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Module 2   No Drugs 内容索引 核心素养测评 Step 1 以高考为导向 · 印证教材基础 Step 2 以核心为根本 · 探究课堂重点 Step 3 以检测为载体 · 提升语基能力 Step 4 以话题为主线 · 锤炼素养技能 1. addict n. 对 ( 药物等 ) 上瘾的人 ; 瘾君子 【文化金句】   He is addicted to Peking Opera, as it is the national opera of China. 他痴迷于京剧 , 因为它是中国的国粹。 【语块必记】 【误区释疑】   addicted, addiction 常与介词 to 连用 , 后跟名词、代词或动名词 作宾语。 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①Teenagers who are ________ (addict) to the Internet are more likely to suffer from depression. ②Some students are now fighting their _________ (addict) to computer games. ③You should stop taking this medicine because it is ________ (addict). addicted addiction addictive 句式升级 ④The boy became addicted to computer games and didn’t want to study. ( 用过去分词短语作状语改写 ) →_________________________, the boy didn’t want to study.   Addicted to computer games 2. likely adj. 可能的 【文化金句】   In Singapore, people who litter or dirty the street are most likely to be fined. 在新加坡 , 在街上乱扔垃圾或弄脏街道的人最有可能被罚款。 【语境速测】   单句语法填空 ①If one is late for a job interview, __ is not likely that he will get the job. ②Studies show that people are likely ________(suffer) from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours. 同义句转换 ③You are likely to suffer from bad health if you keep smoking. →_____________you will suffer from bad health if you keep smoking.   it to suffer It is likely that 【易混辨析】 3. affect vt. 影响 ; 对 …… 有影响 ; ( 疾病 ) 侵袭 ; 使感动 【文化金句】   Affected by his father, he became interested in Chinese painting, which has got an age of more than 2, 000 years old. 受他父亲的影响 , 他对已有 2 000 多年历史的中国画产生了兴趣。 【语块必记】 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ① ________ (affect) by a high fever, he continued with his work. 同义句转换 ②An unhappy childhood may have some negative effects on a person’s character. →An unhappy childhood may _____ a person’s character negatively. 完成句子 ③Hearing his story, all the people in the room ___________________.   听完他的故事 , 屋里所有的人都被感动得流下了眼泪。 Affected affect were affected to tears 【易混辨析】 affect 常作动词 , 指“产生影响 , 影响 …… ” effect 常作名词 , 指“影响 ; 结果 , 效果” , 常构成短语 have an effect on“ 对 …… 有影响” 4. break into 破门而入 ; 强行闯入 ; 突然 …… 起来 【写作金句】   Last night a burglar broke into my house. 昨天夜里一个贼闯入我的家。 【语块必记】 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①Close the door and windows carefully to prevent some strangers from breaking ____ your house. ②They were discussing something important when a man broke __. ③Old-fashioned phones matter when wireless networks break _____ in disasters. 完成句子 ④ 玛丽和约翰是好朋友 , 但后来他们吵架分手了。 Mary and John were good friends, but then they ________________________.   into in down had a quarrel and broke up 【误区释疑】   break into 中 into 为介词 , 其后须接宾语 ; 而 break in 中 in 为副词 , 为不及物动词短语 , 后面不接宾语。 5. belong to 属于 【写作金句】   Much to our disappointment, the houses belonging to us were all destroyed in the big earthquake. 使我们感到非常失望的是 , 属于我们的房子在大地震中全被毁掉了。 【语块必记】 (1)belong to 中的 to 为介词 , 后跟名词、代词或动名词。 (2)belong to 不用于进行时态也没有被动语态 ; 作定语时 , 一般要用 belonging to 。 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①Anyone has no right to take the land _________ (belong) to the state as their own. ②Because there is no label on the luggage, we don’t know __ whom it belongs. 完成句子并升级 ③ 这幢建筑物是他家的。 The building _________his family.   ④ 这幢建筑物可以追溯到明朝。 The building can ___________the Ming Dynasty.   ⑤ 用分词短语作定语合并 ③④ 句 : _______________________________________________________________ belonging to belongs to date back to The building belonging to his family can date back to the Ming Dynasty.   6. Whatever you’re doing when you want to smoke—do something else! 当你想抽烟的时候不管在做什么 —— 就做点别的吧 !   【写作金句】   Whatever happens , don’t forget to write. 无论怎样 , 别忘了写信。 【句型公式】   whatever 引导的从句 whatever 引导的 从句 用于引导让步状语从句 , 其意相当于 no matter what 用于引导名词性从句 ( 主要是引导主语从句和宾语从句 ), 其意相当于 anything that 或 everything that 【语境速测】  完成句子 ①________________was right.   她做的一切都是对的。 ②________________________, he is always optimistic.   无论他遇到什么困难 , 他总是很乐观。 ③As teachers, we should let our students do ________________to develop their interests. 作为教师 , 我们应该让学生做他们喜欢的事情来发展他们的兴趣。   Whatever she did Whatever trouble he meets whatever they like 【备选要点】 1. reduce vt. 减少 ; 降低 【语块必记】 【语境速测】  介词填空 ①Though the price of the house has been reduced ___ 10%, we still can’t afford it. ②She takes exercise every day, and she has reduced her weight __ 50 kilos. 完成句子 ③His life in the big city was hard and finally he ____________________for a living.   他在大城市的生活很艰难 , 最后竟然沦落到以乞讨为生的境地。 by to was reduced to begging 2. treatment n . 治疗 ; 对待 【写作金句】   Treat your classmates as your family members and you will get along with them. 对待你的同学就像你的家人一样 , 你就能和他们相处好。 【语块必记】 【语境速测】   单句改错 ①The girl complained to me that she was bad treated in the hospital. ( ) ②My brother treated me some ice-cream on the hot summer day. ( ) ③The patient who is under treat now will soon pick up. ( ) 写出黑体部分的含义 ④When we were kids, a trip to the beach was a real treat . ( ) bad 改为 badly some 前面加 to treat 改为 treatment 乐事 3. powerful adj . 有力的 ; ( 药等 ) 有功效的 ; 强大的 ; 有权势的 【语块必记】 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①However ________(power)a whale is, it becomes powerless once it is on the beach. ②We must do everything __ our power to ensure the success of the conference. ③The party has been __ power since independence in 1964. 完成句子 ④The question was obviously ________________to answer. 这个问题她明显回答不上来。   powerful in in beyond her power 4. disagree vi . 不同意 ; 意见不合 ; 有分歧 ; 不适应 【语块必记】 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①At first, I disagreed ____ his proposal, but later I changed my mind. ②I disagree with her ___ that point. ③We are not blind to the reality of ____________(disagree). ④I am __ disagreement with him as to his estimate of her character. with on disagreement in 5. danger n . 危险 【文化金句】   We must do something to protect the old temple, for it’s in danger . 我们必须采取措施保护这座古庙 , 因为它处在危险之中。 【语块必记】 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①I hear Tim was once __ danger of losing his life, but now he is out __ danger. ②It is _________(danger) to drive with a dirty windscreen. of dangerous in 6. ban vt . 禁止 (banned/banned/banning) n . 禁止 ; 禁令 【语块必记】 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①She was _______(ban) from athletics for two years after failing a drug test. ②The teacher banned him _____ talking in class. ③A ban ___ the importation of drugs has been issued recently. banned from on 7. recognise/recognize vt. 认识 ; 认知 ; 认出 ; 承认 ; 认可 【语块必记】 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①The town has changed out of __________ (recognize) since I was last here. ② __ is widely recognized that drug-abuse will cause a huge loss of both life and wealth. 一句多译 ③ 人们一致认为保护环境是非常重要的。 _______________________protecting environment is very important.   =Protecting environment ______________________very important.   recognition It It is widely recognised that is widely recognised to be 【知识拓展】 表示“认为 …… 是 …… ” 的短语 (1)regard. . . as. . .   (2)consider. . . as. . . (3)see. . . as. . . (4)view. . . as. . . (5)think of. . . as. . . (6)look on. . . as. . . (7)treat. . . as. . . (8)think. . . to be. . . 8. (be) related to 与 …… 有关系 / 联的 【文化金句】   This piece of news is related to economic and social problems. 这条新闻与经济和社会问题有关。 【语块必记】 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①Can you relate what happened in your childhood __ your present state of mind? ②The unemployment figures are not necessarily ______(relate) to the rise in prices. ③________(relate) between the two countries has reached a crisis point. 【误区释疑】  表示“与 …… 有关系 / 有关联的”的短语还有 : be relevant to, be concerned with, be involved in, be associated with 等。 to related Relation 9. give up 戒除 ; 放弃 【语块必记】 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①The doctors had given her ___ but she made a remarkable recovery. ②She decided to give these old clothes _____ to the people of the disaster area. 完成句子 ③He will soon ______because he cannot win the game.   因为他赢不了这场比赛 , 所以他很快会认输的。 up away give in 10. In almost every US city and town, there are local organisations to help people stop smoking .   在美国几乎每个城市和城镇 , 都有当地组织帮助人们戒烟。 【句型公式】  动词不定式作定语 动词不定式作定语 (1) 动词不定式可以用来修饰人和物 , 一般置于被修饰的名词或代词之后 , 即作后置定语。 (2) 当被修饰成分前有序数词或最高级及 the only, the very 时 , 常用不定式作定语。 (3) 一些名词 , 如 aim, wish, goal, ability, way 后面接动词不定式作定语。 (4) 动词不定式作定语通常表示未发生的将来动作。 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①There isn’t much time left but we haven’t decided where’s the best place _______(meet) yet.   ②Our goal _______(finish) the work ahead of time will be realized.   完成句子 ③My brother and some of his classmates will be working as volunteers to help the elderly in the old-age home _____________________________.   我哥哥和他的一些同学在这个即将到来的寒假期间 , 将会以志愿者的身份 去帮助敬老院的老人。 to meet to finish during the winter holiday to come 11. Now I work in a centre for drug addicts, helping others to stop taking drugs . 现在我在一家戒毒中心工作 , 帮别人戒毒。   【写作金句】   He sent me an e-mail hoping to get further information . 他给我发了一封电子邮件 , 希望得到更多信息。 【句型公式】  现在分词作伴随状语 伴随 状语 它所表达的动作或状态是伴随着句子谓语动词的动作而发生或存在的 伴随状语的逻辑主语一般情况下必须是全句的主语 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①The dog entered the room, ________(follow) his master. ②“Can’t you read? ”Mary said angrily ________(point) to the notice. 完成句子 ③He sat in the armchair, __________________.   他坐在扶手椅上读报纸。 following pointing reading a newspaper

