamie cut him off.“We'll come back later.”‎ It still snowed heavily.As they walked through the snow out of Mrs Grady's driveway, Mark glanced over his shoulder.Mrs Grady stood at her window, watching them.‎ Mark suddenly thought of how she helped him last summer.She didn't look like a strong person who'd come to rescue last summer when Mr Dunn's collie(牧羊犬)Goldie got away from her ‎ backyard.Goldie had just wanted to play, but Mark didn't feel comfortable around big dogs.And Goldie had boxed him in between the wooden fence and the cedar hedge(雪松树篱).Mark tried to call for his dad, but his tongue seemed locked behind his teeth.‎ 注意:1.所续写的短文词数应为150左右;‎ ‎2.至少使用5个短文中标有下画线的关键词语;‎ ‎3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;‎ ‎4.续写完成后,请用下画线标出你所使用的关键词语。‎ Paragraph 1:‎ Then Mrs Grady's front door had flown open.________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________ ‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ Paragraph 2:‎ And now Mrs Grady needed Mark as much as he'd needed her last summer. _______________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎【写作指导】‎ ‎◆文章主线 已知线索:‎ Mark和Jamie想通过给Grady夫人除雪赚外快—Grady 夫人身上没有现金但是愿意提供饼干—孩子们拒绝了—Mark突然想起了Grady夫人以前帮助过他的事……‎ 可续写线索:‎ Para 1 Mark被一条狗困在篱笆和雪松树篱之间—Grady夫人出现了—安慰Mark并赶走狗 Para 2 Mark开始为Grady夫人除雪—Jamie的态度—他们的认识 ‎◆续写词汇:‎ 已给提示词汇:Mark,Jamie,Mrs Grady,shovel(铲除),driveway,video game,snow,help,strong,call for 续写可能用到的词汇:comforted,dashed,rushed,ran ‎[参考范文]‎ Then Mrs Grady's front door had flown open.“Hold on, Mark.I'm coming!” Her apron had flapped in the wind like a banner(横幅)as she strode(大步走)across the street clutching a kitchen broom.As soon as Goldie had turned her head, Mrs Grady had slipped between Mark and the dog.She wasn't much taller than Mark, but she stood firm as a rock in front of him as she flung her arm out towards Mr Dunn's house.Then she'd swept her broom to hurry the dog along.At last, Mrs Grady helped me and let the dog go away.‎ And now Mrs Grady needed Mark as much as he'd needed her last summer.He smiled and waved at Mrs Grady, then thrust his shovel deep into the snow.“Hey!” Jamie shouted.“What are you doing?” Mark couldn't explain why he helped Mrs Grady.“I like Mrs Grady's cookies,”he said and scooped up another shovelful.“But it'll take you all day,”his brother groaned.“We'll never get that ‎ game.” Mark shrugged and kept digging.He heard Jamie's annoyed sign and then, surprisingly, the bite of Jamie's shovel against the snow.Mark grinned.Jamine had known all along it was the right thing to do.‎ Ⅲ.概要写作 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。‎ Nearly 1 billion of the world's people do not have enough supply of water, and most of these people are in the world's developing nations.The lack of enough water services is the cause of many diseases and illnesses in developing nations.Increased demand and great use of water caused by population increases often create the need for extra water treatment because water in new source areas tends to be of lower quality.Water services would be improved if the construction of the facilities(设施)were not so costly.‎ Water pollution in developing nations is sometimes caused by the overuse of fertilizers and a general lack of pollution prevention laws.Access to good waste water treatment facilities in these countries is very limited.As a result, water bodies in developing nations are often open for human and animal waste products.Besides, the waste chemicals of factories are also poured into these water bodies.‎ In developing nations, floods account for about 40 percent of all deaths caused by natural disasters.For example, 3.7 million people were killed in the 1931 flood on China's Yangtze River.However, floods also carry sediments(沉积)and nutrients into flood plains.This natural process is important for agricultural production.Programmes for flood management should consider and seek to balance these harmful and beneficial aspects of floods.‎ Throughout developing countries, deforestation(森林砍伐)is being ‎ caused by a combination of overpopulation, improper land use practices and lack of environmental laws.Soil erosion(侵蚀)is a natural process, but deforestation and other human activities have led to a great increase in the average levels of sediment carried in the world's rivers.Excess sediment in rivers can damage ecosystems and fisheries, affecting the people who directly depend on them.‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎[参考范文]‎ The lack of water services in developing countries, which causes many diseases, could be improved if it's cheaper to construct relevant facilities.(要点1)Water pollution in developing countries is a great threat to water resources.(要点 2)In addition, to deal with floods in developing countries, proper flood management programmes are in great need.(要点3) Deforestation also does great harm to water resources.(要点4)‎

